Chapter 26: The Curious Case of forgetful Hair Products.

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"The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool." -Stephen King.

Ordinarily, Ethan would've been getting up to his daily routine of moaning and groaning about having to go off to the various classes of his day. And that would include the Double Potions that he would have to go through with Snape. Or that one time when it was time for O.W.Ls in his 5th year. Which he remembered rather well.

2 years earlier.

"Ethan? Are you asleep?" Rowan asked at 4:00 in the morning. Ethan was asleep obviously. "Ethan? Ethan?" He tried to shake Ethan awake. Rowan hated it when Ethan slept in like that. Or at least, slept in according to Rowan.

That was when Rowan transfigured up a Sitar from his pillow. "Okay. It's come to this." He said. He then proceeded to play. "GOOD MORNING, ETHAN!" He shouted playing the Sitar with full force. "WAKE UP!"

And Ethan did indeed wake up, sitting with incredible speed that would give Charlie diving for the Snitch a run for the money. "What are you doing?" Ethan asked annoyed that Rowan woke him up.

"Come on Ethan. Didn't you hear the good news?" Rowan asked putting down the Sitar.

"There's no encore?" Ethan asked sarcastically.

"No." Rowan answered. "It's time for... the announcement of the O.W.Ls!" He announced.

Ethan gave a cold stare to Rowan. "You seriously woke me up at 4 in the Morning to tell me that?" 

"Come on Ethan! We've got to hit those books and study." Rowan was starting to drag Ethan out of the bed.

"No. We've got to go back to sleep and then deal with my thoughts alone." Ethan corrected getting back under the covers.

"Well, okay then. Throw away your future. I'll be prepared." Rowan replied. He then shouted out the window. "You hear that world?! Rowan Khanna is prepared for the-" He never got to finish that sentence because he leaned so far inward that he actually almost fell out the window. 

Ethan got up and pulled him back in. "So, you're prepared for jumping out of windows, huh?" He asked.

Ben and Charlie also woke up. "Rowan fell out the window again?" Ben asked.

"Yeah." Ethan answered. "Go back to sleep." And everyone did indeed go back to sleep. 

Back to the Present.

After getting some breakfast and working past his face burn, Ethan headed over to the Floo Network and back to the Ministry of Magic. But there was a strange part of him that felt the whole thing odd. After being in Mexico and seeing at how different it was compared to Britain, Ethan couldn't look at it the same. And there was another part of Ethan that was glad he didn't see Umbitch. He wasn't in the mood to go head to head with the Toad Wart herself. 

He went over to Ryder's Office which was now positioned next to the Ministry. Seemed bigger than Mad Eye's to Ethan. And speaking of Mad Eye. He was there too. As was Twycross and Ben.

"You're late." Twycross noted.

"Sorry. I just got back from Mexico exhausted to save my Girlfriend. So sorry if I'm a little later than usual." Ethan replied.

"Hey, Ethan. Like the new place?" Ryder asked not at all bothered by Ethan's delay.

"When did you get this?" Ethan asked. Just how long was he in Mexico?

"Fudge figured since I was now in charge of the fight against Trotsky, I'd need a place of my own to settle. Better than seeing it in the hands of Umbitch." Ryder answered.

Ethan laughed. "So, what's going on?" He asked getting back to business. "A new assignment?"

"That is correct, but first I would like to say that I'm quite impressed with you, Mr. Bauer." Twycross answered. "I've heard about your time in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Based on what Mr. Diggory has told me, it is no easy feat to capture a Wampus Cat. Especially one that was on Red Dust by Derek Slayton." 

"It was a group effort." Ethan pointed out remembering how deadly Tim was when he was on Red Dust. And how he nearly got himself killed and had to use wandless magic.

"We've already extended our congratulations to your friends. And for that Mexico rescue." Ryder informed.

"Even though you destroyed a temple and made the natives angry." Mad Eye pointed out.

"You did what?" Ben asked.

"It was an accident." Ethan replied. Now he sounded like Rath.

"Don't worry, Ethan. Trotsky did this. He had every move planned out." Mad Eye said, putting Ethan at a little more ease.  

"It's been decided that Mr. Lee, Mr. Weasley, and Miss. Tuttle will continue in the department, but you and Mr. Copper are wanted elsewhere." Twycross told them.

