Chapter 4

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Hello everyone! So sorry for how long it has taken me to get around to this story. I've been extremely busy with class and work and haven't had a chance to get around to writing. I took a small classload this semester, so I should have more time to get to writing so I will try to update more. If you've stuck around this long thank you! If you're new to my story, thanks for reading! As always I do not own Pokemon or any of the characters.

Descriptions are in italics

Thoughts are in bold

This will be from Drew's point of view


After talking to May and deciding to meet at 7:30pm in the cafeteria for dinner, Drew headed over to the east wing of the dorms towards the boy's dorms. He walked towards his room with a confident swagger that said he was ready for anything this new school year could throw at him. He opened the door and saw that no one was there. Hm. I guess my roommate's out somewhere on the campus. I was hoping to meet him when I got here. Oh well. Might as well set my side of the room up.

Drew started making his bed with forest green sheets and pillow cases and a black comforter with a roserade on it. He unpacked his clothes and loaded his dresser and side of the closet. He unpacked his silver laptop and placed it on his desk, placed a vase with a single red rose in it, and put a photo of him with his family and a photo of him and May next to the vase. Then he posted a large calendar on the wall to keep up with his assignments for class. He unloaded his songbook onto the desk and put his guitar next to his bed. By the time he had finished unpacking a student around his age came stalking into the room.

"You must be the new roommate." the student stated.

"Sure am. Name's Drew. How 'bout you?" Drew replied.

"Paul." he replied back.

Now Paul was around Drew's height, he hit right at 6 feet, and was well-built. He wore a tight black t-shirt that showed his arm muscles and 8-pack abs. He wore a purple jacket over his shirt and wore black skinny jeans with black vans. He had purple, shoulder-length hair that brushed across his forehead and he had onyx-colored eyes.

Hmm, he seems a little cold. I hope the whole year isn't like this. Drew thought to himself.

"So, you want to come meet the rest of my group?" Paul asked.

"Sure that sounds great!" Drew replied.

"Alright let's go, their dorm is right next door." Paul replied.

The two walked out of the dorm and knocked on the door next to theirs.

"Coming!!!" shouted an eager voice.

The door opened wide and an energetic, raven-haired male was in Drew's face. "Helloooo!!! You're Paul's new roommate! It's great to meet'cha!" He exclaimed.

"Uhhh hi! It's great to meet you as well." Drew replied, a little nervous at his closeness.

"This pathetic nut-job is Ash." Paul muttered to Drew.

"Hey! I am not pathetic!!" Ash exclaimed, getting red in the face with anger.

"Oh my arceus, Ash. Will you PLEASE stop shouting? I'm trying to read in here." Said a young guy, with spikey-brown hair while walking in the room. "Oh, hey! You must be the newbie. Name's Gary. Nice to meet you." he stuck his hand out for Drew to shake.

"Drew, like-wise." Drew said while shaking Gary's hand.

Now Ash was the shortest of the group, at around 5'9", but was sturdily built. He had messy raven-colored hair that sort of stuck up in every direction. He covered most of this with a red baseball hat that had half a white pokeball on the front. He had warm chocolate brown eyes and almost always wore a smile. He wore a tight blue t-shirt, black fingerless gloves, denim skinny jeans, and red-and-black trainers.

Gary was the tallest of the group, and stood at 6'3", and had a very lean build. He had chestnut-brown hair that was styled into spikes, and had dark-brown, almost black, eyes. He wore a black polo shirt that revealed the top portion of his chest, wore purple skinny jeans, and black converse shoes. He also wore a yellow/green yin and yang necklace.

"So what do each of you study here?" Drew asked his new friends.

"I study music. I stick to mainly alternative genres, but I can jump in on any genre necessary. I also play the bass and the piano. I also write my own songs." Paul answered.

"I study music and theatre, because I love musical theatre! I mostly take the acting classes here, but I added in a couple singing classes to strengthen my voice." Ash exclaimed excitedly.

"Well, I do a little bit of everything, excluding theatre. I mostly study dance, but I also take singing and song-writing classes, and also have a modeling class as my extracurricular." Gary stated.

"Sounds like we'll all have a couple classes together then guys. I'm studying music while I'm here. I can sing almost any genre, write songs, and can play the piano, drums, and viola fluently. I'm currently learning the guitar now. I can also dance, but decided to try something new, so I took an acting class as my extracurricular. I actually came here with my best friend, who is also studying music." Drew replied after everyone. He looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:20 pm. "I'm actually meeting them in the cafeteria in ten minutes if you want to come."

"Sure sounds good!" they all replied.

The new group of friends began making the trek to the cafeteria to meet Drew's mysterious best friend.


Thanks for reading everybody!

As always leave any comments, but no hateful comments!

This is the picture of May and Drew on Drew's desk.

Until next time!

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