Chapter 78: Running Red.

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"To survive it is often necessary to fight and to fight you have to dirty yourself." -George Orwell.

Jacob kept pacing around the outer walls of the Palace as he had been doing for the past 8 hours. "Well, this is just great. Ethan needs our help and we're stuck out here doing nothing!" He kept complaining.  

"Easy Jacob. Pacing isn't helping ourselves." Saahira told him. She was used to people pacing around. Hakeem did it often as well. He was doing it too in fact. 

"They're not coming. They're not coming." Hakeem said pacing around. 

"Alright. That does it. We're going in whether the Djinn wants us too or not." Jacob declared intending to go in. 

"Jacob, wait!" Lizzie noticed the walls opening up like they were a door. 

Jacob readied his hands ready to strike at whatever was coming. 

"It's the Djinn! He comes again!" Hakeem shouted. 

That was when a Vulture flew out and flew beyond that. 

"A Vulture?" Lizzie asked. "What's that doing all the way out here?" She asked. 

Jacob recognized the Vulture however. It was an Animagus. And not just some Animagus. "It's Trotsky!" He yelled shooting a spell at the Vulture, but Trotsky was not in the mood for a fight at that moment and just flew off into the Desert and Apparating away. 

Suddenly Lizzie had a bad thought. "Jacob... if that was Trotsky. Then what happened to-" 

"Jacob! Lizzie!" That was when the voice of Ethan interrupted everyone. 

Jacob was happy to hear his voice. "Ethan!" He ran over. 

Ethan also carried Bill with him. "Oh, hey Jacob. You're here too?" Bill asked. 

"Yep. And the irony of this is not lost on me." Jacob answered giving Bill a one arm hug as well.

"We found out about the Distress Call and that you went out here, we were so worried about you." Lizzie explained.  

"Well, good thing you found me when you did." Bill joked. "That Djinn was not a nice host."  

"He turned Ben into a Monkey." Penny added. "And he tried to marry me." 

Jacob and Lizzie looked at Ben. "I got better." Ben said. 

"But Ethan? Was that Trotsky that just flew out?" Lizzie asked

"Yeah. That was him." Ethan answered. "And he killed off the Djinn." 

Jacob looked confused. "He did?" He asked. 

"Why would he do that?" Lizzie asked confused as well. 

"It could be perhaps that Trotsky knows that Djinn are very difficult to control. And not wishing to deal with that, Trotsky made it so that the Djinn does not interfere." Saahira suggested. 

"That was his meaning." Ethan replied.  

"Saahira?" Bill was surprised to see her and Hakeem there. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Helping out my new friends get their friend back." Saahira answered. "And also to protect the lands from the Djinn as I'm sure my Baba assigned you to." 

"Your Baba? The High Sage?" Bill asked.

"That's right." Hakeem answered. "Don't you remember?" 

"You're Father never assigned me to go towards the Djinn. I got the assignment from one of the other Sages." Bill said. 

Ethan looked confused by that. "But the High Sage said that you spoke to him. He said to us himself." He pointed out.

"That's odd." Bill replied. "I never... got to speak to the High Sage. One of the other Sages this... Omar if I recall told me that he was unwell." He explained. "So he told me to head for the Djinn's Palace and that the lands were threatened with a curse."  

"Well..." Charlie was trying to find the right words to say. "What's important is that we got Bill back. And we can get the others from the Village and be back at Hogwarts and back to the Burrow." 

The others didn't forget about the Village where the other members of their group were being treated for wounds and poison. 

"Um?" Ben asked. "How are we going to get there? In case you didn't notice, but it took us a long time to get over to this Palace of Djinn." 

That was when the Magic Carpet pointed to himself. 

"We can use the Magic Carpet." Badeea informed. 

That was when everyone got on the Magic Carpet. But Saahira was left with more questions than answers.

"Ready to go?" Jacob asked. 

"Let's get as far away from this place as possible." Bill answered. 

Meanwhile back at the Village. Orion was balancing on one foot while also trying to play some Exploding Snap with Tulip, Tonks and Andre who were just looking confused as to why Orion was making that pose while he was playing with them. Except for Tonks. 

"Orion. I don't think that people play Exploding Snap like that." Andre said. 