"Seems I'm going all over the places these days." Ethan commented.

"Constant Vigilance, Ethan." Mad Eye reminded.

"Yeah, yeah. Constant Vigilance." Ethan thought. Though a new department would be interesting. 

"Before I reveal anything, I have a question for you, Mr. Bauer. Which department have you preferred visiting so far: Magical Law Enforcement or Magical Creatures?" Twycross asked.

"No contest. Magical Law Enforcement. I get to learn what it takes to be an Auror like my father." Ethan answered.

"He did handle the enchanted window curse quite spectacularly. Even if Bath did get destroyed afterwards." Ryder noted half joking. Which earned him a look from almost everybody.

"Really?" Mad Eye asked.

"Okay, not my best joke. But you know what I mean." Ryder admitted. 

Twycross on the over hand looked back at Ethan and Ben. "Well hopefully, you find your new department agreeable. You'll be visiting Magical Accidents and Catastrophes."

"Magical Accidents and Catastrophes?" Ethan asked. "Aren't we kind of dealing with a catastrophe right now?"

"We are." Ryder answered. "It's called Umbitch." And that earned a laugh from everybody. They should probably make a play later called: Everybody Hates Umbridge. 

Ben knew what that department was. "Charlie told me a bit about that department! That's where the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad is. And the Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee..."

"There's plenty of other divisions as well, Mr. Copper." Mad Eye interrupted.

"The primary purpose of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes is to reverse-" Twycross started. 

"Magical accidents and catastrophes. It's pretty self explanatory." Ben interrupted. "Kind of like is somebody accidentally blew up their Aunt into a giant balloon that would bounce around the night sky and the Ministry would have to get her down."

"Come on. Don't be rude, Ben." Ethan scolded.

"I'm just saying." Ben justified.

"So why go to the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes?" Ethan asked.

Mad Eye turned the floor to Ryder. "Because it's the one department that Trotsky hasn't touched as of yet. But knowing our luck. That could change and fast. And now that he has the Runestone back in his possession. I got a hunch this will fit in right with the category of... deal with this before it gets out of hand." Ryder answered.

"Well when you put it like that..." Ethan started. "It's off to the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes!" He declared as he and Ben took off.

The Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes was just like the other departments in the Ministry of Magic. It wasn't anything too spectacular. Not after what Ethan saw.

"Well, Ben! Welcome to the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes." Ethan announced.

"Well it certainly lives up to the name." Ben replied. To prove his point, he saw a Witch with the face of a Crup. It reminded Ethan a lot of that old Broadway play, Cats. Except if the Cats were replaced by Dogs. Oh well. Still better than if they made a live action movie with horrible C.G.I. (Author's Note: Never again. Never again.)

"What happened to her?" Ben asked.

"Oh she was testing, Polyjuice Potion with Crup hair." A Wizard overhearing their conversation answered. "How you feeling today, Margo?"

The Witch gave a thumbs up. 

"Yeah, she's going to feel that in the morning." The Wizard said when the Crup witch was out of ear shot. 

Ben groaned.

"What's up with you?" Ethan asked.

"Something tells me we won't be visiting the Obliviator Headquarters or Accidental Magic Reversal Squad." Ben answered.

"We'll probably end up stuck with a tedious task from the Muggle-Worth Excuses Committee..." Ethan agreed. "Well probably just you. I'll be enjoying any assignments against Trotsky." 

"Why do we even need a Muggle-Worth Excuses Committee anyway?" Ben asked. "Just say Potential U.F.O Alien sighting. Isn't that the usual stuff that Muggles buy?"

"Ben, I'm pretty sure it's not that simple." Ethan pointed out. "Not everyone believes in Aliens."

"You'd be surprised." Ben replied. "Muggles will believe anything you tell them. And I'm not just talking about blind politics you know."

"Well you're a stick in the mud." Ethan thought.

Ben sighed. "I don't know. Guess I'm just a little on edge after Penny got kidnapped and taken into Mexico."

"Can't say I blame you." Ethan replied. "Either way. Dumbledore said this trip would be around learning. But I've got a hunch he really wants us here to monitor the Ministry and Trotsky's movements. I know we've got Ryder working on the case, but still..."

