Chapter 23: Mexican Standoff.

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"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." -John C. Maxwell.

Back at Hogwarts. Caroline was trying her best to keep her calm by sipping her tea in silence in Dumbledore's Office. Lizzie was also there wanting updates as well. It had been weeks since her sons had left. "Any word from Mexico?" Caroline asked.

Ryder and Dumbledore were there as well of course. "So far so good." Ryder answered. "I got a tip yesterday. If this intelligence is correct. They're not that far from Mexico City." 

"Mexico City?" Caroline asked. "That seems so far away."

"Not that far." Lizzie replied. "I do have some connections inside of Mexico as well. I'm rich remember?"

Caroline looked at Lizzie. Her and Jacob were made for each other it seemed.

"Relax, Mrs. Bauer. Your boys will be alright. They're smart and wise beyond their years. Jacob even learned how to apparate in his 5th year already." Dumbledore assured.

Caroline sighed. "You're right. Professor. I just miss them so much." 

"What about Trotsky's followers here? Any word?" Lizzie asked.

"So far no. It's all quiet on the Western Front." Ryder answered. "I've had to reorganize things after Umbitch messed us up so badly." 

"Ugh." Caroline groaned at that name. "I hate that woman. First she calls my husband a fool who was stupid to get himself killed. Liar of course. And then, She does this to my Ethan!" She held up the paper on the article about Ethan in the Ministry. Caroline was almost tempted to rush over to the Ministry herself and smack Umbitch for what she did to her son.

"You read those too?" Lizzie asked surprised.

"I'm going to shove down her throat if she messes with my sons again." Caroline answered. It was at that moment that everyone could see where Ethan and Jacob got their fiery spirit from.

Mexico City. The heart of the country of Mexico. It served as the Capital for so many years. And continues to do so to this day. Now it was the next destination for Ethan and his crew to go find Trotsky. If there was a scene where Trotsky would arrive. It would be in Mexico City. And that's exactly where Ethan was going. He brought his team this far. And he wasn't going to turn back now.  

"Mexico City. Seems a long way from just London." Diego commented.

"I think you could say that for every city on the planet. Except for America of course." Tulip pointed out.

Ethan shrugged. "It doesn't matter." Normally he would've been excited about checking out these new places. But with Penny kidnapped and held prisoner, he really didn't have time to smell the roses. All that mattered was getting Penny back safely to him. He had to remind himself of that every night before he went to sleep.

"So what's the plan?" Tulip asked. "Split up like last time?" 

Jacob nodded. "We'll cover more ground that way. Ask around and see if anyone's seen Trotsky. If you do find him. Don't engage. Tell us, and we'll be right there." He ordered.

Everyone nodded. "Same teams as before?" Rath asked.

"Yeah." Jacob answered. "And this time... try not to stick out like sore thumbs." He starred at Tulip as he said that.

"Oh you make one scene with the Frogs, and you're labeled for life." Tulip complained.

"Uh, Jacob. I don't have a sore thumb." Barnaby pointed out.

"It's a figure of speech, Barnaby." Ethan informed.

"So... I don't need to use this mallet to make my thumb sore?" Barnaby asked holding a mallet.

"Barnaby... where did you get that mallet?" Diego asked knowing he was going to regret that.

"Found it." Barnaby answered. "On the ground."

"Who leaves mallets on the ground?" Ethan asked.

"It's probably best we don't think about it too much." Jacob suggested.

And with that the group split up. Ethan and Jacob walked through the busy streets. Which almost reminded them of the busy streets of London whenever they visited the streets with their parents. 

"Seems like old times, doesn't it?" Ethan asked.

"Which ones?" Jacob asked.

"The time we walked through London and you convinced yourself a guy in suit was James Bond in disguise." Ethan offered.

"Oh yeah, that." Jacob remembered now. "Or what about that time we saw what looked like a walrus of a man?" 

"The guy with the low neck and what looked like a weird mustache even for a muggle?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah. That guy." Jacob answered. "He called us dirty beggars or something like that. Thought we were a charity or something like that." 

Ethan groaned. "It's people like that that give Muggles a bad name." He said.

"Tell me about it." Jacob replied. It almost made him wonder if people like that would be the first people to fall if Trotsky did succeed. Almost being the operative word there. 

"Jacob?" Ethan asked stopping.

"Yeah?" Jacob asked looking at his brother again.

"There's something about Trotsky. What if we find him here? And I see Penny?" Ethan began. "Her being locked up in a cage like an animal."

