Chapter 81: United we Stand. Divided we Fall.

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"In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons." -Herodotus.

"Not since the rise of You Know Who, has the Ministry of Magic and the Wizarding World faced a dark threat." Fudge began while standing in front of the Ministry Magic reporters while in his Lime Green Suit and Hat. "I am of course speaking of Iosef Trotsky and his forces, the Remnant. He who has threatened our Ministry of Magic. But fear not, your Ministry of Magic remains strong in these dark times. We must stand united. Or we will fall to ruin. Trotsky wants a war? We'll give him one." The Cameras all flashed on Fudge.  

Fudge then turned to Ryder. "Agent Ryder?" 

Ryder took the stage. "Trotsky is going to be stopped and we are going to stop him. But unlike a certain Cat Loving Woman with the Face of a Toad and Odd Pink clothing with a Hem Hem interruption who's name I will not mention because unlike her, I have dignity. This will be effective." He began while he was looking at Umbridge the whole time who just looked steaming.  "To do that, as the Minister said. Remain Calm, and stand strong." He then got off the stage. "And we are going to show Trotsky that he made a fatal mistake of not staying in hiding." He declared to the response of clapping around the Ministry. 

Trotsky got off the stage and to Fudge and Mad Eye. "I hate giving speeches." He said. 

"It wasn't that bad." Mad Eye told him. 

"So, Ryder? Do we have a plan?" Fudge asked. 

"That we do." Ryder answered. "First, Knockturn Alley is a Nesting Grounds for Dark Wizards. Shut it down." He ordered. 

"On it." Mad Eye replied. 

"We'll also need to reinforce Hogwarts if Trotsky goes for that. Position more Aurors around." Ryder continued. "We'll also have to ask the other Ministries for reinforcements if they can send them." 

"We've sent Owls out already to the other Ministries. But it will be awhile before they can respond." Mad Eye informed. 

"Let me know when they do." Ryder requested. War was coming. And it was going to come fast.

Ethan returned to Hogwarts after the Easter Holidays. He had a lot to think about after that night he heard Trotsky's threat. "Direct threats to me now. Just another day in paradise." He thought as he walked through the Hallways and towards the Great Hall to get some breakfast.

Ethan was simply eating his eggs and bacon when he saw Ben coming towards him. "Hey Ethan." He greeted. 

"Hey, Ben." Ethan replied. "Nice Easter Holiday?" He asked. 

"As much as I could make it." Ben answered. "I heard that Radio Broadcast that Trotsky made. Final Warning and all that." 

"Oh, you heard that too, huh?" Ethan asked. 

"Everyone in the Wizarding World heard it." Ben answered. "Doesn't surprise me though. Given with what's been happening. With all the Dark Creatures and Dark Witches and Wizards mobilizing for war." 

"Neither me." Ethan replied. 

"Hi, Ethan." Penny greeted sitting next to him.

"Hey, Penny." Ethan greeted.

"Alright if I sit with you?" Penny asked. 

Ethan smiled and nodded. "Of course."

"Oh, and I hope you don't mind if Bea sits?" Penny asked.

"Why would that be a problem?" Ethan asked.

Beatrice started to walk over. "Well, Penny wanted us to get good seats before the others sat down." She explained. 

"Others?" Ethan asked when he noticed the entire Circle of Khanna come towards his table. And everyone sat down, except for Corey and Murphy who wheeled themselves over. "Did you call them over, Ben?" He asked. 

"Actually, that was me." Penny answered. "We heard about the threat that Trotsky made against you, Ethan. And I thought you might want to know that we're all here for you. So I asked everyone in the Circle to come." She explained. 

"I just came for the food." Jae commented.

"Jae." Chiara slapped his arm. "He's just kidding, Ethan." She said. 

Ethan chuckled a bit. "I'm happy to see you all here." He told them. 

"Happiness can be found in friendships everywhere." Orion informed. 

"That's good to know, Orion." Ethan replied. 

"So what's the Game Plan, Ethan? I assume we have a Game Plan." Skye asked. 

"We do." Ethan answered. There was a silence. 

