Chapter 57: New Year and a New Threat.

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"You always have two choices: your commitment versus your fear." -Sammy Davis, Jr.

January had come. Winter had shown itself in full strength. And School had come again. And the Year had now become 1991. Snow was falling on the ground and classes were now back in session at Hogwarts. And while many students did return to the School. Only some stubborn parents decided to keep their students at their homes with them. With everything that had happened at Hogwarts in the past year of 1990, some thought that the war was only going to get more intense.

Though for Ethan, he did find it interesting that R didn't make a move during the Christmas Holiday. Maybe it was just that power of Christmas that stayed his hand. He was walking around the Training Grounds to see a whole Pre Game Quidditch Party taking place for the Gryffindor Team. He knew it was today. Charlie requested that he come to this one.

"Ethan!" Orion shouted noticing Ethan.

"Orion." Ethan greeted back. "You doing that Quidditch Party. Seems a little smaller than normal." He noticed.

"Well... what does normal mean anyway? What is the true definition of normal. Perhaps ones normal means ones unorthodox methods." Orion theorized.

"Come on, Orion. Don't be such a philosopher." Skye interrupted walking up to Ethan. "Good to see you, E." She said.

"Good to see you too, Skye." Ethan replied.

"Here to celebrate the sights?" Skye asked.

"Yeah." Ethan answered.

"You know the offer to rejoin the Quidditch Team still stands." Skye reminded.

"You're very generous, Skye. But I can't come back at this time. Not after everything that's happened." Ethan declined.

"Pity. We could really use a guy like you on the team." Skye replied. Though she could understand why that was. He took a nasty tumble in that one game last year that ended his team.

That was when Charlie noticed Ethan coming in. "Ethan!" He shouted.

"Hey, Charlie! I'm here." Ethan announced.

"The Twins and I had a bet to see if you were coming." Charlie turned to Fred and George. "Looks like I won!" He shouted.

"Don't rub it in." Fred replied.

"Yeah. We knew that he would show. But in case we didn't, it would be a win win for us. Too bad we just can't play on the same team as him." George pointed out.

"You're on the Quidditch Team now?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah." Charlie answered. "The Gryffindor Quidditch Team suffered a lot of people leaving for Graduation last year. So Orion's starting in new rookies this year."

"Including Fred and George?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah. Charlie says that they've got enough practice at home. And since 2 of our best Beaters are gone, we've got to start those 2." Skye answered.

"And Chasers?" Ethan asked.

"Orion and Skye are still starting, but we've also got a new rookie on the team. Angelina Johnson." Charlie answered.

"And how is she?" Ethan asked.

"Well, she sure is something if that's what you're wondering." Fred answered.

"Freddie's got a crush." George joked.

"Oh shut it, George." Fred shot back.

"Does this always happen?" Ethan asked Charlie.

"And now you know why Mum wants me to watch them." Charlie answered.

"Yeah. I can definitely understand that." Ethan replied. "Where's Murphy?" He asked surprised not to see Murphy there.

"He's got a cold." Skye answered. "So it doesn't look like he's going to comment on today's game."

"That's a shame. He does a good job at it." Charlie replied. He then looked at Ethan. Say, E? You want to comment on this game?" He asked.

Ethan looked stunned. "Me?"

"Yeah. You were a great player back in your day. Might give some unique style to commentating." Skye answered.

"You're serious?" Ethan asked.

"Very serious." Skye answered.

Ethan sighed. "Alright. But just this once." He decided.

That was how Ethan found himself sitting in the Commentator's box with the rest of the Hogwarts Staff and Professors. And sitting with a good view of the whole Quidditch Pitch, he could understand why Murphy liked it so much. He looked through his mic. All he had to do was talk through it. It didn't seem too hard.

"Nervous, Mr. Bauer?" McGonagall asked.

"Not really. It's just Commentating." Ethan answered. "At least it's better than being on a broom."

"Just remember to talk about what is going on in the game, and to keep the spectators in the loop." McGonagall reminded.

"Sounds simple enough." Ethan sad.

A few more minutes went by and McGonagall nudged Ethan to say something.

