Chapter 72: Sea of Sand.

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"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." -Francis of Assisi.

Ethan had gone over to the Hogwarts Training Grounds to wait for the Circle of Khanna. In a sense this felt like the whole Mexico rescue all over again. Except this time, there wasn't a whole hostage rescue to worry about. And instead it was to find where Bill had gone and what had happened to him. That was what the Circle wanted to know. He saw Jacob and Lizzie approach.

"Sorry, we're late, E. Lizzie had to make something for you." Jacob explained their lateness as Lizzie carried a box. 

"What's in the box?" Ethan asked. 

"Oh, just something for navigating the sands of Saudi Arabia." Lizzie answered. 

"Lizzie, I used my Leather Armor for navigating Mexico." Ethan pointed out. "No offense." 

"None taken. Because the Saudi Desert is nothing like the Mexican Desert." Lizzie shot back. "So... I got you something to help you with the journey." She then pulled out some new desert armor to Ethan.

"Sweet, Lizzie." Ethan commented. "You made this for me?"

"And for the others." Lizzie added. "They're kind of putting it on right now." 

Ethan turned to see Penny coming out first along with Tonks and Chiara. "Looks a little odd don't you think?" Penny asked.

"You look fine to me, Penny." Ethan answered. "How do you feel, Tonks and Chiara?"

"Well, the armor does feel cold to put on." Tonks admitted.

"That's the idea, Tonks." Lizzie explained. "I designed it to be able for the person to regulate temperature to match the environment of the scorching sands and the sun." 

"Well, that's good to know." Chiara replied. "You couldn't have made this for when we went to Greece, though?" She asked.

Lizzie gave Chiara a look. "I wasn't thinking that far ahead. I was kind of too focused on sucker punching Rakepick." 

"Point taken." Chiara replied.

"Where's everyone else?" Ethan asked. 

The next two to show up were Liz and Barnaby. "Here I am!" Barnaby yelled. "Here I am!" 

"Here we are." Liz corrected. 

"Thanks for helping, Liz." Ethan thanked again.

"No problem, Ethan. Who knows, maybe Barnaby will bring back some of the Magical Creatures of Persia." Liz replied. 

"Are you guys the only Slytherins that are joining us?" Jacob asked.

"Well, we don't have Merula or Ismelda with us, remember?" Liz asked. 

"Well, there's that." Ethan pointed out. 

"Oh that's okay. Slytherin doesn't really have the best reputation around Hogwarts these days. Which is kind of a shame that we get stereotyped as the evil bad guys around here. It kind of a surprise to most people that we wish to help." Liz admitted.

"Everyone was surprised that I was sorted into Slytherin." Barnaby added. And he didn't really think of himself as a Slytherin, given the fact that he was none of the things that describe a Slytherin's personality. At least Liz on the other hand, she was resourceful.

"Never had anything against you or Barnaby, you know." Ethan replied. 

"What about other Slytherins?" Barnaby asked. 

"Merula and Ismelda kind of didn't exactly help with that relationship in the beginning." Ethan admitted. 

That was when Rath, Tulip, Badeea, Talbott, and Andre showed up next in their armor. "Hey, Ethan. How's tricks?" Tulip asked. 

"Wotcher, Tulip!" Tonks yelled out running to Tulip. "Looks like we'll have to do our prank war on the road." She informed.

"Looks that way." Tulip replied. 

"Nobody is doing pranks unless I say to." Ethan interrupted. 

"Aw man." Tulip and Tonks complained. 

"Hey, this is for Bill." Ethan reminded. 

Tonks caved in. Bill was a good friend of Tonks of course. And Tonks knew what was at stake. 

That was when Ben, Jae, Charlie, Skye, and Orion came out next. "Hey, everyone." Jae announced. 

"Hi, sweetie." Chiara greeted kissing Jae on the cheek. 

"Hello Gaul Gal." Jae replied.   

"Gaul Gal?" Ethan asked. 

"We're experimenting in clever nicknames." Chiara told him. "Do you and Penny take part in clever nicknames?" She asked.

"Not really. She just calls me E." Ethan answered. 

"It's true. I do." Penny chimed in. "And you all call me Penny." 

Ethan couldn't argue with that. "But isn't your name, Penny?" Barnaby asked.

