Chapter 19: Triumph turned to Tragedy.

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"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." - F. Scott Fitzgerald. 

Ethan didn't know where he was going. But he trusted Ryder, and he trusted Ryder enough to not lead him back to Umbitch. 

"Nice work in taking down that Wampus Cat." Ryder praised as they walked.

"If you mean Tim, then thanks." Ethan replied. "So where are we going?" He asked.

"A place where you're not being led to the slaughter house if that's where your wondering. I think I've found someone who might be willing to help you deal with Trotsky. And by you, I mean us." Ryder answered. That was when Ethan saw these big double doors and a sign on the door that said the Ministers Office. Something that made Ethan hesitate.

"Ethan. It's alright." Ryder assured. He held out his hand. "Do you trust me?" He asked.

Ethan nodded. "Good." Ryder replied. "Take a deep breath, and in you go." They both walked inside to see Fudge was there. As was Dumbledore, Mad Eye, and a man that Ethan didn't recognize. 

"Ethan. This is Robert Sanders. The President of MACUSA." Ryder introduced.

Ethan blew a gasket. Now he was meeting with foreign leaders. "Uh ga wa?" He blurted out.

"It's alright, Ethan. He's here to help us." Dumbledore assured. "Minister, Mr. President. You know who this is."

"It's nice to officially meet you, Ethan Bauer." Sanders stood up and shook Ethan's hand.

Ethan also looked at Fudge who smiled like a friendly uncle. "And the same for me Ethan. Your Father was an honorable man." Fudge said.

"He was." Ethan replied. He remembered only meeting Fudge once. It was at his Father's funeral. Ethan was too upset to say anything as he held his Mother's hand, and Jacob's with the other hand looking at the newly dug grave of his Father. But they never officially spoke. "So, why did you want to meet me?" He asked trying to get back on track.

"It's pretty obvious." Sanders answered. "There's a large threat on the rise and it's now felt in the United States."

"Trotsky." Ethan realized.

"That's correct." Fudge replied. "And so far, you're the only one that's been scoring victories. We need to know everything that you know. And we need to know it now." 

Ethan looked at Dumbledore who nodded his head to tell Ethan to go ahead.

"For the past 6 years, I've faced a Ukrainian Death Eater named Iosef Trotsky. He's been trying to rally Dark Wizards to his cause and unleash the Cursed Vaults not only on Hogwarts but the rest of the world." Ethan began.

"And why would he do that?" Sanders asked.

Ethan swallowed and hoped that this would not spread panic or anything like that. "Because... he wants to purge the world of Muggle Kind. He thinks they're an evil, an abomination, and he holds them responsible for what happened to his Wife and Daughter." He answered.

Sanders sighed. He shouldn't have been surprised by this. "That's why he came to the United States. He's recruiting some new boys and causing chaos." 

"But wait, if Trotsky wants to destroy Muggle Kind, why is he so determined about the Cursed Vaults?" Fudge asked.

"It might have to do with the Runestone." Ethan answered. "The Runestone I gave to Dumbledore for safe keeping."

"A Runestone?" Sanders asked in disbelief. "You mean he actually forged one?"

"A Runestone?" Fudge asked confused.

"It's an ancient type of Magic. There hasn't been one since 536 A.D. And we all know what happened then." Dumbledore answered for Ethan. "What that does thanks to Ms. Maxson is that it's able to contain a certain type of Magic. I believe that Trotsky plans on taking the Cursed Power from the Vaults and into the Stone. Then, Trotsky will crack the stone."

That didn't sound good to Fudge. "And what happens when the Runestone is cracked?" He asked nervously.

"It means that Trotsky gets the new world order he wants." Ethan answered. "He breaks that stone, and the world of Muggles will fall. Within Hours: we're looking at the destruction of Scotland, within days: Great Britain, within weeks: Europe, and within months: The World."

This was getting worse and worse. "So what should we do?" Fudge asked.

"We stop Trotsky." Dumbledore answered. "The Runestone is safely within Hogwarts and out of Trotsky's hands. And now that we are working together. We're going to need a new leader in this joint operation." He looked at Ryder as he said the last sentence.

Sanders nodded his head in agreement. "I agree. One who has good relations with both countries and someone we can depend on." 

"Wait, me?" Ryder asked confused.

"We need someone to lead us. Clearly Umbridge is not going to cut it." Mad Eye explained.

"Clearly." Ryder muttered.

"So what do you say, Agent Ryder?" Sanders asked.

"And Umbridge?" Ryder asked.

"Will have to report to you." Dumbledore answered giving him a wink in the process.

"That I can live it." Ryder declared.

Ethan smiled. "She is going to be pissed." He thought.

But before they could continue their new celebration, Sanders had another question. "Now then. What's this about a Wampus Cat?" He asked.

"Oh yeah. My assignment with the Department of Magical Creature Regulation involved catching a Wampus Cat." Ethan answered. "And on that Wampus Cat..." He held out a large object. "was this sock."