"He can't be everywhere at once?" Ben asked.

"Yeah." Ethan answered. "At least it's better than having to deal with Toad Wart."   

 "You know if she's in charge of this department. I'm going to throw my head out the window." Ben informed. 

"Same." Ethan replied. "Speaking of which. Shouldn't the Department Head have met us by now?" He asked.

That was when they heard another voice from behind them. "Unfortunately, she had to rush out to deal with an emergency magical accident." It was Mad Eye. "I'll be covering for her while she's out."

"Mad-Eye?! Don't you have Auror duties or something?" Ethan asked.

"What kind of Magical Emergency? Was it Trotsky again?" Ben asked.

"First, to answer Ethan's question: Indeed, which is why I'll be giving you and Mr. Copper a low-level task as your first assignment. Second to Mr. Copper's question. No. There was an accident involving some Muggle taking an enchanted car out for a Grand Theft Auto Ride. Got a little more than he bargained for if you ask me."  Mad Eye answered.

"Is it one of those Muggle-Worthy Excuses Committee assignments?" Ben asked.

"I was going to send you to interview Garrick Ollivander." Mad Eye answered. "But if Mr. Copper-"

"That we can handle." Ethan quickly replied. "The interview."

"That's what I thought." Mad Eye said. "Listen and pay attention, I'm going to give you your assignment briefing." He then went on to give the assignment briefing. "You and Mr. Copper are visiting Mr. Ollivander at his shop to get a statement because a wand that backfired. And you'll be examining the wand."

"How is this related to the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes?" Ben asked.

"Because I said so." Mad Eye answered. "I can always give you a task in the Muggle-Worthy Excuses Committee if you would prefer, Mr. Copper."

"Ollivanders. Let's go." Ben quickly started to rush for the door.

"He's excited." Ethan sarcastically commented to Mad Eye.

"Ethan, you'll report back to me once you're done." Mad Eye replied. But he wasn't done yet. "And don't forget, Ethan, to tell me if you see anything additionally suspicious or out of the ordinary." He added.

"I haven't forgotten, Mad-Eye. You'll be the first to know if I see anything out of the ordinary." Ethan declared.

"Anything out of the ordinary?" Ethan thought to himself. "Should we be expecting something strange to happen? But then again, with my luck. It's certainly possible." There was always something strange happening in the wizarding world to Ethan.

But there was no time for crazy conspiracy theories. It was time to head for Ollivanders.

Diagon Alley. Ethan had been there many times before. The last significant thing he could remember was heading to Knockturn Alley, and seeing Merula interact with Trotsky. Ethan didn't like it that much.

"Ollivanders." Ben who was already there thought. "I remember when I got my wand here." He said to Ethan. It was back when Ben was in his phase of be scared of everything. He wasn't sure how to respond to a wand of all things. But here he was.

"Yeah. And I had to get another wand because Rakepick broke my first wand." Ethan replied. In hindsight. Ethan wished he stood up to Rakepick right then and there. Maybe Rowan would still be alive.

"So... what do you think is going on with Rakepick right now?" Ben asked.

"She's sitting in a cell in Azkaban." Ethan answered. "You don't read a lot of news, do you?"

"Not since I saw that article in the Daily Prophet about you, Ethan." Ben replied. "Not that I care about that evil Witch. After what she did to Rowan. Let her rot. Though I suppose I should be thanking her." He admitted.

Ethan looked puzzled at that comment. "For what?"

"If it wasn't for her betraying us. I never would've grown out of my shell of fear." Ben answered.

"And if it wasn't for her, I never would've lost my brothers." Ethan replied.

"I thought Jacob was your only brother." Ben noted.

"I meant Rowan." Ethan corrected sadly. "He was my brother. And Rakepick took him from me. And imprisoned Jacob in a portrait for years." And he remembered what Rakepick said to Ethan in their 5th year: "But if I did have a choice... I would have left him there to rot anyway." And Ethan felt his fists clench his wand.

"E. That fight is over." Ben informed.

Ethan felt his grip let go. "I know."

"But there was one thing I still don't understand. When Rakepick betrayed us. She said she had been to the Vault before. With Jacob and some guy named Peter Pettigrew." Ben said.