Ethan cleared his throat. "Good Afternoon Hogwarts! Welcome to the next game of the Quidditch Season! We've got a big one today with the Gryffindor Lions against the Hufflepuff Badgers." He got a whisper from McGonagall that it was just Gryffindor against Hufflepuff.

"Yeah, but it just sounds more fun to give names to teams." Ethan pointed out.

"I like Ethan's thinking better." Dumbledore commented. "We should really consider doing that for future Quidditch Games."

The Gryffindor Team came out from their entrance. "And here they come! The Lions certainly have their work cut out for them this season. A lot of their starting players graduated last year. And a lot of new wax rookies are taking the place as starters. Including the new additions of Fred and George Weasley, Angelina Johnson and 2nd Season Keeper, Oliver Wood." Ethan introduced first. "And out come the Badgers! Coming off a loss against the Serpents, they are certainly going to be hungry for a win. We've also got a duel of Seekers between Cedric Diggory and Charlie Weasley. But enough talk about the introductions. Let's get down to the Pitch!"

Madam Hooch stepped out and released the Bludgers and the Snitch.

"Both teams need a win to stay alive in this season for the Quidditch Cup." Ethan commentated. Hooch threw up the ball. "And here we go! Both teams are going after the Quaffle. It's Parkin bringing it in with the Parking Pincer and OH! The Badgers are not blindsided by it! The Quaffle is back with the Hufflepuff Chaser! She goes off to bring it to the Lions Goals! She throws it, and it's blocked by Wood! Clearly showing off his Quidditch Skills at Keeper. The Quaffle is thrown over to Amari. She sprints for the Hufflepuff Goal. The Hufflepuff Keeper is ready for it. Beaters are ready to slam the Bludger. Hold up there! George slams the bludger on the Hufflepuff Beaters! Ouch Town, Population Badgers! Amari passes to Johnson! Johnson goes for the goal! It's in! Lion score 10 and draw first blood!"

The Gryffindor side cheered. They were also liking Ethan's commentating skills. "Badgers are looking for Payback and they go straight for the Goal. The Weasley Twins come to Wood's defense! Badgers fly for the goal. But George Weasley hit another Bludger at the Chasers. He is not going easy today. Clearly they have something to prove. Quaffle is back with Amari. He throws on his patented Broom Surfing! The Badgers have no answers for it and he gets the Quaffle in the Ring. That's another 10 points to the Lions."

The Game went on for much longer. It mostly involved Gryffindor beating down Hufflepuff. Whatever the Lions were working on, they were clearly a much better fighting force for that game. Charlie ended up winning with a deciding catch against Cedric for the Snitch.

Afterwards the whole Lions team ended up heading back to the Changing Rooms.

"Man! We were really coming alive today." Skye commented to the others.

"Not a bad game, eh, Fred?" George asked.

"Wicked." Fred answered as they both gave each other a high five.

"Still not as crazy as the game that Ethan played against Ravenclaw for the Cup." Charlie remembered.

"Especially when Skye couldn't play that game due to injury." Charlie added.

"I'm right here, you know." Skye pointed out.

"Oh, we realize." Fred said.

"But Ethan. That was some pretty good commentating." Skye said to Ethan.

"Thanks. Not bad for a rookie, huh?" Ethan asked.

"I'd say you did a pretty good job." Skye answered.

"Well, what better way to celebrate then a party back in the Common Room!" Orion declared.

The Team all cheered for that. Until Ethan got a contact on his wand. "Yes?" He asked.

"Ethan. It's Ryder. You better get over to the Ministry. We've got a situation." Ryder informed.

"Again?" Ethan groaned.

"Again." Ryder answered.

Ethan sighed. "I'll be there." He looked at the others. "Sorry guys. Duty calls."

"We get it. Do what you gotta do." Charlie replied understanding the situation.


"St. Mungo's is destroyed, everyone. However, the Ministry is looking to find alternative methods of treating their patients and wounded." Trotsky announced.

"I was hoping that we crippled the Enemy when we blew up St. Mungo's." Lucius commented.

"St. Mungo's was not supposed to be a target at all. But it did prove to be quite effective in our ultimate goal." Trotsky admitted. "However, Hundreds of Staff of the Hospital are still alive and are making temporary medical zones. Our next priority is to shut these places down." He declared.

"How? No matter what we do, there will always be someone to operate the Hospital." Talos pointed out.