"A Sock?" Fudge asked.

"I thought it may be the missing Portkey." Ethan answered. "Mad Eye?"

Mad Eye nodded taking the sock. "That's the missing Portkey, all right. You said you found it on a Wampus Cat?"

"That along with Red Dust." Ryder answered.

"Slayton." Sanders grumbled. Ethan guessed that Sanders knew about him too.

"There were creature attacks in Hogsmeade and we deduced it to be the work of a Wampus Cat. We captured the beast at Hogsmeade Station and found the sock attached to it." Ethan explained.

"That is quite troubling..." Mad Eye admitted.

"Trotsky must've gone to America, and made a deal with Slayton or whatever his name was, to get that Wampus Cat to terrorize Hogsmeade." Ethan theorized. 

"You're starting to think like a detective, Ethan." Dumbledore commented.

"Meh. It's a gift." Ethan replied.

"So, Trotsky pulls out a Wampus Cat, Slayton drugs it. And it terrorizes Hogsmeade?" Ethan asked.

"Slayton always loves causing chaos." Ryder answered. "And there were only two people hurt in the process. Umbitch and Ismelda Murk." He added.

"Curious, that a close friend of Merula Snyde who is the adopted daughter of Trotsky would be attacked by the Wampus Cat." Dumbledore noted.

"And it's not like we can just go straight up to Merula and ask her why." Ethan added. He stood up and threw his hands in surrender. "Gah. I'm running in circles!"

"Ethan, I need you to focus. Getting emotional can only get in the way of our investigation." Mad Eye calmed down.

Ethan wasn't exactly sure how to think about that. On the one hand, emotions can help an investigation. By expressing them, you may learn something new. But on the other, If Ethan got too caught up in his emotions, then he'll never see past them."

"Right now you need to focus on two things." Dumbledore said. "Continuing the investigation into Merula Snyde, and helping  with assignments at the Ministry."

"What about 'R'? Or the Metamorphmagus?" Ethan asked.

"Will take that, Ethan." Ryder answered.

"By splitting the work, we'll be able to cover more ground and uncover the answers to our questions." Mad Eye explained.

"All right, Mad-Eye. I understand." Ethan replied. At least he would get a break from feeling the burden of everything."

"You should get back to Amos. You did a good thing for the Ministry by capturing the Wampus Cat." Dumbledore suggested.

"Thanks." Ethan replied. And he left to get back to the Department of Magical Creatures.

Merula was waiting at the Shrieking Shack for this new blood that was coming. She had heard that Ethan stopped the Wampus Cat. At least it wouldn't hurt Ismelda anymore, but leave it to Ethan to save the day... yet again.

That was when Merula saw some Wizards apparate inside of the Shrieking Shack. And they were Slayton, Diablo, two more Dark Wizards, and Fenrir Greyback. 

"Who are you?" Merula asked.

Slayton looked at Merula like she was a cat that had gotten into a tussle with a large ravenous dog. "You the Snyde Girl?" He asked.

Merula nodded.

Slayton laughed. "Ha. Trotsky's little princess. Ain't she Diablo?"

Diablo shrugged.

"He ain't one for conversation." Slayton explained. "Neither is fur ears over there." He pointed to Greyback.

"Are you that American Wizard, Trotsky told me about?" Merula asked.

"Well, I'm an American Wizard if that's what you're asking." Slayton answered. "Just working a job for you dad. I do this, he pays me well. And we show Ethan the price of victory." 

Diablo glared at Slayton.

"Oh, put a sock in it, you'll still get your cut." Slayton shot back.

"And how are you going to crush Ethan's spirit?" Merula asked intrigued.

"He's got a little blondie he's attracted to. We'll send her a little greeting." Slayton answered.

"Penny Haywood?" Merula asked. 

"That be the one. And she is quite the prize." Slayton licked his lips as he said that. Something that got under Merula's skin.

"And what are you going to do with Penny?" Merula asked.

"That's none of your concern." Slayton slashed at Merula. "All you need to know is that she's going to play a great part in getting our Runestone. After that... well I'll leave that up to fate." He laughed as he said that.

A part of Merula deep down didn't like that. "Don't tell me, you've started going soft." Greyback interrupted to Merula.

"No." Merula replied. "Of course not." 

"Then this shouldn't be a problem for you." Slayton pointed out.

"Um, and how is it that Penny Haywood is going to come?" Merula asked.

"Oh, she'll come." Slayton answered with a smug smile. "I'll see to that." 

Ethan didn't just get praise from the heads of the government for what happened. Around the Magical Creatures Department, Ethan got the praise from all over. "Good job on catching the Wampus Cat!" "You caught a Wampus Cat? I've never even seen one..."

Ethan could also see Amos Diggory along with Charlie, Liz, and Barnaby drinking Butterbeer. Even Cedric Diggory was also in attendance.

"Ethan!" Amos greeted. "Now that you're here we can celebrate a job well done!"

