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Name: Spruceflight

Okay! I love her name!

Reasons for name: Spruce- because her mother named all of her children after trees, and -flight because of her swift paws and bold attitude.

Everything makes sense! I love your reasoning for her suffix too!

Age: 22 moons


Gender: Female [She/her/hers]


Clan: ThunderClan

First canon Clan OC for me, I believe!

Rank: Warrior

Okay! Her age makes sense with this.

Basic Appearance: Light brown pelt and pale green eyes


Detailed appearance: Chestnut-colored fur with a lighter, sand-colored underbelly and darker swirled markings. She has pale green eyes and a lithe build. She has long, soft fur, and a bushy tail.

I love the description involved for the fur length, but there's a few things missing here! Is she large or small, does she have long legs? Things like that!

Kin: Rosethorn (mother) - Redish-brown she-cat with green eyes and lighter tabby stripes. Cunning, cheerful, nurturing, impatient.

Acorntuft (father) - Large, fluffy light brown tom with amber eyes and darker swirls. Honest, protective, brave, sensitive.

Pinetuft - Dark brown tom with green eyes and light swirls. Patient, resilient, honest, sensitive.

Oakpaw (brother, deceased) - Pale ginger tom with darker swirls and amber eyes. Adventurous, reckless, quick-learning, sly.

Willowbreeze (sister) - Brown she-cat with amber eyes and lighter tabby stripes. Snappy, cunning, thoughtful, outgoing.

I like all of these names and their appearances! I also really like that each of them has a distinct personality too.

I am really curious about what happened to Oakpaw, though.

Mate: Thistletail - Gray tom with hazel eyes. Loyal, humble, protective, impatient.

I like his name and appearance! Though I would have liked to know how his relationship with Spruceflight was during the apprenticeship.

Apprentice: Cherrypaw (later Cherrycloud) - Fluffy white she cat with mottled ginger tabby stripes and hazel eyes.

Thank you for giving me her warrior name.

And hazel eyes!!

I like her. Though it would've been cool to see a personality for her!

Basic personality: Thoughtful, understanding, cheerful, patient, sensitive, indecisive

It's nice, and I would definitely like to know someone like this in real life. However, there's way too little negative traits mentioned!

Maybe she lets others walk all over her? Maybe she's nosy? Something like that!

Detailed personality: Spruceflight is a very kind, understanding, thoughtful she-cat who is very in touch with her emotions. This can cause her to be overly sensitive. She has a positive, optimistic outlook on life, and is a very patient cat. She can be very indecisive at times, however, which may cause her to take action too late.

There's a little more balance here, but what I said above could be applied here as well!

Close friends: Thistletail, Pinetuft, Willowbreeze

Makes sense.

Mentor: Maplesprout - Calico tom with piercing amber eyes. Strict, good-humored, wise, decisive.

Again, nice name and appearance! His personality is a bonus!

Basic Backstory: Sprucekit was born to Acorntuft and Rosethorn on a full moon, along with Pinekit, Oakkit, and Willowkit. Sprucekit was always getting into trouble as a kit. She had been caught more than once sneaking out of camp. One of the times she snuck out, she got stuck in some brambles, and when a patrol found her, she was sitting there and sulking.

I love the thought of a patrol looking for this kit, and they find her pouting inside some brambles!

When she became an apprentice, she grew close with Thistlepaw and Sunpaw.

Who's Sunpaw?

Halfway through her apprenticeship, her brother Oakpaw died due to a fox attack. Sunpaw had dared Oakpaw to go into a fox's den, and Oakpaw, being the reckless daredevil he was, did it. He ended being attacked by foxes, and Thistlepaw, who tried to tell Oakpaw not to do it, fought beside him bravely, while Sunpaw ran like a coward.

Not liking Sunpaw, though it is relieving to see apprentices acting differently then the "I'm brave and immortal" mentality that they tend to have.

Because of this, Sprucepaw grew to resent Sunpaw for his fox-hearted behavior. One day, she was so upset, she made an attempt on her life.


As she was getting prepared to jump off the gorge, Thistlepaw stopped her and convinced her not to. This is when her crush on him started to develop. A moon after that, Sunpaw and Thistlepaw (who were brothers) got their warrior names: Sungaze and Thistletail.

I do like Sungaze's name.

A few moons later, a large group of rogues attacked the camp.

Why did the rouges attack the camp? Prey? Land? Something else?

Sprucepaw, Willowpaw, Pinepaw, Thistletail, and Sungaze all fought bravely to defend their camp, but Sungaze was lost in the process. Sprucepaw grieved for him, even though he caused the death of her brother. Sungaze wasn't a coward after all.

Nice to see her change of heart, even if it was only after Sungaze had died.

Soon after, she and her siblings got their warrior names: Spruceflight, Pinetuft, and Willowbreeze. After the ceremony, Thistletail confessed his love for Spruceflight, and they became mates.

A happily ever after for her!

Two moons later, after the deputy, Shadowear, had retired, Spruceflight had been chosen for deputy, but she had respectfully declined due to her young age and her lack of experience.

I like seeing main characters decide to remain warriors! It just seems so interesting to me.

Theme Song:
Hall Of Fame - The Script and will.i.am
Can't Touch This - MC Hammer
(I really like these songs. Hall Of Fame is very upbeat and empowering, and Can't Touch This reflects Spruceflight's rare sassy side appearance. It is also empowering)


Quote: "As if!"

Who is she saying this to? Is there any context?

Likes: Thistletail, Pinetuft, Willowbreeze, new-leaf, running, climbing trees, sunning herself, eating squirrels, kits


Dislikes: Foxes (can you guess why?)


Crush: Thistletail


Fox attack
Raid on camp
The gorge

All fears that make a lot of sense.

To have adorable little chaotic kits

Chaotic little gremlin kits!

She won't be able to say much when they start sneaking out of camp, seeing as she did the same thing at their age!

Past names:
Sprucekit, Sprucepaw


Sexuality: Straight


Ideal friend: A kind cat who is not afraid to stand up for themselves or what is right, along with being loyal and honest

These are all great things to look for in a friend.

Ideal mate: Read Thistletail's description XD


Interesting facts:
Her favorite fresh-kill is squirrels
She doesn't mind getting her paws wet
She loves climbing trees
If she ever had kits, she would love to name one of them Oakkit, one Sunkit, and one Dewkit.

I love those kit names!

Thank you for sending in an OC for me to rate! I'm sorry that this one took me so long to complete, but I finally have it done.

Your character is really interesting, and I'd love to see more about her. There were a few things that could afford to be tweaked, but you definitely don't have to apply my suggestions if you don't agree with them!

I give Spruceflight a rating of 181/205! Thank you for letting me rate her, Spruceflight !

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