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Name: Blackfox

I like the name! It sounds cool!

Reason for name: Black for their black fur and fox because of their muzzle appearance

The prefix makes sense, but the suffix reasoning seems kind of iffy. I still like the name, but maybe they could've been named -fox for being sly, cunning, or something else rather than just their muzzle length.

Age (at death): 12 moons/ 1 yr

O h. That's really young! Blackfox would've just gotten her warrior name!

Gender: She-cat


Clan: LittleClan, a clan that lives in the pine forest. It's shadowy and dark the ground is littered with needles and undergrowth. They are known for being silent, quick, aggressive, and deadly. They border WishClan and BrindleClan. They are small with thick fur and long, sharp claws. They honor StarClan deeply but aren't afraid to question them, but they follow the warrior code strictly. They hunt small rodents and their camp is in a cave. There is a thick river that cuts through their territory where they fish from, but they don't swim. Instead they crouch down and scoop the fish out of the river. They usually try to give out names that are fierce and intimidating.

I like LittleClan! It's very interesting to hear about them! I love the amount of detail you put into it, and Blackfox's suffix makes a little more sense now!

Rank (In order): Kit, Apprentice, Newly made warrior

It sucks that she wasn't a warrior for long!

Basic appearance: A black she-cat with a long muzzle

Okay. (One thing you did forget was her eye color, but you did mention it in the other appearance part.) 

Detailed appearance: A thick-furred, small She-cat with piercing amber eyes. She has a sturdy build and large ears. She has a long muzzle. She has small dark gray flecks around her eyes which are almond shaped. They have a tail like a fox.

She sounds really interesting! It's cool and sad at the same time to see her not have any battle scars because she was so young. 

Blood kin/family:
Mother: Fallenash, a dark gray she-cat with paler paws and chest. She has medium length fur and is smallish medium. She has big fluffy paws and a bushy tail. She has amber eyes and big ears. She is serious, calm, and noble. She got her name Fallen because her siblings where born dead and Ash because her fur looks like ash.

Kind of sad to be named because of your dead siblings, but I love her name!

Father: Darkgaze, a black Tom with bushy fur and is medium height. He has a stubby tail and dark yellow eyes. He has a long muzzle. He is snarky, bold, and enthusiastic. He got his name Dark because of his dark colored fur and gaze because of his dark yellow eyes.

I love his name too! It's nice to see that the long muzzle was hereditary, as well as the dark coat color from both parents! I also love cats with yellow eyes!!

Sister: Shimmervoid, a gray she-cat with yellow eyes and long, black striped fur. She is enthusiastic, Brave, and interested in many things. She has large ears. She's small sized. She got the name Shimmer because the moon had filtered through the nursery, shining on her fur one night, making it shimmer while Blackfox's didn't. She got the name void because her happy go lucky personality seems to go on forever.

That's fair. It is weird that the moon made her fur shimmer, but it's definitely an interesting concept to use to name a kit!

Mate: None


Closest friends: Violetwhisker, a pale gray she-cat with light blue eyes. She has long black whiskers and a shy personality. She doesn't like to speak up and is one of the smallest cats in the clan. She has medium length fur. She got the name Violet because her mother's name was Violet and she died when she gave birth. Whisker because of her black, long whiskers.

Again, her prefix makes me sad. I love her though, and I hope that nothing ever happens to her.

Mistyhope, a blue-gray she-cat with small shaped green eyes. She is medium height and has thick fur. She has white circles under her eyes. She is calm, hopeful, and has a lot of faith in StarClan. She got her name Misty because of her fur and Hope because she always looks for the Hope in tough situations.

I like her name too! All of your names have been nice to read!

Mentor: Redflower, a dark ginger she-cat with large owl like yellow eyes. She has a slender build and doesn't mind getting wet. She enjoys fishing and has shorter fur than most. She has a long tail. She has flower like flecks (they're not perfect though, duh). She is funny, laid back, and doesn't like to see others get sad. She got her name Red from her red fur and flower because of her flecks.

I love her too. I hope that nothing happens to her.

Also though, what are the flower-like flecks? Do they look like petals (like Blossomfall does) or does she have a few that look like actual flowers?

Apprentice: None

This form keeps making me feel sad, though.

Would she have wanted to be a mentor if she had lived long enough.

Basic personality: She was seen as a snarky, bold, confident she-cat who made quick decisions.

Okay. There's quite a few positive traits, which is good. Too little negative traits to balance them out, though.

Maybe make her self-absorbed or unwilling to listen to others? Something along those lines!

Detailed personality: A serious yet confident she-cat who's bold and snarky. She's sharp-tongued and isn't afraid to say what she wants to. She can be argumentative and close-minded but she does care about what other cat's feelings.

Okay! This fills in a few gaps! A little more balance between her positive and negative traits!

Basic Backstory: Blackfox was born into LittleClan and was made an apprentice and mentored by Redflower who taught her many things. She aced her apprentice assessment with her sister and her friends.

It's about to get sad.