Ethan shook his head. "Impossible. Pettigrew's been dead for years. He was killed by Sirius Black after Black sold out the Potters." He replied.

"So Rakepick was lying then?" Ben asked.

Ethan nodded.

"Hm, didn't seem like a lie to me." Ben commented.

"Yeah. Rakepick's a good liar." Ethan pointed out. "She lied to us for 2 years."

"Good point." Ben replied. They then decided to get back to the task at hand.

"You'd think after all this time that Ollivander would've taken this time to redecorate or something." Ben whispered to Ethan. The place looked the same as it always had been.

That was when Ollivander appeared from the back of the room.

"Ah, Mr. Bauer. And Mr. Copper." Ollivander greeted like an old friend.

"Hello, Mr. Ollivander." Ethan greeted back.

"I've heard of your exploits into Mexico. Quite different then here in Diagon Alley. Wouldn't you say?" Ollivander asked.

"Yeah. Definitely different from Britain." Ethan answered. "Unfortunately. I got a bad souvenir from Mexico." He referred to the scar on his face. 

"Quite unfortunate. It didn't look like it came from a Wand burning of Incendio." Ollivander noted.

"No. Slayton shoved my face on burning coals." Ethan replied.

"Anyway..." Ben interrupted getting back to the topic. "We're here to discuss the wand incident that you reported."

"Wand incident...?" Ollivander asked looking confused.

"Yeah. The one you reported to the Ministry of Magic a few hours ago, Mr. Ollivander." Ben answered trying to jog a memory.

"Ben and I are doing some tasks for the Magical Accidents Department." Ethan explained. 

"How wonderful, Mr. Bauer. That's good to hear..." Ollivander replied.

"So, about the wand misfiring..." Ben continued.

"Oh, yes! The wand... the wand misfiring..." Ollivander was trying to remember. "I'm sorry, but... I just can't seem to remember anything about a wand misfiring!"

"Interesting..." Ethan thought to himself. He turned back to Ben. "Do you think Mr. Ollivander's memory problem is due to the wand misfiring?" He asked.

"It could be." Ben answered. "It just like when we traced the last spell Reg Cattermole's wand cast to determine the curse on the windows at the Ministry..."

"Maybe we could do the same thing here." Ethan suggested. He turned back to Ollivander "Mr. Ollivander, could we see the wand that misfired?"

"The wand?" Ollivander asked.

"The one that misfired, Mr. Ollivander." Ben clarified. "I know you're having trouble remembering, but if you could concentrate for just a moment."

"Unfortunately, I was just about to step out of the shop for a moment." Ollivander informed.

"For what purpose?" Ethan asked.

"Zenith Xeep is holding a meet-and-greet at the Leaky Cauldron!" Ollivander answered like it was greeting Michael Jackson to Muggles.

"Zenith... Xeep? Who is that?" Ben asked.

"Only the most renowned opera diva in the wizarding world! I've been following her career since I was a lad." Ollivander answered. "Her parents, Lydian and Octavia, were also opera stars, but now she is branching out into new ventures!"

Ethan groaned. "I hate Operas."

"She's launching a beauty and lifestyle business called Xeep!" Ollivander added.

"Surely it won't take long to find the wand--" Ben started to say.

"I'm afraid I couldn't possibly be late. I've been waiting for months to meet Madam Xeep!" Ollivander started making for the door. But Ben blocked the way.

"We must see that wand, Mr. Ollivander. We can't leave without examining it." Ben insisted.

But Ollivander was more stubborn than a Niffler that refused to give up a Diamond Ring. "I'm sorry, Mr. Copper, but you and Mr. Bauer will just have to wait. I promise I'll show you the malfunctioning wand... after the meet-and-greet!"

Ethan really didn't see an alternative so he caved in. "All right, well... what if we went with you, Mr. Ollivander?" He asked. "If you remember more about the incident, then Ben and I can note it down."

"Oh, you'll simply love meeting Madam Xeep! Come along, we haven't a moment to spare if we want to be on time for the Zenith Xeep meet-and-greet!" Ollivander greeted.

"Great, now we got to deal with Opera Stars." Ben commented but not liking it.

"Well, would you rather be working in the Muggle Excuses department?" Ethan asked.