"Ooh, Butterbeer!" Ethan took a swig of one. "Thank you, Mr. Diggory!"

"No, thank you, Ethan." Amos corrected. "It's because of you and your friends here that we're even celebrating."

"If it weren't for you, that dangerous Wampus Cat would likely still be on the loose..." Cedric added.

"You'd better get yourself in shape, if you want to measure up to Ethan. I'm kidding Cedric. I know you'll make me proud." Amos joked. 

"Thank you, Mr. Diggory." Ethan replied. "I'm quite proud of our work and dead chuffed to be praised for it!"

"Your hard work is much appreciated, Ethan. The Ministry and I thank you." Amos informed.

"It was a team effort with all my friends. Charlie, Liz, and Barnaby deserve all the credit." Ethan pointed out. He made sure to credit them as well.

"Thanks, Ethan." Charlie replied. "But you're the one who pulled us all together!"

"Your planning is what let us capture the Wampus Cat... not to mention that you're the one who cast Stupefy!" Liz added.

"Come now, grab a mug of Butterbeer and let's have a little celebration!" Cedric insisted.

Ethan couldn't refuse that. He drank a Butterbeer and laughed along with his friends. But there was one more part for Ethan. And that was Trotsky. Knowing that he would return for revenge. But that could wait. For now, Ethan celebrated. He wondered what it would be like when he told Penny the good news.

"Not many seventh-year Hogwarts students can handle a full-grown Wampus Cat!" Amos announced. "Which reminds me... I received word that Madam Umbridge and Miss Murk are feeling much better." He added.

"Oh, yay. Madame Umbridge feels better." Ethan replied sarcastically. That was the only bad side. "Was it the Wampus Cat's Leglimency powers that confused them?" He asked.

"After examining the creature, I do believe that was the case. Luckily, it didn't leave any long-term effects. The Red Dust weakened the Wumpus's power." Amos answered.

"That's good to hear. Well, not the drug part." Ethan replied. "What about Tim?"

"Tim?" Amos asked confused.

Author's Note: Present and accounted for.

"The Wampus Cat, Mr. Diggory. Liz named him Tim." Ethan answered. "Not to be confused with our Author."

Author's Note: Awkward.

"I see." Amos replied.

"Is he all right, Mr. Diggory?" Ethan asked.

"He's doing just fine." Amos assured. "The Red Dust was removed, and Professor Kettleburn has kindly offered to care for the Wampus Cat."

"And you want me to give him to Kettleburn?" Ethan asked seeing where this was going.

"Yes." Amos answered. "He'll have a good home instead of the small cramped cage that this Slayton has put him in."

"We can handle that, Mr. Diggory!" Ethan declared.

"I hope Tim will be happy to see us..." Liz hoped.

"Not a Niffler, but... still a magical creature!" Barnaby replied. "I love Nifflers."

"All right, let's go, then." Ethan motioned for the others to follow him. "Thank you again, Mr. Diggory!"

If only he knew what would come...

Penny was walking out of the Dungeons after Potions. Some of the other members of the Circle of Khanna were also there, wondering when they would get their shot at going to the Ministry. Penny had hoped to learn about Potions.

"I still don't see why Professor Snape didn't appreciate my deductive skills." Corey complained.

"Because he's a Potions Professor and you made that comment out of context." Penny pointed out.

"I know but still." Corey replied.

Penny rolled her eyes. Corey was getting even more ridiculous. She just hoped it didn't drive Ethan to insanity.

"So, just another day of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and the talented aid of Mary Morstan." Corey commented.

"Mary Morstan?" Penny asked.

"She's the love interest of Watson." Corey answered.

"Ethan is not Watson." Penny insisted.

"No wonder you're his girlfriend. He said the same thing." Corey replied. "And it wasn't like I could use Irene Adler, that was taking by Beatrice." 

Penny glared at Corey. 

"What?" Corey asked.

"Using Beatrice to spy on Merula." Penny answered, putting two and two together that Beatrice was spying on Merula and trying to find out what she was up to. "I don't think it's a good idea."

"Why not?" Corey asked. "Beatrice is a master of spying. She's the perfect candidate." She tried to justify.

"But... Beatrice. She could be-" Penny was starting to freak out. But she got ahold of herself. "Sorry, Corey. It's just that. If I try to interfere with Beatrice, she'll just shut me out again. Just like last year. Maybe I'm just that awful." She explained.

"Ah, you're not awful. You're just a concerned big sister." Corey assured.

"I guess." Penny admitted. "My parents expect me to be the big sister to Beatrice, set a good role model, live up to their expectations, that type of stuff. It's not been easy. And as for my relationship with Ethan-"

"What about that?" Corey asked.

"My parents are a little mixed. When Ethan and I started dating, my parents thought that I was too young to be doing that. They softened up when he saved Beatrice from the Portrait Curse, but it was still a long way to go." Penny answered.

"Eh. Parents. They'll come around. You'll have to-"

"HELP! HELP!" A voice screamed out.

"What was that?" Corey asked. 