"Which is?" Ben asked. 

"Alright everyone, it's simple. Trotsky's coming for us now. He's got a pretty sizeable army and he's ready for a warpath." Ethan answered. 

"And I assume that he's going to strike at the Circle?" Jae asked. 

"You figure right. We need to be ready. All of us." Ethan answered. 

"Ready for what?" Tulip asked. 

"War." Ethan answered. 

"Um no offense Ethan, but none of us know the crazy spells that you, Jacob, and Lizzie know." Tulip pointed out. 

"Which is why we're going to need to keep training. All of us." Ethan replied. "Play to our strengths. And prepare for an all out attack from R. Which is coming." 

"And when is that going to come?" Diego asked. 

"Soon." Ethan answered. "I just don't know when specifically." 

"Well, that checks out." Cedric commented. 

"Us against the R. It feels like suicide." Talbott thought out loud. 

"We've also got Jacob and Lizzie." Penny pointed out. 

"And Dumbledore and the rest of the Order of the Phoenix as well as Hogwarts." Tulip added. 

"And my Golems, we've got them." Chiara added. 

"And Saahira and Hakeem. Right?" Barnaby asked. 

"Them too." Ethan answered. He then noticed that Barnaby was still raising his hand. "Yes, Barnaby?" He asked. 

"I was thinking, if maybe we could use Magical Creatures to our cause." Barnaby suggested. 

"Magical Creatures to our cause?" Beatrice asked like it was a bad idea. 

"Yeah. They are very intelligent, very misunderstood creatures that can help us in our fight against Trotsky." Barnaby answered. 

"You're not thinking of using Red Dust, are you?" Tulip asked. 

"No." Barnaby answered instantly. "There are better ways to handle Magical Creatures then simply putting them on drugs like Slayton does." 

"Like what?" Charlie asked. 

"Well, Muggle Studies Class has taught me that when Muggles want to reform themselves. They all sit in a circle, hug and cry, and discuss their feelings with each other. And I thought. We can do the same with the Magical Creatures so that we form a very strong bond." Barnaby answered. 

Everyone looked at Barnaby awkwardly. "Oh no." Ben grunted. Leave it to Barnaby to come up with that idea. 

"What?" Barnaby asked. 

"So your plan is to get Magical Creatures into a Social Group and bond with them that way?" Penny asked. 

"Well, I'm convinced. That's pretty much the stupidest idea I've heard." Ben commented. 

"This is going to work, Ben. I will show you that it will work." Barnaby declared. 

"Um Barnaby? Are you sure that the Magical Creatures can comprehend the idea of getting in a Social Group and bonding with them?" Rath asked. 

"Of course, Rath. Magical Creatures are just misunderstood, and I am going to prove it." Barnaby answered. 

"He's not wrong about Magical Creatures." Liz said. 

"You want to join Liz?" Barnaby asked. 

"Sure." Liz answered. 

"I'll come too." Orion declared. "I want to see how these Social Groups with Magical Creatures go." He explained. 

"Well, have fun with that." Ethan decided. 

"Wait a minute, you're just going to let Barnaby do that?" Ben asked. 

"Ben, as crazy as Barnaby sounds with some things. They have a strange way of working." Ethan answered. "It's best we don't question it." 

"Okay." Ben thought. "But this idea still sounds ridiculous." 

"Now, the rest of us are going to have to split up into different groups. Play to our strengths. Tulip, Jae, Tonks. We're going to need all the prank items we can get. Can you do that?" Ethan asked. 

"No problem." Tulip answered. 

"Chiara, we need your Golems with us to stand and fight." Ethan told her. 

"You've got it." Chiara said. "Give me a hand, Badeea?" She asked.

"Sure." Badeea answered. 

"Penny can make our Potions and other healing things along with Beatrice." Ethan said. "You can do that, right?" He asked. 

"You know who you're talking to?" Penny asked. 

"I know you can do it, Penny. I was referring to Beatrice." Ethan clarified. 

"That would make a lot more sense." Penny replied. "No... no offense to you, Bea." 