"Have I ever mentioned I love the opera?" Ben asked.

The Leaky Cauldron. It stood as one of the doorways between Diagon Alley and London. From the Muggle Perspective. It looked like a Rundown building that hadn't been used in years. But it was actually a front by the Wizarding World. Ethan had gone to the Leaky Cauldron with his family to get to Diagon Alley before. But he was surprised to see so many faces around. Guess the Opera Diva was a lot more influential than he thought.

"Back in The Leaky Cauldron." Ben commented. 

"Not a fan?" Ethan asked.

"I might have to come more often, then..." But before Ben could finish his sentence. He was interrupted by another voice. That was coming straight at Ethan. Followed by another voice. 

"Why, if it isn't Ethan Bauer, the Hero of Hogwarts! This is sure to add excitement to my article." And Ethan turned to see two ladies coming for him. And one of them looked very familiar to Ethan.

"Oh, crud." Ethan thought.

"Ethan Bauer? Oh my..." The other Woman gasped.

"Rita Skeeter..." Ethan groaned. She was a reporter that gave Ethan a lot of trouble back in the old days of Hogwarts.  "I should have known you would be here."

"It's only natural that I'm here. I've been covering Madam Xeep's illustrious career for quite a while now." Skeeter replied. "The question is, what are you doing here? And what happened to your face, Ethan Bauer?" She asked.

"We're here as part of a school project with the Ministry of Magic. We shouldn't be staying long. And that's all we'll say on the matter." Ethan answered.

"I see..." Skeeter replied not convinced. 

Ethan could tell. He leaned into Skeeter's ear. "I'm not in the mood for more media attention Skeeter. Ask about my scars again, and I tell everyone how you get your articles out." He warned knowing that Skeeter was an unregistered Animagus.

Skeeter nodded her head. 

"A-hem. Rita, sweetling, I do believe you've forgotten to introduce me..." The Other woman interrupted.

"How rude of me! This is Ethan Bauer." Skeeter introduced.

"Hello, you must be--" Ethan introduced.

"Madam Xeep! Your performance in The Magic Flute as the Queen of the Night was just... inspiring!" Ollivander interrupted.

Madam Xeep giggled. "I know, sweetling... though the coloratura soprano was hardly a challenge for someone such as myself. As much as I love to talk about my opera career... today is about my newest business venture."

Ethan wasn't interested in titles though. "Mr. Ollivander mentioned a beauty and lifestyle business... Creatively titled 'Xeep'." He began. "Weird name for a product." He thought to himself.

"Are you holding this meet-and-greet for a new product, Madam Xeep?" Ben asked.

"Indeed I am, sweetling! I may be known for my voice, but my beauty is unparalleled." Xeep answered, motioning to her beauty. "I don't often do this, but... why don't I personally tell you about Xeep's Luscious Locks Solution?" She asked. "I'd like to see what the younger generation thinks of my product. It should appeal to all ages, after all. Especially given that scar on your face."

"Not sure we have time for that. Ben and I have an assignment from the Ministry of Magic." Ethan replied quickly moving his face away.

Xeep looked a little hurt. "Mr. Bauer, you insult Madam Xeep! If you continue to do so, then I won't be helping you with your assignment." Ollivander snapped.

Ethan felt like a gasket was going to go off. He did not want to waste time listening to a witch about Hair Products. "OKAY!" He yelled.

And that made everyone back off.  "Listen to me! I have been through one month of Hell alone! I was tired and I was dirty! My Girlfriend was kidnapped and taken to Mexico! I have been through the desert. I have been through the Jungle. I went through Pueblos Magicos. I spent time fighting off Chupacabras and Huay Chivos! I got my face burned from Hot Coal, and I HAD TO SLICE A GUY'S EAR OFF! AND ON TOP OF THAT I HAD TO GIVE A RUNESTONE BACK TO TROTSKY, WHO WANTS TO LAUNCH A GENOCIDE ON THE WORLD! So excuse me... if I have no time for any of this right now." Ethan screeched.

"Ethan calm down." Ben quickly tried to consul. "How about this. You just give us the quick recap and we'll get out of your hair." He suggested to Madame Xeep. 

Xeep seemed to agree with that decision.

