Chapter 5: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.

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Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated to my Grandfather Bob Begley who served in the U.S. Military. And also to my Uncle John Massad who served in the Air Force during the First Persian Gulf War. 

The Ministry of Magic. The heart and soul of the Wizarding World in Great Britain. Behind Hogwarts, and Diagon Alley of course. When Ethan Bauer stepped out of the Fire Place he could see long dark corridors and Wizards walking in and out of the Ministry. It looked like one of those large city crowds. The kind you would see in New York City. 

This place was huge to Ethan. He just couldn't believe it how big it was. Definitely a lot bigger, and darker than Ethan originally thought to be honest. Time to find the Magical Law Enforcement Office. Sightseeing later.

That was when a big tall guy Ethan didn't recognize walked in front of him. His name was Eric Munch to be exact.

"Halt." Munch ordered.

"Ugh." Ethan groaned. He remembered now. People like Eric Munch were those random security guards like the ones you would find at a Border Crossing to make sure they weren't carrying weapons.

"Wand." Munch handed out his hand.

Ethan gave Munch his wand. "Just don't snap it."

Munch took the wand like it was on Inspection like what Ollivander would do. "Let's see. An Eleven and 1/4 Inch ebony wand with dragon heartstring core. Been in use 2 years." He inspected.

"Yeah, my last wand got broken by Rakepick." Ethan replied. He didn't like to be reminded of that.

"Credentials?" Munch asked.

"Credentials?" Ethan asked. Dumbledore told him that they would get them at the Ministry. 

"Oh, wait. I know who you are. You're part of the Hogwarts Group. Ethan Bauer, if I recall." Munch gave Ethan back his wand.

"You know who I am?" Ethan asked.

"How could I not? Your father was one of our most dedicated Aurors." Munch explained. "...I'm sorry for your loss." 

"Thank you." Ethan replied. "Now about my credentials..." 

"The other Hogwarts Students already received their credentials and have been assigned to their roles. And received their proper badges because they were on time." Munch continued. 

Ethan started to speak up but Munch held out his hand.

"However. I was informed by both Auror Moody and Professor Dumbledore that you might be late." Munch handed him a badge and credentials.

Ethan looked confused. Did Dumbledore know that Moody wanted to talk to Ethan at Hogsmeade?

"Proceed to the All Purpose Room." Munch pointed to the door way. "You'll find what you need there."

"Thank you." Ethan replied.

Ethan proceeded down the hallway and he bumped into Bill and Arthur Weasley. 

"Mr. Weasley?" Ethan asked.

"Ethan. My boy, it's good to see you. We heard that you were alongside our son in working for the Ministry." Arthur greeted.

"Yeah, I got held back by Eric Munch." Ethan explained.

One look and both Arthur and Bill understood. "Don't fret about it. Eric Munch has always been a man of few words. I can't imagine he'll be anything but a Watch Wizard." Bill replied.

"But enough about him. Welcome to the Ministry of Magic." Arthur declared.

"Thanks. So do you know where the Department of Magical Law Enforcement is?" Ethan asked.

"Right this way." Arthur led the way. He was going there anyway. "So, how do you feel about your first day?" He asked as they walked.

"Excited. This is where I'll learn about what an Auror really does. I've wanted to be one since I was little." Ethan answered.

"That's the spirit." Arthur replied. "I know the Ministry of Magic can be overwhelming at first, but I'm confident you'll do well."

"Well Charlie said something like that before we arrived here." Ethan thought out loud.

"Weasleys are usually right about these things." Bill pointed out. 

"You'll find Amos Diggory in that room. Good luck." Arthur informed.

"Thanks again." Ethan thanked.

Ethan had met Amos Diggory before. He was Cedric's father, and helped in getting that Porlock for Hagrid's birthday.

But he saw Amos Diggory just looking at a Window and looking at the sun on the mountains. Which had to be an illusion because they were probably Underground.

"Amos Diggory?" Ethan asked.

Amos turned around. "Who are you?" He asked. He had an odd aura around him. Not natural at all.

