Chapter 12: The Norse Uprising.

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"Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship." - George Orwell.

Scandinavia had been known for it's cruel practices of the Vikings in the days of old after the fall of the Roman Empire. And for Wizards, magic came known by a different name: Seidr. Also known as magic. And Scandinavians were especially famous for Divination. It also served as a fabric of normal life and tradition. At least it was until the Christianization of the land. 

But many witches and wizards who practiced the old magic of Seidr were still very much alive. And Trotsky knew exactly where to find them. That's why he and Talos were walking up the snowy peaks of Norway to find the Shaman that resided there. "Welcome to Scandinavia. The land of the old Magic." He introduced to Talos.

"This place?" Talos asked.

"It's seen better days. But the chilly air. The peaks of snow. It reminds me of Ukraine, in the old country." Trotsky replied.

"What I would've given to see this place in its heyday." Talos thought out loud.

Trotsky nodded in agreement. "In many ways. What happened to the Vikings, and the Shaman who practiced Seidr or Seior without as much as the Anglicization in it, were perhaps the first to suffer from the wrath of Muggles. A fate that awaits all of us. After the failure of Harald Hardrada to take the throne of England from Harold Godwinson, the Vikings Christianized and abandoned many of their old faiths and beliefs. That's what the Muggles want you to think. Some of their ancestors fled to Western Norway. And still practice the old ways of Seior." He explained.

"And what is it that you'll offer them?" Talos asked, knowing full well that Trotsky was going to give them an offer they themselves could not refuse.

"What they desire the most. Let's just say... it will be a great feast for the gods in Valhalla." Trotsky answered.

They both headed on a longboat deep into the rivers of Norway to where the Wizarding Villages were. That was when a large fog encompassed around there.

"Uncle Iosef? Where did this fog come from?" Talos asked.

"We're getting close to the Shaman Villages. After the fall of the Vikings, the Scandinavians combined their power to keep this place concealed. To Muggles it's known as the fog of death." Trotsky answered.

"And will we join said dead?" Talos asked.

"Not if you're a wizard." Trotsky answered as he rowed ahead. "Lumos Maxima." The light summoned through and lighted their way to the village. "You have to use Magic here. Any other things like torches or even flashlights are useless here." He explained to Talos. 

Talos nodded. He had been in Gaul all of his life. Now here was Iosef Trotsky taking him to the far north. His father Vercingetorix was back in England at Malfoy Manor gathering all the Giants and the Gallic Tribes together along with the Dark Wizards and Witches. "I've never seen Scandinavian Wizards before." He said.

"No?" Trotsky asked.

"Are they very buff and hairy men? With thick beards?" Talos asked. Those were the stereotypes of Vikings he heard so much about.

"No." Trotsky answered. "Not all of them. And I know for a fact they don't all wear Horned Helmets." It reminded him of the times when Ksenia would ask about stories of the famous Vikings who built a kingdom.

Ukraine. 1963.

Iosef Trotsky sat in front of the fire stroking it with his wand. His 4 year old daughter Ksenia watched him in the distant.

"Baba?" Ksenia asked.

"You should be asleep Ksenia." Iosef didn't turn from the fire.

"I couldn't go to sleep without a story." Ksenia sighed.

Trotsky forgot about that. "Sorry about that. Come on. And I'll even get some water, so YOU don't have to get up again and complain you're thirsty." He half joked. 

Ksenia giggled as she held her father's hand. And even more so as she hugged the little stuffed teddy bear she was holding. 

When Ksenia was all tucked in, Iosef pulled up a chair. "Okay, Ksenia. This time, we're going to tell a different story tonight." He informed.

"Is this another one of those stories about how you met Mamma?" Ksenia asked.

Iosef laughed. "No. It's about the legendary stories of the Vikings and its Great King: Ragnar Lodbrok."  

"The martyr for the Great Heathen Army?" Ksenia asked.

"That's what the Muggles called it. But in actuality. He was the King who sought to unite both Muggles and our kind. That was something that the evils of the Anglo Saxon Kings would not allow." Iosef began.

Ksenia started to hide under her covers. Something which Iosef had to take off of her to reveal her head again. 

"Don't be afraid, Ksenia. They will not hurt you. Not ever. Not while I still draw breath." Trotsky reassured.  "If anyone seeks to harm little Ksenia Trotsky. They will have to face me." 

Ksenia nodded her head. And Trotsky continued. "One day, Ragnar was captured by the King of Northumbria: King Aelle. And by that I mean his soldiers captured Ragnar. Ragnar was brought above a pit that was filled by serpents. But did Ragnar beg for mercy?"