"None taken." Beatrice assured.

"Barnaby will have his support group going in full swing. That leaves the rest of us to keep on training our magic." Ethan declared. 

"What kind of Magic?" Charlie asked.

"The time has come to learn Elemental Magic." Ethan answered.

Everyone looked intrigued. "Elemental Magic?" People were saying.

"Like the ones that Jacob had taught me." Ethan clarified. "And I'm going to show you guys how to wield it. We're going to need to know more advance magic if we're going to stand a chance against Trotsky." 

That sounded like a good idea to everyone. But there was one little problem.

"Ethan? No offense, but we might need more than just verbal instructions. Say, books that can help us." Talbott said.

"Fair enough." Ethan admitted. "But I know just where we might get them. The Restricted Section of the Library. I'll just put on the Invisibility Cloak. Sneak in and grab them." 

"Just like that?" Charlie asked.

"Just like that." Ethan answered. 

"Um, Ethan? The rest of us are going to learn different elemental magic, right?" Barnaby asked.

"Yeah. Of course." Ethan answered. "Now, let's get going. We've got work to do." 

And the Circle of Khanna all split up.

Barnaby set up his Social Group for Magical Creatures in a spot in the Care of Magical Creatures Class. "Welcome everyone for coming to the first annual Barnaby Lee Social Group Seminar. I'm so glad that all of you could attend." He said to Liz, Orion, Sickleworth, Buckbeak, a Fire Crab, a Puffskein, a Thestral, a Chimera, a Chinese Fireball, Hagrid's Porlock, Jacob the Bowtruckle, Tim the Wampus, The Magic Carpet, Saahira and Hakeem. 

"Why are we doing this, Saahira?" Hakeem asked. 

"Because Barnaby asked nicely." Saahira answered. "And I've always wanted to be around the British Magical Creatures." 

"They certainly don't live in sand." Hakeem said. 

"It looks like we're all here, so let's begin." Barnaby started.

"Hold up there!" A Gruff Voice called. It was from Hagrid. "I heard that we were having a Social Grouping for Magical Creatures. And I wanted to join." Hagrid announced. 

"Of course you can, Hagrid. The more the merrier." Barnaby replied. 

"Welcome Hagrid." Orion greeted. 

Liz waved high. "You want to join our Support Group, Hagrid?" She asked.

"Of course." Hagrid answered. "Magical Creatures are vastly misunderstood." 

Buckbeak squawked. He looked at Sickleworth.

"Buckbeak, Sickleworth is not food, he's a friend." Hagrid told him. 

"We're all friends here." Barnaby agreed. "Or at least we'll become friends even if we're not yet." 

Tim looked bored at this. He Meowed.

"Oh, you'll love it, Tim." Liz assured. 

"Um, Liz? Was it this thing?" Saahira asked pointing to Tim. 

"This is Tim. And he's a Wampus. They live in America." Liz answered. 

Hakeem looked at Tim. "He looks fluffy." He felt his face inside of Tim's fur. To which Tim let him. 

"Glad you do." Liz replied. 

"So what is he doing in Great Britain then?" Saahira asked. 

"R smuggled him into Hogsmeade and put Tim on Red Dust to try and destroy us. But Ethan and I stopped him." Liz answered. 

"The Wampus on Red Dust. Such a creature doesn't deserve that fate." Orion informed. 

"Red Dust?" Saahira asked. 

"It's a powerful and illegal drug that makes Magical Creatures go berserk. Slayton used it to submit Magical Creatures. Poor things." Liz answered. 

"Um, Liz. We don't use that name in these support groups." Barnaby said.

"Sorry." Liz apologized. 

"Now that that's out of the way-" Barnaby was interrupted by the sounds of a Giant Three Headed Dog coming. 

"Oh, I hope you don't mind. I invited Fluffy to this, too." Hagrid explained. 

Fluffy turned it's three big heads to Barnaby. "A Dog!" Barnaby exclaimed. "I always wanted a Dog, but Gran said I couldn't have one." 

"And I couldn't have a Dog because my parents said that Dogs eat everything." Orion added. "At least we have Borf." 