"My name is Ethan Bauer. We met some time ago." Ethan answered.

"Oh, yes. You." Amos replied. "My son told me about you."

"And the Weasleys told me to find you." Ethan continued.

"Weasley? What's a Weasley?" Amos asked. "On second thought don't answer that. Listen I've got things to do." He went back to just starring at the window.

Ethan thought this was off. Something didn't add up. This was not the same Amos Diggory that he remembered. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Fine." Amos answered.

"O...kay." Ethan replied.

Giving the same cold shoulder expression, Amos continued to look at Ethan. "Now tell me what it is you're doing here?" He asked.

It's about my assignment. I was told that you were looking at the Students today and handing out assignments." Ethan answered. 

"Oh, yes right. Persistent one, aren't you?" Amos asked.

This was getting weirder and weirder for Ethan. That was when Amos went straight up to Ethan's ear. "It's good to see you, Ethan. We have a problem." He whispered.

"What is it? Is it Trotsky?" Ethan whispered.

"No. And yes." Amos answered. "The Ministry is on full red alert. Iosef Trotsky is on the move. "Everyone is hesitant to speak of it. And we don't know who to trust." 

"I understand." Ethan replied. They could be being watched right now.

"And there's more. I've been removed from heading the Student Program." Amos added.

"What?" Ethan asked. "By who?" 

"A Woman who has wrapped herself deep in the Ministry. Fudge said it was because he wants to keep you under his full Ministry Control, in case Trotsky's influence spread to me. Go to Office 34B. Your friend Ben Copper is waiting for you." Amos informed.

"Don't trust anyone you don't know. Especially... her." Amos warned.

"Her?" Ethan asked. And that's when it clicked for Ethan. He was really hoping to avoid that woman while he was here. The Toad Wart herself. 

Office 34B. You'd never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. One step in and Ethan would've rather gotten his hand cut off, find out that Darth Vader was his father, and then fall down a giant air conditioner. Then go to Office 34B. The whole room was full of portraits of kittens, and things that were cute. Pink, kittens and bows. 

At least Ben was already there. 

"Ben." Ethan greeted.

"You got put here too?" Ben asked happy to see Ethan.

"Yeah. Amos Diggory told me to go to Office 34B." Ethan answered.

"Yeah, more like Office 34 By God what the hell is this?" Ben pointed out in disbelief. "Look at all these kittens."

"You could say someone's a little obsessive." Ethan muttered.

"That's an understatement." Ben replied. And it truly was. "I mean look at this stuff. Cat Portraits, Cat Tea Cups. I'm pretty sure that carpet is made of Cat fur too. What is she? Cat Nuts?" These were very serious questions. Even Ethan wasn't that obsessive over his Pet Rocks at home.

"Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if this woman was part Cat herself. Like that Batman Villainess Catwoman." Ben added.

"Honestly. We're better off with Selina Kyle than we are with this woman." Ethan informed.

"That's not possible." Ben replied.

Ethan was about to say something when the door burst opened. Followed by someone cleaning her throat. "Hem Hem."

A Shadow emerged through the door. An infinite being a Malice and Hatred. A woman who's smile could kill puppies. Puppies that were cute too. A wolf in sheep's clothing if ever there was one. And the same woman who thought she was so high and mighty in the world that she could get away with doing anything she wanted. That same woman who made Voldemort and dare Ethan say it, even Madam Rakepick look like saints in comparison. That woman was Delores Jane Umbridge. And Ethan thought he could hear the Darth Vader theme playing in his head. 

She looked the same as Ethan remembered her. Umbridge still had that short brown hair. Those Pink Clothes with a Cat Pin. And an expression that made her look like a stiff pencil neck.

"Do you know this woman?" Ben whispered. 

Ethan groaned. "Yeah. Ben, meet Delores Umbridge. A.K.A. Toad Wart." 

"Delores Umbridge?" Ben asked. And from the tone of Ethan's voice. It didn't sound good either. 

"Madame Delores Umbridge to you." Umbridge corrected like Ben and Ethan were five year olds. "Now so sorry, but I just can't seem to understand why you of all people are here, Ethan Bauer. Hem Hem." 

