Chapter 12

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Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter with a look into Drew's true thoughts despite his "cool guy" exterior. We will be continuing with May's POV where we left her last in the cafeteria with Brendan! Enjoy the chapter! In the story Lumiose City is the Pokémon World's equivalent of New York and Broadway.


May's Point of View:

Brendan and I spent the first 20 minutes together just eating our burgers and getting to know each other before working on our song. I like to focus all my attention on my music when writing so I didn't want the delicious food distracting me.

"So when did you realize that music was your calling?" I asked Brendan, striking up a conversation.

"Well it first started when I was about 3 years old. My grandmother was a widely known actress in Lumiose City in Kalos, and she had gotten the leading roll in Lumiose City Theatre's Wicked. My family took a plane out to see the production and after watching the raw talent that poured out from every actor and actress I knew that this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I don't necessarily want to perform in musicals, I'm not too big on the acting aspect of it, but I knew that singing and songwriting was meant for me. I flew back home and my parents enrolled me in music classes where I learned to read music and after I turned 5 I began taking voice lessons. I flew out to Kalos when I was 8 and lived with my grandmother for about 2 years and was able to participate in the classes the Lumiose City Theatre offered. I moved back home and spent the next 4 years continuing voice lessons and joined the choir in Littleroot Middle School until I applied for Jubilife City's School of the Arts when I was 14 and I was accepted almost immediately. I've been here ever since. I had already mastered the violin prior to coming to this school and then mastered the guitar in the first two years of being here." Brendan explained to me in detail. Then he added with a wink, "And now I'm 16 and enjoying my time talking to the prettiest girl to ever come through these doors."

My entire face became a tomato at the last comment but I just giggled and waved it off with a little smirk. "Well that sounds like you've had a lot of really great experiences! I'm really jealous that you've gotten to participate in L.C. Theatre's junior classes! I always begged my parents to send me there but they always said 'there are just as many musical theatre classes here in Hoenn, you're not going halfway across the world for one class.'" I admitted with a sigh.

"Well my grandma may not perform anymore but she is still a teacher and oversees several productions these days! Maybe one day I can take you to Lumiose City to meet her and you could experience a class!" Brendan told me happily.

"You would do that for me?!?" I exclaimed with my face lighting up like a firework.

"Of course! I would do just about anything for you May. I've never met anyone so pure and down-to-earth as you." Brendan replied while resting his hand over mine and staring into my eyes, while leaning towards me slightly. "Most girls here are so conceited and worried about their appearances that they don't even focus on the real reason we all applied to come here. To learn and better ourselves for our futures."

I could feel my own resolve breaking as he stared at me with those gorgeous red eyes like rubies, and I knew I had to get myself out of this situation if I was going to be just friends with Brendan. I blushed again and smiled sincerely at him.

"Thank you so much for the compliment, Brendan! You're very sweet to pay that much attention to someone like me. As much as I am enjoying our talk, we really should get started on our project!" I said while trying to discreetly divert the conversation to something neutral, and pulling my songbook in front of us.

"Right you are, May! Let's get started! I have written a few verses here and there throughout the years for a love song, but my heart was never really into it since I never had the proper motivation to finish any of them. We can check them out and see if we want to include any of the lyrics or if they stir something up for us to think about!" Brendan said while pulling out his own songbook and flipping through the pages searching for his lyrics.

Once he finally found them we leaned our heads towards each other to read off the pages and I was pleasantly surprised at what I was reading. (Disclaimer: I am not going to state any of the lyrics yet so I don't give away the song!)

"These are great Brendan! We can totally use this verse here in the chorus, and this one here would be great in the bridge! How do you feel about starting the song out with a melody like this?" I asked while humming a melody that had come to me while walking down to the cafeteria.

"Yeah that's great! And then we could speed it up to go like this?" Brendan added with his own little twist.

"That sounds perfect! How about we finish the melody today and then we can meet again tomorrow to keep working on the lyrics? It'll be easier to pull together if we have that finished." I asked.

"That works for me! Let's bust it out!" Brendan replied with enthusiasm and began writing out notes on a separate page.