"Ethan..." Jacob put a hand on Ethan's shoulder. "You can't think like that. Think on the positives. We'll get her back."

"But just in case..." Ethan held out the Runestone. "If Trotsky demands this Runestone from me, and he gives me Penny in exchange. Should I make the trade?" He asked.

"What?" Jacob asked confused.

"If the worst should happen, If Trotsky demands that I give him the Runestone or else, he's already stated what he's wanted. What should I do?" Ethan asked.

"I'd say that as a Wizard, that would be a stupid thing to do. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. And that Runestone represents the needs of the many." Jacob answered making Ethan feel down. "But as your brother. I'd say you need to do whatever you feel is right." He continued. 

"But Dad told us..." Ethan got cut off.

"Dad said to do in our hearts what was right." Jacob interrupted. "I did what I thought was right when I went after the Cursed Vaults to prevent Trotsky from getting it. I did what I thought was right when I left home to continue what I started. Tough choices don't keep you warm at night. And there's going to be a lot of sacrifices. Let's make sure we don't get to that point." He explained. "You want my opinion should the worst happen? Fight for love. The World will take care of itself. Always has." 

And Ethan nodded. He would make sure that event that Jacob spoke of never happened. That was when they noticed a crowd of people by one square.

"What's going on over there?" Ethan asked.

"Trouble." Jacob answered.

Meanwhile, Tulip and Barnaby went down one road. 

"You know. It's been weeks since I've done a prank." Tulip commented.

"Yeah. And you would be in detention." Barnaby replied.

"I'm in detention, Barnaby. Remember?" Tulip reminded.

"You are?" Barnaby asked.

Tulip looked at Barnaby confused. "Yes... I had to make a choice. Either this or put up with Pince in the Library for 2 months." She answered.

"Hogwarts has weird detentions." Barnaby said. "You going to Mexico. That's almost like sending 1st years into the Forbidden Forrest with Hagrid to look for an injured Unicorn or something like that." 

"What?" Tulip asked.

"First thing that popped into my mind. Just like Weasels." Barnaby answered. 

"You say the strangest things." Tulip thought out loud. "Still... at least it's not as bad as what happened that one time in the Kitchens." 

"The Kitchens?" Barnaby asked. And then he remembered. "Oh, you mean with the dough monster?" 

"Yeah... that." Tulip answered.

"I wanted to eat that Dough." Barnaby complained.

"Trust me, Barnaby. You wouldn't want to eat that thing." Tulip replied. "Especially if Ismelda is doing the cooking."

"Noted. Don't go to Ismelda's House for dinner." Barnaby had a notebook and pad with me.

"Why do you have a notebook and pad with you?" Tulip asked.

"Why don't you have a notebook and pad with you?" Barnaby shot back.

Tulip frowned. She was putting up with stuff like this for weeks. A part of her missed Hogwarts wondering what rules to break.

Meanwhile. Diego and Rath were by the food stands. 

"Shouldn't we be looking for Trotsky?" Rath asked.

"Nah. I'm hungry." Diego answered. "And Mexico City serves out the best Churros." He went over to the Churros stand. "Want one?" He offered to Rath.

"Pass." Rath answered. "Frankly I'm surprised you didn't go for the Flan." 

"NO!" Diego shrieked so suddenly. Rath looked at him in stunned silence. "No Flan!"

"What do you have against Flan?" Rath asked.

"It's what happened the last time I made Flan." Diego remembered when there was a Cooking Contest to impress Tulip's Grandparents who were culminated cooks. Diego tried to make Dancing Flan. But when Ismelda got a bad comment about her dough being sad and soggy. Ismelda tried to use some sort of charm. She launched it right at her dough. And than the dough came to life and became monster, got on the loose and attacked Diego's Flan. "It was gone too soon. Gone too soon!" He shrieked out loud. He then looked at Rath just starring at him. 

"Sorry. Had a Vietnam Flashback for a second." Diego apologized.

"It happens." Rath replied. That was when she noticed some kids playing with what looked like toy brooms. And playing a mock Quidditch Match. She too interest as one of the beaters was trying to hold the beater club too smack a bludger. But he always came up short. He hit the ball too lightly and it bounced on the ground. The kids all looked like they were 7 or something like that.

"You're holding it wrong." Rath commented. And the little kid jumped. He turned to Rath. "You got to hold it like an actual bat. And with more force on your swing." She advised. 

The Kid tried it, and he actually hit the ball harder.

"There you go." Rath praised with a little smile.

"Gracias, Senorita." The Kid thanked and returned from the game.

