Chapter 65: Mine by Right.

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"Power is no blessing in itself, except when it is used to protect the innocent." -Jonathan Swift.

The Minotaur raised it's Axe above it's head. He swung it over a a giant stone and carved it in two. Just to prove its intimidation to Ethan to let him know how serious he was about this whole thing. 

Ethan took out his wand to make an energy sword. He wasn't sure what compelled him to draw it out. Perhaps it was a need to protect Penny and Kassandra. Maybe it was his status as a Gryffindor. Or maybe it was the fact that there was a Minotaur was about to strike at him and Ethan needed to defend himself from a massive monster.

"Ethan, Look out!" Penny yelled. The Minotaur swung at Ethan but Ethan tumbled out of the way. 

"You're not the first monster guarding a crazy power I've face. And you won't be the last." Ethan declared.

The Minotaur roared again. 

"Ethan. You made it more angry." Kassandra commented.

"Thanks for the tip." Ethan muttered. 

The Minotaur charged and then swung his axe at Ethan with lightning speed. Ethan intercepted it with his energy sword. But the swing was so powerful that it knocked Ethan back to the wall. The Minotaur then charged its horns at Ethan. 

"Penny, do something!" Kassandra shouted.

But Penny stood there all nervous not sure of what to do. It was bringing up bad flashbacks about what had happened to Scarlett.

Ethan had been able to move to the side in time. But not before a piece of the horn had chipped into a part of Ethan's flesh. Ethan moved back from the pain. But he didn't have time to counter attack. The Minotaur managed to break out of the wall and swing his axe at Ethan again. But the swing was too slow and Ethan was able to dodge that one. He then figured he could try to get some ranged attacks on the Minotaur. He shot a wind spell at the Minotaur trying to knock it back. But the Minotaur held his ground, swinging his axe in a circle formation like a helicopter blade shielding him from the wind.  

"I've got to get that axe out of his hands." Ethan thought. He shot Expelliamus at the Minotaur. But it did nothing. "What?" He asked.

The Minotaur smirked. He charged again swinging his axe. But Penny shouted out: "Incendio!" 

"Penny, wait!" Kassandra tried to stop her. But Penny had already shot the spell. It didn't effect the Minotaur at all. The Minotaur then looked at Penny and roared right in her face. It charged its hooves at her and Kassandra. "The Minotaur is impervious to fire." She explained.  

"Now she tells me." Penny thought. 

It was ready to charge at Penny though. But Ethan swung at the Minotaur again with his energy sword. It cut through the Minotaur fur. The Minotaur roared in pain. It then forgot about Penny to take out Ethan. It swung its axe again at Ethan. "Penny! Hit the thing! Try another spell!" Ethan yelled. 

"Stupefy!" Penny shot. That didn't work against the Minotaur. "Okay... Flipendo!" That didn't work either. "Depulso?!" Nothing. "Bombarda!" That didn't even work either. "Nothing's working Ethan!" She shouted desperately. "What is this thing?!"  

The Minotaur then picked up Ethan by the face and then proceeded to throw him up in the air. It then got it's axe ready to slice Ethan in two. 

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Penny shouted. She had Ethan levitate in the air and land in an area far away from the Minotaur. 

"Thanks, Penny." Ethan replied. But the Minotaur wasn't done however. It charged even more at Ethan. "Does Magic not work on this thing?" He thought. That was when he turned his head to another tunnel. And out came Charlie, Tonks, Barnaby, and Corey. They had noticed Penny who was just standing there. 

"Wotcher, Ethan and Penny!" Tonks shouted not noticing the Minotaur. "There you guys are. You found your way too?" She asked.

"Tonks, run!" Penny shouted.

"Not a chance. We just found you guys." Charlie insisted.

Penny ran over. "We all need to get out of here, now!" 

"What's up with you?" Tonks asked.

That was when the Minotaur roared. It picked up a large boulder and threw it at Ethan. Ethan had to use an Earth spell to break it up. 

"Nevermind." Tonks squeaked at the sight of the Minotaur. 

Corey couldn't believe it. "I can't believe it! That's the Minotaur!" She yelled in excitement. But then she came to her senses. "Which may not be a good thing for us." 

The Minotaur roared at Ethan again. 

"Bad Cow!" Barnaby yelled at the Minotaur shooting the Bombarda Spell. The Minotaur then noticed where the shot had come from. It looked at Barnaby. "Except for you! You're a very nice Cow. Who I hope will not kill me." 

The Minotaur jumped through the air at incredible speed and right over to Barnaby swinging his axe at him. It would've cleaved him in two if Charlie didn't pull him back. But it did make the ground shake making Corey lose her balance and fall on the floor. 

"Corey!" Ethan shouted.

"I've got this." Corey assured taking out her wand.

"Corey, no!" Penny yelled out. "Magic doesn't work on him!" 

"Oh yeah?! Watch this! Bombarda Maxima!" Corey yelled shooting the spell at the Minotaur. It created a large dust of smoke. "Ha! Eat that, Minotaur!" 

But when the dust cleared, a large hand of the Minotaur had come out. It grabbed Corey by her bad leg and smashed it like children's blocks. Corey yelled out in pain. But the Minotaur roared out and smashed the other leg. 

"AHHH!" Corey felt every sting of those blasts. 

"COREY!" Ethan yelled in horror.

The Minotaur was about to pick up Corey and slice her neck off. But Ethan shot an Earthquake Spell around the Minotaur knocking him down. Charlie grabbed Corey. 

"It hurts so bad." Corey whimpered at her legs that were all bloodied up.

"Oh, no. It looks like it completely crushed her bones too." Charlie looked at the damage. But he had to stop the bleeding. He got out some bandage spells. "Here. That should hold for now until Chiara can look at it." He said. 