"All right, Madam Xeep. Ben and I would... love to hear more about your Luscious Locks Solution." Ethan felt like throwing up in his mouth when he said that. "So you're selling a hair solution... that also works for skincare?" He asked.

"That's right, Ethan Bauer. It's a miracle product!" Xeep answered. "It's a product designed to be a full hair care regimen! An all-in-one solution to all of your hair woes!"

"Right... and who exactly proved any of that?" Ben asked.

"Various medical professionals, sweetling! You wouldn't know their names." Xeep answered.

"And they say it really does all those things?" Ethan asked.

"Of course it does! I've been using Xeep's Luscious Locks Solution all week. I used some before we left!" Ollivander interrupted again let his hair flow all around the place. "Take a look, Mr. Bauer. Don't you think my hair looks better?" He asked.

"It looks great!" Skeeter exclaimed.

"Yeah, very, um... shiny!" Ethan replied.

"Thank you! I enjoy wearing my hair long, so I must take good care of it." Ollivander pointed out.

"Rita, sweetling? Make sure everyone who reads this article knows that it's endorsed by the Hero of Hogwarts." Xeep requested.

"Please don't." Ethan muttered.

"Of course, Madam Xeep! My Quick-Quotes Quill has already noted it down." Skeeter informed.

"Unbelievable." Ethan groaned. He didn't have time for this. "You're deleting that article." He mouthed to Skeeter.

"Mr. Ollivander, now that you've met Madam Xeep... Can we go back to your shop and examine the wand that misfired?" Ethan asked.

"We're lucky to be spending time at the Ministry of Magic and we don't want to return without a full report." Ben added.

"Way to make us sound desperate, Ben." Ethan thought.

"Well, I suppose so... but I still don't know what wand you're talking about." Ollivander answered.

And they started to make for the door.

"Oh, Ethan, before you go..." Xeep stopped.

"Yes, Madam Xeep? Did you need anything?" Ethan asked.

"Not right now, sweetling. I just wanted to gift you a sample of Xeep's Luscious Locks Solution." Xeep handed Ethan a bottle of Xeep's Luscious Locks Solution. "You should give it a try. I'm sure you'll be... surprised by the results. Maybe even enlightened!"

"Maybe even enlightened?" Ethan asked. Deep down, he didn't like the sound of that. It sounded ominous. 

"Think nothing of it, sweetling." Xeep replied.

"Come on Ethan. I think it's time we got back to Ollivander's shop." Ben insisted.

"Yeah. Right." Ethan got a hold of his senses again.

And that's how everyone found themselves back at Ollivanders. "Thank you for agreeing to let us examine the wand that misfired, Mr. Ollivander." Ethan said.

"The... misfiring wand?" Ollivander asked.

"We've been over this already. You reported it to the Magical Accidents and Catastrophes Department." Ethan pointed out. Was he starting to blank out again?

"Maybe he's just old." Ben whispered.

"Of course, now I remember." Ollivander remembered.

"Are you feeling all right, Mr. Ollivander? You've been acting strange since Ben and I arrived earlier." Ethan asked. 

"I'm just a little tired is all." Ollivander answered. "Now, where did I put that wand... It must be around here somewhere."

"And the wand is now missing." Ethan said to himself. "What else can go wrong?"

"Found it." Ben said looking at the wand that was on the desk. "Is this the wand that misfired, Mr. Ollivander? It was hidden over here." He asked.

"Let me take a look..." Ollivander examined the wand. How peculiar..." 

"What?" Ethan asked.

"This wand is fake!" Ollivander informed.

"A fake?!" Ben asked in disbelief. "How do you know?"

"I would recognize any wand that has been crafted by this shop. Wandmakers have very specific styles." Ollivander answered. "This wand was made by another hand. A convincing fake to the untrained eye."

"But you did have a wand similar to it?" Ethan asked.

"That's correct. It appears to be gone now, though. I should've noticed this was a fake earlier." Ollivander answered. "But I've had such a hard time focusing lately that I didn't even think to examine it."

"That must be why it misfired... because it's a fake." Ben realized.

Ethan wasn't sure about one thing though. "Mr. Ollivander, you've been unfocused and forgetful all day. Do you know when that started happening?" He asked. "Was it when the wand backfired?"