"Did he?" Ksenia asked.

"No. Instead he said: "It gladdens me to know, that Odin prepares for a feast! Soon I will be drinking Ale from Curved Horns! This hero that comes into Valhalla does not lament his death. I shall not enter Odin's Halls with fear. There I shall wait for my sons to join me. And when they do, I will bask in their tales of triumph. The Seer will welcome me! My death comes without apology! And I welcome the Valkyries to summon me home!" 

Ksenia could tell that Ragnar in the face of death could find his courage.

"But the Evil Tyrant Aelle said: "Deliver me O Lord! From my enemies!" Trotsky finished. "That tyrant who the Muggles worship. Who claimed he was doing the work of his God. Killed a man who wanted to make a new life. Not just for his people. But for Wizarding Kind as well."

"What happened to Aelle?" Ksenia asked afraid of men like him.

"He was delivered true justice in the form of a Bloodied Eagle from the Sons of Ragnar." Iosef answered. "So you see, Ksenia. Even if one man falls. His words will spread to others that love him. Evil will not have its day." 

Iosef started to leave the room. "Baba?" Ksenia asked.

Iosef stopped. "Do men like Aelle still live?" 

"Yes." Iosef answered his daughters question. "And we must do our best to stop men like him. But do not fear, Ksenia." He kissed his daughter on the forehead. "Nothing will bad will happen to you. I swear it." He closed the door behind him.

Back to the Present.

"I think we've arrived." Talos informed as they saw the village dock. It looked like an old Viking village. There were what looked like normal villagers around the docks. And there was two big men chugging down a horn full of ale.

"Skol! Skol! Skol! Skol!" The chants of villagers were all around the two.

"What are they doing?" Talos asked.

"I believe that they are having a drinking contest." Trotsky answered.

Suddenly one man couldn't hold down his ale. He collapsed on the ground. "Ha! Ha! I win!" The bearded bald man yelled. "That is what happens when you challenge the champion Sigurd Ironblood! Who's Next!?" 

A bunch of Shaman all backed up. "I'll take that challenge!" Trotsky answered. His armor that made him looked like a Dementor stood out.

"Oh, What's this? A Dementor on Norse grounds?! Don't make me get out the Patronus Charm on you!" Sigurd warned.

"I'm no Dementor." Trotsky assured. "I simply wish to speak to your mighty Jarls." 

All the Norse men laughed. "And what makes you think you can just let yourself talk to the Jarls?" Sigurd asked like Trotsky had told a joke.

Trotsky on the other hand was not telling a joke. "Because I want to provide your Jarls an... opportunity."  He answered. 

"No one just comes in here and speaks to the Jarls!" Sigurd told him starring down Trotsky. "Unless you've got the fur, for a really tough task."

"And what is this task?" Trotsky asked.

Sigurd held out a horn and placed it in Trotsky's hand. "A contest. You and me. Beat me in this challenge and you speak to the Jarls." He offered.

"And what authority do you have with the Jarls?" Trotsky asked intrigued.

"I am a shield brother. Loyal to the Jarls. And have great influence here." Sigurd answered.

"Influence in getting drunk." Talos muttered.

Trotsky held out the horn. "And what are the rules?" Trotsky asked.

"5 Horns. Drink faster then me and you win." Sigurd answered.

"Not a problem." Trotsky replied.

"This one knows how to speak the language of the Viking." Sigurd commented to the others.


The Brewers brought out one gigantic barrel.

"You sure about this Sigurd? That's a pure A.B.V." One of the Norsemen warned.

"Bring it out." Sigurd ordered.

The barrel opened.

"I don't know, Uncle Iosef." Talos warned.

"Relax, Talos. Besides if this goes south. Carry my body back to the longboat." Trotsky replied. He turned to Sigurd. "Let's Drink."

"First to 5 Horns wins." An official said. "GO!"

Both Trotsky and Sigurd started to drink. The crowds all started to chant: "Skol!" Sigurd started to chug down the ale. While Trotsky was doing the same but in a more stable condition. They both finished the first ale at the same time. The second horn was all filled. Trotsky started to drink faster. While Sigurd was just chugging it down. He also started to feel his mind start to wobble. And Trotsky could feel the tingle as he finished the second horn. He didn't take a breath. He started for the 3rd horn and began to drink more of it. 