"It is." Penny answered even though Penny was what she preferred to be called by other people rather than her full name. In fact it was one of her pet peeves when someone used her full name. Especially during the Sorting Ceremony when Professor McGonagall read everyone's name. And Penny's name came up as: "Haywood, Penrose." And Penny felt humiliated but didn't show it in front of everyone. 

"What am I even saying anymore?" Barnaby asked. "I lost track." 

Ethan left Barnaby with his thoughts to turn to Charlie. "You okay, Charlie?" He asked. 

"Yeah. I'm just... ready to get underway is all." Charlie answered. 

"Well, steady on there Charlie. We'll get going soon." Ethan assured. "Just got to wait until Ryder gets over here with the Portkey. 

"And before my Mum has any intentions of-" 

"CHARLES WEASLEY!" Came the Shouting voice of an angry woman marching. 

"Stopping me." Charlie finished.

Molly Weasley marched up with a look that could kill and straight up to Charlie. "Oh boy. Angry Mother." Jacob grabbed Ethan and took him away. 

"What do you think you're doing?!" Molly demanded.

Arthur walked up behind her. "Sorry, Charlie. I had to tell your mother." He said.

"Going to Saudi Arabia." Charlie answered with a bit of a squeak. When it came to being a Gryffindor, you could always expect them to have a head strong attitude. And all the courage whether it would be good or bad. Depending on the situation. But when it came to dealing with your Mother. That was thrown out the window. 

"OH, NO YOU'RE NOT!" Molly shot down. "Have you forgotten that your brother Bill Weasley disappeared in that area?!" 

"That's exactly why I have to go, Mum." Charlie explained. "To get him back." 

Molly started to get tears in her eyes. "Charlie. You Brother... I can't lose you too." 

"You won't, Mum." Charlie vowed giving his Mother a hug. 

"Um, Mrs. Weasley?" Ethan asked. "Can I say something?" 

Molly nodded her head. "I know what it's like to lose a brother. I lost mine. And I don't want Charlie to go through that hell that my Mother and I went through when we lost Jacob." Ethan explained. "I'll get Bill back." 

"And you'll protect Charlie?" Molly asked. 

"You have my word." Ethan answered. 

Arthur put a hand on Molly. And Molly reluctantly agreed. "Okay. I'm trusting you to keep both Charlie and Bill safe, Ethan." She informed.

"No pressure." Ethan thought even though he didn't off and say it. 

"Charlie's going to get Bill back?!" That was when the voice of Ginny poked out of one of the doors to the Training Grounds and running over to her family. And Ron ran out. 

"You brought, Ginny and Ron?" Charlie asked. 

"There was no time to hire someone to watch them." Arthur answered. 

"Mommy? Is Charlie going to bring Bill back?" Ginny asked.  

"Yes I am." Charlie answered.

"And Ethan Bauer is going to help him." Molly added. 

Ginny ran up to hug Ethan. "Thank you." She thanked. 

Ron nodded his head. "You'll bring back Bill?" He asked.

"I will." Ethan answered. 

That was when Caroline and Kassandra walked up. "Mum. Kassie." Ethan greeted.  

Caroline gave Ethan and Jacob a hug. "See, Ronald. Ethan and Jacob hug their Mother in public." Molly pointed out. 

Ron looked a little guilty. 

"You'll be careful in the Middle East?" Caroline asked. 

"Yes I will." Ethan answered. 

"Okay. And Jacob?" Caroline asked.

"I promise to look after my Baby Brother, Mum." Jacob assured already knowing what Caroline was going to say. 

"And look after yourself." Caroline added. 

"I swear." Jacob swore. 

That was when Kassandra ran up to hug Ethan and Jacob. 

"We'll come back, Kassie. Don't worry." Ethan told her. 

"Um, Ethan." Kassandra stuttered and had something in her hand. "I... have something for you." She held out her hand to reveal a little shiny coin of what looked like a symbol of Sparta. "A-A little something to remember me by. I-If you forget about m-me." She explained. 

"Kassie. I don't need an emblem to remember you. Because I'm going to come home to you and Mum." Ethan told her. 

"C-could you take it at least?" Kassandra asked. 

Ethan nodded. 