"That's a compliment you know." Diego commented.

"I know." Rath replied. "Come on, let's get back to looking for Trotsky." And they both took off.

Back with Ethan and Jacob. They saw a large group gathered.

"Excuse me. Pardon me." Ethan moved through the crowd. And Jacob followed him.

"...And for all of our great powers. We are labeled as Lower Class Citizens!" The voice boomed. And it was a voice that was all familiar to Ethan. "Trotsky. It's him." He whispered to Jacob. 

Jacob's eyes widened. This was the first time both brothers had actually seen Trotsky since Year 6. When Ethan got scarred. And Ethan felt his scar on his chest feeling more painful. 

"What do we do?" Ethan asked. Trotsky would recognize them on sight.

"I got an idea." Jacob answered. "You got the Invincibility Cloak?" He asked.

Ethan took it out of his bag. "Right here." 

"Put it on." Jacob commanded. "I'm going to take a look from the sky." He then transformed into an Eagle and flew off.

Ethan should've felt surprised that Jacob could do that. But then again. Jacob always seem to be one step ahead of the curve. He got on the Invisibility Cloak. 

"I do not speak to you as a leader. As a god among men!" Trotsky continued. "I speak to you as a fellow Wizard. Under the persecutions of Non Magical Humans. And I come here with a solution." 

The Wizards all started chanting. Ethan took out his wand and used Contactu. "Guys. It's Trotsky. He's at the square. Get here as soon as you can."

"This solution will lead us to the lands of our ancestors. Years before, Mexico was filled with Magic and Science. And they lived in harmonious peace. Then the Spanish came. They forced the Magic into hiding. And now, we live as cattle in the Pueblos Magicos. Well I say, enough!" Trotsky was making his fiery speech. And from the looks of it. He seemed to know what he was talking about. Ethan couldn't see Penny. But could feel she was close. He had to move silently. 

"I say that the time has come for Magic to reclaim its rightful place! Will you join me?! Will you let Magic take its rightful place in the world?!" Trotsky asked like a preacher.

And many hands from Mexican Wizards and Witches raised up.

To Ethan. The situation was clear. There had to be a side where Trotsky was keeping Penny. He could feel the presence near. That was when he saw a cage. And someone crying in chains.

"Penny?" Ethan asked. He started to run up. He couldn't wait to see his girlfriend again. But to his horror he felt like someone had tripped him. He fell down to the ground. The Cloak completely ripped off him.

"Tough luck, Romeo." A voice with an American Accent mocked. Ethan looked up in front of him. That was when he saw another figure near the cage. And both he and the cage apparated away.

"NO!" Ethan yelled. He was so close. He turned to look at the man with dark hair and an evil smile stare back at him.

"You must be Ethan Bauer. Oh did the little Princess love to squeal about you. Convinced you would rescue her. But to come up so short." The figure gloated.

And from the accent, Ethan had a bad hunch on who this person was. "Derek Slayton." He grumbled.

"Did Ryder mention me?" Slayton asked. "Ha. Seems I'll have to pay him a visit. After I take your head. It's been years since we last spoke." 

"You won't get the chance." Ethan took out his wand. 

"Your mistake is thinking you've got a damn choice. It's kind of funny." Slayton took out his wand as well. "So let's even the playing field."

"You put Red Dust on Tim." Ethan glared.

"Maybe a little." And Slayton launched an Ice Spell at Ethan. But Ethan was prepared for it. He launched a fire spell to break it. But Slayton then Apparated away. 

"What?" Ethan asked. That was when he felt a sudden shift in the wind coming from his back. And Ethan was knocked to the ground. He saw Slayton about to launch another spell when Jacob intercepted it and shot his own spell at Slayton.

"And you've got a brother. What a small world we live in." Slayton commented.

"He's got more." Tulip shouted as she and Barnaby came from behind. 

"Derek Slayton, I presume!" Diego shouted holding his wand and coming from another alleyway.

Slayton laughed. "So, the odds seem in your favor. Let's try us some new cards!" He then launched a spell on the ground creating a massive Earthquake and knocking everyone to the ground. And then he ran away.

"Come on! Don't let him get away!" Ethan shouted as everyone got back up. They all started to pursue Slayton where ever he went. They went out into the open streets. 

"Where'd he go?" Tulip asked.

"Look out!" Barnaby yelled pushing Tulip out of the way of a Bombarda explosion. 

Ethan turned to look from one of the rooftops. And Slayton was on it. "You know what they say. When it rains. It pours. If Money could rain from the sky, I'd be even more richer than I already am." 