"No... I believe it started last week." Ollivander answered.

"Interesting... do you remember if anyone else was in the shop with you when the wand misfired?" Ben asked. 

"I... can't seem to recall anyone, no." Ollivander answered. "We could check my ledger, though. I keep all my appointments written in there." He suggested. He checked through the records. "The only other person who came in today besides you two was... Madam Villanelle."

"So Madam Villanelle could be the thief." Ben accused. "She's SUS!"

"Madam Villanelle is no thief, Ben. She wouldn't do something like this." Ethan told him.

"Maybe she would, maybe she wouldn't." Ben replied. "It could be that Metamorphmagus again. I've learned that people often aren't what they seem."

"There's no harm in asking her about what she remembers from this morning." Ethan admitted. "Maybe it'll turn up a new clue... or prove Madam Villanelle's innocence."

"Or her guilt." Ben clarrified.

"This is very troubling and mysterious, indeed..." Ollivander commented.

And Ethan thought the same thing. "Let's head to Flourish and Blotts then, to question Madam Villanelle." He said to Ben.

And that was when Ethan and Ben visited Flourish and Blotts. That was when they saw a customer walking out.

"Excuse me. Is Madam Villanelle here?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah. Popped in to visit Villanelle an' ask 'er a question, but she's been actin' strange." The Wizard answered.

"Seems Mr. Ollivander's not the only one who's acting strange." Ben said as he and Ethan walked into the store.

"Hello, Mr. Bauer and Mr. Copper. Did you wish to speak about something?" Villanelle asked.

"Ben and I were hoping to ask you about what happened at Mr. Ollivander's shop earlier." Ethan insisted.

But Villanelle looked confused. "I'm afraid you must be confused... I haven't been to Mr. Ollivander's shop in weeks!" She informed.

"Your name was written down in his ledger, Madam Villanelle." Ben pointed out. "A wand misfired at Mr. Ollivander's shop and he reported the accident to the Ministry of Magic." 

"Oh, yes! The wand that misfired, how could I forget?" Villanelle asked.

"Anything you can tell us about the incident would be useful, Madam Villanelle." Ethan insisted.

"Of course, I'll try to recall the wand incident..." Villanelle began. "I was testing out a new wand when it misfired. That's what I seem to recall, though my memory of the incident is a bit hazy." The truth is, I've been quite forgetful this past week. Must be the long hours I've been working lately. Thankfully, I've been able to unwind with a bath and a hair treatment every night."

"Hair treatment?" Ben asked. "What kind of hair treatment have you been doing, Madam Villanelle?"

"I've been using Xeep's Luscious Locks Solution for the last week. The lavender smell is very soothing." Villanelle answered.

"This one?" Ethan asked while holding up the bottle. Villanelle nodded. "I see... well, thank you for talking to us."

"Of course. If you'll excuse me, there's some organizing that I have to do." Villanelle replied.

Back outside the store. This day was just getting weirder and weirder for Ethan and Ben. "Madam Villanelle has been using Xeep's Luscious Locks Solution and experiencing memory problems." Ethan recapped.

"And so has Mr. Ollivander..." Ben added.

"Is it possible that Xeep's Luscious Locks Solution is causing memory loss?" Ethan asked. "That or one big coincidence. But knowing us. It's not. After all, someone stole a wand from Mr. Ollivander."

"And I think you and Mr. Ollivander were right... it wasn't Madam Villanelle." Ben agreed.

"It seems to me that whoever stole the wand is likely the same person who's making the shopkeepers forget." Ethan added.

"But the question is who would do this?" Ben asked. And then he and Ethan looked at each other. "R."

Ethan looked at the bottle again. "It could be Zenith Xeep that's causing this problem. It is her brand, after all."

"But it doesn't add up. Why would Madam Xeep want to make shopkeepers forget? She's just an opera diva." Ben asked.

"Not everyone is what they seem." Ethan answered.

"One thing is for certain though..." Ben said. "This simple information gathering assignment has just escalated into a magical catastrophe." 

"And it's up to us to figure out why someone wants the shopkeepers of Diagon Alley to forget!" Ethan replied.

In other words. Another day in the life of Ethan Bauer and his crazy adventures.

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