Liz shrugged. She couldn't argue with that one.

"Okay, now we can begin with Introductions." Barnaby continued. "My name is Barnaby Lee. And I like Magical Creatures." He introduced. "Now please, tell something about yourself. Buckbeak, do you want to go first?" 

Buckbeak squawked. No one could understand him. 

"Oh, Buckbeak is saying hello." Hagrid clarified. 

"Hello, Buckbeak." Barnaby, Liz, Saahira, Hakeem, and Orion greeted. 

Buckbeak flapped his wings. 

"What does that mean?" Hakeem asked. 

"It means that Buckbeak wants to get out of this circle and get back to his life." Hagrid answered. 

"Not until you've shared something about yourself, Buckbeak." Barnaby denied.

Buckbeak squawked.

"That's okay. Take your time." Barnaby replied. "Do you want to go next Tim?" He asked. 

Tim purred. 

"And that's very wonderful." Liz replied. 

Jacob the Bowtruckle started to get on the back of the Chinese Fireball. 

"And we already have our first bonding moment." Barnaby declared. "See, people. That's how you interact with others. Like Fluffy here. He may look mean at first. But once you show them love. They will love you in return." One of Fluffy's heads drooled on Barnaby. 

Barnaby dismissed it though. "He just needs a big hug." He then went over to hug Fluffy's heads. 

Fluffy felt the affection of Barnaby and all 3 heads started to cry. 

"Isn't that just beautiful?" Orion asked Liz.

"Yes it is." Liz answered. 

"Come here, Buckbeak." Hagrid reached over to hug Buckbeak and Buckbeak let him. 

"Now this is how you care for Magical Creatures." Liz commented. 

Meanwhile, back in America. 

Bush sat in the Oval Office looking at the reports that Sanders had received from Ryder about the Magi supporting Trotsky. "So, the Sages have initiated a Coup in Saudi Arabia." Bush recapped. 

"Along with chasing the High Sage's heir Hakeem and his older sister Saahira out. They're now living in Great Britain in exile with Ethan Bauer and his friends." Sanders added. 

"And what of Trotsky?" Bush asked. "Has be been contained?"

"I'm afraid not, President Bush." Sanders answered. "And with the Magi now joining him, we believe that Trotsky now has the army he needs to going to war." 

"Good God." Bush commented. "That's the last thing we need right now. Do we know where the army is assembled?" He asked. 

"The British intelligence doesn't know that." Sanders answered. "Mr. President it may be possible that we may have to send more Aurors to Great Britain to help defenses." He informed. 

"Then send them. You are the President of M.A.C.U.S.A after all." Bush told him. 

"And I'll also need to keep Aurors posted around D.C. in case war comes to the States and this place becomes a War Theater." Sanders added.  

"Very well." Bush agreed to the request. "But if the war shifts to the States, see to it that the civilians are protected first." He requested. 

"You got it." Sanders replied. 

"One more thing. About this Ethan Bauer. Is he doing okay?" Bush asked. 

"As far as Ryder has reported, yes." Sanders answered. "Even with Trotsky basically giving him a final warning." 

"A Final Warning?" Bush asked. 

"To stay out of his way. But knowing Ethan Bauer, he's not going to do that." Sanders answered. 

"See to it that Ethan gets as much help as he needs. We don't need any more pressure getting to the kid." Bush ordered. 

"Agreed. Which is why I'm sending in more Aurors to Great Britain." Sanders replied. 

The Month of April had transitioned to May. The Weather had gotten warmer, and the time when the trees had started to change to full leaves. Plants had started to take route. There had been no other demands from Trotsky. Not to Hogwarts at any rate. But people knew what that meant. Trotsky was preparing. Preparing for war. And preparing for the coming storm that was coming.

And for the Circle of Khanna, they were preparing for battle as well. True to his word, Ethan had managed to get those books, and was teaching his friends about elemental spells as he was taught by Jacob. Despite the fact that they all knew how to do Incendio. But not just in fire. This was different. In fighting, endurance, different spell combinations. And as the training went on through May, different members had favored a different element. Ethan had taken note of this.