"Already don't like him." Jacob grumbled.

"Farewell sweet Prince. I've got a little date with your Lucky Penny." Slayton laughed as he started to flee over the roofs.

That was when Ethan transfigured into a Falcon and flew after him. And Slayton could see him flying. "Animagus. Let's clip his wings." He then transfigured a bunch of arrows out of thin air and launched them at Ethan. Ethan made a dive and transformed back into a human. He then launched a fire spell to which Slayton used it like a booster rocket to run faster like a rabbit. He then saw Jacob, Rath, Diego, Tulip and Barnaby trying to keep pace on the streets. Passing through vendors and pedestrians like they were road obstacles. 

"Lights out!" Slayton then launched a bunch of Bombarda spells on the group. One knocking Diego down on the ground.

"Diego!" Jacob yelled.

"I've got him, go!" Rath shouted as she pulled Diego back on his feet.

The group proceeded to chase Slayton even more. And Slayton was giving quite the chase. He then stopped in the middle of the road when he ran out of rooftop. Or rather, he jumped off the roof and onto the street.

"Give it up, Slayton!" Jacob yelled.

"Make me!" Slayton yelled back. "How about we make this a fair fight?" He asked. He then launched what looked like a flare from his wand. And then, it was as if creatures just apparated out of nowhere.

"What?" Ethan asked. And what crawled out was a creature of some sort.

"Duende?" Diego asked finally catching up with Rath. But he noticed something was very wrong. They looked drugged.

"Fancy that. You'd be amazed in what Red Dust does to creatures here in Mexico." Slayton noted.

The Denude then attacked the group. Forcing a whole skirmish between the forces. Slayton kept his distance letting the Red Dust do its work. And Ethan and Jacob were fighting the Denude with their friends. 

"Now I don't want to harm you." Barnaby said. But the Denude charged at Barnaby. Which was intercepted by Tulip.

"But they want to harm you." Tulip said.

"It's not their fault." Barnaby replied.

But that was when what looked like a group of Mexican Aurors showed up. "Cops are here." Slayton thought out loud. 

"Cease hostilities!" One of the Auror yelled.

"Until we meet again, Kids! And we will. Count on it!" Slayton yelled as he created a smoke screen and then apparated away.

"NO!" Ethan couldn't believe Slayton got away... again. "Where's Penny!? What did you do to her?!"

"Ethan. Calm down!" Jacob shouted getting his brothers attention. The Mexican Aurors on the other hand seemed to deal with the threat of the Denude. But after they were done, they didn't seem to be so hospitable in putting their wands down.

"What business do you have here?" One of the Aurors asked as they pointed their wands at the Kids.

Rath held up her wand. But Jacob shook his head. "Easy. We're not your enemies." He told the Aurors. "We're just looking for a criminal hiding in this city. He's been giving fiery speeches about a New Order. And we have to stop him." Jacob explained.

"That will be up for the council to decide. You will follow us." The Auror commanded.

"But Penny?" Ethan started to walk away.

"Ethan... bad call." Jacob warned.

"Look here-" Ethan went up to one of the Aurors who then knocked him out.

"Ethan!" Jacob yelled as Ethan fell to the ground.

"Not my best idea." Ethan admitted.

"You think?" Tulip asked sarcastically. 

The next thing anyone knew was: the group being taken outside of the city to the Volcano, Popocatepetl. Inside was where the Mexican Ministry of Magic was Headquartered. Quite a way to attract less attention. Instead of being burned by the heat, The Aurors entered a part of the base where it took them to a large building inside. And lots of architecture that reminded Ethan of the Pueblos Magicos. However, He didn't have the time to appreciate it, because Ethan and his friends were being slammed into what looked like a holding cell. Except there weren't any bars. It was like one big room without any windows but walls everywhere.

"Well that wasn't our proudest moment." Jacob commented as Ethan started pacing around the room.

"I can't believe that Slayton got away." Ethan grumbled. "How are we going to get Penny back now?" He asked.

"And they took our wands." Diego added.

"And I left the sprinklers on." Barnaby also put in. Everyone looked at Barnaby. "The Water Bill's going to be huge!" He complained.

"Barnaby. This is not about your Plumbing Needs." Tulip informed trying to keep her cool with the situation, and the obscure thing that Barnaby had made.

Ethan grumbled and paced even more rapidly. "What's taking this council so long?" He asked.

"Easy Ethan. You look like the world's about to end or something." Jacob said.