Around 8 o'clock we finished up the rough draft of our melody for the song, depending on if we needed to change it as we added lyrics, Brendan reached forward for my hand again.

"I know we've just spent about 2 hours together, but how would you feel about taking a walk with me around the campus? The weather is beautiful today and I can show you the best place on campus to see the stars." He asked sweetly.

I mentally chided myself for being so easily drawn in by those eyes, but I couldn't resist the temptation and nodded my head eagerly.

"Perfect! Come and follow me my dear lady!" He said while his arm out like a knight.

I couldn't help giggling and followed him enthusiastically as he bounded off towards the cafeteria doors to go outside and held the door open for me.

"Well let's just walk around for a few minutes so the stars can come out a little more and then I'll show you my favorite spot to see them. This is also where I like to go when I'm having writer's block. It is a special place to me so I would appreciate it if you didn't show anyone.." He said sheepishly while scratching behind his head.

"Oh, I would never give away your secrets! I am a great secret keeper! I can't wait to see it! It sounds beautiful!" I replied honestly as we walked past the South building and looked out over the hill our school was situated on towards the city below us. The lights had already begun turning on and criss-crossed into a beautiful pattern below us.

"Even this view of the city is breathtaking. You don't see too many views like this around Petalburg City. You can kind of see this in La Rousse City, but this is so different! It's beautiful." I said with stars in my eyes as I looked out over the city.

"It is gorgeous. Wait till you see it from our next view! Come on, I'll start taking you there." Brendan said while grabbing my hand and leading me away.

I noticed as we walked towards the North Building that he hadn't let go of my hand, but was still holding it gently in his own. Then I noticed that I didn't really seem to care and left my hand in his while blushing gently with a small smile on my face.

As we approached the North building Brendan went to open the door and I stopped him, "Are we allowed to enter the school buildings this late?? I don't want to get in any trouble!" I said nervously.

"Don't worry! I wouldn't take you anywhere you could get in trouble! The school keeps the buildings unlocked until 9pm for students that want to come practice, they just keep the really expensive equipment locked up after hours. As long as we're down before 9 we're good!" He replied with a smile and held the door open for me.

I walked in and waited for him to lead the way.

"Okay, follow me!" He said excitedly while grabbing my hand again and pulling me along with him towards the stairs. We passed the second floor and the third floor and started heading towards a door I hadn't noticed yet, although I didn't have any classes past the second floor so I had no reason to come up this far. As we approached the door I saw the word "ROOF" in big bold letters.

"Are we really allowed up on the roof?" I asked, finding it hard to believe that students were allowed up there.

"Well its never locked, and I feel like if they didn't want us up here they would keep it locked." Brendan said with a shrug.

"Well I guess that's true!" I replied while walking through the door he was holding open for me.

As soon as I walked through the doors, my eyes widened to the size of dinner plates at how beautiful it was up here. There was a bench and several planted trees and flowers around the perimeter along the 4 foot wall enclosing the entire roof.

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. No one had ever done anything like this before in my life.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He said while coming up behind me.

"It's gorgeous! I can understand why you love coming up here. Thank you so much for showing me this." I said breathlessly while turning to look up at him.

As I spun my head around I noticed that he was within inches of my own face and my breath hitched in my throat. His eyes widened as well, I don't think we anticipating me to turn so close to him. He looked momentarily stunned as we looked at each other eyes. Rubies pouring into sapphires. He began to lean backwards, but impulse took over me and I grabbed his hand with my own. He looked momentarily surprised again at my action and stayed where he was, allowing me to make a move if I so desired. I could tell he wouldn't do anything that I didn't want him to do so I wasn't worried as we continued to stand there, just staring. Then, as if a spark had gone through our bodies from our connected hands I began to lean forward. All thoughts of Drew and anyone else vanished from my mind as we leaned forward. Soon there were only centimeters separating us. He looked at me with half-lidded eyes and a minty smell washed over me from the after dinner mints we had eaten. I couldn't stand it anymore and leaned forward the rest of the way and crashed my lips into his and he reciprocated with such intensity that he swept me quite literally off my feet as my toes just barely brushed the floor. I laced both my arms over his shoulders and around his neck, one hand playing with the baby hairs at the nape of his neck, while he had one arm around my waist, keeping me sturdily in the air, and the other hand wrapped in my hair, knocking my bun out of its hair tie. We stayed like that for about 20 seconds, our mouths moving as one before leaning back from each other to take a breath.