"Assuming that Chiara is still alive." Corey replied. 

Further down one hall. Jacob could hear the noise of some screams and pain. "What was that?" Lizzie asked.

Rakepick got her gag out. "It's got to be the Minotaur! Your little Brother must've ran into him." She told Jacob.

The Minotaur roared. Jacob had to move quickly. "Come on, Lizzie!" He yelled. They ran down to the center to see Ethan and the Minotaur fighting each other. Sword and Axe. 

"I don't like the looks of this." Lizzie commented nervously. 

"Oh my god." Rakepick looked at the sight of the Minotaur. "It is real." 

"Yeah. Real big." Jacob replied. 

"Jacob! Cut me loose. Let me help you!" Rakepick insisted.

"Not a chance." Jacob shut down. "Guard her Lizzie." 

"What are you going to do?" Lizzie asked. 

"Help my brother." Jacob answered. He charged at the Minotaur. "Hey! Beef Boy!" He yelled.

The Minotaur noticed him. "How do you like to be done? Well Done or Medium Well!?" Jacob taunted. "Or does it not matter with Steak Sauce?" 

The Minotaur swung his axe. "Jacob, wait!" Ethan shouted. "The Minotaur is impervious to magic." He warned.  

"It is?" Jacob asked. 

"But it's not invulnerable to it's environment." Ethan added. 

The Minotaur then charged at Jacob. But Ethan had managed to freeze the floor into an ice sheet. Which made the Minotaur lose its balance. It fell down. Jacob then blasted a wind spell at the beast knocking it down even more.  

"Jacob! Ethan! I can help you! Cut me loose!" Rakepick insisted. 

"No way! You can't be trusted!" Ethan yelled not falling for another Rakepick tricked. He shot another Earthquake Spell at the Minotaur. While Jacob shot a spell on a nearby pillar making the pillar fall on the Minotaur. But the Minotaur was able to pick it up and then throw it at Jacob. 

"Bombarda!" Charlie shot the spell at the pillar making it dissolve. He then decided to join the fight with Tonks while Barnaby stayed behind with the others. 

"You get away from him!" Tonks commanded. But as she charged the Minotaur which was not the smartest idea she ever had. Because the Minotaur then gave her a big sucker punch to the face knocking her unconscious.  

"Tonks!" Charlie shouted. He then used his wand to make a boulder levitate at the Minotaur which the Minotaur caught and it threw the boulder back at Charlie knocking him unconscious on Tonks as well. 

"Of great! That's two down." Rakepick muttered. 

"Barnaby?! What do we do?!" Penny asked in horror. 

Barnaby looked around. His whole brain was in shutdown mode. 

Penny started to charge forward but Kassandra held her back.

Lizzie shot an Ice Spell at the Minotaur. But it didn't effect the Minotaur, obviously.

"Maxson. Cut me loose! It's the only way!" Rakepick shouted. 

"No!" Lizzie shouted. "We can do this!" 

Jacob then tried to climb on the Minotaur's back and bring his neck in a choke hold. But the Minotaur had pulled Jacob off and flung him far and wide through another doorway. The same doorway that Chiara, Talbott and Jae had entered.  

"Jacob!" Ethan shouted in horror.

"Can you do that, huh?!" Rakepick asked.

Jae looked at the Minotaur. "Holy Mother of God!" He yelled out. 

Chiara was more focused on Jacob on the floor. "Jacob!" 

Jacob got up. "I'm... okay. Help Corey." He said. 

Chiara looked up at Corey who was flinging in pain. "Oh my god!" She yelled running over. So much for spreading the good news. They had more important things to worry about. She saw her legs.

"Her legs are badly messed up." Penny explained. 

"It hurts." Corey croaked. "Help." 

"Hang on." Chiara then began to look at the legs. Jae and Talbott were left with the Minotaur. 

"This isn't going to be easy." Talbott said to Jae.

"Yeah, well that's a thing with me. Nothing's ever easy." Jae replied. And they both charged the Minotaur. But the Minotaur was locked and loaded. It swung the axe at both of them knocking Talbott off of his feet and making him land head smack into the floor. 

"Hey!" Jae yelled. "Pick on someone your own size!" 

The Minotaur roared. "Other than me." Jae added. 

"Get away from him!" Ethan yelled. He then tried to strike at the Minotaur with his energy sword. But the Minotaur turned his attention to Ethan now and swung the axe again.  

That was when a big rock hit the Minotaur. It stumbled back and looked at Rath who had now entered with Orion. The Minotaur roared.  

"You know. There's a better way to explain why it's a bad idea to eat Cattle. And just so you know, you're not making your case great." Rath commented while Sickleworth was trembling behind her.

The Minotaur roared. Rath made a large boulder fly up and swung it at the Minotaur. The Minotaur charged at Rath while it ripped the Boulder apart with it's bear hands. 

"You think it can show me how to do that?" Rath asked. 

"Not a good idea." Orion answered. He then swung around and tried to attack the Minotaur with a fire spell. But the Minotaur moved too fast and it wasn't phased. 

"Forget using the fire spells. I already tried that!" Ethan instructed making another Ice Layer making the Minotaur slip again.  

"Then how do we kill this thing!?" Rath asked noticing the Minotaur getting up again. "This creep is really starting to piss me off." She shot another spell at the Minotaur. But to no avail. The Minotaur tossed Rath aside and sent her straight into Orion knocking them both down. 