"Yeah, because there's a doomsday cult about destroy the world and we're stuck here trying to deal with the Mexican Government. So yeah. I'm a little on edge. Why aren't you?" Ethan replied.

"I'm better at hiding it." Jacob answered.

That was when the Mexican Aurors opened the wall. "Alright. They're ready for you now." And Ethan, Jacob, Tulip, Barnaby, Diego, and Rath were all grabbed up.

"Easy, with that. We're not here to cause harm." Jacob said.

"Then keep moving." The Aurors replied.

Ethan felt something heavy in his pocket. It was the Runestone. Ethan was just lucky that the Mexican Aurors didn't notice the Runestone. Well they took it, but Jacob was able to snatch it back just in time and put it in Ethan's pocket.

That was around the time when they were all brought in what looked like a large round room with a huge dome of what looked like Ancient Mayan architecture on the walls. And that large round room had 12 high seats. 6 Old Witches and 6 Old Wizards sat in them. They must've been the Council of Mexico. 

"First we meet the Minister of Magic, then the President of MACUSA, now we're here." Jacob whispered.

"I never met them." Rath reminded. "I only joined the squad at the end because you needed another wand." 

"She's not wrong you know." Tulip whispered.

"Well what do we do now?" Diego asked.

"Don't worry. I know how to talk to these councilors." Barnaby answered smiling. 

"Ugh." Tulip rolled her eyes.

The Old Wizard on the right began to open his mouth. "What business do 6 Young British Wizards have in Mexico? You seem a long way from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." He asked.

"They knew about Hogwarts?" Ethan thought.

"OBJECTION!" Barnaby yelled.

Everyone looked at Barnaby.

"Barnaby, we're not on trial." Tulip pointed out.

"Sustained!" Barnaby yelled out loud.

"What is wrong with him?" One of the Councilmen asked.

"We don't know. He has issues." Ethan answered.

"Now then, back to the matter at hand. What business do 6 Young British Wizards have in Mexico?" The Old Wizard repeated.

"OVER-" Barnaby started to shout before Ethan told him to zip it.

"I'll handle this." Ethan interrupted. He looked at the Council. "We've been hunting a dangerous criminal. Iosef Trotsky. He's-"

"In Mexico. We are fully aware of this." Another Elder interrupted. "And why have you come here specifically?" She asked.

"He took my Girlfriend hostage." Ethan answered. "And that's why it's important that I get her back."

The Council didn't look too convinced. "And the reason why you were sent instead of an emissary from Britain?" One asked.

"Politics were moving too slow." Jacob answered.

The Councilors couldn't argue with that one.

"If you are hunting the Dark Wizard, Iosef Trotsky. Then why were you seen with known Mobster: Derek Slayton?" Another Elder asked.

"Slayton drew us into attacking him. We chased him and he's in cahoots with Trotsky." Ethan answered. "Obviously, we failed."

"Obviously." A Council member replied.

"But if you let us go. Then we'll get out of your hair. And continue to peruse Trotsky." Rath suggested.

The Council Members all started to whisper to each other using their wands. That's when the team also started to huddle.

"Why are we huddling?" Barnaby asked.

"I don't know. They're doing it." Ethan answered.

"Alright then." The Council started to turn their attention back to the team. "We have decided that you are not a threat." One of the Council Members announced.

"Well that's good news." Jacob replied.

"And as such. You are free to pursue Trotsky as you have been." The Council Member continued. "Just try not to cause chaos in the streets next time."

Jacob laughed at that. "I will make no such promises." He commented.

"He's joking. He does that." Ethan explained as the Aurors handed them back their wands.

Meanwhile, Penny could see Ethan come right at her direction, until Greyback apparated her away. She was so close too. That was when Slayton apparated. "Well. Princess. You're boyfriend is quite the fighter. He's earned my respect as good prey." He commented.

"Ethan is not prey." Penny snarled but quite weakly. Over the days when she was a prisoner, she could definitely notice that she was not the same. Her chains were now part of her skin it felt like, her blue eyes were even more teary then they normally were. And all her life was contained inside of a cage. It was taking a toll on her mental health.

"If he's not prey. Why was it so easy to capture him?" Slayton asked. That was when Diablo apparated with a Wizard who had a bag over his head. "Here he is right now. I'm afraid he's a little too embarrassed to speak." 

"Ethan!" Penny yelled. She tried to reach out but couldn't. "It's me, it's Penny!" 

"Ethan it's me, it's Penny!" Slayton mocked.