"This next pose requires the balance of Exploding Snap and my Peaceful Meditation. They Balance each other out." Orion informed everyone. 

Tulip sighed. She could never understand what Orion was going on with. "Chiara? Are you hearing him?" She asked. 

Chiara who was washing her hands walked over. "Well, I seriously doubt it could be any crazier then Jae drinking Cactus Juice." She answered. 

"Whoops." Jae commented. He was starting to feel much better now. His mind was his own again. 

"Whoops?" Chiara asked looking at him. "Jae. You could've died thanks to that Cactus Juice. You and Tonks." She scolded. 

Tonks looked down at that. It was one thing when she broke rules in school. And she was used to getting in trouble with Professors. But to be scolded by Chiara was something different entirely.  

"Well, why didn't you warn us that Cactus Juice could do that?" Jae asked. 

"Because it was obvious." Chiara answered. 

Dennis also made a ribbit sound while also playing with Talbott who had made a full recovery and was just spending time with Dennis.

Skye was starting to get up again. "Hey, guys." She greeted having been walking again for the past 2 days after getting the poison out. 

"How you doing Skye?" Orion asked. 

"Good." Skye answered. "Thanks." 

"Thank Chiara. She healed you." Tulip commented. 

"And thank you, Chiara." Skye thanked.

"You're welcome." Chiara replied. "And we should thank the villagers that let us in here." She added.

"They didn't at all mind that you were a werewolf, Chiara?" Skye asked.

"Orion smoothed it over with them." Chiara answered noticing Orion's charisma.

Dennis made another ribbit sound. That meant that someone was coming. 

Tulip ran outside to see who was coming. And it was on a Magic Carpet. And with Ethan, along with the others... and Bill! "Bill's Coming!" She yelled. 

That got everyone off their feet and over to the Magic Carpet landing. 

"Is this Carpet alive?" Bill asked. 

The Carpet nodded at Bill. 

"Yeah. The Carpet has a mind of its own." Charlie told him. 

"He's more entertaining then Scabbers." Bill commented. "Don't tell Ron I said that though." He decided to go greet the others as they all walked inside the house where the Circle of Khanna was saying.

There was much rejoicing from everyone inside of the House too at the sight of Bill. 

"Hey!" Bill kept greeting. He then looked at Ethan. "You gathered the entire Circle of Khanna to come get me out of the Middle East?" He asked flabbergasted.

"We protect our own, Bill." Jacob told him. And everyone was nodding their heads in agreement. 

"Everyone except for the Underaged kids." Ethan answered. "And Liz, Diego, Murphy and Corey." 

"Really? I thought that Corey would love to come for the mystery and all of that." Bill asked. 

"Well..." Charlie said awkwardly. "Corey... got crippled in the Labyrinth." He informed.

"What?" Bill asked confused. "The Labyrinth?" 

"Oh, yeah. Ethan, Penny, Jacob, Lizzie, Talbott, Barnaby, Tonks, Chiara, Jae, Orion, Rath, and I went with Rakepick inside of the Labyrinth to stop Slayton from getting what was inside of the Labyrinth. Turns out it was an army of Golems that Chiara could wield with a Control Rod that was inside of the Walls that were built by Daedalus himself. Ethan got a new wand-" Charlie started to say. 

"Woah. Hold on a second, Charlie." Bill interrupted trying to keep up with him. "Can you dial that back. You went into a Labyrinth. With Rakepick?" He asked.

"Saahira. What Bill said-" Hakeem was trying to tell his sister. 

"Oh, sorry. Let me start at the beginning." Charlie said intending to start at the beginning. 

That was when an Owl emerged from inside the house and flew up to Saahira. "An Owl?" She asked tearing open the letter. She read it all confused. Her eyes widened at the contents of the letter. 

"What is it?" Barnaby asked. 

"It is a letter from one of my Handmaidens. Something has happened at the Palace of Magic." Saahira answered with deep regret in her eyes. And Ethan had a bad hunch over what that was. 

Saahira reached out for Hakeem. He wasn't going to take this coming news well. "Baba has passed. In his sleep." She told him. 

"Baba?" Hakeem suddenly felt his heart drop out hard.

"Oh, man." Jacob thought. 