As we were breathing we leaned our heads towards each other until our foreheads were resting against the other's, our breath swirling together as one. He looked up into my eyes with a sparkle in his own and in one fluid motion picked me up bridal style and carried me over the bench where we could sit and watch the stars together.

He smiled at me happily, placed a kiss on my temple and turned to look the stars with one arm around my shoulder. He began pointing out constellations for me to look at which I looked at with interest while an internal battle raged inside my mind, after what had just happened.

I went back and forth on if I felt guilty for kissing Brendan or not. On the one hand, I had admitted to myself and friends that I had had a crush on Drew for a couple years. Right after I had been dumped by my last boyfriend, Sid, actually. On the other hand, Drew and I weren't exclusive and he hadn't shown any true romantic interest in me like Brendan had. Drew has also kissed more girls than I can count, so he would have no right to be angry with me. I deserve to be happy too, and if I'm happy with Brendan, someone who respects me and shows a romantic interest, then so be it. As I was reaching this conclusion, Brendan turned to look at me.

"I know we haven't known each other very long, but I would really love to continue getting to know you May. I've never met someone like you before. Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked while grabbing both of my hands in his own.

I gasped lightly and blushed while smiling softly. "I would be absolutely honored to be your girlfriend Brendan. Hehe well this will make writing our song a little easier now!" I said with a light giggle and leaning into his chest.

"Hehehe, yeah I guess you're right! I can't wait to take you out on a proper date now! Would you want to go down to the city this Saturday?" He asked with a smile.

"Yeah I would love to! What should we do?" I relied happily.

"It'll be a surprise! I'll plan something fun for both of us!" He said while wrapping both arms around me.

We ended up staying on the roof for about 15 more minutes talking about each other and including a few more kisses, hehe, before deciding that we should head back to our dorms before it gets too late. I couldn't wait to fill Dawn in on the evening and we began walking towards the dorms hand in hand.

As we walked through the door, the one person I was dreading seeing was standing right in front of me.

Drew's eyes were wide and staring at mine and Brendan's interlocked fingers and seemed speechless. As I opened my mouth the say something his eyes hardened with an anger I had never seen in Drew before and I was a little scared for a second, but he didn't say anything. He just turned on his heel and stormed from the room. I felt my heart clench and was truly sad. Sadder than I had been all day and I could feel tears beginning to well up behind my eyes. I could handle Drew not being interested in me, but for him to not want to be my friend? I didn't think I could handle that.

"Hey, don't cry my dear." Brendan said while wiping a thumb under one of my eyes to catch the couple tears that had leaked out. "He'll come around! If he truly is your best friend then he should be happy that you're happy! I promise tomorrow will be better! I'll meet you in the cafeteria tomorrow morning and I'll prove it to you." He added while pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I nodded my head numbly and looked up at him and couldn't help the smile that came to my face as he looked at me and I stood on my tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheek before turning and waving to him as I began walking to the stairs on the girl's side.

"Thanks for cheering me up Brendan! I'll see you tomorrow!"  I yelled to him while blowing a kiss and running up the stairs towards my dorm.


Okay, so don't get mad! I figured no high school drama is complete without some tension!

So, I want to clear up a couple things that I couldn't put at the beginning for obvious reasons lol

May has only ever kissed one other guy, Sid. I was going to make it so she hadn't had a kiss yet, but I felt really bad giving her first kiss to Brendan so she has had a boyfriend before when she was 14. Drew has actually kissed about 5 different girls (nothing more!), but none of them were serious. This is also a little more accurate for most 16 year olds in my opinion.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Thanks for reading!!

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