Ethan was now on his own against the great bull. The Minotaur then got ready to charge at the Ethan. Bringing his axe down on Ethan's energy sword. The two blades collided. But the Minotaur was clearly more powerful than Ethan. Ethan was having a hard time keeping his footing. But he was still trying to hold with all of his might. His wand beginning to crack. But the Minotaur broke him off and then sent the mighty axe down on Ethan. Ethan used his sword to defend him. But when they collided. The force of the impact was so great that it smashed right into Ethan's wand completely shattered, unleashing a wave of energy sending both the Minotaur and Ethan backwards. 

"My wand!" Ethan yelled in disbelief. "Ollivander's going to kill me." He muttered. And at the rate this was going. He wouldn't be the only one. He now had to rely on wandless magic which he wasn't as great at. 

"Ethan! No!" Penny couldn't bear to see her boyfriend die. That was when she noticed a large Bronze Sword on the ground by an adventurer who's skull looked split. She figured it must've been the Minotaur's work. However it was rusted. She quickly made it shiny and new with a buff up spell.

"Goddammit, Maxson! Cut me loose!" Rakepick yelled. "Or do you want Ethan to be killed by that thing!?" 

Lizzie breathed heavily at her options. She couldn't let Ethan die. But she also couldn't trust Rakepick. She already heard about what had happened with the Hungarian Horntail and the Portrait Vault. 

But that was when she saw Penny run up to Ethan sliding the sword on the ground to him.  

Ethan looked at the sword. He then looked at Penny. "Thanks." He got back up. He looked at the Minotaur. And then at his unconscious friends. And a new fury had come from Ethan. "Alright, that's it!" He then struck at the Minotaur slicing a cut with power. The Minotaur stumbled back "I've got 3 words for you Minotaur! BBQ!" He yelled drawing out the sword. 

The Minotaur roared. It's swung its axe at Ethan. "Round 2!" Ethan yelled as he intercepted the swing. They both locked weapons. Neither giving in. Until the Minotaur pushed Ethan and into a pillar. The Minotaur then charged forward clearly wanting to end the fight. And having enough of Ethan's games. Ethan dodged out of the way. The Minotaur's force made the pillar fall down in a piece of rubble. It swung it's axe at Ethan. But Ethan had managed to make himself faster to get out of the way. He then kicked the Minotaur in the face swinging his sword at the Minotaur's head chopping out one of his horns. 

The Minotaur stumbled back. If it was enraged before. It was nothing compared to what was coming. He then roared at Ethan. 

"Kick his Ass, Ethan!" Lizzie egged on. 

Ethan took a breath. The Minotaur swung the axe again but Ethan kept deflecting it with the sword. Both neither giving the other the edge. But The Minotaur was now getting on the top of pillar debris. "Oh, joy. He's got the high ground." Ethan sarcastically muttered. 

But Ethan had another idea. He created an energy disk with his hand, shooting it at the pillar and slicing a whole. The Minotaur was losing his balance. Ethan took the advantage. He thrust the sword right at the chest of the Minotaur. The Minotaur roared in pain falling on his knees dropping his axe. Ethan then grabbed the axe. He slammed the axe right in the skull of the Minotaur's head. And the Minotaur fell down. "Looks like we're having Steak tonight!" He declared. 

He then looked back at Jacob who was just getting up. He then looked at Ethan and the dead Minotaur in disbelief. "Ethan?" He asked. 

"Orion. Get off me." Rath insisted pushing Orion off of her. 

"Sorry." Orion replied. They then saw the fight was over. 

"Oh." Tonks groaned along with Charlie who Chiara had managed to get back to normal along with Talbott. Jae who stood there in disbelief looked at the Minotaur. 

Lizzie ran over to hug Jacob. "Jacob? Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine." Jacob insisted.  "That Minotaur packs a punch." 

Penny ran over to Ethan. "Ethan! You're okay!" She kissed him. 

"I'm okay, Penny. Are you?" Ethan asked.

Rakepick just had her jaw open. "This is impossible!" She yelled. "I don't believe it!" 

"He killed the Minotaur!" Kassandra exclaimed. "He killed the Minotaur!"  

"Ethan? You killed the Minotaur?" Rath asked in amazement.

Ethan breathed. "Damn right I did." He answered. 

"Woah." Rath looked at the dead creature. "Only Theseus was able to do that and... yet you did as well." 

"Wait till Mum and Dad hear about this!" Charlie yelled. 

"Ethan. I'm sorry I got scared. It was-" Penny started to say.

"It's okay, Penny." Ethan interrupted. "That Minotaur was no joke.

"But you killed it! You killed it!" Penny exclaimed.

"Yeah... well my wand is..." Ethan looked at the rubble. 

"At least you got a souvenir." Tonks said showing the Minotaur horn.  

"Not much of a substitute." Ethan replied holding the horn.  

"You kidding me? You have the Minotaur horn. That's one of the greatest prizes in all of Ancient Greece!" Jacob asked. "My Little Brother just killed the Minotaur." He said like a proud sibling. 

That was when a massive wall opened through. And on top of that, there was also a part of the floor that opened up and raised.

"What's going on?" Ethan asked.

"It must be the treasure." Rakepick answered excitedly. "It's coming... it's coming." This was what she was waiting for. 

The Circle braced themselves. But all it did was release of rod of some kind.

"A rod?" Rath asked. 

"The Minotaur must've been guarding it." Ethan figured.

But Rakepick looked disappointed. "That's it? That's the treasure of the Labyrinth?!" She asked. "A stupid rod?! Where's the Gold?! The Power?! This... CAN'T BE!" She yelled out.  

"Hold on a second. Maybe the Rod does something. And where does that wall go?" Ethan asked. They all stared at it to reveal a large bridge. And a certain large Metal Man that was at the end of the bridge overlooking an entire chasm.

(The Golem over the Chasm)

All the while. Jacob noticed something. Slayton on the floor. "Is that Slayton?" He asked.