That was when Ginny walked up to Kassandra. "Who are you?" She asked. 

"Ginny." Molly snapped. "It's rude to just walk up to people like that you know." She scolded.  

"Sorry Mommy." Ginny apologized. 

That was when Molly looked at Kassandra. "Hello, there. I don't think we've ever met before." 

"Hi." Kassandra greeted. "Mater?" She asked Caroline. 

"Oh, right. You've never officially met. Molly, Arthur. This is my daughter, Kassandra. Ethan and Jacob brought her back from Greece." Caroline introduced. "And Kassie, this is Molly and Arthur Weasley. They're friends." 

Molly looked at Kassandra with a warm smile. "Well, it is very wonderful to meet you, Kassandra. These are my children. Ron and Ginny." She introduced Ron and Ginny. 

"Hello." Ron and Ginny greeted. 

Kassandra waved hi and felt more relaxed. It was far easier to trust kids her own age then adults. 

"You're from Greece?" Ron asked. 

"I was." Kassandra answered. "Now I live here." 

"What's that like?" Ginny asked. "Greece?" 

"Well..." Kassandra then began to talk about what it was like in Greece, the wave of the oceans, the markets, the drinks and all that sort of stuff. 

At that moment. Dumbledore arrived with Mad Eye, Fudge, and Ryder. 

"Good to see that everyone is here together." Dumbledore began. 

"As ready as we are to find Bill." Ethan answered. "You have an idea on how we're going to get into Saudi Arabia?" He asked. 

"That's on me." Ryder answered. He drew out a portkey. Which was in actuality a big old ancient lamp. Still staying on theme. "Now listen. I had to get the approval of the High Sage to get you all to Arabia. Surprisingly, he allowed it. I thought it was going to be harder." He explained. 

"And this High Sage will know where Bill went?" Charlie asked.

"He will, most likely tell you. Especially if it comes from a brother." Dumbledore answered. "Be careful in Arabia, all of you. I know that 6 of you survived Mexico, but that's no reason to let your guard down even for a second." He advised. 

"This one is strictly covert." Mad Eye added. "Try to blend in." 

"We can handle that." Ethan replied looking at Ben. "Most of us at any rate."

"Yeah. Except this isn't like other places." Ryder pointed out. "And word of caution. Watch what you say to people." 

"Why's that?" Lizzie asked.

"Let's just say... they have very close minds." Ryder advised. 

And Lizzie understood immediately. As did Rath and Badeea.

"Well, if there are any more objections. I'll activate the Portkey, and we'll get started.

"Um, what about Chiara's Golems?" Skye asked. 

"They'll be staying with Professor Dumbledore." Chiara answered. "I've already instructed the Golems to defend Hogwarts in case there's an attack made on the school by Trotsky." She handed the Control Rod to Dumbledore." 

"You'll take care of it?" Chiara asked. 

"It will be safe in my possession." Dumbledore answered. "Now, then. On you go. You have a friend to rescue." 

"Good luck in there." Diego said. 

"Try not to knock Hogwarts down." Ethan jokingly requested.

The rest of the Circle of Khanna touched their hands on the lamp. 

"Um... anything we should know about the Portkey?" Skye asked. 

"Hold on tight." Rath answered. 

"Good luck." Ryder told them and activated the Portkey. 

"Here we go again." Ethan rolled his eyes. The image for everyone changed. Swirling images of everything. And everyone letting go. 

The whole image had changed again. And as usual. People were scattered as they landed. Most likely falling on something.  

Ethan fell on sand and he rolled down one dune. and down the ground. "Ow." He grunted. 

"Ethan?" Jacob asked running up to him. "You okay?" He asked.

"Fine." Ethan answered. He looked around him. And could see nothing but sand and more sand in all directions. 

"Ethan!" Penny yelled out and falling down the desert dunes as well. "Not my best landing." She admitted when she stood up and was getting some flashbacks to Mexico. "Are we back in Mexico?" 

"Nope. You're in Saudi Arabia." Lizzie answered walking up.

That was when they noticed Skye and Rath all tangled up. "This got real uncomfortable real fast." Skye grunted. 

"Can you get your feet out of my face?" Rath asked. 

"Are we in Las Vegas?" Barnaby asked as he got up. 