Ben was shooting fire spells at the dummies and making some scorch marks on them. "What do you think of that one, Ethan?" He asked. 

"It's good." Ethan admitted. "But it takes more than Fire Spells to win battles. Elemental Magic is using other spells. Fire won't work against Water spells." He pointed out. "Plus it can dangerous to always control."

"Well, that's why you gotta learn to control it right?" Ben asked. "And besides, I like the Fire Spells." 

Ethan couldn't argue that. He favored fire spells like his brother.

Ben, Charlie, Rath, and Skye preferred to use Fire. Rath even went as far as to suggest that she use the Flame Weapon Charm to use on her Beater Stick. 

"Getting better at the whole Flame Weapons, Rath?" Ethan asked. 

"Watch this." Rath answered casting a spell and turning her Stick on fire without weakening said stick. And then proceeded to whack a Dummy down. 

People were clapping at that. 

"And Charlie?" Ethan asked. 

Charlie took out his wand and made a whole Fire Shield. "It's a Fire Shield. Shields me from Fire attacks like say... Dragons." He explained. 

"Surprise, surprise." Skye sarcastically commented.

Ethan gave the thumbs up. "Well, Charlie. If that's what you want to do, far be it for me to cry foul." He then got back on track. "Next, wind spells." He turned to Orion, Andre, Talbott, Tulip, and Badeea. 

To which Ethan got blown off his feet by Tulip. "Very funny, Tulip." He grunted. 

"You want to see me do it again?" Tulip asked. 

"What can I say, Ethan?" Orion asked. "Tulip is a very free spirit. And the Wind kneels to no master or mistress." 

"I just like to fly." Andre explained his reasons. 

Talbott nodded his head. 

Ethan could see them as wind. "Alright, now let's go to the next elemental space. Ice and Water. Now I took notice that Corey and Cedric seem to excel at that element."

"Well, I am good with Water." Cedric commented. "Just don't tell my Father, he'll start bragging that I'm the best when it comes to water spells." He requested.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Penny asked. 

"Dad's a bragger to say the least." Cedric answered. 

"Cedric's very humble." Skye whispered to Ben. 

"Still working out on the Ice, problem though." Cedric admitted. He made an Icicle Dirk and shot it at a target. Not a Bullseye, but he did hit the board. 

"Ice Problem?" Ethan asked.  

"Still figuring it out how to aim." Cedric answered. 

Corey wheeled up. "Who needs legs when you can just make an Ice field and turn your wheels into skis?" She asked. And to prover her point, she had made an Ice field and skied all over it on her wheel chair which was more of a ski chair. "Wee!" She yelled out.   

Ethan laughed a little. "And Barnaby and Liz. I understand you've been working on doing great at Water Spells as well." He noted. 

"That and Nature Spells." Liz added. 

"Now that, I can see." Ethan replied. And it wasn't just Barnaby and Liz that were good at Water based spells, but Nature spells even more so. Them along with Diego, Beatrice, Chiara, and Jae.

But for Barnaby and Liz. They would use some of their nature spells to be able to gain friendships with animals, which made Barnaby's social group with Magical Creatures fit together actually well. To the surprise of everyone.   

"Nature is a very powerful being. It breaths and it grows." Diego explained. He then used a spell to turn his skin to stone. 

"Ah! Diego turned into a statue!" Barnaby shrieked. 

"Barnaby. Relax. It's a Stone Skin Charm." Diego assured. "I'm still sentient." 

"I've just been working on working with trees and making poisons."  Beatrice admitted. 

Penny didn't seem to like the word, poison. "Poison?" She asked. 

"Not against us." Beatrice assured. "Come on, Penny. This is war." She pointed out. 

Penny sighed. 

"That and talk to plants. You'd be surprised in what Mandrakes think of us." Beatrice added. 

"And what about you, Chiara?" Ethan asked. 

"Well, seeing as how I'm a Werewolf. And since part of our Nature Spells is being able to be a tune with nature, as well as getting along with Magical Creatures, I've got a good knack for that, along with my knew identity of Dark Vision." Chiara answered. 