Penny recognized the voice. "BEATRICE!" She shrieked. "She's in trouble."

"It's coming from the Whomping Willow." Corey said.

Penny ran ahead. All for her sister.

When the girls went to the Whomping Willow, Penny could still hear the shrieks. "HELP! HELP!"

"I'm coming Bea." Penny insisted.

Corey looked at the Whomping Willow. "It's coming from inside the Whomping Willow?" She asked. "Maybe that's where Merula was hiding."

Penny eye's burned with fire. "If Merula hurts, Bea. Well, words haven't even been invented yet." She took out her wand. "Stay here in case Merula tries to make a run for it." And Penny took off.

Corey did not want to argue. She could hear the whole cries of help.

"Corey?" A voice asked. Corey turned to look. To see Beatrice walking up to her. "What are you doing here?" 

"Oh, Beatrice. You're safe." Corey sighed in relief. 

"Of course I'm safe." Beatrice replied. "Why is Penny running into the Whomping Willow?" She asked.

"Because she's trying to rescue... you... from... Merula." Corey answered and her voice coming to reality. 

Beatrice looked at Corey confused. "I guess I should be feeling pretty stupid right now." Corey scratcher her head while putting on a nervous smile. "There's not by any chance that you were screaming help, and then you escaped from Merula holding you hostage?" 

Beatrice shook her head. She was in observation mode the whole time. Didn't even cross her mind to go inside the Whomping Willow.

"Yeah... I didn't think so." Corey sighed.

Inside the Whomping Willow, Merula looked at her little locket. The locket she got from her mother before she went into Azkaban. She would have her family back, but only if she did this. But this just seemed a bit far to Merula. Especially since Slayton was taking point on this mission. There would be a consequence for Ethan getting a victory. And it looked like the victory against the Wampus Cat was also a victory. She could hear footsteps coming from the entrance into the shrieking shack. The place where Merula would establish as a secret hideout for herself. That meant Penny was coming. It was time.

Penny ran up the stairs and her eyes glared at Merula. "Merula." She pointed her wand. "What have you done with Beatrice?" She interrogated.

Merula sighed turning around and looking at Penny with nervous expression. "You should've never come here." 

"HELP! HELP!" Penny turned to see where the voice had come from. But it wasn't from Beatrice, it didn't even come from Merula. 

It was Slayton! He altered his voice to make it sound like Beatrice. He also laughed. "So, this is Penny Haywood. Guess your image was only a tasty sample." He commented.

Penny looked confused. "Who are you?" She asked pointing her wand at Slayton. 

"Oh, sorry. I should always give my name in the presence of a lady. A pretty one at that. I am Derek Slayton. Leader of the Mid Atlantic Gang in America. And quite a successful business man." Slayton introduced, but there was no friendliness in his eyes. 

Merula rolled her eyes. She knew what kind of business Slayton practiced.

"And... what are you doing here?" Penny asked. "What have you done with Bea?" 

"She's not here." Slayton answered. "But they are." He pointed to Fenrir Greyback and Diablo also arriving, along with two hooded wizards.

And Penny felt her breath get cold. Especially when she laid her eyes on Greyback. Her teeth chattered and Penny felt herself being cornered. "W-What's going o-on here?"

"Is it not obvious?" Slayton asked. "Ugh. Blondes really are dumb. Pretty, but dumb. I'm surprised Merula here doesn't hex you in a fit of jealousy." He commented.

"Enough Slayton." Merula ordered.

"You're not in charge here, Snyde." Slayton reminded. He turned his attention back to Penny. "I lured you here. We don't have your sister. But we have you." He explained.

And Penny looked in horror. "No you're not." She still held out her wand, but her arm shaking.

"That's cute. You think you have a choice." Slayton replied.

"Come on love. I already said to Trotsky that I wouldn't harm you... yet. But I can be easily unhinged." Greyback insisted. 

"Although. I do like it when people beg for mercy, or for us not to harm them." Slayton thought out loud.

Penny was outnumbered. She couldn't take them all. But there was another idea. Escape. "The only thing I'm begging for-" She cast Bombarda and quickly bolted for the door. "Is for you all to try some MOUTH WASH!" She yelled as she ran with all her might.

Slayton got back up grumbling as he did so.

"Ha!" Diablo laughed.

"What's so funny?" Slayton asked.

"Mouth wash." Diablo answered. "I found it funny."

Merula just shrugged her shoulders not really moving. "Grr. Don't just stand there gawking at me. GET HER!" Slayton ordered.

Corey and Beatrice could see Penny bolting out of the Whomping Willow entrance and racing for the clearing.

"PENNY!" Beatrice yelled.

"RUN!" Penny screamed. And that was when a bunch of Wizards started coming from the Whomping Willow as well. 

"They always run. Why do they always run?" Slayton asked sarcastically. He then jumped in front of Penny. "Going somewhere?"