Tingling all over, Trotsky still drank the ale. He could see that Sigurd was reaching for his 3rd horn. The chanting started louder as more Skol was getting shouted. Shouting at this new underdog Ukrainian that rolled into town. Sigurd was halfway through the 3rd horn, when Trotsky was already on his 4th horn. And now both men's respective vision was starting to get fuzzy. There was no turning back at that point. Trotsky charged ahead. He started the 5th horn when Sigurd began his 4th horn. And by that point, Trotsky felt like throwing up all his ale. But there was something that drove him ahead. His will to go forward. He wanted the Shaman to go ahead and join him. And he would do it. Finally he could see that Sigurd had finished his 4th horn and was reaching in for another. But that was when Trotsky started to chug it down even faster. And then he felt it was empty. He threw the horn on the ground and yelled out in triumph.

"SKOL!" Trotsky yelled as everyone yelled out to him.

"Well... that was impressive." Sigurd admitted.

"So do I get to meet your Jarls or not?" Trotsky asked wobbly. 

Sigurd laughed. "Anyone who can drink like a Viking has that right! Follow me!" Sigurd moved past the crowd and walked drunk over to the Longhouse. 

"That was fun." Trotsky said to Talos.

"But, you should've be on the ground passed out." Talos pointed out in disbelief. He never saw anyone drink that much ale and still be able to walk before.

"I spent years developing a strong sober state. Better safe than sorry, my boy." Trotsky replied.

The Longhouse was the biggest building in the village. It's where Trotsky would find the Jarls all conversing. Sigurd walked right up to the Jarls. "Hey Boys! You got a visitor. Definitely drinks like a Viking!" He announced to the Jarls. Trotsky could see the Jarls all with their wands out. They were Wizards, no doubt. It was decent enough to know that some of the Wizarding Community kept their ancient routes. 

"Great Jarls!" Trotsky greeted. "I am Iosef Trotsky. Former Lieutenant of Lord Voldemort of the Wizarding World. And now the Leader of the Death Eater Remnant." He announced. "In a way, I was a shield brother to Lord Voldemort." 

One of the Jarls cut him off. "We have heard of your tales, Ukrainian." And he didn't seem all that impressed. "The sudden convergence of Gallic Tribes. The migration of Giants, and envoys to the Frost Giants. You've been preparing something." 

"Then you should know that I've come seeking your allegiance." Trotsky replied with a smile. 

"The Shaman have lived in bliss in Scandinavia. We had no choice after what the Church did to our kind." The Jarl in the center explained.

"Then you should be jumping at this opportunity. A chance to take your revenge against the society that forced you underground. The Scandinavian Shaman will rise once again in the North." Trotsky offered. 

The Jarl stood up now. "The time of the Vikings are over. We have all been crushed! And if we reveal ourselves, we will be destroyed again! Our Gods have abandoned us!"

That made Sigurd give a sharp eye despite the fact that he was drunk. The Jarls who he swore loyalty to were speaking against their gods of old. Trotsky on the other hand used his wands to close all the doors and started to diminish the great fires. 

"This is your last opportunity to join us." Trotsky warned. 

The Jarls were all silent. 

"Say no more." Trotsky continued. "I see everything now." He made a head jerk to Talos. "I now see that even the great Jarls have turned against their people. All to keep themselves in power. I give you the opportunity to seek vengeance against the church. Conquer the lands of England and secure the prize your ancestors could not. But now I know the truth. You've abandoned the ways of Seior. You're right. The time of the Vikings are over. The time is over for all of you. Talos!"

Trotsky ducked and Talos created several sharp energy discs and launched them at the Jarls. All their heads were cut off.

Sigurd seemed to sober up pretty quickly after that. Trotsky went up to Sigurd and opened the door to see that Frost Giants along with Giants and Goblins on Hungarian Horntails were outside the village waiting for an answer. "It would seem the title of Jarl, now falls to you." Trotsky informed. He had been ready for this in the off chance that the Scandinavians refused Trotsky's call. He was going to start a revolution. By whatever means necessary.

"After... careful consideration. The Norse and the ancient magic of Seior have decided to join you." Sigurd declared.

"Show us your supplies." Trotsky ordered.

2 Hours later. In England. 

Fenrir Greyback was looking at the small town of Bath near London. It was the day after the Full Moon. And Greyback had taken a pretty big score of 15 more werewolves from some other towns, especially those in Surrey.  

"Look at all the fresh meat down there." He said to some of his werewolf companions. 