"I'm just doing what Chiara does." Jae said. And Ethan was pretty sure that Jae was doing what Chiara was doing because he was just lazy to do it himself.

"And that leaves the final category, Lightning." Ethan said as he turned to Penny, Tonks, Fred and George. 

"Well, I guess we have a bit of electricity in the air, E." Penny smiled. 

"Oh, barf. Will you two take it outside?" Beatrice asked. 

"We are outside." Ethan pointed out. 

Beatrice looked around her. She sighed. "So we are." 

But Penny didn't seem to mind, she shot a lightning spell at Beatrice to shock her. A simple shock, like the static electricity when someone would touch metal. 

"Hey." Beatrice complained. 

"Don't be such a baby." Penny replied. 

"That's nothing. This is a shock." Tonks commented as she shot an even bigger bolt of Lightning at a Dummy. But it did knock Tonks to the floor. "Eh, still gotta keep at it." 

"Um, E? Why are we teaching Beatrice, Cedric, Fred and George these types of spells?" Penny asked. 

"Because they need to be prepared for battle if Trotsky ever comes which he will." Ethan answered. "And I want the younger kids to be able to defend themselves."

"He's not wrong about that." Fred chimed in. 

"Yeah. Plus it will give us more spells to cause some mischief at home." George added. 

That was when Charlie interfered. "You're only going to use this if R attacks." He told them. "And you're not scarring Ron for life... again." 

"He had it coming." Fred pointed out. 

"Moving on!" Ethan yelled getting the attention back on him. "We've got Elemental Magic all layed out and down. What about our other details?" He asked. 

"Well, we've got Potions on the double and tying to make more." Penny reported. 

"Beautiful." Ethan replied. "Barnaby. How's it going with the Magical Creatures?" He asked. 

"I think we're making progress." Barnaby answered. "Now we're on the part of Meditation." 

"Even Magical Creatures need to find their peace." Orion clarified.

"You're teaching Magical Creatures how to Meditate?" Ben asked in disbelief. 

Orion nodded. 

"Okay, this officially go weird." Ben thought out loud. 

"Weird to one. Effective to others." Orion replied. 

"If it's working and if this what can help us beat Trotsky, then what does it matter?" Chiara asked. 

"It's just that... Magical Creatures, and meditation and..." Ben was trying to say. "...Okay." He gave up.

Ethan also had a hard time believing that as well. But, it was Barnaby and Orion. They somehow find strange ways to work out for them.

"So, Ethan? What do you think?" Charlie asked. 

"Still need to keep practicing. Practice makes perfect." Ethan answered. "And there's one last thing I want to teach you guys how to do." He informed. 

"Which is?" Charlie asked. 

Ethan was about to say something, when he saw Hagrid arriving. 

"Hey, Hagrid." Ethan greeted. 

"Hello, Ethan. See the group is training hard." Hagrid noted. 

"Well, we're still working on it." Ethan admitted. "But that's not the reason why you wanted to see me." 

"No. Dumbledore wants to see you in his office." Hagrid told him. 

Ethan sighed. Dumbledore wanted to see him. He figured it would come to that. "Now?" He asked. 

"Now." Hagrid answered. 

Ethan figured as much. And far be it then him to keep Dumbledore waiting. "Alright, I'll be there." He decided. "Sorry everyone. Keep practicing on the elemental magic. I'll be right back." 

Meanwhile, back in Devil's Village. No one had dared approach Slayton. He had been on edge since Trotsky sent him back to America. 

Taking another swig of Fire Whiskey, Slayton was standing up and then throwing his bottle at the wall smashing it. "Take care of finances." He grumbled. For two months, Slayton had sat in Devil's village and running his gang while the others were off in Great Britain enjoying all those spoils. Even with Slayton earning profits based on the Fighting Pitts, he still felt empty. It didn't feel a joy for him anymore like it used to. And he knew exactly why. As Slayton drank another Fire Whiskey he could see the bottle. 