"Stop mocking me!" Penny hissed.

"You don't make demands, Princess. You didn't even say please." Slayton replied.

Penny grunted under her breath. "Please, stop mocking me." 

"NO!" Slayton yelled. "Now to business. You want to see your boyfriend again? He won't see you again." He took out his wand. "Avada Kedavra!" And the figure was killed to the ground. And Penny watched in stunned horror as the body hit the ground.

"ETHAN!" Penny had just watched her boyfriend die in front of her. "Slayton, you monster!" She shrieked. 

And Slayton just laughed. "Oh my God! Relax Princess. You're boyfriend still lives. But did you see the look on your face?" He then revealed that it was just some random Wizard he killed. A face that Penny didn't recognize. 

And Penny really had more hatred in her eyes. "You know. You're lucky I'm in a cage, because I wouldn't need magic to do what I'm going to do to you!" She yelled.

"In your little dreams." Slayton replied. That was when he saw Trotsky show up and look at the corpse.

"What's this?" Trotsky asked.

"Just having a little fun with the Princess here." Slayton answered. "Figured I needed a little something to entertain myself after that little disaster of trying to get the Runestone away from Ethan."

"Which you failed to do." Trotsky pointed out. "And I don't tolerate failures, Slayton." He also pointed his wand at Slayton.

"Alright. I admit it, things were a little unorthodox." Slayton replied quickly.

"To put it mildly." Trotsky shot back. He put his wand down. "But you still have your uses, which is the only reason that you are still alive at this time. "It's time to end this little Fox Hunt. Time to send Ethan another message." He then turned to Penny. "Have a nice nap, Miss Haywood." 

Greyback proceeded to knock Penny out.

The good news was that the group was given their wands back. The bad news was that the trail had gone cold again.

"Great, we're back to square one." Diego complained. "Now what?" The group had seemed to be asking that question a lot these days.

"I don't know. But I'm not giving up until Penny comes home." Ethan replied. Jacob had to admire the dedication of his little brother.

That was when Ethan heard something in his head. Like a large headache.

"Ethan? Ethan?" Jacob asked.

The Mexicans in attendance were also looking at Ethan. 

"What's going on?" Rath asked.

"Someone is inside your friends head." The Mexican Auror answered. "Project the image and the voice." He ordered. And the Mexican Wizards pointed their wands at Ethan. And projected the voice like a Voice Over.

"Ethan. You've come all this way to Mexico. I trust you've been enjoying the desert well." The Voice of Trotsky greeted.

"Trotsky. Where is Penny?" Ethan asked.

"Penny is with me." Trotsky answered. "Still a Prisoner. And still of use. My offer for the Runestone still stands. Cooperate, and I'll give Penny back to you. If not, then I have no doubt that Penny will serve as a grand sacrifice for the Ancient Gods." 

"NO!" Ethan shouted horrified. He couldn't sacrifice Penny. Not at all.

"Unless. You come where I want you to come." Trotsky suggested. "You hand me the Runestone. And you walk away with your darling." 

"Before or after I kill you? And that Gangster." Ethan asked with fury. 

"Before or after I kill your Girlfriend." Trotsky answered.

"That's a good comeback." Barnaby muttered.

"Not now, Barnaby." Rath replied.

"So where are you?" Ethan asked.

"This chase has gone on long enough. I'm heading for the still standing Maya Temples. You know the place. And the clock is ticking." Trotsky answered. "I'll be waiting for you there. And tell the Mexican Wizards that unless they want more lives to be lost, you and your companions will come alone." He added. And the transmission ended.

That left a quiet silence in the Mexican Ministry. "We're going." Ethan declared.

"Are you sure about this? It could be a trap." Rath asked.

"We didn't come this far to come up short." Ethan replied. "We're going to get Penny back. But it's going to be on our terms." 

"That's a lot of jungle to traverse." Diego pointed out. 

"We have to try." Jacob replied. He turned to Ethan. "Come on. Let's go get Penny back."

Ethan started to nod. But the Mexican Aurors looked at Ethan as if they were telling him to halt.

"If you're going to the temples. Perhaps you'd like some assistance." One of them suggested handing out what looked like an ancient coin.

"A Portkey?" Ethan asked.

"You'll need it." The Auror explained.

"Well, we traveled over an ocean by Portkey. This should be a snap." Jacob commented.

"Everyone ready?" Ethan asked looking at his friends.

And they all nodded their heads. "We're with you, leader." Tulip answered for everyone. And the Portkey was activated again. For better or worse, this chase was ending.

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