"I have a solution to that little problem." Trotsky informed. "It's an experimental curse. Call it a Laughing Curse if you will."

"And how does that help us?" Sigurd asked.

"We cripple the Hospital Crew, and we cripple Medical Operations around Great Britain. Lucius will oversee how this proceeds." Trotsky answered.

"As you wish, My Lord. But I must advise that Ethan Bauer will most likely deal with this." Lucius advised.

"Knowing Ethan Bauer, he probably would." Trotsky replied already aware of this factor. "If this fails, then we would have lost nothing. It won't matter when the world is burned and then rise from the Ashes like the flames."

"Ironic that you use the theme of the Phoenix considering how we fought against them in the Last War." Greyback commented.

"Indeed. Are you all with me, then?" Trotsky asked.

"We're in." Vercingetorix announced.

"The Tribes of Giants are with you, as well." Talos informed.

"As are the Norse Clans." Sigurd added.

"Whatever." Slayton shrugged.

Diablo nodded his head.

"And you also have the support of the Yokai, the Mexicans, and our people." A Hide Behind said.

"As the former Death Eaters and Werewolves." Lucius informed.

"Well done." Trotsky declared. He then turned to Slayton. "Slayton, I have new orders for you."

"New orders?" Slayton asked intrigued.

"I've had an interesting report from Gringotts Bank. About a big score... in Greece." Trotsky started.

"Big score in Greece you say." Slayton noticed. "Keep talking."

"There's an Ancient Legend containing a source of power underneath the Palace of Knossos on the Island of Crete." Trotsky explained.

Slayton's eyes widened. He knew what Trotsky was talking about. "You're joking. That's where the Labyrinth is, isn't it?"

"Well unless you're too much of a coward to go through with it..." Trotsky started to say.

"No way. Do you know the kind of wealth that crazy King has inside of it. That would set me up for life in ways the Red Dust could never." Slayton accepted.

"Good. Then get going to Greece." Trotsky ordered.

Slayton obeyed and left.

Greyback and Malfoy looked confused and a little terrified.

"Um, Lord Trotsky. Are you sure it's wise to send Slayton to that location?" Greyback asked.

"Yeah. No Curse Breaker who went there has ever come back alive." Malfoy added.

Trotsky laughed. He sent off Slayton to his death. And he did not expect him to come back this time. "Exactly. That's not a problem, is it?" He asked.

"No problem at all." Malfoy answered. "Narcissa told me that Slayton scarred Draco for life. He's terrified of Hippogriffs now."

"Excellent." Trotsky replied. He turned to the others. "Ready our Troops! We leave for India, Immediately!"

Ethan took the Floo Network back to the Ministry of Magic. He went right up to Ryder's Office. "Alright, Ryder. What's the problem? I'm missing a party." He asked.

"Sorry to take you away from a party, Ethan." Ryder apologized. "You know, you're father loved the Quidditch parties." He informed.

"Did he?" Ethan asked.

"He did. Believe it or not. The Quidditch Games back in the day were built with a lot more stakes than they are today. And that included their Post Game Celebrations." Ryder answered.

"Well. The Biggest one we had was after we won the Quidditch Cup against Ravenclaw in my 3rd Year." Ethan said.

"What I would've done to see that." Ryder thought out loud.

"Um... Ryder?" Ethan snapped his fingers.

"Oh, right. This next part." Ryder remembered. "I've got good news and bad news. The Good news is that our Medical Zones are working out for the most part. It's not the same as a fully grown Hospital but it's working for the most part. We're also getting some Medical Equipment and supplies from America and France to help out with our situation." He reported.

"And the Bad News?" Ethan asked.

"The Bad news is that we've got a contagion going down." Ryder answered.

"A Plague?" Ethan asked.

"Not exactly. More like a Curse of some sorts." Ryder clarified.

Ethan hated that C word. "Another Curse? That's just great." He sarcastically thought.

"Well, this one is a little different. We don't know if it's a curse or not. Normally I'd send Bill to investigate this one, but he's out on an assignment from Gringotts." Ryder informed.

"Already?" Ethan asked. "You'd think that Bill would get a break from Curse Breaking."