Penny shot a charm at Slayton, but Slayton deflected it easily. He then pulled some rapid magic missile spells at Penny. Penny could only use Protego to defend herself. It didn't do much effectiveness. But Penny knew she had to run. That was when Corey also tried to engage Slayton, but Diablo had intercepted her, dueling and using some powerful spells on Corey, that knocked her to the ground. Corey had to get up before this got worse. 

"We have to get back to the Castle!" Beatrice shouted. 

"What a wonderful idea." Corey thought. Penny thought the same thing and all three girls ran for the grounds.

But Slayton laughed. "No you don't." He then took out his wand and transfigured a whole net. And he threw that net right at Penny. 

"AH!" Penny screamed as the net ensnared her and brought her back to R. 

"Oh No!" Corey shouted as she looked back.

"Penny!" Beatrice yelled in horror. That was when Greyback ran towards her.

"Bea! Run! Get help!" Penny insisted while her eyes started to water, and felt her whole heart pounding so much, she was surprised it didn't pop out of her chest.

"Penny..." Beatrice said softly.

"Beatrice, come on!" Corey grabbed her hand.

"Professor, we need help!" Beatrice yelled out.

"Forget the sister." Slayton ordered. "We just need this one." He looked at Penny with an evil smile. Penny on the other hand, looked in horror at this new threat. "Well, what do you know. It's my lucky day. A Penny. And it's Heads." He joked.

"Can we bite her like we did, her friend?" Greyback asked.

"No." Penny squeaked.

"You heard the boss. I want to get paid. And that means... no harming the girl, fur ears. Yet." Slayton answered. "Don't worry, love. We'll be perfect gentlemen." He insisted to Penny.

Somehow, Penny didn't buy that part. "HELP!" She yelled. Until Slayton transfigured a mouth gag for her. 

"As long as you behave. And stay silent." Slayton hissed at Penny. "Now. Let's get this one back to Trotsky." He ordered.

Penny screamed from her mouth gag. And Merula just watched with her head down as the Death Eaters dragged Penny away. And as Slayton knocked her on the head. This wasn't what she wanted.

Ethan and the others had made it to the Care of Magical Creatures Classroom. Amos had taken the liberty of informing Kettleburn and Hagrid that Ethan was coming their way.

"Professor Kettleburn! Hagrid! We're here to deliver the Wampus Cat." Ethan announced.

"His name is Tim!" Liz added.

Kettleburn walked up with Hagrid and they took a look at the Wampus.

"A brilliant name, for a fantastic beast! Thank you for delivering Tim to his new home." Kettleburn thanked.

"What a fine lookin' critter. I reckon he'll fit right in here!" Hagrid commented.

"You aren't worried about keeping a dangerous creature at Hogwarts?" Ethan asked.

"We already keep several dangerous creatures, Mr. Bauer." Kettleburn answered.

"Oh, like the ones in the Magical Creatures Reserve." Ethan realized. "I don't know, it still seems dangerous. Especially since the Wampus Cat has the power of Legilimency." He warned. 

"But... you're a Legilimens and you're not feared, Ethan." Hagrid pointed out.

"Look." Kettleburn insisted to the skeptical Ethan who looked at Tim. The Wampus looked at Ethan.

"Go ahead." Kettleburn insisted. "Touch it."

Ethan hesitantly walked up to it. Tim tipped his head, as if he could sense Ethan's presence as a Legilimens. Ethan touched his head, feeling Tim's heartbeat like his own. And it was as if Ethan could also feel Tim's feelings, and where he came from.

"You were taken as a cub?" Ethan asked.

Tim nodded. Ethan could see something else. Tim being taken and forced into a cage. And given more of the Red Dust. Pound after pound being injected into his bloodstream. And Tim being whipped into a small cage in Devil's Village. With other magical creatures also on Red Dust. While Wizards were exchanging money with others. 

Another scene showed Tim being let out of the cage. "Alright you! You're up! You're going into the fighting pits against the Thunderbird. I've got a lot of money riding on this. Now move!" A Wizard poacher whipped Tim to go to the fighting pits, and whipped it even more to get it moving, as Mobsters all cheered and some jeered at their new prized creature going into the fighting pits. "Fresh Meat!" "Kill em, Kitty!" "Make me some Money!" "Pounce it you dumb cat!" The Red Dust would be placed in the creatures when it entered the arena. Tim at one point faced a Thunderbird in the arena. The Thunderbird tried to flee, but when it reached for the roof chains of the cage. It was shocked. The cage was electrified. And then the Red Dust was injected in both creatures, making them both hostile. And then both creatures proceeded to tear each other apart, fur, flesh, feathers, eyeballs. Tim won that fight, but only barely. All while spectators cheered at the bloodshed of the creatures for their amusement. When the fight was over. Some Mobsters came over with Whips and whipped Tim back to his cage. And all the while the mobsters laughed at that.

Ethan couldn't watch anymore. "You poor thing." He said. And he could see tears coming from Tim's face as he purred into Ethan's chest. Ethan softly rubbed Tim's head. "It's okay. You're safe now." He comforted.