The Rest of the Circle of Khanna looked distraught as well. 

"Baba is dead." Hakeem sobbed and he knew what that meant. 

Saahira hugged her little half brother. "We must be strong Hakeem." She told him. "We must go home. It is time for Hakeem to take his place as High Sage."

"Saahira. I'm not ready." Hakeem protested. 

"We have no choice, Hakeem. You have to become the next High Sage." Saahira told him. 

Hakeem felt himself hyperventilating again. He then ran over to Barnaby and hugging him. 

Barnaby hugged him back. "I'm sorry for your loss." He said. 

Hakeem sobbed even more. "Saahira. Are you sure about this?" Barnaby asked. 

"It is his destiny." Saahira answered. "And if what Bill here says is true and that my Baba did not send-" A thought had suddenly dawned on Saahira. "OH NO!" 

"Oh no what?" Chiara asked. "And what did Bill say?" 

"We must get back to the City of Sand." Saahira informed. "Right now. Our lands are all in danger." 

"You mean with the Rogue Sages?" Ethan asked. He was looking around to see if anyone was following this. But everyone was just as confused as he was as to what was going on. "Is that Cue happening right now?" He asked. 

"I don't know. I'm trying to figure it out myself." Jacob answered. 

"I fear it is." Saahira suddenly grabbed a plate and making it a Portkey. "Hold on everybody. We're going back to the City of Sand." She told them.

"You could've made a Portkey this whole time? Rath asked. "Why didn't we just take this to the Palace of Evil then?"

"Because we couldn't have traveled there by Portkey. We had to go on foot." Saahira answered. 

"It would be nice if these Magical Places could be easily accessible once in a while." Rath commented. 

"Yeah, I'm with Rath on this one." Skye agreed. 

"Everyone grab on." Saahira told them. "I know you have a lot of questions, but I cannot answer them. Not yet at any rate. But that is why we must go to the Palace of Magic. To get the answers we seek."

Ethan didn't see an alternative. And everyone was looking at him. "Do as she says." He ordered. 

And everyone grabbed the Portkey and they all teleported away.

The City of Sand seemed like it didn't change at all from a distance. But at a closer glance, something was happening. And that exactly what was coming for The Circle of Khanna when it crashed into the Grounds of the Pureblood District near the Palace of Magic. And by crashed, they crashed. 

"Still not used to that." Ben grunted as he got up. 

"You'll be fine, Ben." Ethan assured. 

"Come on Ben, you gotta get that monkey off your back." Barnaby joked. "Get it?"

"I don't get it." Tonks interrupted. 

"The Djinn turned Ben into a Monkey." Ethan explained. 

"He did what?" Talbott asked confused. 

"WHAT?!" Tulip asked in disbelief. "You mean to tell me that Ben was turned into a Monkey and I MISSED IT?!" 

"Turns out yes." Badeea answered. 

"Well, we'll just see about that." Tonks grunted nodding at Tulip to point her wand at Ben. 

Ben could see where this was going. "Tulip... don't you-" Tulip turned Ben into a Monkey. 

Ben looked at himself again. He screeched right at Tulip who just laughed. 

Ethan sighed. "Finite Incantantem." He turned Ben back to normal.  

"NOT COOL, TULIP!" Ben screeched at Tulip. "I AM NOT A MONKEY!" 

"Technically we all are monkeys in our own ways." Andre pointed out. "Humans are direct descendants of Monkeys." 

"Actually, it's Apes." Chiara corrected. 

"I thought that Monkeys and Apes were the same thing." Tonks replied. 

"PEOPLE!" Saahira shouted at everyone. "We don't have time for this. We must get to the Palace of Magic at once."

"I'm not wearing a dress this time." Skye commented. 

"Skye in a dress?" Bill asked intrigued. "Okay. What did I miss?" 

Saahira started to take Hakeem with her. But something was wrong.

"Hold on, Saahira!" Jacob shouted. 

"What?" Saahira asked. 

"Something's not right here. It's too quiet." Jacob answered to the view that no one was out despite the fact that it was midday already. Even from the District that they were in, they should've at least heard some noise from the other parts of the city. But there was no sounds except for their ones that were being made. 

Even Hakeem found it very strange. 

"Where is everybody?" Ethan asked. 