"Here I come to say the day." Slayton sang while wiggling the bottle. 

"Well well. Scarface." Slayton greeted to the bottle. "And here, I was hoping you would show up." 

"I've come to destroy everything you worked so hard to create, Derek." Slayton said in Ethan's voice. 

"But why would you do that?" Slayton asked. 

"Well, because you want my Princess." Bottle Ethan answered. 

"What can I say? You're Princess is quite beautiful." Slayton asked laughing.

"Well, that doesn't matter. I'm going to burn it all to the Ground. And it's all my fault. Ha ha. Ha ha." Bottle Ethan was saying. "I've stopped everything that could've made you ascend to great heights. It's all my fault." It mocked.  

"Yes. It's all your fault." Slayton agreed. 

"And you can't do a thing about it. And it's all my fault." The Bottle went on. 

"Oh, really?" Slayton asked. He smashed the bottle at the wall. "I just did." He said. "And it's all your fault." He then looked at the Niffler. "It's all his fault, You little Meat brick."  

That was when he noticed someone enter his room. The man known as Diablo came forward. 

"You look drunk, Derek." Diablo commented smirking. 

"You think it's funny?" Slayton asked. 

"I think everybody's pain is funny." Diablo answered. "You get all your profits, and it's still not enough for you." He laughed. "It's so ironic." 

"Laugh it up, Diablo." Slayton replied. "It's all that Ethan Bauer's fault! If it wasn't for his interference, I would've had my big score and his Princess all to myself. But now, he's taken everything from ME! I'm going to kill him! I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!" He yelled using the Minotaur Horn and smashing a whole hole in the wall with an empty bottle.  

"Not going to happen, Amigo." Diablo pointed out. "Trotsky put you back in Devil's Village." 

"No matter. I'll get more Gangsters and build an even bigger Crew then before. And with our Red Dust, the empire I've built will last forever." Slayton declared. 

Diablo just laughed. "Oh, you always did have big plans, Slayton. But..." 

Slayton looked at Diablo funny. "But what?" He asked. 

"I've decided to take your advice back in Mexico. Take some imagination. And I've thought of something. We're pretty much the last two most influential Gangsters in America. And you're in charge of a lot of territory, territory that could expand into my own. That makes you a competitor. And I've got not time for competitors." Diablo explained. "So, what I'm trying to say is that I'm taking over your Gang and your territory." 

Slayton looked stunned. "What did you say?" He growled.

"Oh, don't look so upset, Derek. It's just business." Diablo smirked more than he ever did before. "After, all. I need some more profit, and your just the perfect person to take it from."

Slayton found himself breathing heavily in disbelief. "You think this is funny?" He asked angrily. 

"Well, Slayton. It sure as hell ain't sad." Diablo answered apparating away.

Right then. Right there. Slayton had lost everything. He grabbed the Niffler again. "It sure as hell ain't sad." He repeated. He should've known that in hindsight, Diablo would set his sights on eliminating competition. And there was one person that Slayton blamed. "It's all my fault. It's all my fault." The Voice of Ethan Bauer repeated. Slayton's head felt dizzy. "It's all my fault. It's all my fault, and you can't do a thing about it." He gripped his hand on the Minotaur Horn with one hand. 

The Niffler had squirmed around in his arm trying to get free. Scared to death of a Drunk Slayton who had clearly gone through the worst news he ever got. Slayton lost an ear, he was nearly killed by a Minotaur, blew up a hospital, and now, his Gangster Empire. And there was one person he blamed for that. Ethan Bauer.

Slayton had gripped the Niffler by the head. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He ripped the Nifflers head from its body as he screamed out. "IT'S ALL ETHAN BAUER'S FAULT! THAT SON OF A BITCH!" He ran down to where the Magical Creatures were caged up. Pulled out some Red Dust, and all the Creatures were effected. They all obeyed Slayton. 

"We've got business in Great Britain." Slayton told them. "We're going to find Ethan Bauer. And we are going to kill him!" He yelled out. "Anybody have any objections. 

