hanger havoc (part 1/2)

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the story starts off with a car driving by with more cars, and trucks,going by.

then the car stops......................................
and out came Nazis and Japanese!
they then check the truck of the main car,
and out came our hero of the story.......................................me:

Juan: "oh man what a tight ride.....wait where am I?"
he then looks around and what he sees shocks him!
Juan: ("Nazis....and....japanese!")

???: "well well well look what we have here"
(Juan looks to the ones in command)


General batz

General izumato

colonel nakamura
heinkels: "hello there....American"

Juan: "wh-what's going on here?!"

izumato: "why we captured you American scum!"

Juan: "wait you speak perfect English?"

General batz: "why yes we have American, we all took English classes"

(I'm going to make them all speak English because I don't speak Nazi or Japanese.)

Juan: "but what does this have to do with me?"

heinkels: "we want you to look for something for all of us...................or else we will kill you!"

(Juan is now scared of them)
Juan (scared): "ok what do you want me to look for?"

heinkels: "why is something special the crystal skull!" *shows him the picture*

(replace her with heinkels)
heinkels: "we want you to look this crate........*points* go now!"

Juan: "ok you got it I'll be right back!"
(later because I'm to lazy to write all the details😐😐)
Juan: "ok here is the crate"

General izumato: "good American you can leave now"

(Juan starts walking away)

General batz: "ha ha ha ha ha ha!finally we got the crystal skull!"

colonel nakamura: "but what about him" *points to Juan*

General batz: "leave him we don't need him anymore!! because we got what we need!!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!"

but then metal starts fiying to the crystal skull!
the Nazis and Japanese begins to get scared!

random Nazi soldier: "what's going on!"

random Japanese soldier: "I don't know! I'm so scared!!!!"

then everyone looks at the skull and are surprise to see metal on the crystal skull!

Juan then start to walk away-

heinkels: "wait a minute! this crystal skull is a fake!!!!!"

everyone then looks at Juan.

Juan: "uuummm" *looks at everyone* "and now get ready for my next move" *inhales*(runs away).
(a tawog reference if you don't know well godzillahalofan knows)

heinkels, general izumato, general baiz, and colonel nakamura, are shocked at what they are seeing.
then izumato breaks the silence.

izumato: "all of you don't just stand there get him!!!!"

Juan: (running) "I got to get out of here!!!!!"

Nazi soldier: "don't let him escape from us!!!"

Juan then hides behind a bunch of crates, and the enemy's past him without looking at the crates.

Juan: (begins to breathes in and out)
then swing set, a washing machine, and a metal char, with past him and he looks at that confused.
Juan: "what the heck?"
Juan looks next to him and see someone reading a newspaper.
Juan: "um excuse me mister what are you doing here-"

???: "what who is there?"
Juan is socked to see who it is-

Juan: "Jake is that you!"

Jake: "wait Juan! what are you doing here?!"

Juan: "it's the Nazis and Japanese that's what!!!"

Jake: (starts to get angry) "those bad guys are here!!!! for what?!"

Juan: "there's no time to explain! we got to get out of here!"

Jake starts to think and pulls something out of his pocket.

Jake: "alright keys!" (metal gear solid 1 reference)

Juan: "great job Jake! you're the man with the plan!"

the next scene show Juan and Jake driving a car.

both: "woohoo!!!"

Jake: "pretty cool right juan?!"

Juan: "yes it is! now what's next thing we are gonna do-"
Jake and Juan then looks infont of them and they are about to crash!!!!
both: "what the heck!"


both: "aaahhhh oof!"

Jake: "oh man what a rough landing"
(obi-wan Kenobi: another happy landing😀)

Juan: "ok now what?"

Jake then looks up and see something or someone the scared him!

Jake: "um juan you maybe what to look at this!"

Juan: "what is it? (looks up) oh no not that guy!"

what they are seeing is colonel nakamura looking at both of them angry!

colonel nakamura: "I found you both! both of you are going to die by my hands!"

(replace dovchenko with colonel nakamura)
to be continued........
the next part is coming soon.
and this is my first time a actually story and I hope you all like it!
see you all next time😁

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