"Hello!" Penny called out which was not the smartest idea in hindsight 20/20.

"There's no one in the Districts. Not even a soul." Lizzie agreed with Jacob. 

That's when it suddenly clicked for Ethan. He remembered what Trotsky had warned him. That if Ethan wanted Saahira and Hakeem to live. Then he would leave the Middle East when they had the chance. And he had that feeling in his gut. 

"What's wrong Ethan?" Jacob asked. 

"We have to get out of here. Now." Ethan answered.  "Trotsky and the Rouge Sages are starting a coup. He figured it out. "That's what he's influencing, right, Saahira?" He called out. 

Saahira remained silent. 

"Saahira." Barnaby went up now. "You gotta tell us what's going on." He said. 

Saahira sighed. Barnaby had trusted her with all of his heart. And she wasn't going to lose it now. 

"What were you going on about in the village?" Barnaby asked. 

"I fear that we were all deceived. All of us." Saahira answered. "Our quest with the Djinn was only a distraction. Trotsky was not seeking to gain the alliance of the Djinn. He came to destroy the Djinn. While the Rogue Sages seized power on my Baba's Deathbed." 

"But why did they bother to send in Bill to the Djinn in the first place?" Charlie asked. 

"Most likely because the Djinn threatened the Sages as much as we were threatened." Saahira answered. "I was a fool not to see this coming." 

That was when Saahira saw her Handmaidens approach. "My Sisters. What has happened to the City?" She asked. 

"The High Sage is dead. May he go to the next world." One of the Handmaidens answered. 

"We know. What of the Palace of Magic?" Saahira asked. 

"The Sages are meeting now. To discuss the future." The Handmaidens answered. 

"I know what this means." Saahira said. "They're going to take over these lands and join with Trotsky. But we're going to stop them." She charged up to the Palace. 

"Um, no. Bad call." Chiara warned. "You're going to get yourself killed if you do that." 

"I'm with Chiara." Jae chimed in. "You go in there and you'll be killed." 

"How do you know that?" Hakeem asked. 

"Because it's what I would do." Jae answered. 

"What do you think we should do?" Saahira asked. 

"I say we go back to the Portkey outside of the City, and get out of here." Orion answered. 

And everyone agreed with that. 

"No." Saahira shot down remaining defiant. "I will allow our lands to fall in Darkness." 

"It's not forever. We can return." Andre suggested. 

"No. If I abandoned our lands now and prevent Hakeem from his birthright, Baba would never forgive me." Saahira said. 

"And as the older sibling, it's your job to take care of your little sibling." Jacob pointed out. 

"You are right, Jacob. But I cannot abandon my lands." Saahira replied. "I know I have no right to ask this of you, but I need your help." She requested. 

Bill didn't even hesitate. "We'll help you. You helped me get out of that death trap. The least we can do is help you out now." He explained. 

"Bill, are you sure?" Charlie asked. 

Bill looked at Charlie. "We're helping them." He insisted. "Anyone else?" He asked. 

"I'll help. I hate to have to lose you after saving you." Ethan answered. 

"Where Ethan goes. I go." Jacob put in. 

The Rest of the Group agreed as well. 

"Thank you." Saahira replied. "Now if anything should happen to me. Swear that you will protect Hakeem. He means... everything to me." She requested. 

"Of course." Ethan replied. And they all headed for the Palace of Magic. Again.

They started to approach the gates that was being guarded by two guards. 

"Guards." Saahira greeted. 

"You are expected, Saahira and Hakeem." The Guards said. "But your guests will have to wait outside." They informed. 

"Why's that?" Ethan asked.

"The High Sage is dead. Now the Sages must meet the new High Sage." The Guard answered. "Until then, No outsider is to enter the Palace of Magic. And certainly not in this number." 

"I request that my Brother and I go inside with my friend, Ethan Bauer, His Brother Jacob. And the Weasleys, along with Barnaby Lee. Will that be permitted?" Saahira asked. 

The Guards could tell that Saahira wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Very well. But everyone else will remain out here."   

Jacob then went to Lizzie. "Get the Portkey back to Great Britain, right now." He told her.

"Already on it. Talbott's getting it." Lizzie assured. 

"Enter." The Guards permitted them to pass.