Ethan gave a confused look. "What are you talking about? I'm here on assignment from the Ministry." He wasn't even being subtle on his true feelings.

"Yes, but why?" Umbridge asked still giving the fakest of smiles. "After all, who would want to take a monstrous son of a fool who got himself killed? Or rather I should say, the brother of the most nastiest order disruptor that Hogwarts has seen." 

Ethan felt his fists tighten. He remembered exactly why he hated this woman. "That fool who got himself killed happens to be my father. And that brother you mention happens to be my older brother." He informed.

Umbridge just continued to talk like Ethan never spoke at all. "And don't get me started on that wreck of a woman named Caroline Bass." She made a gagging sound at her name, which did not sit well with Ethan. His mother was getting insulted right in front of his face.

"So according to you, I can't have a future with the Ministry because of my family?" Ethan asked in disbelief. He remembered what he said to Tonks before.

"Ha! Don't make me laugh. You and your family are filthy beasts with no future in you except just early graves. And that's all you'll ever be." Umbridge had the most toadiest smile when she said that. 

 Ethan looked like he was about to punch Umbridge in the jaw, and Ben would not blame Ethan. When he got interrupted by a man who entered the room. 

The Man looked young with short black hair, a light skin tone and enough will power to stand up to Umbridge herself. "Umbridge. You're needed by the Minister. I'll take over here." The Man informed.

Umbridge shook her head and simply looked at the Man like it was a mistake: "Oh, Mr. Ryder. You can't be serious with Mr. Bauer. He has no future in sight." 

The Man known as Ryder just stared Umbridge down. "Out." 

Umbridge left not wanting to deal with the Auror known as James Ryder. 

"...I can see why you call her Toad Wart." Ben commented.

"That's Umbridge for you. She makes You Know Who look like a Saint in comparison." Ryder joked. Ben like this guy already.

"Sup Ethan. Been a long time." Ryder greeted like an old friend.

And for one of the first times on this trip Ethan smiled. "James Ryder!" Ethan shook his hand. Ryder smiled too. "How've you been, E? Doing better I imagine." He asked. 

"I've had my ups and downs." Ethan admitted. He then noticed Ben looking confused. "Oh Ben. This is James Ryder. He's a MACUSA wizard from America." He introduced. 

"I came to Hogwarts as an exchange student in my 6th year. Knew Ethan's parents well. Even served in the Order of the Phoenix." Ryder explained.

Ben greeted Ryder with enthusiasm. "So what brings you back here?" Ben asked.

"We've been monitoring the situation with Trotsky. There's been a lot of storm clouds gathering. All Heck could break lose at any second." Ryder answered. 

"You don't know that half of it." Ethan sighed. Ethan filled in Ryder as they headed for Mad Eye's office. 

"Well it seems Trotsky's determined to see his work complete. Especially to finish what You Know Who started." Ryder replied.  

"Did you hear about, Amos Diggory?" Ethan asked.

"Removed from detail with the Students." Ryder answered. "I heard about that mess. It looks like Fudge wants to take a more firm control on the situation. That's why he assigned Toad Wart to head the Students."

"Great, now the Ministry's getting involved." Ethan muttered with sarcasm.

"Well it's better than doing nothing." Ryder admitted. "May I ask, why you're so interested in stopping Trotsky, E?" He asked.

Ethan sighed looking around. "I just feel I have no choice. I want to keep everyone I love safe. I can't just stand to the side if Trotsky does unleash his new world order." 

Ryder nodded his head. "Yep, you're Daniel's son alright. Though, come to think of it. Are you sure you're not related to the Morgan Brothers?" He asked.

"The Morgan Brothers?" Ben asked.

 Ryder looked at Ben in disbelief that he didn't hear about these two legends. But Ethan whispered in his ear that Ben was a Muggleborn. "Oh, right. You're Muggleborn. The Morgan Brothers. Jeff and Sam Morgan. Every Wizard in MACUSA knows about them. Two Brothers who put themselves on the line to serve in the U.S. Army during World War 2, simply for the reason of keeping the community safe if the Axis Powers won the War. They couldn't let that happen." Ryder explained.  