"Hagrid and I have lots of experience with dangerous creatures. Nothing will happen while we're around." Kettleburn assured.

"Besides, when the Wampus Cat attacked it was from those drugs. He was actin' to protect 'imself." Hagrid acted.

"No. It was because it suffered enough by cruelty." Ethan corrected. "His name is Tim. And he's not dangerous either. He needs love. Something he was never shown." 

"Certainly! He will have that." Kettleburn replied. He couldn't see what the Wampus showed him, but based on the way Ethan snapped. It couldn't have been good. "It's my job as a professor to ensure the safety of all students and, most importantly, to listen to them. And to their creatures."

Tim then proceeded to curl up for a nap. It was tired. "Aw." Everyone said. 

"The Wampus Cat... I mean, Tim, seems much more peaceful while sleeping." Charlie commented.

"Yeh'd be surprised how often creatures, and even people, can prove yeh wrong." Hagrid replied.

"Well, that's one happy ending to another Hogwarts mystery." Ethan declared. "Which means I can move on to the next one."

"What's that, Ethan?" Charlie asked.

"There's someone I've been meaning to talk to..." Ethan started to say. But just then...

"ETHAN!" A voice shrieked. That made Tim wake up.

Ethan could see Beatrice running towards him. Her voice trembling.

"Beatrice?" Ethan asked.

"Ethan, it's horrible... it all happened so fast. There was nothing I could do!" She had tears in her eyes.

"What couldn't you do?" Charlie asked.

"What in Merlin's Beard has happened? Are you alright?" Kettleburn asked concerned.

Beatrice shook her head.

"What happened? Was it Merula?" Ethan asked.

Beatrice shook her head. But was breathing heavily. "This can't be good news." Ethan said to Charlie and Liz. 

"Miss. Haywood. You're safe now." Kettleburn assured. "You're among friends. Now tell us what happened." He offered Beatrice a biscuit and Beatrice ate it.

"A group... a group of men emerged from the Whomping Willow." Beatrice began.

"Group of men?" Ethan asked.

"Was it Trotsky?" Hagrid asked in horror.

"No. At least, I don't think it was. It was probably some toadies working for him." Beatrice answered. "But it was two fierce looking man with American accents. And Fenrir Greyback."

"Greyback?" Ethan asked. He did swear vengeance against Hogwarts. "You know him?"

"He attacked Penny and I, and our friend Scarlett. I'll never forget it." Beatrice answered.

"And the Americans?" Ethan asked.

"Didn't know their names." Beatrice answered. "But one had dark hair, a slight beard, and a right cheek scar."

Ethan didn't know who that was. Tim on the other hand, knew who Beatrice was describing. And he growled at that. "Was this... Slayton?"

 "I... don't know. I don't know!" Beatrice cried.

"Okay. Slow down." Ethan insisted. "What happened, at the Whomping Willow."

"Penny... she... she thought I was in danger. She went into the Whomping Willow." Beatrice started to get tears in her eyes. "She ran back up with the Dark Wizards on her tow. And they took her. Penny's been captured."

"What?" Ethan felt his heart drop, and his head spinning.

Charlie and Liz held their mouths open.

"Oh no." Kettleburn said.

"Not Penny." Hagrid thought.

Ethan felt himself breathe heavily. "Penny..."

"Ethan?" Charlie asked.

"Penny... She's been... Where did they go? WHERE DID THEY TAKE MY GIRLFRIEND, BEATRICE HAYWOOD?!" Ethan yelled.

"I don't know! I don't know!" Beatrice sobbed.

"Ethan! Calm down!" Kettleburn insisted. "Arguing is going to get us nowhere."

Ethan found that hard to do in that particular time.

"Dumbledore. He wants to see you." Beatrice said. "He wants to see us both."

"And I want to see him." Ethan replied. There was no time to lose. Not where he was going.

By the time Ethan got to Dumbledore's Office, the abduction of Penny Haywood had become the talk of all of Hogwarts. Confusion. Everyone knew how close Ethan was to Penny. The students looked sympathetically at Ethan. But Ethan didn't have time to notice. The doors to Dumbledore's office opened. And Ethan and Beatrice could hear shouting.

"Please! There has to be something you can do! Our girl is in danger!" A Woman cried out from the office.

"Mrs. Haywood. We're doing everything we can." Ryder assured. "We will get your daughter back."

"Your parents are here?" Ethan asked Beatrice.

"They must've gotten the word." Beatrice realized.  

"And if it wasn't for your Brother! Penny wouldn't be in danger!" Ethan could hear Penny's Mother also shout.

"Don't blame this on Ethan!" The Voice of Jacob shot back. Jacob was here too?

Ethan couldn't take the waiting to come in. He burst through the door. And Ethan could see that Dumbledore, along with Fudge, Ryder, Mad Eye, Sanders, Penny's Parents, and Jacob. 

"Professor. Tell me it's not true." Ethan said going over to Dumbledore.