That was when he saw a large cloud summon up him. It meant that a Portkey was activating. And from the Portkey, a large group of Scandinavian Shaman along with Trotsky and Talos surged forward. 

"Greyback." Trotsky greeted.

"Oi, boss." Greyback greeted back. "Who's your new friends?" He asked. 

"Meet the old masters of Seior." Trotsky answered. "Now what brings you out here to Bath?" He asked.

"Found some old town that could use some good bonking on the heads." Greyback explained.

"And the Werewolves?" Trotsky asked.

"Found 15 more recruits. We'll have to speak to Verruca about the Death Eaters. Oh and Ethan Bauer stopped the Window Curse on the Ministry." Greyback reported.

Trotsky nodded his head like he expected Ethan to solve that. "Remind me of what it was I promised Ethan should his Circle of Khanna succeed."

"That there would be a cost to victory." Greyback remembered.

Trotsky looked at Bath. "Let's show him just how much of a victory." He turned to Sigurd and the Shaman. "Who wants a raid like the old days?" He asked.

All the Shaman smiled in approval. "Bath now sits as a Muggle Town." Trotsky informed. As if he was waiting for Sigurd to say something.

"LET'S TAKE IT DOWN!" Sigurd yelled. And all the Shaman surged forward. 

Heads of Muggles had started to role on the ground in front of a Frost Giant that held the lifeless body in his other hand and threw it at a damaged car. Fires had started on the roofs of the houses as screams from Muggles emerged. All of Bath had emerged in Black Smoke as Police Officers were destroyed by Trotsky's shadow magic. "What do you say now, Sigurd?" Trotsky asked.

"It is a raid to rival that of the Great Army of the sons of Ragnar." Sigurd commented.

"Good. Let's get out of here and head for Malfoy Manor. Time for you to meet our friends." Trotsky ordered.

"As you wish. My Lord." Sigurd replied. Half grateful for Trotsky to make him a Jarl. And half afraid of him because he saw what happened to inspire the Uprising for the Norse. 

Back at Malfoy Manor. Lucius had to tend to all the new Gallic guests. The Gallic were all making their own weapons and wands forged from different materials. "Is this all the tribes?" Lucius asked.

"The Gallic ones anyway." Vercingetorix answered. "Lord Trotsky should arrive with the Scandinavians." 

"After he destroyed Bath?" Lucius asked.

Vercingetorix nodded. "Word travels fast in the Wizarding World here." 

"You have no idea." Lucius replied.

That was when Trotsky arrived with the Shaman. "Lord Trotsky." Lucius greeted.

"Malfoy." Trotsky greeted as he saw Vercingetorix greet his son again. "May I introduce, Sigurd. The recently newly crowned Jarl of the Scandinavia." He introduced to Malfoy.

Malfoy looked at Sigurd like he was a homeless person. "Charmed I'm sure." 

"You got ale?" Sigurd asked. "I like ale."

"I'm... quite certain that we do. Dobby!" Lucius quickly yelled.

That was when Dobby ran up to Malfoy. "Yes... Master?" Dobby asked nervously.

"See to our new guests, the Scandinavians." Lucius ordered.

"And what is it that guests eat?" Dobby asked.

That was when Sigurd grabbed Dobby by the head. "We eat House Elves." Sigurd answered. That earned a gulp from Dobby.

Sigurd then proceeded to laugh. "I'm kidding. Too much skin. Not enough meat. We like Ale and Meade though."

"Dobby. I suggest you get them these things." Trotsky suggested. He also gave a look that said: "And trust me, you don't want to know what happens if you run out."

"The Powers of Europe are at your disposal. Merula Snyde will do her part. Verruca is doing hers. And Hogwarts is chasing loose ends." Lucius announced.

But Trotsky shook his head. "Europe is not enough. It's one continent. Even with the power of all of Europe, we do not have the strength to take Hogwarts and get the Cursed Vaults. I said we need a massive invasion force. And that's what I intend to do." He took out his wand and showed an image of the world. "We need to shift our attention overseas. For starters, America, then on to Mexico, Japan, India, and the Middle East. They'll join us as well."

"We're recruiting more?" Vercingetorix asked. Of course they were. Trotsky was always a thorough one.

"I am. You're staying here and managing the home front." Trotsky answered. "And try not to kill each other. You and the Norse, and the Death Eaters. Lucius. See to it. And keep tabs on Ethan Bauer." He ordered.

"Soon all of our efforts will be complete." Trotsky laughed as he said that. "I promise you Ksenia. You will finally know true peace." 

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