Ethan heard tales of the Morgan Brothers from his father too. The Two Wizards who turned away from Wizarding World to go fight in the War. They both served in North Africa as part of Operation Torch. The invasion of Sicily to topple Benito Mussolini. And even storming Utah Beach at Normandy. And during the Campaign in France. Jeff and Sam Morgan even received assistance from a woman named Elise Delacour. The Brothers became legends in the Wizarding World. "I Know I'm not related. But I wish I was." Ethan admitted. 

They kept walking over to Mad Eye. "Come on. Maybe Mad Eye can help us with the R situation." Ethan thought.

As it turned out. Mad Eye was already making moves about the R situation. Ethan and Ben followed Ryder to the Auror Office where Tonks was already.

"Wotcher Ethan! I didn't know they assigned you here too!" Tonks greeted immediately. Proper Auror Office innit?" She asked.

"Gosh I'm meeting a lot of friendly faces." Ethan replied.

"And an office without Cats." Ben added. He was still a little creeped out by that.

"Something happen to you?" Tonks asked.

"They had a run in with Toad Wart. But that's not important right now." Ryder answered for Ethan.

"You know, now that I think about it. Neither of you were at Twycross' lecture on rules." Tonks noticed.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Ryder here took us away from that." Ben replied.

"I figured they'd rather move forward than listen to a man who's as dull as dishwater." Ryder explained. "Man like that doesn't even know the definition of fun."

"Better than Toad Wart." Ethan commented.

"Umbridge." Ben clarified.

"Never heard of her." Tonks said.

"Lucky you." Ethan replied. "She insisted I call her Madam Umbridge and told some crap about me and my family. Said I had no future given what happened with my brother and Mum and Dad." 

Tonks swallowed hard. Now she was glad she didn't meet Umbridge. Especially given Tonks' past.

"Do you want me to add that she looks like Tulip's toad, Dennis?" Ben asked.

"Please stop talking about her." Tonks insisted.

"It's only fair that you suffer with us." Ethan replied. Sometimes he could be cruel.

"Wise guy. You haven't changed a bit, Ethan." Ryder mumbled.

"Cruel as you may be, Ethan Bauer. There's no one I'd rather be with on this assignment." Tonks informed.

"Well I know how much this means to you, same with me." Ethan told Tonks.

"Do you think we'll get to start Auror Training?" Tonks asked. "I really want to hunt Dark Witches and Wizards." She was looking at James Ryder with hopeful eyes. Ethan on the other hand didn't think it would really go down that way. And besides, they were already doing that with R.

Ryder laughed, taking note of Tonks' enthusiasm. "Slow down, Miss Tonks. First things first. We've got to meet Mad Eye."

"Aw. That's not fun." Tonks complained.

"But if you want to show your skills, let's see what you've got." Ryder insisted clearing some tables out of the way. 

"With a duel?" Ethan asked.

Ryder nodded. "One duel. Bauer vs. Tonks. Non lethal spells. Last one standing wins." He set the terms.

Tonks was ecstatic to start. She faced Ethan.

"You ready?" Ethan asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Tonks answered. They both bowed to each other than readied their wands. And Ethan had to remind himself that he wasn't dueling to the death, so he could afford to show limitations to his fight. Nothing too fancy. Just simple spells. 

Tonks began first by launching Flipendo. Ethan deflected it. Ethan countered with Depulso with Tonks dodged.

"You're ready to bounce off the walls." Ethan noted.

"You know me too well, Ethan." Tonks replied trying to disarm Ethan with Expelliamus. Ethan countered that as well. Jacob's training has taught Ethan well.

Ryder was looking at the whole duel at how Ethan was moving. "I'll be damned." He thought out loud.

"What?" Ben asked.