"Yeah. That's him. He must've had worse luck with the Minotaur." Ethan answered. 

"Good luck for us though." Tonks commented. 

Chiara had patched up Corey's legs. But news relayed heavy on her heart. Corey could tell. "What's wrong, Chiara?" She asked.

"It's not good news." Chiara answered. "Corey. The Minotaur. It really damaged your legs. You're permanently crippled." She informed sadly. 

"What?" Corey asked in disbelief.

"You can't walk again." Chiara clarified. And sadly it was true. The Minotaur did permanent damage to Corey's legs. And no amount of magic could heal it. 

"No! That can't be right. There has to be something you can do!" Corey insisted. "You can fix my bones. Give me Skelo-To Grow." She suggested. But everyone looked sorry for Corey. "A-Anything?" She begged.

"I'm sorry. Corey. But..." Chiara started to cry. 

And Corey had to accept the sad conclusion. If even a skilled Healer like Chiara said there was nothing that could be done. Then nothing could be done. "No! Please!" She begged. "I gotta stand! I can do it! I just gotta believe in myself!" Corey tried to stand up. But she couldn't move her legs.

"Corey." Chiara started to say. 

"See! I'm doing it! I'm doing it!" Corey felt the need to stand up. "Come on, legs! You can do it! You can do it! Just like Detective Conebush and Auror Persimmons! They could do anything they set their minds to! You can do it legs!" 

"Corey!" Chiara shouted. 

But Corey fell down again. She looked at Chiara who was shaking her head. "I'll never walk again." She admitted sadly. 

Ethan looked at Corey. "I'm so sorry, Corey." He said. 

"It's alright." Corey replied. "It wasn't your fault. If I hadn't shot that stupid spell!" 

"Now what do we do?" Jacob asked. 

"I say we get out of this Labyrinth." Penny suggested. 

"But where are we going to go? In case you haven't noticed. I think the tunnels changed and the way is blocked." Charlie pointed out. 

Rath looked at the Metal Man. "There may be one." She suggested. 

Ethan could see what she was looking at. "The Metal Man?" He asked. 

Rath nodded. 

"It might be something worthwhile." Jacob suggested. 

Ethan sighed. He walked forward.

"Hey, Chiara. Can you be a friend and... help me to see what's over there?" Corey asked.

Chiara nodded picking up Corey. And they both walked together with the others. Ethan also took the Rod for good measure.

Over the Chasm. The Group walked in Single File. "What are we going to do with Slayton?" Lizzie asked. 

"That's not our priority." Jacob answered. 

Rath looked down over the Chasm underneath them. "Hey, Orion. Check it out." She pointed to the bottom. That wasn't covered in Water, nor fog, nor Lava. But rather it was Metal Golems. An entire army worth. Many of them. And each with a large sword. 

(What the Golems look like)

"Those look like the things we saw in the Labyrinth Walls." Orion noted. 

Rath looked more closely. "What are they doing down here?" She asked.

"Let's find out." Ethan said listening to them. He approached the Golem that was of a different design. 

"Well, what is that exactly?" Penny asked. 

"It's a Giant Man." Tonks answered. 

"I believe she wanted a specific answer." Rakepick pointed out.

Ethan looked at the Golem. But just then, the Golem turned his head down to look at Ethan. It said something in Greek.  

The whole group looked in shock. Except Kassandra. "Kassie? What did it say?" Ethan asked.

"He said: So a Champion has come forth. At last." Kassandra translated.  

"A Champion?" Ethan asked. 

"Yes... a Champion." The Golem answered in perfect English. 

That made everyone jump. "It speaks English, too?" Jacob asked. 

"That is correct. Young Mortal." The Golem answered. "Your language is difficult to understand at times. But there are roots in my native language that forms your own. It has been many years since a Mortal has dared to enter my Labyrinth. But you are different. You have survived." 

"Your Labyrinth?" Ethan asked. "Wait a minute." There was only one explanation for that. "You're him. You're Daedalus." He realized. 

The Golem nodded. "Yes. I am Daedalus. Son of Athena. Craftsman and Architect of the Old Kingdoms of Greece. Father of Icarus. Former Servant of King Minos and Creator of the very Labyrinth you have walked through." He introduced.  

"That's impossible. You'd have to be thousands of years old." Rakepick pointed out. 

"I am." Daedalus replied. "I have lived through thousands of years in this creation." 

"How did you get here?" Jae asked. 

"Millenia ago. I served the King of Crete. Minos. I was responsible for building many of his wonders. His Palace of Knossos. The Labyrinth underneath. And many other wonders. I built these all for King Minos. And I served him well... until that day..." Daedalus began to think about it. "One day. a magnificent white bull appeared in his kingdom. The god of the sea, Poseidon demanded that the bull be sacrificed to him. Minos refused. He sacrificed another animal praying that Poseidon would never notice.  Poseidon noticed and Minos was punished. The Gods saw to it that his wife, Pasiphae fall in love with the bull. More so than her own husband. Mad with desire, she sought my help. So I created a mechanical cow in which she could hide and approach the bull. And eventually mate with it."

"Wait what?" Tonks asked confused.

"Minos's wife got inside a mechanical bull and basically mated with her bull." Rath translated.

"I have so many questions about how that is possible. But it already sounds so incredibly hectic and crazy." Penny commented.

"Yeah. And when Pasiphae did it with the bull. She gave birth to the Minotaur." Lizzie remembered that part of the Greek Myth.

