Chapter 14

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Hello everyone! Sorry for the late update! I've been very busy with life and work. I hope you enjoyed the last chapter and will enjoy this next one!

Without further ado, we're off!


Drew's Point of View:


"Uggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I groaned out with my head under my pillow and one hand groping out to the side for my alarm clock. It took me a good minute to finally turn off that blaring sound. Once I had I rolled over and dragged my hand down my face while I stared up at the ceiling. It was 5:45 am, a good hour before I usually liked to get up so I was feeling pretty groggy.

"Ugh. Why is your alarm set so early? I don't even get up before 6." Paul groaned out before sitting up on the edge of his bed and stretching with a yawn.

"I had a plan for today to apologize to May. I needed time this morning to get it re-re-readyy." I explained while stifling a yawn behind my hand. I stood up and stretched my arms above my head and then reached for my toes stretching out my back. "I'm starting with a letter apologizing for my behavior, and I still have to write it." I added while walking to my desk and pulling out a piece of paper.

"Ah. Good luck with that. I guess I'll get on with my routine a little early today then." Paul said while grabbing his workout clothes and disappearing into the bathroom. He reappeared in a couple minutes in his gym shorts and tank top with a black zip-up jacket over top. "I'll see you in about half an hour." He said while waving to me as he walked out the door.

"See you man. Have fun on your jog." I replied with a quick wave over my shoulder while I focused on the letter in front of me.

Hmmmm. What to write to her. I want to explain my behavior, but I can't very well tell her I like her. Not when she just got a boyfriend. She'd be so mad at me if I did that. I thought to myself while chewing on the end of my pen.

~~20 minutes later~~

I set my pen aside and looked over my finished product with satisfaction. I had several crumpled papers scattered around me from my multiple failed attempts. I sealed the letter up and wrote May's name on the front in my famous calligraphy; May was always a huge fan of my calligraphy, so I knew she'd like that touch. I decided that some flowers would be a nice touch, so I got up and threw some sweatpants on over my boxers and slipped on some tennis shoes. I grabbed my dorm key, the letter, and headed out the dorm and ran down the stairs. As I walked outside I looked around for an open field.

"Geez, I forgot how urban this area is. There isn't a flower anywhere around here. Ugh, I miss having my rose garden nearby. That's one thing I'll have to do while I'm here." I grumbled to myself while walking around campus.

As I turned the corner around the dorm room I saw Paul starting to jog out from beside the North Building. I started to raise my hand and yell out to him when I saw a sudden flash of blue beside him that made my voice stop in my throat and I jumped back behind the building, hoping he didn't see me.

"Hehehe. You sly fox, Paul. 'I don't have a crush on Dawn' my butt. Well now I know why he doesn't want me joining him in the mornings." I chuckled to myself while turning around and walking towards the South Building instead.

As I walked on I saw a hill next to the school's front gate that had a variety of flowers scattered down each side. I fist pumped in the air and ran towards the flowers, searching for one that would suit my needs. It didn't take long for me to notice the familiar red at the bottom of the hill lining each side of the road. I ran down the hill and slid to a stop on my feet in front of the bush of beautiful, full, red roses.

"Perfect! I'll just snag one of these and head back to the dorms." I said to myself while picking out a beautiful full-petaled rose.

I started the trek back up the hill and was pouring sweat by the time I made it to the top. I made my way to the dorms, while keeping an eye out for Paul. Once I entered the dorm lobby I turned and headed up the stairs to the girls side. I found May's dorm and taped the letter along with the rose to May's door so she could find it when she left.

I turned on my heel, feeling satisfied and confident that today was going to be a better day. I walked back to my dorm and opened the door to see Paul in the middle of his leg workout.

"Hey where'd you disappear to? I came back and you were gone." Paul stated with a strange look at me, his eyes glancing over my sweaty hairline.

"Oh, I just wanted some flowers to add to May's letter and I ran up a hill. I left the letter at her dorm door. Did you enjoy your jog?" I replied with a cocked eyebrow.

"It was a jog. I don't know what you think happens on a jog. It's nothing exciting." Paul stated with a deadpan expression before going back to his workout.