Lizzie watched as Ethan and Jacob walked inside. She then looked at the others. 

"We following them in?" Jae asked.

"Damn right we are." Lizzie answered. 

Going inside the Palace of Magic, Ethan could tell that there was a tense atmosphere. And it didn't take a Legillemens to know that either. 

"Get your wands ready." Jacob whispered to everyone. 

Bill looked around him. There were guards everywhere. But there were also way too many for a simple transition of power. And not in the good way. 

Hakeem held Saahira's hand. "Saahira. I don't want to be here." He said. 

Saahira kept walking forward though. And right up to the mess of Sages. "Sages." She greeted. 

The Sages looked at her in awkward silence. 

"Hello, Sages. We found Bill Weasley." Charlie informed trying to break the silence. 

"Irrelevant." One of the Sages replied to Charlie. "We must speak of more pressing matters." 

"Since when is finding my missing brother irrelevant?" Charlie thought. 

Saahira motioned for Hakeem to speak. "I am here. As the next High Sage. And, I'm to..." Hakeem was struggling to find his words to say. "I... am here to assume my roll as the next High Sage." He said. 

The Sages didn't look exactly impressed with Hakeem as his role as High Sage. They were whispering something in Arabic.  

"No." One of the Sages declared. "He is not." Bill recognized that name as the Sage as Omar.

And there were also some figures coming as well. It was Trotsky, Vercingetorix, and Talos. 

"Hello, Trotsky." Ethan greeted. 

"Ethan." Trotsky noted. "I see you didn't leave when you should've." 

"It was my idea, actually." Saahira pointed out. 

"A foolish mistake that I would not have advised." Trotsky replied. 

"I didn't want to come here either." Hakeem added.

"Hakeem, that's not helping." Saahira said.

"Sorry." Hakeem looked down. "I can't do anything right." 

"The first wise thing he's said in his life." One of the Sages muttered out loud and loud enough for everyone to hear. 

"Surprised to see me here, though?" Bill asked. 

"Not in actuality." One of the Sages answered. "Trotsky here informed us of your liberation from the clutches of the Djinn. And that your brother along with the Bauer Brothers were successful in getting them back." 

"You know, it's funny. The High Sage told us that he sent Bill to deal with the Curse of the Djinn. But Bill said that you sent him." Ethan said stepped forward.  

"What's going on in this Sand Box?" Jacob demanded. "No offense." He said to Saahira and Hakeem. 

The Sage Omar started to say something. 

"You might as well tell him." Talos commented. 

Ethan noticed more guards coming. Omar stepped forward. "Oh, very well. No sense in any more deception at this point." 

"What deception?" Ethan asked. 

"You still don't get it, do you Ethan Bauer?" Omar asked smirking. "Lord Trotsky always did say that you were slow. Not as slow as Hakeem. But slow nonetheless. Who do you think sent out the Distress Call to Gringotts in the first place?"  

"The High Sage." Ethan answered. "He told us himself." 

"We did." Omar revealed to the confused Circle members. "I suppose it's time to tell you the whole story. You see, it all started years ago, when the Shah treated our people as vermin in our birthlands of Iran. And 10 years ago, the Iranian Revolution evicted us from our lands and we were forced to settle in Saudi Arabia. Those bastard No Magi did that to us. And as time went on, Hakeem was born. And our prayers were finally answered. We would finally recieve the High Sage. But that was not the case. Hakeem is slow, stupid, weak, pathetic, and above all a Freak, even among Magi. He does not deserve the right to be High Sage. And we would have to take orders from him. And I wasn't going to sit idly by and watch as this ADHD Accident Prone Fool sits as High Sage and ravages our lands." He started. 

Hakeem started to get tears in his eyes. He always knew of his Special Needs and Disability. And now here were the Sages criticizing his faults, which Hakeem was not great at taking. 

"Omar, if you insult my brother one more time." Saahira warned. 

"He is not fit to be High Sage. He is weak." Omar interrupted. 

"You better listen to her, bub!" Barnaby also threatened. 