"Look at the way Ethan moves." Ryder told Ben. Ethan kept on his toes and when Tonks shot a Flipendo spell at Ethan, which Ethan jumped up and back on his feet like a break-dancer. That took Tonks by surprise. Ethan than spun around and used the Levitation Charm to grab a chair that hit Tonks on her feet, knocking her down. "I haven't seen those moves since Jacob. Daniel told me how Jacob was an expert in the dueling club at Hogwarts. Pulling all these great moves." Ryder commented.

But for the most part, the duel was over. Ethan was the last one standing. 

"Bauer wins!" Ethan declared holding out his hand to help Tonks up.

Tonks took it. "Nice competition." She commented, not acting like a sore loser. "Didn't see that Levitation charm being used."

"You always got to be looking for another angle to win in any battle. If you don't do that, you won't get far as an Auror." Ryder informed. 

"Says the man who keeps doing the same old Charms and Spells when fighting Dark Wizards." Mad Eye interrupted having observed the duel.

Ryder rolled his eyes at that comment.

"Nice to see you made it, Ethan. And you too Ben and Tonks." Mad Eye greeted.

"You see that duel, Mad Eye? I've got to say, we've got a keeper in Ethan, and Tonks shows a lot of potential." Ryder pointed out.

"They've got energy alright, that's good. They're going to need that. And of course as I told Ethan here to stay vigilant." Mad Eye replied.

"Wait, you know my name?" Tonks asked in disbelief like she was talking to her favorite sports star.

"Heard about you." Mad Eye answered leaving it at that. "But nevermind that. We need to talk. About Iosef Trotsky." He informed.

"So, it's just us at this meeting?" Ethan asked.

"Nope. I spent my time gathering who we need." Mad Eye answered. The door opened again. And he saw a group of Aurors flow in. The first ones were Arthur Weasley and Bill Weasley. Charlie was also there.  And there were also some others coming in. They were Dedalus Diggle, Elphias Doge, Mundungus Fletcher, (who Ethan wasn't exactly too thrilled to see), Hagrid (which really surprised the kids), Hestia Jones, Remus Lupin, Sturgis Podmore, Kingsley Shacklebolt,  and Emmeline Vance. All members of the Order of the Phoenix. The ones who were still alive at any rate.  

"You really brought the cavalry today, Mad Eye." Ryder pointed out.

"I had to especially with what's coming." Mad Eye replied. He then noticed Fang barking next to Hagrid.

"What's Fang doing here?" Ben asked.

"Mad Eye said he wanted everybody." Hagrid answered.

Mad Eye groaned. He didn't mean that.

Ryder got the door closed so they could have a words. "Okay everyone. Here's the situation. Currently, we are at war with former Death Eater and You Know Who's top enforcer: Iosef Trotsky." Mad Eye started.

"And his Cult." Ben added.

"Currently. There have been simultaneous attacks against several of our positions in the cities of London, Liverpool, Dover, York, Nottingham, and Edinburgh. And that includes that attack on the Hogwarts Express." Mad Eye continued. "And Trotsky also sent a warning that every time Ethan's Circle of Khanna wins of victory, Trotsky launches a deadly attack against Muggles." 

A hush follows over the room.

"You might not be aware of this, Ethan. But this was a statement from Fudge right after the Trotsky threat was announced." Mad Eye nodded at Ryder. Ryder raised his wand and it showed a vision of the statement that Fudge had made.

"Witches and Wizards of the Ministry." Fudge had looked the same as ever. In his pinstripe suit and his green bowler hat. "Although the Wizarding War has long past. We are not living in a time of peace." He began. "As of this moment. A radical Mad Man and former Death Eater criminal, Iosef Trotsky has made a statement that he will transform the world into his new world order. But this is no new order that he's establishing. Trotsky wishes to transform this world into a new dark age. Ruled by fear and tyranny. He will come after our children, our home. Let me make it simple, he is a monster that has evaded 9 years of capture from our brave Aurors. Just recently we sent 15 Aurors to take down Trotsky. 15 Pine boxes... came back. This is as real as this is going to get, people. Rest assured. I will not rest until this threat has ended. You Know Who is gone. And Trotsky will be next. He's too dangerous to be left alive. Which is why, I am authorizing the use of lethal force against Trotsky. This is an elimination order. And if we are going to survive these dark times. Our government needs a firmer hand in leadership." All the cameras flashed on Fudge. 