"Mhmm. You're right, I'm sure nothing exciting happened. I just thought I saw you and this little flash of blue, but I must have imagined it." I said, with slight sarcasm, as I grabbed my towel and headed to the bathroom to shower.

I looked over my shoulder right before shutting the door and I saw Paul with a rare bewildered expression and a slight blush dusting across his nose and cheeks. I chuckled lightly to myself before shutting the door. And he gives ME a hard time about a crush?

As I stood in the shower letting the water run over my hair I tried giving myself a mental pep talk to prepare for the day. I knew I was going to do everything in my power to win May's heart again, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to see her with him. I already almost lost my mind at the sight of them holding hands, and when he said they had KISSED, I wanted to throttle him. I couldn't lose my head anymore though. That's what got me into this mess in the first place. Well that and the fact that I'm oblivious. UGH!!! Snap out of it Drew! I mentally scolded myself while lightly slapping my cheeks. I have to stay focused! I will be charming! I turned off the water to the shower and started to towel off. I wrapped my towel around my waist as Paul started banging on the door.

"Dude. Hurry up, I need to get in there." I heard his muffled voice through the door.

"I'm coming! Hold your horseas." I grumbled out as I stepped out of the bathroom and headed to my closet.

"About time. Other people have to shower too you know." Paul grumbled at me before grabbing his own towel. I have to admit he's been pretty short with me this morning. I think all the talking last night was too much for him.

I thumbed through my clothing selection before deciding on a light green, tight t-shirt that both complimented my hair and showed off my abs, a pair of black, tight skinny jeans with rips at the knees, a pair of black hightop vans, and a black, denim jacket. I grabbed my comb and hair gel and went to the mirror next to my desk and expertly combed my hair into a perfect swoop across my forehead. As Paul came out of the bathroom, I went in to brush my teeth, came back out and started packing my songbook and notes into my backpack and grabbed my guitar.

I looked at the clock and saw it was 7:50 already and turned to Paul. "You ready to go?" I asked him. He was wearing a black t-shirt with baggy, black denim jeans and his black vans with his usual purple jacket.

"Yep. Let's go. We can stop by Ash and Gary's room on the way." He replied.

We headed down the hall towards their dorm room and as we were walking I saw Brendan heading our way. I grit my teeth to stop from saying anything and we passed each other without saying a word, but he still gave me a confident and cocky smirk as he walked by. I shook my head and just sulked behind Paul as we neared their dorm. Paul gave a sharp rap on the door and Gary opened to door quickly.

"Hey man. Dude, what's up with you?" He greeted Paul before turning and directing his question at me.

"Eh. I'll fill you guys in on the way to the cafeteria. You'll see soon enough anyways." I replied, not really feeling up to the story again.

"Hmmm, well alright. ASH!! LET'S GO!" Gary bellowed over his shoulder before grabbing his bag by the door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!! You guys are always so impatient in the mornings." Ash said while running out into the hallway and slamming the door shut behind him.

"We're not impatient. You just always oversleep and then we're waiting on you!" Gary rebutted.

"Well excuse me for wanting as much sleep as possible! You guys probably wouldn't be so grumpy all the time if you slept more." He argued back while adjusting his hat on his head. Ash was wearing a red t-shirt with a black and silver PokeBall in the center with light blue denim skinny jeans and his red and black trainers. Gary was wearing his dance wear with purple sweatpants and a purple jacket unzipped over top and black high-tops.

Gary didn't respond but instead smacked Ash upside the back of his head before turning to Drew. "So anyways, what's going on with you Drew?"

"Well. Long story short, I waited for May last night to apologize for my behavior just to find out that Brendan's dating May now." I spat out, not having it in me to go over everything that happened last night.

"WHAT?!? That fast! How'd that happen?" Gary exclaimed, stunned.

"I don't know what he said to her, but I know he made her feel more appreciated than I did. So I'm trying to fix what I've done. I left her an apology letter at her dorm room and I'm going to try to be happy for her and be a better friend and hopefully we'll work everything out." I replied sadly. Then I shook my head, "But I can't keep getting down about it. I still want to enjoy my time here. So I'll have to find a way to make peace with them being together for now."

"Well good luck, Drew. I know that's gotta be hard." Gary patted me on the back while we walked into the cafeteria.