"I wish I could." Dumbledore replied grimly. "But, Beatrice and Miss. Hayden were telling the truth. R has captured Penny."

"Then we've got to get her back!" Ethan insisted. "We've got to-"

"And we will." Sanders assured. "But we have no idea on where R is stationed, and where Slayton has taken Penny."

"Well he can't have just disappeared. He had to have gone... SOMEWHERE!" Ethan shouted. 

"Oh, as if you-" Penny's mother started to say. But her husband insisted that she stop, before she would say something she would regret.

"We've put out a Code Red to all our Posts in America and Great Britain. The second there's a sighting we'll move on it." Ryder informed. 

Ethan breathed heavily. "This never should've happened. Trotsky warned me that my victories would have consequences. And that's exactly what he did." He struggled to get out.

"Ethan..." Jacob started to say. 

"I lost Dad. I lost Jacob for 5 years. Now Penny? What next?" Ethan asked.

"I can think of some things." Penny's mother answered.

"That was a rhetorical question." Ethan replied overhearing it. 

"ENOUGH!" Beatrice shouted. That got everyone's attention. "What the hell is wrong with you, Mum? We should be focusing on getting Penny back. Not pointing fingers at each other." 

"Don't you talk back to your mother that way." Penny's Mother scolded while Penny's father smacked his head.

"Mrs. Haywood." Ryder snapped. "I will handle this."

Penny's mother looked at Ryder. "And how will you handle this? Write a journal statement and be like any other politician? No thanks. My baby is going to die. And it's all Bauer's fault-"

"MRS. HAYWOOD!" Ryder yelled. His voice now getting angrier, trying to keep him from exploding. "I said I will handle this! Don't go blaming Ethan for something he had no control over! The best thing you can do is go home. Let us do our job. And we will get your daughter back." 

Mrs. Haywood just broke down into tears. "I think that would be wise." Penny's Father said.

"Just... just bring her back." Penny's Mother sobbed. And they both walked out.

"Well that was bracing." Mad Eye commented. "But more importantly, we need to get Ms. Haywood back."

"That's not going to be easy." Ryder replied. "Trotsky's been covering his tracks for years. And with his techniques, he's going to be tough to find." 

"Not if we're all hunting him now. He's going to have nowhere to go, soon." Sanders pointed out.

"Well, where do we start?" Ethan asked.

"Somewhere." Ryder answered. "Try to get some rest, Ethan. You're not exactly thinking straight under stress." He suggested.

And Ethan reluctantly walked out of Dumbledore's office. But he was not going to get some rest. Jacob could tell. "E..."

"I'm not getting rest, Jacob. Penny's in trouble an I've got to get her back. If anything happens to her, it's all my fault." Ethan said.

"Slow down, Ethan." Jacob ordered. "It's not your fault. Penny knew the risks, and she's a smart and loyal girl. Trotsky's going to have a handful with her." He tried to assure. But to no success.

"Jacob. This is Iosef Trotsky. He gave me this." Ethan pulled up his shirt to reveal the scar. "What do you think he's going to do to Penny, just to hurt me?" He asked.

"He won't." Jacob answered. "We'll see to that." He put a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I'm worried about her too. But we need to be calm about this. Find out any potential areas on where Penny could've gone." 

"You have an idea?" Ethan asked still worried for his girlfriend.

"I'll talk to Lizzie and see if she can help us." Jacob explained. "Or maybe she'll know someone who can tell us any ideas on where Penny could've gone." 

Ethan nodded, trusting his brother as he walked out to go to Hogsmeade. And as for Ethan. "Oh there's someone here who can." He then left to go confront, Merula Snyde.

6 years earlier.

Penny, Beatrice, and their Muggle friend Scarlett were taking a walk through the English Country one night. Where her family always went over the Summer. Penny had just gotten through her 1st year out of Hogwarts.

"Hogwarts sounds so wonderful." Scarlett commented. "I wish I could go."

"And I want to go, so badly." Beatrice insisted.

"When you're older, Bea." Penny replied. 

"Did you learn to pull rabbits out of hats?" Scarlett asked.

"No, but we did learn about charms and potions." Penny answered. "And I met a boy. His name is Ethan." 

"Ethan?" Scarlett asked.

"He was kind of cute." Penny said blushing. 

But before Penny could expand on the subject the three girls heard something from the bushes.

"What was that?" Beatrice asked.

"It looks like a..." Scarlett could see a Werewolf running up.

"A werewolf." Penny finished frozen with fear. 

"Let's see where it's going." Scarlett insisted. And she went after the werewolf.

"Scarlett... wait." Penny said taking out her wand. That was when the Werewolf noticed them. And it started to charge them. The Girls curiosity had turned to horror.

Penny was still frozen with fear. She didn't want to provoke the werewolf. But the werewolf didn't go after Penny. It went after Scarlett.

"Penny! Do something!" Beatrice shouted.

But Penny couldn't even move. She was stiff. All she did was scream. "Scarlett!"