"Damn. Elimination order?" Ethan asked.

"Fudge said he wants a firmer hand in leadership." Ryder noted. "That means he wants to use full government control in all of our lives. If Trotsky's not going to play games, than neither is Fudge. And that includes putting more control over Hogwarts itself. He wants to know everything that happens in that school."

"Well that's not going to make Dumbledore happy." Ethan thought. 

"But what if R has spies in the Ministry itself?" Ben asked.

"Because they do. We don't know who is involved." Mad Eye answered.  

"Fudge doesn't seem to think that the Ministry is infiltrated. According to him, Trotsky is an outside threat." Shacklebolt added. 

"Well that's not the case. He's got Merula Snyde, his adopted daughter on the inside in Hogwarts." Ethan pointed out.

"And that might also include more Witches and Wizards in the Ministry itself." Tonks realized.

"Well if that's the case, who do we trust?" Ben asked.

"The Men and Women in this room." Ryder answered. "The Ministry is compromised. We all served in the Order of the Phoenix, all resisted You Know Who, and we were the only ones who did something to fight back." 

"Well it's nice to know you trust me." Mundungus Fletcher interrupted.

"We don't." Mad Eye shot back. But he turned his attention back to the others. "Our country is under siege. As is our way of life. If we don't stop Trotsky, he'll destroy everything... and everyone." 

"And all because A Soviet army killed his Wife and Daughter." Ethan thought to himself. This was how far he was willing to go for his revenge.

"But what is Trotsky up to, next?" Arthur asked. "He's making noise by attacking some hit and runs. But that's not going to be enough to take down the Ministry or Hogwarts."

"That's... what we need to find out." Mad Eye answered. "Just recently, there's been an uprising in the Goblins." He turned to Bill.

"Yeah. Griphook told me about that." Bill informed. "Half the Gringotts staff, packed up and walked out. They're saying something about, protecting their treasures from Muggle thieves." He explained. 

"But that doesn't make any sense. Why would Trotsky speak to Goblins?" Tonks asked.

"Because I've got a hunch that it's only a part of a plan." Ethan assumed. Everyone was now looking at Ethan. "Um, all I meant was..."

"If you've got something to say, Ethan. Say it. Don't be shy." Mad Eye ordered.

"Right..." Ethan had the whole room against him. It was time to put on that Sherlock Holmes hat for Ethan. "Trotsky always has a plan. He's had that since Day 1 ever since I arrived at Hogwarts. He had Rakepick try to find the Cursed Vaults for him. Not to mention using my brother. When I encountered Trotsky back in Knockturn Alley, he told me that Hogwarts was an experiment. And that includes a Source of Power that is housed inside the Cursed Vault. That's what he wants. The only thing that's stopping him is Hogwarts itself." He explained.

"So where do the Goblins fit into this?" Ben asked.

"Like I said, it's all part of the plan. He's prepping for something. Probably a massive take over of the Wizarding World." Ethan answered. And a thought had come to him. "What if he's going to use his agents in the Ministry to stage a coup. And the Goblins will help him with that? By making weapons, or machines?" He suggested.

And the whole room darkened. "If that's the case, we'll need to keep an eye on things here." Shacklebolt answered. 

"And we'll need to also keep an eye on Hogwarts." Mad Eye added. "Ethan. We'll need a full report on the doings on Hogwarts. Call every resource you can to keep an eye on Merula Snyde. The sooner we know about what Trotsky has her doing there. The sooner we can end this threat for good." He commanded.

Ethan nodded. This wasn't the time for just sitting on the couch and doing nothing. This was an all out war. Ministry approved or not. And Ethan really did feel like the Morgan Brothers who went to war in World War 2. But which brother though? Was it Jeff or Sam? But Mad Eye wasn't done yet.

"Constant Vigilance, Ethan. Trust No one." Mad Eye warned.

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