"As I was saying." Omar continued. "Then one day. We learn of a plan. A plan that Iosef Trotsky was to attack the bastard No Magi of the world. Leading to their extermination. Not only would we take our lands of Iran back. But also we can take our revenge on the Americans that started the whole damn thing by putting that blasted Shah on the throne of Iran and making our lives a living hell. But we could also not have to work for Hakeem as he destroys our lands." 

"You don't know that." Ethan shot back. "Hakeem would make a great High Sage. Sure he needs help at times. But as Sages you should advise him and help him. Hello?" It didn't seem that hard. 

"Do you really think that we would have a Brain Damaged rule as High Sage?" Omar asked. 

"Not unless you were dicks. Which you most likely are at this rate." Jacob answered. 

"And then who should we here about trying to prevent Trotsky's surge to power, but Ethan Bauer. His exploits in Mexico were known to us." Omar pushed on. "And yet you succeeded. You brought the woman, Penny Haywood back. And we thought that if one you care about was say in danger. You would not hesitate to bring them back. So why not do it to Bill Weasley? A Famous Curse Breaker and friend of this so called Circle of Khanna."   

"And that's why you sent him to the Djinn?" Charlie asked. "Just so you could get to us?" 

"That's correct, boy." Omar answered. "You see, there really was no curse to break at all. And the Distress Call was not really a distress call at all. By going to the Palace of Evil, your brother released the power of the Djinn. And who should come to the rescue, but you?" 

"Still not getting it." Barnaby commented. 

That was when it clicked for Ethan. "I do. That Distress Call was a Fake!" He accused. "They knew that Bill would come and they knew that we would follow to save him from danger." 

"You tricked us." Bill angrily said to the Rogue Sages.

"Yes. Yes we did. You catch on pretty quickly." Omar replied like a businessman. 

Some of the Sages laughed. 

"But wait, I still don't understand one thing." Charlie said.

"One thing?" Jacob asked. 

"Why would the High Sage tell us to go the Palace of Evil and give us the map?" Charlie asked. 

"Because we told him to." Omar answered. "The High Sage is not the powerful figure he once was. It was quite easy to use the Imperious Curse on him." 

Saahira looked shocked. "You used the Imperious Curse on BABA?!" 

"You say that like I'm the first person to use it." Omar commented. 

Saahira's nostrils flared. "You were behind everything!" She accused. 

"Of course. Not only would we use the Djinn to destroy the Circle of Khanna, but we could kill you and your Brain Damaged Brother." Omar replied. 

"If you call him Brain Damaged ONE MORE TIME!" Saahira warned. 

"You'll do what, Saahira?" Omar asked daring her to try something. 

"It's what we'll do." Barnaby answered for Saahira. 

"But wait. Why would you help us fight the Djinn, Trotsky?" Ethan now asked Trotsky.

"I needed you help in stopping him. I could not control the Djinn." Trotsky answered. "I explained this to the Sages that they could not control him as well. And they shockingly did listen. That was after you departed of course. And I've already made a deal over who should be the New High Sage. Omar here." 

"You can't decide that." Saahira snapped. "You cannot just come in here and influence one of these to decide who is to usurp Hakeem." 

The Sages just laughed. 

"Saahira?" Hakeem asked nervously. 

"Now, there is one last thing to take care of." Omar declared. "Guards!" He called out.  

The Guards all charged their wands and surrounded them. 

"Oh, joy. We're surrounded." Jacob sarcastically commented.

"Traitors!" Saahira yelled. 

"Not according to the History that will be forged in the New Order, Saahira." Omar replied. "EXECUTE THEM!"  

"Did he just say execute us?" Barnaby asked. 

His question was answered as the Guards all shot spells at the Group. 

Jacob created a massive Shield of Magic around them all. There was only one option. "RUN!" He yelled. 

And Ethan agreed. 

"NO!" Saahira yelled. "We must stay and fight!" 

"We stay and we're all dead." Ethan pointed out. "We gotta go now." 

"We can't just leave this Palace in the hands of the traitors." Saahira protested. 

"We stay and we're all dead." Charlie noted. 

"I'm with Charlie. I'm not letting anything bad happen to him." 

But Ethan realized that Saahira wasn't going to leave no matter what had happened. "Saahira. I'm really sorry about this." He took out his wand. "Petrificus Totalas." He stunned Saahira. 

However, they were about to get overwhelmed by the Guards.