Once everyone was up. They took a look around them. This certainly wasn't Hogwarts. Not by a long shot.

"Okay. Where do we go?" Ben asked trying to get rid of some sand in his hair. 

"Hey, Ben. Would you say that your hair is Sandy?" Tonks joked.

Everyone looked at Tonks. "Tonks. No." Talbott informed.

"I'm already one point ahead in the prank war." Tulip pointed out.

"Okay. First, we got to find the City of the Sand. That's where we'll find the Sage." Lizzie answered.

"How do you know that?" Chiara asked. 

"Because I did my research." Lizzie answered. 

"Well do you see a city? Because I don't." Andre asked. 

"Look behind you, Andre." Rath told him. 

"Is it that one?" Ben asked starring at the city in the distance. And it was huge. A Huge City with giant walls and a massive dome building in the center.

"That would be the one." Jacob answered. "Just be careful, E. The City of Sand is not a fun place you want to mess with." 

"I don't scare easily." Ethan replied. 

"I do." Barnaby chimed in. 

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Oh, brother.

The Circle of Khanna walked closer up to the walls to see the City of Sand. Unlike other Wizarding Communities. The Magi had a whole cultural city dedicated to magic. High Walls, High buildings, many different decorations. Ethan could see this was not like any other place he'd been to before. And so could Jacob. They walked through the City gates, and into the streets which were as packed as London, maybe even bigger like New York City itself. 

"So much for sticking out, huh?" Ben asked with sarcasm. 

"Now, this is a city." Orion commented. 

"Great. Back in the City." Tulip complained.

"What are you talking about? This place is huge." Penny exclaimed.

"Just a city full of more rules." Tulip pointed out. 

"Everyone just stick together." Ethan suggested.

"So, what do we do?" Chiara asked as she was holding Jae's hand. 

"We find Bill, is what." Charlie answered not admiring the whole thing for what it was.  

That was when Rath got bumped by someone. "Hey!" 

The Magi looked at her with disgust. 

"Someone got on the wrong side of the Camel this morning." Skye commented.

"Remember what Ryder said, Rath. Watch what you say around people here." Penny reminded. 

Rath shook her head. 

That was when Charlie in the meantime was looking around for anything on where he could go. "Um... excuse me?" He asked people around. But they were all walking around him. 

"I don't think you'll make any luck in finding people like that, Charlie." Tulip pointed out. "Why don't we take a look around and see what we can find." She suggested. 

"So where do we go first?" Jacob asked. 

"I say we go directly to the High Sage." Charlie answered. "At the Palace." He wanted to go right to the source.

"I like that plan." Ben commented. 

That was when an Official walking down the streets with fellow guards like an entourage. Everyone else seemed to be bowing down before the guy. 

"Is that the Sage?" Jacob asked. 

"Must be. They're all bowing down to him." Skye suggested. 

The Official noticed Ethan and the rest of the Circle not bowing down. He walked over. 

"I think we should have bowed." Jae commented quickly getting on his knees and bowing. 

"Jae." Chiara complained getting him back up. 

The Official looked at Ethan. "You!" He exclaimed at Ethan. 

"Me?" Ethan asked.

"Why have you come?" The Official asked.

"So much for sticking out." Ben muttered. 

"We've come here for answers." Ethan answered. "Our friend went missing in these lands, we're looking for him." 

The Official didn't seem to be budging on that front. "No. You will go no further. Leave this city." He ordered. "Or do you want your head to be a piece of our city?" 

Ethan felt his neck feel weird. "No... sir." 

"Then you will leave." The Official told him.

"Who do you think you are?" Penny asked standing up for Ethan. But she saw the Magi point their wands at her. 

"And you will keep the woman silent." The Official added. "She reeks of foreign. The City of Sand will have none but our own."  

"She has a name." Ethan stood up for Penny. 

"As do we all." The Official replied.

"Your High Sage permitted us to come here." Charlie informed. "We come from Great Britain on behalf of the Ministry of Magic." 

The Official turned to Charlie. "Then you have an invitation." He said. 

"No. But I've come in search of my brother. Bill Weasley." Charlie replied. 

"We are not familiar with that name." The Official frowned. 