"It is as she says." Daedalus replied. He then continued. "My King was furious. He locked me along with my son, Icarus in a tower. But I had plans to escape. Using wax, wood and feathers, I had created flying wings. We used these wings to escape the tower and fly away over the sea. However, Icarus became too bold in his excitement, despite my warnings, my son had flown too close to the sun. The sun's heat melted the wax which held his wings together, and he plummeted to his death in the Aegean." The pain had come back to Daedalus' face. "I had made my way Greek Mainland. Safe and in hiding. It was only after I had achieved my old age that I returned to my Labyrinth. The only place I knew was safe from the fury of King Minos. It was when I had reached my old age that I knew, as clever as I was. I could not save my flesh body. My mind however was worth saving. And thus. I had forged myself into a Golem and have remained ever since." He explained.

"Well, why did you transform yourself into a Golem?" Ethan asked. 

"To protect the power I had created. My power. I would not dare allow it to fall into the hands of Monsters." Daedalus answered. 

"Your Power?" Jacob asked. 

Daedalus nodded. "When I constructed the Labyrinth for King Minos. I did so to contain the Minotaur. I created it so complex, that even I could barely navigate it. And to keep the Minotaur fed. By feeding it with 7 boys and 7 girls from the city of Athens every year to be eaten by the Minotaur." He answered. 

"Well... that's horrible." Penny cried. 

"It was by my King's command." Daedalus explained. "That was the supposed plan. The Labyrinth stored another purpose. King Minos was not satisfied simply by building his navy. He wished an entire army to conquer the Greek Mainland itself. So he instructed me to build him an army. One that was forged through metal. That would be unstoppable. And so I constructed it for him. My army. It was only after, that I realized the potential destruction that it could bring in the hands of tyranny."

Rakepick was looking down at the armies.

"So, those Golems down there? That's the army you built?" Rath asked. 

"Yes. I entombed myself here to protect my creation from the hands of would be tyrants and oppressors. Especially Minos. So I constructed myself into the body of a Golem. I assigned the Minotaur to guard the sanctuary. And other Creatures from this land to protect it. Until the day when someone would conquer it." Daedalus answered. "No Mortal could ever go through my Labyrinth. But a person of Magic could. Such as all of you." 

"Despite the fact that other Curse Breakers could never break through?" Penny asked.

"I protected the Labyrinth well." Daedalus replied. "Is this why you've come then? To take my army?" He asked. 

"No." Ethan answered. "We came here to stop a Tyrannical Man from getting his hands on the power that was in here. Which I assume was your army." 

"Then it is a fool's errand you have been on." Daedalus replied. "The only reason why anyone would come down her for is death." 

"Well that clearly didn't happen." Rakepick pointed out. 

"What about this rod? What does it do?" Ethan asked.

"The Control Rod controls the Golem Army. But be warned. That only a select few can wield it." Daedalus answered. "The Minotaur is the one who guards it." He then noticed the horn in Ethan's other hand. "And I see that it was you that defeated my guardian." 

"Well, it did come with a cost. Corey's legs and my wand." Ethan informed. 

"Ah, yes. Your wand that channels your abilities. I take it my Minotaur destroyed your wand." Daedalus noted.

"The Wand's blown to bits. There's no way I can repair it." Ethan admitted. "I'll have to get a new wand when I get home." 

"You'd think so, wouldn't you?" Daedalus asked. "There is a way, I can help you." He decided. 

Ethan looked confused. "What do you mean? You can give me a temporary wand?" 

"No. But I can craft you a new wand." Daedalus offered. 

Ethan's eyes opened. "You can forge me a new wand?" He asked. "But with what? I don't really think there's any trees in here? No offense." 

"None taken. For I will forge you a wand. Not of Wood. But of power and strength. None of its kind that has ever been forged before." Daedalus answered. He then turned around and another layer of a bridge appeared in front of him. "Follow..." He motioned Ethan to follow. When they came to the end of the bridge. Daedalus stood before what looked like a work bench and a forge. "Hand me the Minotaur Horn." He bayed. 

"The Horn?" Ethan asked. He looked back at his friends who were waiting on another part of the bridge. But Ethan handed Daedalus the horn. 

"And now... we begin." Daedalus then took the horn and put it in the forge. He also put some kind of black rock inside of the forge as well. "This is pure black obsidian. Hm... but what else to make it strong. Ah yes..." He then placed another metal. "Tungsten to bind it." 

"What is it?" Ethan asked. 

"Patience." Daedalus instructed. The Materials seem to melt over in the forge in a large cup. Daedalus then took the materials out and using some type of magic. He bound the three together. He then walked over to the work bench. Daedalus then used a powerful hammer like a forger on an anvil. He then put some more magic on it giving the material life. It was so bright that Ethan had to look away and shut his eyes. But when the glow died down. Daedalus revealed a new wand. A black wand. "Your Wand. Forged in Obsidian, etched in Tungsten. And the Core of the Minotaur's horn. Metal. Stone. Bone." Daedalus explained.  

Ethan held his new wand. It made him suddenly strong. It was far more lighter than his previous 2 wands. "My new wand?" He asked.

"It is yours by right. To the man who has slain the Minotaur." Daedalus answered. "Go ahead. Give it a wave." 

And Ethan did give it a wave. A Wave of power. Stronger than anything that Ethan ever wielded. As if to respond to Ethan and Ethan alone. 

"The wand is yours." Daedalus informed. 

"I've never seen a wand like this before. You really are a craftsman, Daedalus." Ethan commented. 

"I try so hard to become one." Daedalus replied. 

Ethan and Daedalus returned to the others. And Ethan showed the group his new wand. "What do you think?" He asked Jacob. 

Jacob looked at the wand. "Ethan? Is this a new wand?" He asked. 

Ethan nodded. "What you are looking at is a pure black Obsidian wand. Etched in Tungsten Ore. And a Minotaur horn Core." He explained.  

Jacob looked at it with surprise. "Woah! A original Wand of Stone. There hasn't been one made in... years." He said.