That was when the guards covering the entrance suddenly got hit in the back. The Spells had come from Chiara and Jae. Jae even launching an Ever Bashing Boomerang. "Heads up, mate!" He yelled.

"We should run, now." Chiara suggested. 

"Good call." Ethan replied. "Did you guys hear everything?" He asked.

"We did." Chiara answered.  

Ethan took out his Wand and shot it in the Earth creating a Massive Earthquake that shook the whole Palace and knocking all the guards out. Everyone except Vercingetorix, Trotsky, and Talos who had stood their ground. 

"Barnaby, grab Saahira. We're getting out of here." Ethan ordered. And that was when he noticed some more spells getting shot from two wands as Vercingetorix and Talos readied their magic to go fight. 

"Oh, great. In a fight with my family." Chiara muttered. 

"Really could use your Golems right about now." Jae commented to Chiara. "Or Werewolf powers." 

Chiara ignored him. But turned to her family. "Don't make me do this." She threatened. 

"Stand aside, Chiara." Vercingetorix told her. 

"Make me, Uncle." Chiara replied.

"Just like your Father." Vercingetorix commented. "He didn't like listening to me either." 

"Because he wanted to live his life." Chiara replied. 

"And also stubborn as a rock." Talos added.

"Must run in the family." Chiara shot back shooting a spell at Talos. 

Talos deflected it. "You have no idea." He readied his wand to strike. That was when he got a Dungbomb to the face. 

It had come from Jae. "You mess with my Girl and you mess with me." Jae told him. "Are you okay, Chiara?" He asked. 

"I'm okay, Jae." Chiara answered. 

"Yeah, escape now. Talk later." Bill advised. 

"Let's go!" Ethan yelled. And they all ran out of the Palace.

Getting out of the Palace, and the rest of the Circle was already in a spell fight with some of the other Magi. 

"Guys! It's Ethan!" Penny exclaimed in between erecting a shield to protect the others. 

"About time!" Ben yelled firing a Hex at one of the Magi. "We were worried you were killed." 

"Nah. We just felt like taking the scenic route." Ethan explained. 

"Well, get a look at this scene." Lizzie commented as she encased one of the Magi in Ice. "Freeze!" 

Jacob looked around to see the Magi coming from all directions.

"We're completely exposed!" Tulip shouted. And the truth was, that they were in the middle of the Districts Center square. With no signs of cover. 

"You don't say." Rath replied as she hit a Magi in the head. 

"Let me guess. The Sages took over from Saahira and Hakeem, Red Dawn style?" Lizzie asked as Jacob came to watch her back.

"You figured right." Ethan answered.  

"Red Dawn?" Penny asked. 

"It was this movie about the Soviets helping the Cubans and Nicaraguans take over the U.S. But that's not important right now." Lizzie answered. 

Barnaby was carrying Saahira and Hakeem was following him while trying to take cover wherever he could. "Sorry, we had to petrify your sister." Barnaby said to Hakeem. 

"That's okay." Hakeem replied. "Saahira can be rather stubborn sometimes. Just like me. That's what Baba always said."  

"Well, she does love you." Barnaby pointed out. 

"Siblings." Hakeem replied. 

"Oh believe me. I know that feeling." Barnaby commented. 

"Barnaby. You're on Only Child!" Tonks reminded. 

"Oh yeah." Barnaby remembered.

A Magi shot a spell at Hakeem striking him back. 

"That's not nice!" Barnaby yelled shooting the Magi down. 

Skye swooped down and shot a spell at the Magi. "Stay behind us kid!" She yelled. 

Ethan shot a ring of fire around the whole group. "That'll hold for now." He said. "We don't have enough cover out here." 

"So, what do we do?" Penny asked nervously. 

"We get the hell out here." Bill answered. "I think I've seen enough desert for one life time. At least in here at any rate." 

"Where is that blasted Talbott with that Portkey?" Lizzie asked. 

"You really think we can last that long when he does show up?" Charlie asked. 

The Magi were starting their water spells. They were going to breach the Fire Wall. 

"Uh, Ethan?" Penny pointed to the Magi breeching. 

"Water, eh?" Ethan asked. He then used his Lightning Spells to shock the Magi good. 

"Okay, I am glad that wand is on our side." Penny commented. 