"Ordinarily, he would." Ryder answered. "This one's a little different... A distress call from the Magi of the Middle East. They say there's a powerful curse that's resurfaced from the days of old. And they need a Gringotts Wizard to help them."

"The Magi?" Ethan asked.

"The Wizards and Witches of the Middle East." Ryder answered. "But back to the supposed contagion..."

"You want me to investigate it." Ethan figured.

"You seem to volunteer for the job." Ryder figured. "Here's a pass to get you in." He handed Ethan a clearance badge.

"Alright. I'll go." Ethan decided. "But you owe me, big." He then left.

"Since when do I not?" Ryder asked to himself.

Ethan went by one of the relocation sites for Wizarding Medical Treatment centers to speak with Madam Strout. Hopefully she would have some answers about what was going on. That was when he encountered some Aurors doing an inspection. And one of them looked very familiar to Ethan. "Alright. Thank you for your cooperation. If you see anyone suspicious. Please contact the Aurors immediately." An Auror with long hair and wrinkles on his face ordered. He then noticed Ethan Bauer.

"Ethan Bauer." The Auror said.

"Rufus Scrimgeour." Ethan greeted. "You working security in this neck of the woods?" He asked.

"Yes. Making sure that Trotsky doesn't follow up with any more attacks. Or his buddy, Slayton." Scrimgeour answered.

'More like his very undisciplined wild animal." Ethan clarified. "I'm here about some contagion that's been going on."

"Contagion?" Scrimgeour asked.

"Yeah. Ryder got some reports about..." Ethan started to say, until he noticed Scrimgeour laughing. And very uncontrollably. It reminded Ethan of the Joker. "He doesn't laugh normally like this, does he?" He asked the other Aurors.

"We wish." The Aurors answered. "It looks like he's been effected by the laughing contagion."

"Laughing Contagion?" Ethan asked. "Is that the Contagion that Ryder was referring to?"

"Afraid so." The Auror answered.

"Where's Madam Strout?" Ethan asked.

"She's over by the Main Tent. Along with her intern, Chiara Lobosca." The Auror answered.

"I'm on my way." Ethan decided. He headed for where Strout and Chiara were located.

Ethan used his pass to get through and see Madam Strout. It was pretty easy to get through. Especially because Ethan was becoming a household name around Great Britain with the war going on.

"Madam Strout?" Ethan asked.

Strout turned to see Ethan. "Mr. Bauer. Thank goodness you've arrived." She said.

"Yeah. Ryder said something about a whole Laughing Contagion that's been going on, is it true?" Ethan asked.

"Sad, but true." Strout answered. "These Patients have been cursed by some laughing contagion. They can't stop laughing."

"Yeah. Scrimgeour just fell victim to it." Ethan informed.

"You mean, just now?" Chiara asked nervously.

"He started laughing uncontrollably when I walked in on him. And I didn't even tell a joke." Ethan answered.

"Maybe he was thinking of something seriously funny." Chiara suggested.

"Uh, Chiara. I seriously doubt that Scrimgeour has that much of a sense of humor." Ethan pointed out.

"He's not wrong." Strout added. She knew Scrimgeour for a while now.

"Sounds to me like it's another curse then." Chiara said. "I mean, R does like using those. We got an infestation of Doxy the last time."

"You did?" Strout asked.

"We did." Ethan answered.

"And it was big." Chiara added. "It was right around the time that Ethan got back from Japan too."

"And I got introduced to that Vampire kid, Victor." Ethan reminded.

"Jerk." Chiara commented.

Strout looked confused at Chiara's words.

"Werewolf, Vampire." Ethan explained.

Strout nodded, understanding.

"So, how do we fix this mess?" Ethan asked.

Strout was thinking about it. "Well... there is one way." She said.

"Well, what is it?" Ethan asked.

Strout just stood there.

"Madam Strout?" Chiara asked.

"I have a very bad feeling about this." Ethan commented.

And Ethan's suspicion were correct as he could hear Madam Strout laughing uncontrollably.

"She's become a victim of the Contagion." Chiara realized.

"Of course. Of course she did." Ethan muttered. It was a translation to another day in the average life of Ethan Bauer.

"Are you okay?" Chiara asked knowing Ethan's grumpiness about the situation.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Time for another curse we gotta break." Ethan answered. "Let's just get this over with." He said.

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