"You know. If you want to, Jacob. I'm sure Daedalus could forge you a new wand." Ethan offered.

"No thanks. I think I'll stick with Wandless Magic." Jacob replied. 

"So... about the Control Rod..." Ethan said to Daedalus. 

"The Control Rod controls the Golems." Daedalus explained. "But be warned. It can only be wielded by a select few. Those of noble birth." He advised. 

"Why is that?" Jacob asked. 

Before Daedalus could answer Ethan got a punch in the back. Ethan dropped the Control Rod and it was picked up by Rakepick. 

"So... this Rod is the treasure you have then. It all makes sense now." Rakepick laughed. She also took the advantage to grab Penny right in front of her.

"Hey!" Penny shouted. "What are you-?"  

"Shut up, Girl." Rakepick ordered. 

Ethan pointed his wand at Rakepick. "Put her down, Rakepick. Now!" He ordered. 

"And why would I do that?" Rakepick asked. "She's where I want her to be." 

"Um... is this one of those congratulatory hugs on a job well done?" Barnaby asked. 

Rakepick glared at Barnaby. "No. It's a double cross." She answered. "Honestly with the whole Congratulatory hug. WHO WOULD EVEN CONSIDER THAT A POSSIBILITY?!" 

Barnaby raised his hand. 

"Rakepick. This wasn't part of the deal." Corey pointed out. 

"I think the deal's changed. You're not going back to Azkaban, are you?" Jacob asked. 

"You figured right, Bauer. I'm not going back to a cell and putting that disgusting prison attire on." Rakepick answered beholding the Rod. "Do you know how long I've been waiting for this moment?" She asked. "Finally! It's all right in front of me. The army is the key." 

"What are you talking about?" Charlie asked.

"She's going to take the army of Golems to help R." Rath answered. 

"If was still a Professor at Hogwarts, I'd give you 10 points, Miss. Rath." Rakepick praised. 

"But why? You hate R and Trotsky. You said it yourself." Penny asked. 

"You don't get it, do you?" Rakepick laughed. "You see. I think I've found my ticket back to R. I'll deliver the Golems to Trotsky. And when I show him the power I have brought back from the Labyrinth. Trotsky will reward my actions. And welcome me back, this time as his second." She explained. 

"You think he'll really be that impressed with you?" Ethan asked. 

"And I'll be taking Penny with me as insurance." Rakepick added. 

"No, you won't!" Penny shouted.

"You know. I did actually want to help you. But then again... why go back to Azkaban, when I can just kill you all and not go at all?" Rakepick informed. "Now there's only thing to do." The floor panels above the chasm started to rise. 

"NO!" Daedalus yelled. "The Control Rod was not meant for you!" 

"You can't deny me, old man!" Rakepick hissed. "I have long waited for this glorious moment and now here it is. And now... prepare to die." She then raised the rod. "Golems! Come to life! Kill them all! But start with Ethan Bauer! Attack!" 

The Circle braced for a battle. But the Golems didn't come to life. They just remained still.  

"Did you not hear me? I said... Attack!" Rakepick yelled. 

"He told you it wouldn't work." Ethan smirked. 

"The Rod can only be used by Nobel Hands." Daedalus reminded. 

"That can't be right. You're lying!" Rakepick shouted. 

"Yeah. You hear that? You can't use it." Jae taunted. "But we can! No offense if it sounds like we're jumping on the opportunity." He said to Daedalus.

"None taken. For I was not referring for you to use the Control Rod. There is only one of you here in that can wield it. The Girl with Silver Hair." Daedalus replied.

"Chiara?" Penny asked.

"Me?" Chiara asked confused. "I have noble blood?" 

"Impossible! She's just a Stupid Werewolf!" Rakepick shot back.

"Yes." Jae said. "YES! Chiara is the niece of Vercingetorix of the Ancient House of Gaul. She's of Noble Blood!" 

"That's right." Chiara realized. "I am of Noble Blood." 

"Wait, what?" Rath asked. "Chiara's Uncle is one of Trotsky's followers?" 

"It's a long story." Chiara answered. 

"Yeah. We found out a month ago." Ethan replied. 

"My Aunt is Bellatrix Lestrange." Tonks pointed out. 

But Rakepick looked in stunned horror. "You mean her. She's just a Werewolf! A savage! That's all she'll ever be! She's a-" But just then...

BAM! A gunshot had hit Rakepick, and she lost her grip on both Penny and the Control Rod and fell to her knees.

"Accio!" The Rod then went into the hands on a now fully conscious Slayton. "Rakepick?" He then laughed. "You're the last person I ever expected to be seen working with Scarface over there." 

"Pity the Minotaur didn't crush your skull, Slayton." Ethan interrupted. 

"Ah, Bauer. We were just talking about you." Slayton greeted. "And I see you've brought your Princess with you. Did you miss me?" He asked Penny.

"Not really." Penny answered running back to Ethan. 

But Kassandra just stood there frightened. "How are you not dead?" She asked.

"Took a nasty hit from the Minotaur over there. Merlin's Beard, is that thing stubborn. Even my Red Dust wouldn't work on it. No matter. I managed to get what I wanted. And thanks for disposing of the final obstacle for me." Slayton replied. 

"We didn't do it for you, Bub." Lizzie clarified. 

"Who are you?" Slayton asked. 

"Lizzie Maxson." Lizzie answered.

"Oh, right. Jacob's hot oven cooking in the kitchen." Slayton remembered. "And isn't this a little touching reunion. You even brought the whole gang here. And Fur Ears. I thought you were dead." He said to Chiara. 

"Still alive. Thank you very much." Chiara replied. "And you're going to pay for what you did to St. Mungo's, Slayton. Now hand over the Control Rod." She demanded.