"Then your High Sage must know." Charlie said testing his luck. "If I could just speak to him-" 

But the Guards pointed their wands at him. "None will speak to the High Sage without my say so. And I say, no." The Official warned him away.

"But what about my brother?" Charlie asked now irritated. "I'm not leaving without him." He insisted. 

"You are leaving." The Official now pointed his wand at Charlie and made an energy sword at him. 

Charlie was about to say something. But Badeea stopped him. "Charlie, stop." She then looked at the Official. "Apologies, Official. We will leave your presence at once." She informed.

"See that you do, Woman." The Official then walked off. 

Charlie grumbled. "Nice guy." 

Badeea shook her head. "That is one of the Officials of the High Sage. They guard and advise him. And they decide who sees the High Sage and who does not." She explained.

"See what I mean about a city of rules?" Tulip asked. Dennis was in her pocket and made a ribbit sound at the Official. 

"I'm not leaving without Bill. I swore that." Charlie declared. 

"Now what do we do?" Chiara asked. "It's not like we have much money." 

"I do." Lizzie answered. 

"Slight problem. You're a Muggleborn, Lizzie. You won't be accepted." Badeea pointed out. 

Lizzie made a seriously face." 

"It's the City of the Sand. And with the Magi. They... have strict social standards." Badeea explained.

"Strict social standards?" Ben asked realizing that he was Muggleborn himself. 

"The City itself is divided by 3 social classes. A class system. The Lower Class which are the Muggleborn. The Middle Class which are Half Bloods, and the Upper Class which are owned by the Purebloods." Badeea answered. 

"And I take it only the Purebloods are permitted to see the High Sage?" Penny asked. 

"Only if the Officials declare it as such." Badeea answered. 

"Now what are we going to do?" Ethan asked. "We got to see the High Sage. And Mr. Big Head Official won't permit that." 

"Not to worry." Badeea assured. She then looked at a man coming in her direction. 

"Is it another Official?" Rath asked. She could already see Barnaby bowing. 

"Barnaby, you can stand." Badeea told him. 

The Man looked at Badeea. He then spoke in Arabic to Badeea. To which Badeea responded as well. And then they hugged each other. 

"I think we're in their good books." Jae commented. 

"It has been far too long, Cousin Badeea." The Man said. 

"It had been, Cousin Assef." Badeea replied. 

"Cousin?" Ethan asked. 

That was when Badeea realized something. "Oh right. I never told you. Ethan. This is my cousin, Assef." She introduced. "Cousin. You know who this is." 

Assef looked at Ethan. "Yes, Badeea has told us about your exploits the war against R. Curse Breaker." He greeted. 

"Nice to meet you as well." Ethan replied. 

"Now, Cousin. Why have you come to the City of Sand? If I had known you were coming." Assef asked. 

"Apologies, Assef. I have come to The City of Sand to find my friend, Bill Weasley. He has been missing for months now." Badeea answered. 

"Bill Weasley." Assef tried to remember. 

"Do you know where he is?" Ben asked. 

"Not here." Assef answered looking around him. "I suggest we return to the house." He then motioned others to follow him to a carriage that was pulled by Abraxan.

Assef had rode in front with Ethan, Jacob, Lizzie, Badeea and Charlie. "You picked a hell of a time to come to the City of Sand, Badeea." Assef told her. 

"What has happened?" Badeea asked. 

"Much tension." Assef answered. "The Sages have now taken a much more active effect in ruling the lands of Arabia and our cities." 

"Your Cities?" Jacob asked. "There are more cities?"

"Yes. We have many cities. One each is ruled by a Sage. And they all answer to the High Sage of the Capital City. Which is the City of Sand." Assef answered.

"I never knew about this." Lizzie commented. 

"Even your friend, Bill Weasley was stunned at this fact. Most lands of the world, do not have cities the way our land and culture does." Assef replied. "Though despite this, we have a much more restricted system that we must obey. For instance, we have a class system divided as I am sure that Badeea has told you."  

"Yeah, she mentioned that part." Ethan said.

"And also for women. They are not granted as much liberties as men are." Assef added. 

Badeea nodded that it was sad, but true. Lizzie rolled her eyes. "Great. It's going to be one of those places." She grunted.