While on vigil, a kit had snuck out.

O h n o.

Blackfox followed them and saw that they were going into a badger tunnel that held the badger that had terrorized them The badger has been about to kill the kit, but Blackfox was there, it took a little while before her friends and sister got there and they drove it off. Blackfox died of battle wounds the next morning and opened her eyes to StarClan.

It's nice that she saved the kit, let alone saw them as they left camp.

Does she still try and interact with the living world, seeing as she died so young?

Detailed Backstory:
I still remember when I was a kit, it seemed like only yesterday I was playing with my sister, Shimmervoid, I still look down on her from StarClan. Yes, I remember playing moss ball with Shimmervoid, Violetwhisker, and Mistyhope. They were all such great friends. And then my apprentice ceremony, I was so proud. I had been apprenticed to Redflower, the best warrior in the whole clan! She was laid back, let me get away with things I shouldn't have, but she taught me so much! She was so impressed with my hunting crouch!

I love Redflower!
I also like how you show Blackpaw's apprenticeship.
Did she struggle with anything while in training?

I liked training with my friends, but my sister's mentor, Hazelburn, I didn't really like her, didn't approve of my mentor's name, said it wasn't "fierce enough".

I'm gonna fight Hazelburn.

My mother would always help me on things I didn't understand, my father wasn't there that much though, he was too busy with things, yeah, like hanging out with another She-cat called Ravensnap, a pretty sleek black she-cat with gorgeous green eyes. He wasn't the one who gazed at me proudly when I passed by apprentice assessment, he didn't look at Shimmervoid either. That night, Violetwhisker, Shimmervoid, Mistyhope, and I got our warrior names!

The sadness approaches!

Really though, I don't like her father. Even if he didn't want to be with Fallenash anymore, he could still be there for his children!!

I got the name Blackfox, I still love it so much. That was my last night in the clan. I was sitting vigil when a curious kit named Pricklekit, a brown Tom-kit with spiky fur snuck out of camp.

Pricklekit  no!

I followed his scent, not alerting my friends, but I think they followed me after I didn't come back for a while. You see, there had been a badger that had been terrorizing us, stealing our prey and stuff, I think that Pricklekit wanted to take it on, he was always had too big of a head. I heard a growl and I knew I had to do something. I lured the badger out by cutting open my paw after I snatched Pricklekit out of there. I clawed it's face and shoved Pricklekit into a bush. I think that my friends and sister heard my yowls. They came and attacked it with me, but then I saw it lumber toward the bush and as it raised a giant paw, I leaped in front of it and felt it's claws slice down on my side. It was bleeding horribly and I slouched to the ground. Shimmervoid and Mistyhope carried me back to camp while Violetwhisker carried Pricklekit. I was laying in the medicine cat's den at dawn, I wanted to see my friends, sister, and mother before I went, I knew that it was too late, I could hear them calling to me. My last words were... "I'm so proud of you all. Never think that my death was your fault."

Okay. Why didn't she tell anyone else where she was going? One of them could've gotten more warriors while the rest of them chased after Pricklekit.

It could be because she was thinking on her feet, but I really didn't want her to die!

It's also nice for her to tell them to not blame themselves before she went. Did any of them actually make it into the den before she passed, though?

Theme Song: Confident by Demi Lovato


Quote: "A name does not make you who you are, you make you who you are." -Blackfox growling at Hazelburn for bullying her mentor

She's wise for being so young!

Likes: Training, fishing, knowing who she can trust


Dislikes: Others bullying another cat, her father

Also fair. I don't like her father either.

Crush: None


Fears: Small spaces, not feeling brave (she doesn't like the thought of her ever being scared)

Snazzy. I also don't like being in a situation that I would be scared, because usually there's something wrong. If there's not, I look like a fool!

Dreams: As a kit to be one of the best hunters in the clan, as an apprentice to make her mentor proud, sitting at vigil being the best warrior StarClan ever saw

Those are all great dreams for her to have throughout her life.

Past names: Blackkit, Blackpaw


Sexuality: Straight


What they look for in friends: Loyalty, kindness

All nice qualities!

What they look for in a mate: She never did, but I think she would only look for loyalty because her father was cheating on her mother

That makes a lot of sense. I kind of hope her mother found someone else too, if she wanted another mate. She deserved to be with someone who wasn't Darkgaze.

Interesting facts, Darkgaze was actually thinking of naming Blackfox Witherkit but Fallenash refused because she thought it was too much of a cruel name

It definitely would have been an interesting name. I kind of have to side with Fallenash here, though.

What would her warrior name have been is she had been named Witherkit, though?

I'm really sorry about how long this took me to finish! I really enjoyed reading about Blackfox!

There wasn't too much that could be changed. Maybe adjust her personality a little to balance the positive and negative traits out. However, you don't have to listen to any of this! This is all just my opinion, and doesn't have to be applied to your character!

I give Blackfox a rating of 190/205! Thank you for submitting another OC, AwarriorCatNerd !!

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