As we walked in I saw Brendan sitting with the girls and his arm was slung over May's shoulder while they ate their breakfast together.

I sighed to myself and mentally prepared myself to go over there. "Well let's go grab our food and join the girls."

"Are you sure you want to go sit over there? We can grab our own table dude." Ash asked while looking at me quizzically.

"Nah man it's okay. I'm not gonna be the reason we all avoid the girls. I know all of you are friends." I replied.

"Well if you're sure! But we can move if you're uncomfortable." Ash responded.

We went through the line and grabbed our breakfast, I had two pancakes and bacon, Ash got 6 pancakes with eggs and bacon, Paul had a ham and spinach omelet, and Gary had a berry parfait. We approached the girls table while I hung back a little bit. Paul sat next to Dawn and I sat next to him with Ash on my other side and Gary next Leaf. I felt eyes on me and chanced a glance up at May and met her eyes. I gave her a tentative wave and she gave me a bright smile back before turning and continuing her conversation with Brendan. Her smile lifted a small weight off my chest and I was able to finish my breakfast with a small smile.

As the bell rang I stood up with the guys and got ready to head to our homeroom. I saw May saying bye to Dawn and Misty while they headed to their buildings and then started walking to the music building with Leaf and Brendan ahead of us. Gary ran ahead of us and stopped next to Leaf and slung an arm around her shoulder. I couldn't hear what he was saying but she shrugged his arm off pretty quickly in a huff and stormed off to her piano class. I came up behind him and patted his shoulder, "Tough luck man. You'll get through to her."

"Ah it's all good, I admire her feistiness." Gary stated unashamed.

"You're pretty confident despite her never giving you the time of day dude." Paul responded while rolling his eyes at Gary.

"Hey! She wants me! I see the way she looks at me in class. We've had a few partner dances together and we have chemistry. I know I'll get through to her one day!" Gary said while pumping his fist in the air with a smile on his face.

"*phhbt!* you look ridiculous!" Ash burst out laughing at the sight of him.

"Oh ha ha. Laugh it up Ketchum, at least I'm trying. You don't even try with Misty." Gary replied irritated.

"What are you talking about? What should I be trying to do with Misty?" Ash asked, bemused.

Gary just looked at him, stunned, and shook his head before walking into our classroom. I laughed at the two of them and went to follow Gary, but found my way blocked by May.

"Hey, can I talk to you really quick?" She asked while poking her index fingers together, something she does when she's nervous.

"Oh! Um, yeah, of course May!" I responded quickly and stepped to the side of the door in the hallway.

Paul nodded his head at me and Ash gave me a thumbs up behind May's back before entering the classroom themselves.

I turned my attention back to May and felt my breath catch in my throat as I looked into her blue eyes. I cleared my throat, "So what did you want to talk about May?"

My eyes widened as I felt her throw her arms around me as she wrapped me into a bear hug. "I'm soooo sorry Drew! I know I made you so upset yesterday and I pretty much ruined your first day here!" I could feel my shirt dampen with her tears and I looked around in a panic, completely nonplussed why she had started crying.

"May! Why are you crying?? It's not your fault! I was the one acting like a real jerk." I asked while patting her on the back.

"No, I was being stubborn. I should've talked to you yesterday instead of ignoring you. I read your letter you left me this morning and I felt bad for making you feel so hurt by my actions. I really want everyone to just be happy." She responded while wiping her eyes once she let me go.

"You accepting my apology makes me happy May. Please cheer up. I want us to be happy too, and if being with ..Brendan.. makes you happy, then I'm happy for you. I just want my best friend back." I stated while wiping her tears away with one hand.

She let out a breath that I didn't notice her holding before, "*whew* Really?? Because he makes me really happy Drew. But I can't be happy if my best friend is mad at me because I'm neglecting our friendship.."

"You're not neglecting our friendship, May. You can have more than one important person in your life. I promise I won't get upset with you. Now let's go in before we're late." I said with a small smile before going into the classroom with May close behind.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Sorry it was a little bit of a filler chapter! I've been having some serious writer's block and low motivation the past few weeks. But Drew apologized! Yay! (P.S. his letter will be in the next chapter if you're curious what he wrote.)

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Thanks for reading!!

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