That explained to Ethan on why the Sage they had encountered was a total dick to Penny and the girls.

They passed over a bridge and into a much nicer section of the city. The one that was populated by Purebloods. Each with servants or House Elves. Assef took the carriage down to a mansion down the street. 

"Well, here we are." Assef announced. 

The rest of the others got out of the carriage. "Badeea. Your family really rings in the dough." Jae said to Badeea. 

"Well, we are Purebloods." Assef told him. He then unlocked the doors to the house. 

Opening the door to a large lobby and a table. "Everyone! Badeea is here!" Assef  announced. "And she has brought friends." 

About 5 other people walked out. There was a man an woman in their middle ages. 3 other boys with short dark hair also emerged.  

"Badeea!" The Boys shouted hugging Badeea. 

"Hello, Hadir, Farid, Basir." Badeea greeted hugging them as well. "My Cousins." She explained. "As well as my Uncle Faizan. And my Aunt Eman." 

"How wonderful it is to see you again, dear Badeea." Faizan greeted.

Eman just waved high. "These are my friends." She told them while making some sign language to Eman. Eman moved her fingers. 

"Aunt Eman is a mute." Badeea said. 

Eman nodded her head. 

"Ah." Ethan realized. 

Eman made some more signals to Ethan. "Huh?" Ethan asked. 

"Mother says that she is happy to see you here, Ethan Bauer." Basir translated.

"As well as you, Dear Badeea." An Old Man with a cane walked up to Badeea.

"Grandfather." Badeea greeted. "I have much to tell you all." 

"All in good time." The Grandfather told her. "But for now come in, and sit." He coughed. "Curse my old bones." 

That Night everyone had sat down to dinner. Eman had made some Middle Eastern Food. And some extra for the new guests. Even Jae had offered to help cook. He was quite good at making the spread too. Specifically they were eating Shawarma. 

"This is good." Lizzie praised. 

Eman nodded her head. 

"Now then." The Grandfather had drank some water. "Assef has told me about why you have come here. To search for your friend, Bill Weasley." 

"Yes. He's my brother." Charlie replied. "Is he here?"

"No. He disappeared a month ago after speaking to the High Sage directly. What was discussed in those halls was between the High Sage and Bill himself." The Grandfather answered. 

For Charlie, it was a dead end. Again. "Drat. And I suppose there's no way I can talk to the High Sage about what had transpired over in their conversation?" He asked. 

"Sadly no." Assef answered. 

Charlie sighed. "Don't worry, Charlie. We'll find Bill." Ethan assured.

That was when a knock on the door came. 

"I'll get it." Jacob got up after finishing off his Shawarma. 

"We need to see that High Sage. Is there any way of getting to him?" Rath asked. "And could you please not eat the Shawarma in one bite, Barnaby?" 

Barnaby spat most of his food back on his plate. "Sorry." 

"There is one way." Faizan answered. "A few nights from now, The High Sage will host an event. A Ball if you will." 

"A Ball?" Ethan asked confused. It seemed a random thing to do. 

"And how does that help us?" Chiara asked. 

Jacob held out a sealed scroll of paper as he was walking back. "Hey Charlie, it's for you." He informed.

Charlie took it. 

"That's the Seal of the High Sage." Faizan realized. 

Charlie tore through it. But when he opened it. He couldn't make out the words. "Ugh. What do these markings mean?" He asked. 

"I got it." Orion answered using a translation charm. 

"Thank you, Orion." Charlie thanked. It translated to English. "To Charles Weasley. Welcome to the City of Sand. There is much to discuss. I understand this. But not over letters. I know why you have come. In search of your brother, no doubt. And he has yet to return. While we cannot speak for what happened to him. I must speak to you on an urgent matter. Come to the Palace of Magic within 2 nights for the Festival of the New High Sage. And we will discuss with what has happened to your Brother. And come alone. The High Sage." 

"The High Sage knows we're here?" Ben asked. 

"Apparently." Charlie answered. 

"What's the Palace of Magic?" Tulip asked. 

"That would be the large palace." Assef answered. 

"Oh." Tulip realized. 

"Hold on a second. What do they mean by New High Sage?" Rath asked.