"Same." Jae chimed in. 

Ethan created more fire around them forcing the Magi to fall back. 

"Easy with those flames, E. We don't want to burn the whole city down." Jacob told him. 

"Thanks for the tip." Ethan replied. 

That was when Ethan saw a bird squawking about above them. And was carrying an item. "That better be you, Talbott!" 

Talbott swooped down with the item in hand and landed back on the ground, and then transforming back into a human. "You willing to burn down a city?" He asked Ethan. 

"Do you have the Portkey?" Ethan asked. 

"I got it." Talbott answered pointing to the Portkey. 

"Okay, then let's get the hell out of here." Jacob declared. "Everyone grab hold!" 

And everyone ran to place a hand on the Portkey. 

"Um, Ethan." Chiara pointed to Saahira who was still petrified. 

"Oh, wait." Ethan unfroze Saahira. 

Saahira stood up. "Don't ever do that again." She told Ethan. "And why do you have your hands on an item?" She asked.

"Because it's time to leave." Ethan answered. "Now come on, place your hand." 

"Leave this land?" Hakeem asked still trying to take it all in. 

"Hakeem. If you stay here, the Sages will kill you." Ethan told him. "The best thing you can do is come with us to Hogwarts." 

Hakeem looked down. Barnaby decided to look at him. "Hey, we'll get those traitors back. Count on it." Barnaby vowed. "But you can't get them if you're dead. Live to fight another day." 

Hakeem looked at Saahira now. What was she going to say. "You're the rightful High Sage, Hakeem. I cannot stop you from making the decisions. I can only advise you. I would advise not leaving, but it is up to you." Saahira told him. 

The Magi were now starting to come through. "Let's leave." He said. 

"Then we're out of here." Jacob declared. "Hold on! I'm activating the Portkey." 

Saahira and Hakeem placed their hands on the Portkey. 

The Portkey activated and everyone was teleported out of the Middle East. 

The Sages and Trotsky and his followers looked at the destruction that ensued. 

"Should we not follow them?" Omar asked Trotsky. 

"Let them run. We have more important matters to attend to." Trotsky answered. "Now, I supported you in getting to the High Sage title, Omar. Time for you to pay up." 

Omar kneeled before Trotsky. "By the Sands of Time, By the will of the Magi, And all of the Seven Earths that are carried by the Al Bahmout on its back. The Magi are yours to command, Iosef Trotsky." He declared. 

Trotsky turned to Vercingetorix and Talos. "And so it is done." Trotsky informed them. 

Talos wasn't sure what that meant though. "As in the Magi have joined us, Uncle Iosef?" He asked.

"Not just that, Talos." Trotsky answered. "We've done it. We have united our armies into a single cause. The Destruction of the Muggles. The Death Eaters, The Goblins, The Dragons, Gaul, Scandinavia, The Giants, The Hide Behinds, America, Mexico, The Yo Kai, The Thuggee, and now the Magi have all pledged their loyalty and united under a single banner." He declared. He then looked out at the Palace. "Finally. After so long." 

"So... does this mean what I think it means?" Talos asked. 

"Yes, son." Vercingetorix answered. "We are ready. The world of Muggles will soon fall." 

And Trotsky seemed triumphant in his success. "Do you know how long I've waited for this day?" He laughed. "And now, it will all be over soon. This World will be destroyed. And the scourge of Muggles will be eradicated, such is the fate of those abominations who speak only the language of destruction!" He yelled out. He then looked out towards the hall. 

"Baba?" Trotsky could hear a voice coming from behind him. The 10 year old Ksenia walked behind him carrying a wooden horse. 

"And my little Ksenia." Trotsky reached down to touch her face and broke out a smile. "You'll know peace soon, sweet child who I did not deserve." 

The image of Ksenia faded away. 

"She was gone too soon." Vercingetorix commented. 

Trotsky stood up. "Omar. Assemble your best Magi. Send them to Great Britain. And ensure that you take command her of the Middle East. If there are any Sages that stand against you, kill them." He ordered. 

"As you wish." Omar replied. 

"Come along gentlemen." Trotsky motioned for Vercingetorix, and Talos to follow him. "This world will soon be ours." And they all left the Palace.

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