motorbike mayhem

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let's continue our story:
we see a woman and a man with a mustache walking together.

the woman:"so what do you want to do when we get home?"

the man:"I don't know? maybe watch tv toget-"

he could not finish what he was talking about because Juan, Jake, and Daniel, were diving pass the two. (Juan's motorcycle):

(Jake's motorcycle):

(Daniel's motorcycle):

Juan:"ok guys let's get out of the to-"
(looks in front of him) "oh no more agents!"

Juan then turns his motorcycle the other way.
Juan:"I'm not going that way!"

Daniel sees the agents to and turns his motorcycle too.
Daniel:"so long you wankers!"

Jake also turns his motorcycle too the other way.
Jake:"hi bad guys!" (turns other way) "bye bye bad guys!"

agent #11:"their getting away!" (looks at the other agents) "after them!"

agents:"sir yes sir!" (all gets in their cars)

Juan Jake and Daniel drive off with the agents chasing them.

the woman:"well........that was weird?"
the man:"you said it?! still want to watch tv?"
the woman:"uuummm......ok?"

and now the chaste was on....for real this time.
(play this music for more action):

Juan:"ok guys we'll find a way out of the town"

Jake:"um Juan we got company!" (looks behind him)

Jake:"we 3 motorcycle behind us!

Daniel:"don't worry I got this mates" (pulls out a machine gun) "eat gun wankers!" (starts shooting at the 3 agents)

(the 3 motorcycles explosion in fire)
Juan:"great job Daniel!" (looks at his side to see more agents coming)

"oh you got to be kidding me!"
Jake:"what is it juan? (looks were juan is looking at) "darn 2 motorbike, and 2 cars,"
juan and Jake drive pass the vehicles as the agents follow them to a explosive factory!

random agent:"we got you two now!"

Juan:"no we got you!!"

random agent:"what!" (him and the other agents look around to see something that shocked them) "bombs!"
Jake:"that's right dumb agent!" (he pushed a button and the whole building exploded!) "bye bye!"

then they leave the on fire building and they see Daniel driving away from more agents.

(another time skip)
(stop the music now)
Jake and Daniel drive to next to a tree to stop.
Jake:"wow that took some doing"

Daniel:"I agree" (then he looks around) "wait where's Juan?"

then everyone heard screaming and it was juan driving to fast!

Juan:"everyone out of the way!"

man #1:"what the heck?!"

man #2:"aaaahhh!!!!" (moves out of the way)

women #1:"oh my!"

man with books:"la la la la la la" (he stops and looks up to see juan driving in front of him!) "aaahhh" (then moves out the way)

Juan then crash into a tree and he went fiying!

Juan was lucky enough for Jake to catch him before he hit the ground.

Jake:"you ok dude?"

Juan:"yeah I'm alright thanks for asking"

Daniel:"mates come on we got to go!"

and so heroes went to the train station.
Jake then pulls out the map again.

Jake:"hhhmmm I think we should take the train, it will be easier for us to get the crystal skull:

Juan:"then what are we waiting for? let's get the crystal skull!"

the train then made a sound saying that it ready to go!

Daniel:"all aboard everyone!"

to be continued.....

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