"Scarlett!" Penny woke up in what could only be described as a dark room. That bastard, Slayton must've knocked her out cold. "Where am I?" She tried to move, but found her hands in thick chains attached to the walls. "Hey! Hey! Let me go!" Her heart pounding heavily. "You're in for it, you know! I'm warning you, My Boyfriend's a Curse Breaker!"

That was when a door to the room unlocked. Slayton walked through. And Penny was not thrilled to see him. "YOU!" She tried to run over but was held back by the chains. "Why don't you let me out of these, and I'll give you a roundhouse to the face?" Penny suggested.

"Tempting, but no." Slayton declined. "Besides, it's going to be hard to do without your wand." He mocked holding Penny's wand.

Penny glared at Slayton as he held the wand. "Oh, don't worry. I won't hurt this little wand." He then proceeded to snap the wand. "Whoops. I lied. Guess they should come with a warning sign that says fragile."

Penny growled. "Your head is going to be fragile when I bash it into the wall!" She shot back.

"Oh, that's good. I gotta remember that." Slayton said. 

That was when another figure walked in. Another figure that would make Slayton look like a playground bully. And it made Penny shiver. "Iosef Trotsky." She breathed.

Trotsky walked right up to Penny. "You're dismissed, Slayton." He ordered. And Slayton walked out of the room. "I apologize for that. Slayton is a maverick only interested in money. But he has his usefulness." He explained. "More than I can say for Rakepick at the least." 

Penny didn't say a word. But was frozen with fear at the sight of the most notorious man in Wizarding History. Behind Voldemort at least.

"Are you scared, Miss Haywood?" Trotsky asked.

"Yes." Penny answered not daring to lie.

"Smart girl to tell the truth." Trotsky noted. "But there's no need for that. I see no reason why we can't have a civilized conversation." 

"Does that involve chains?" Penny asked making sure Trotsky took notice of her chains.

"Don't bother. Those chains are enchanted. They block magic. I know you're smart to not run. But you understand if I take security measures." Trotsky explained.

"Or I might punch you in the face." Penny replied.

"And you have a fiery heart. I can see why Ethan takes a particular interest in you." Trotsky added. "Almost reminds me of Ana. I met her wife when we attended Durmstrangs. She was from Estonia. And in our time in school, she became pregnant. With Ksenia. I balanced both my work and grew to raise my daughter." He explained.

"Well... you got busy in more ways than one." Penny commented. 

"Yes. Those two ladies were the loves of my lives. And they were taking from me, by those monsters." Trotsky added.

Penny knew who he was talking about. The Soviets. Who murdered his wife. And who burned Ksenia at the stake.

"But... those crimes were committed years ago." Penny pointed out.

"I remember them like there were yesterday." Trotsky replied coldly.

"Is that why you want to kill Muggles?" Penny asked.

"The world of Muggles is set to be destroyed. I'm only hastening the inevitable. Before they destroy us." Trotsky answered. 

Penny heard about what Trotsky was talking about from what Ethan told her in their 6th year. So, she changed the subject. "Ethan's going to find me. And you'll be sorry." She warned.

"Oh, he'll find you alright. But he'll be sorry." Trotsky corrected.

"You want to use me as bait." Penny realized.

"Yes." Trotsky replied. 

"Well you won't succeed. Ethan's not a man you can negotiate with. So, how about you let me out of these chains, send me back to Hogwarts and we'll let bygones be bygones?" Penny suggested.

No such luck though. "Ethan is a man you can negotiate with. If you have the right thing to negotiate with." Trotsky replied. "Your Boyfriend has something I want. And you're going to help me get it back." 

"I'd rather die, then help you." Penny protested.

"My dear, Miss. Haywood. Now who said anything about killing you?" Trotsky asked. He then looked straight at Penny. "Although it would be the simplest thing to kill you right now, I won't. You'd only become a martyr, just like Rowan Khanna. Perhaps even greater than Rowan. Thanks to that stunt that Rakepick pulled, I had to pull back to square 1. At least Azkaban is giving me and Merula a  well deserved break from that moron."  

Well at least Penny wasn't going to die. But that didn't exactly help her mind. She could also be tortured. "So what do you want? Your Runestone? Tough luck. Dumbledore has it. You'll never get it back." She pointed out. 

But Trotsky shook his head. "Think again. As for luck. I have myself a lucky penny. Not only will you get me the Runestone. But you'll serve another part of my plans." He explained.

"Another part of your plans?" Penny asked.

Trotsky started to walk for the door. "It's occurred to me. The Ministry has kept you from exploring the true Wizarding World. All they've done is keep you in its prison built by Muggles. I believe there's much more you can do... say South of the U.S. Border?" He suggested rhetorically.

"Mexico?" Penny asked. "Why there?"

Trotsky slammed the door without an answer, leaving Penny alone with her thoughts. The thoughts of fear of being a prisoner of Dark Wizards. "Ethan? Where are you?" She asked desperately. 

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