"This thing?" Slayton asked looking in his hands. "Now why would I agree to do that? I've got my own plans for it." 

"You will never wield it's power, THIEF!" Daedalus roared.

"I don't have to wield it." Slayton clarified. "I can sell this off to the right buyer. Get paid, steal it and give it back to Trotsky. Either way. I'm going to be a rich man." 

"The only place you're going is to the morgue." Jacob threatened. "Not just for kidnapping Penny, but for literally doing every single crime in everything ever." 

Slayton laughed. "Oh, you really think that you're the one who's going to bring me down. Don't make me laugh."

"Step aside, Slayton! I will be the one to take that rod! The right is mine!" Rakepick yelled getting back up. "Now hand it over or I will hang you by your ankles." She threatened. 

"As if you can stop me, Patty." Slayton replied. "You can't use magic and I've got the rod. And there's no way in hell that they're going to come to your defense." He pointed to the Circle. He pulled Rakepick closer to him with his wand. "And you won't hang me." He smirked full blast. "We do the hanging." He then brought a silver knife that pierced Rakepick's neck releasing a gush of blood. 

"Rakepick! Even if she did betray us." Ethan yelled out as he was stunned. As was the rest of the group. 

"You better put pressure on that wound, Patty." Slayton advised. "You wanted to be in this Labyrinth. Fine. Now you get to die in it." He declared. Rakepick fell to her knees trying to keep the blood from gushing out. "Actually." Slayton loaded a revolver. "I've changed my mind." He then shot Rakepick in the head killing her immediately. 

"Slayton, you freaking Psychopath!" Penny screamed.

"Oh, don't worry, Princess. I'll be more gentle with you." Slayton replied.

Jacob shot a spell at Slayton. Which Slayton dodged. "Don't move, Slayton." 

"Actually, nobody's going anywhere." Slayton shot back. "Not until it's time for all of your guts to be spilled on the floors everywhere." 

"I like my guts in myself, thank you very much." Jae declared. 

"And who's going to stop me?" Slayton asked sarcastically. That was when Sickleworth jumped on Slayton biting him in the neck. 

"GAH!" Slayton yelled. "Get it off! Get it off!" He tried to grab Sickleworth who was crawling all over Slayton and trying to grab the shiny Control Rod from Slayton's hands. But Slayton roared. "Get off me, you STUPID MEAT BRICK!" He then picked up a stone and smashed Sickleworth's head against it. Knocking Sickleworth to the ground, hard.

"Sickleworth!" Ethan shouted out. He decided it was time to take his new wand out. But Barnaby beat him to it. 

"HEY! Nobody does THAT TO MY FRIEND!" Barnaby yelled out. "BOMBARDA MAXIMA!" The force of the wand impact was so great that it knocked the rod out of Slayton's hand. And the force did slam Slayton into a wall that was so impactful it made large cracks in the ground walls and inner sanctum of the Labyrinth.

Suddenly, the earth began to shake. "Uh Oh." Barnaby said. 

"What's going on?" Ethan asked.

"The Labyrinth is collapsing." Daedalus answered. 

Everyone looked around, and saw that the Labyrinth was indeed collapsing. 

"Okay. That might be my bad." Barnaby commented. 

"We have to get everyone out, now!" Jacob ordered. 

"You don't have to tell me twice. I've been ready to get out of here since we got separated." Penny replied.

That was when Ethan noticed Sickleworth. He picked him up. "I've got to get you out of here." He whispered. 

"I'll take him." Charlie insisted. "Get the Control Rod." Ethan put Sickleworth in Charlie's arms. He then grabbed the Control Rod. 

"Ethan, come on!" Chiara yelled while she was grabbing Corey. 

"On my way!" Ethan started to run. But he stopped and turned around when he saw Daedalus using some final enchantments on his Golems. He seemed to be using some teleportation spell on them. "Daedalus?" He asked.

"This is your fight now." Daedalus explained. "Take my Golems and use them to ensure that the world does not fall into tyrannical hands. I trust you with this Ethan Bauer! And that your friend Chiara Lobosca command them with honor and dignity. Swear upon the River Styx." 

"I swear upon the River Styx." Ethan swore. "But we have to get out of here. We still have time." 

"There is no time." Daedalus informed. He then took out a giant wand and he shot it straight. It revealed a straight line, with a light outside. "The path will take you out of the Labyrinth. Go while you still have a chance." 

That was when Slayton got up. "Not one of you is leaving this place alive!" He yelled. But he got smacked by Rath's beater stick. 

"SHUT UP!" Rath yelled as she whacked him down to the floor. 

"Okay people! Move it or lose it!" Jacob ordered. And everyone made a bee line for the exit to the Labyrinth. 

"Daedalus! Thank you!" Ethan shouted on his way out pointing to his wand. 

Everyone started to run for the exit. "Ethan! I'm scared!" Kassandra yelled.

"Just keep running, Kassie. We've escaped worse." Ethan assured. 

"Yeah. A few months ago. We escaped a temple as it was collapsing in Mexico." Penny added. 

Piles of rocks began falling behind them. 

"Ethan! If we don't make it out of this, I just want to say that I hate your guts!" Jae pointed out. 

"Likewise, pal!" Ethan replied. 

Finally they had reached the stairs. "Come on! Everyone up!" Lizzie had taken point letting the younger ones go first. Chiara carried Corey up the stairs, followed by Kassandra, Talbott, Jae, Charlie, Tonks, Orion, Rath, Penny, Barnaby, Ethan, and later her and Jacob.

Slayton in the meantime could see all the rubble around him. And then he saw the other Minotaur horn in the remains of the Minotaur. He crawled over to it. But that was when a giant piece of rubble fall on him. 