"That, is because the Ball is to honor the passing of the High Sage of Old. And to welcome his son as the New High Sage." The Grandfather answered. "You see while the High Sage lives, he is dying. And does not have much time left." 

Ethan swallowed hard. "That doesn't give us much time either." 

"We have to do it." Charlie said. "It's the only way to get Bill back." 

"It could be a trap." Jae cautioned. 

"Um, I know for a fact that it is a trap. Why would the Sage ask Charlie to come alone? Unless it was to kill him." Lizzie interrupted. 

"The High Sage is an honorable man. He would not do such a thing." The Grandfather informed. 

"Maybe, but any of the Sages could be up to something. Or someone else. How do we know they're not responsible for Bill disappearing?" Lizzie asked. 

"Lizzie's right. We can't take any chances." Jacob agreed. 

"What are we going to do about it, then?" Penny asked. 

"We go to the Palace on the night of the Ball. And back up Charlie if this is a trap." Ethan answered like it was common sense. He wasn't going to take chances either. 

Andre laughed. "Oh, come on. Balls like that with high functions are the most eloquent times of the year. We'll never get past the front gate in our armor. No offense, Lizzie." 

"None taken." Lizzie admitted that Andre was right about that. "We're going to need to blend in. And that means, I'm going to need to make some new clothes." She was excited about that.

"But the Ball is in 2 nights." Penny pointed out. "Are you sure you can do it in that time?"

"Not if I'm involved. We're going to need a lot of fabrics." Andre chimed in. He could see where this was going. This was just like the Celestial Ball for him. And Andre was ready to put his Style Wizard title back on. "We'll need suits and dresses. But also in a way that fits the theme of the Arabic Culture." He suggested letting his mind drift off to their thoughts.

Skye laughed. "No. You're not putting a dress on me." She shot down. 

"Nor me." Rath added. 

"You're going to wear a dress, and you're going to like it." Lizzie told them. 

"Come on, guys. For Bill?" Charlie asked. 

Rath sighed. "Fine." 

But Skye didn't say anything. 

"Alright. We'll need a place to stay for a few nights." Ethan admitted. 

"You are welcome to stay in our home." The Grandfather informed. 

"You don't mind?" Jacob asked not wanting to sound like an intruder. 

"It would be our pleasure." The Grandfather answered. "We never turn away a hungry guest." 

"Boys. Show our guests their rooms." Assef told them. 

"Of course." The Boys took the rest of the Circle away, leaving Ethan, Jacob, Lizzie, and Badeea with Badeea's family. 

"Thank you, Grandfather." Badeea thanked. 

"You are family, Badeea. And this is a quest to find one's brother. There is no other more honorable goal." The Grandfather replied.

"Is there a place where we can get Fabric?" Lizzie asked. 

"You may find some at the markets. But they are closed for the night. You will have to wait until morning." Assef answered. 

"Okay. First thing in the morning." Lizzie decided. 

"Alright. Off to bed with you all. You have much to do tomorrow." The Grandfather told them.

That was when Ethan thought of something else. "One last thing. We heard from our source back home, Agent Ryder about an incident that happened up North in Turkey. Do you know anything about that?" He asked. 

Assef spoke up. "I have. Word from the Merchants is that there's a man who's been putting No Magi Towns to the torch. Burning as he goes East and then South. And they say that he's been turning south. And coming this way. But that's about it." He answered. 

"Okay." Ethan didn't like the sound of that. He didn't know who it was that was doing that. It must've been another Dark Wizard or something like that. 

Ethan left to go to his room which he shared with Ben, Charlie, and Jae. That was fine with him. It was like being in their dorm all over again. 

"So, that was day 1." Ben recapped.

"Any problems?" Ethan asked.

"No." Ben answered. 

Charlie didn't say anything. "I'm going to find that High Sage. And I'm going to find out what happened to Bill." He vowed. 

"Easy, Charlie. It could be a trap." Ethan pointed out. "We'll find your brother. And get him back." 

"Yeah. I have your word, Ethan. I know." Charlie went to sleep not wanting to talk about it anymore.

"You really think we can do this, Ethan?" Jae asked. 

"Yes." Ethan answered. He looked back at the window. And could see the moon rising above the desert dunes. "How did I get in this spot?" He wondered as he went to sleep.

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