Finally the Circle of Khanna had reached daylight. The Sun never shined so bright, and the air never smelled so fresh. The Labyrinth had collapsed under rubble underneath where everyone had been standing. 

"Is everyone okay?" Penny asked.

Everyone nodded their heads. 

Ethan took a deep breath. "E?" Kassandra tugged at Ethan's shirt.

Ethan looked at Kassandra. "Is Slayton, dead?" She asked. 

"I'm not sure. But I know that Rakepick's dead." Ethan answered. And indeed she was. The Labyrinth had become her tomb. 

"She won't be back in Azkaban at the very least." Jae said. 

"And Slayton?" Lizzie asked. "I don't think even he could survive that." 

"Well, let's not get our hopes up just yet." Jacob replied. "We've countered other people before. Only to be surprised." 

"Well, at the very least, Ethan got himself a new wand!" Corey exclaimed. "Even though I lost my legs."  

Ethan looked at Corey's legs that were pretty much busted. "It was worth it. We couldn't let Slayton get his hands on the Control Rod." 

But Ethan still looked down. "Yeah. But if I hadn't come here. Then Slayton wouldn't have ever crawled out of that maze." He admitted. He was about to say more when...

"Mr. B-Bauer?" A Voice called.

Everyone turned to look to see a Wizard in Purple Robes and a giant Turban approach them. It was the old Muggle Studies Professor at Hogwarts. "Professor Quirrell?" Ethan asked. 

Quirrell nodded. "Hello my old students. It's s-s-s-so wonderful to see you a-again." 

"Professor Quirrell. What are you doing here?" Lizzie asked.

"Oh, j-just enjoying my European Vacation." Quirrell answered through some stuttering. "F-forgive my stuttering. I heard a-an earthquake and... I wanted to investigate what it was." He explained.  

"It's fine. We've all been stuttering a little lately. We just crawled out of that death trap." Penny replied. 

"You mean the L-Labyrinth?" Quirrell asked. "You crawled right out of that?" 

"It was crazy." Ethan answered. "We encountered a bunch of monsters." 

"I fought a Shadow Werewolf." Chiara added. 

"Huh?" Penny asked.

"We'll tell you later." Jae told them. 

"And there was also a Minotaur." Ethan added. 

"Oh yeah. That too." Penny put in. 

"A-A Minotaur?!" Quirrell asked in shock. 

"I killed it." Ethan assured. "And we took a treasure and... his Golems." 

"What do you think ever happened to his Golems?" Tonks asked.  

"Um... guys?" Rath motioned. Everyone looked to where Rath was pointing. Over a large hill. There was a whole army of Golems as far as the eye could see. 

"A whole army of Golems." Ethan said. "Daedalus really did come through." He then looked at the Control Rod. He then looked at Chiara. 

"It's an army of Golems?" Chiara asked.

"It's your army of Golems." Ethan told her. "Daedalus said that a only a person of noble blood could wield it." 

Chiara remembered that. But was even more stunned as Chiara was given the Control Rod. "Go for it, Chiara." Jae said next to her. He nodded his head in approval. 

Chiara took a deep breath. She then raised the Control Rod. "Golems! Wake!" She ordered. 

The Golems eyes began to glow yellow. They all raised there heads and drew out their massive swords and all saluted their new Commander. Chiara did a salute as well. "I am your commander now. And you will come with me to Hogwarts. A mad man seeks to destroy this world. And we will stop him!" She commanded. 

And all the Golems then kneeled before Chiara. "I like these Golems already." Chiara said to Jae. 

"Well. Better hope they do well on transportation to Great Britain." Jacob informed. 

"Um... Jacob? How are we going to fit all of these Golems onto one boat?" Lizzie asked. 

Jacob then saw the problem that would bring. "Yeah... that might be a slight problem." He admitted. "We're going to have to make several trips." 

"Or we could apparate back to the Temple and get the Portkey and bring it back here so we can all get out of here." Lizzie suggested. 

"That works too." Jacob decided. He then apparated away. 

Ethan still looked at his new wand. "Let's just hope this wand serves me as well as my other." He thought out loud.

"I'm sure it will." Penny replied. "I mean it was built by Daedalus wasn't it?" She asked.

"Yeah." Ethan answered. "Penny, are you okay? After all of this?" 

"I'm okay. Ethan when the Minotaur was there... I'm sorry. I should've done more." Penny told him. 

"Hey, no one was expecting that. Don't beat yourself about it, Penny." Ethan replied comforting her. 

"Are you sure?" Penny asked. "I mean, with what happened to Scarlett and..." 

"What's done is done, Penny." Ethan stopped her. 

Penny smiled. "You know, Ethan. It is going to be Valentine's Day soon at Hogwarts. And... I was wondering if you wanted to-"

"Um... guys? I think we've got trouble!" Talbott yelled. He was pointing to a bunch of boats that were coming in the direction of Crete.

"W-well, it was nice to see you again, Mr. Bauer." And Quirrell apparated away. 

"Thanks a lot, Quirrell." Ethan sarcastically grumbled.

"Who are they?" Penny asked.

Kassandra gripped Ethan tightly. "Greek Aurors." She squeaked. 

"Calm down. Let's see what comes of this." Lizzie suggested trying to ease up Kassandra.

The Greek Aurors all walked up to the group. But they weren't there for exchanges. They were there for a purpose. 

"Can we help you, sir?" Chiara asked. 

"Yes... Madam." One answered. "We've come in regards to a fugitive. One of Mistress Larisa's servants." He then noticed Kassandra cowering behind Ethan. "And there she is!" 

"Kassandra?" Ethan asked. 

"That little girl is a thief. And she will be dealt with as such." The Greek Auror informed. They all drew their wands.

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