All the Magical Creatures just stood ready to attack. And Slayton laughed manically. "I'm coming for you, Ethan. I will find you! I will HUNT YOU DOWN!" He then took a Portkey and teleported himself and the Magical Creatures under his control to Great Britain.

Meanwhile back at the Ministry. The whole Ministry was on alert for any attacks. Knowing that Trotsky would not dare leave them alone. A large crate was being loaded up through the Ministry halls. Eric Munch was looking at it. And the two Wizards who were carrying it. "Hold it there." Munch ordered. 

The two Wizards stopped and looked at Munch. "What's up?" One of them asked.

"What are you carrying in that crate?" Munch interrogated.

"Arms and Ammunition." The other Wizards answered.

Munch looked at the crate. He also noticed that Rita Skeeter was also in the Lobby of the Ministry looking for another scoop and a smirk on her face. "I wasn't notified." He then took out a record book. "I will need to inspect its contents." He demanded.

"Of course." One of the Wizards opened the crate. To reveal a bunch of wires and a timer.

"Why is it counting down?" Munch asked. That seemed to get Skeeter's attention. She was about to walk over and investigate what it was, when... 

The Bomb had exploded in the crate. R had counted on the fact that the Ministry would not recognize a Bomb when it had went off. Munch was flown in the air and down on the wall.

The Bomb had made the whole Ministry rumble around. Ryder could feel it in the Auror Office. "What was that?" Mad Eye asked looking at Ryder.

And Ryder realized that a Bomb had gone off. 

From where the Bomb had exploded. A whole group of Hide Behinds as well as Norse who were disguised under their Invisibility Cloaks emerged from hiding and struck through the Ministry overwhelming any Auror who was foolish enough to get in their way. And that was when Sigurd emerged blowing a horn. A signal to attack. "For the Norse Clans! And those watching from Valhalla!" Sigurd yelled.

From another section of the Ministry. A whole army of Magi attacked from multiple points. "Surrender! This is now property of the Magi!" They shrieked.

It was also at this point that more of the armies of R started to show up and breach the Ministry at multiple points. And from one of them emerged Trotsky. "Get moving! Tonight we bring the Ministry of Magic down!" He yelled.

Meanwhile. Ethan found himself going to Dumbledore's Office again. He could see that Dumbledore didn't change a thing about it. Must've been that sentimental feeling. "Professor." Ethan greeted. 

"Ethan." Dumbledore greeted. He then stood up. 

"You wanted to see me?" Ethan asked. 

"Do you recall when we first officially spoke?" Dumbledore asked. 

"After all the things I had done in my first year." Ethan answered remembering it well. "Back when I was looking for my brother. Took a bit, but I found him."

Dumbledore looked out the window. "Yes. Although it is not about the destination, but the journey that one must take to reach it. And I say that you've been on quite the journey." He continued. 

"You could say that." Ethan replied. "My Journey's not done though." 

Dumbledore nodded. "Nor your friends, who you are training to be ready for a fight." 

"They need to be ready." Ethan explained. There was no sense in keeping that secret from Dumbledore. 

Dumbledore couldn't argue with that one though. The Storm was coming. And it was only a matter of time before it reached Hogwarts. "Do you know why I brought up when we first met?" He asked. But he didn't wait for a reply from Ethan. "It's because when I first met you, it was when you were a young boy just hoping to get his brother back. Time and again you defied every School Rule to get him back. If that isn't the definition of determination, I don't know what is. What's more. You were the Wizard to fight off against R. When Trotsky called you out, you didn't hesitate to answer the call and fight against him. Even when it did almost cost you your life." 

Ethan couldn't argue that one. And he was thinking back to all of his adventures. "Professor. I've seen a lot of stuff in my day." He admitted. "I've been scarred, shot at, nearly burned alive, got my girlfriend kidnapped, learned new magic, fought, layed my life on the line, and encountered a lot of things that I'm pretty sure, I wouldn't normally do. But I'm still here. And we're coming down to it all ending. I'll finally get to take a deep breath." 

"As will we all." Dumbledore replied. He then looked at Ethan. The image of the young boy who had the Sorting Hat placed on his head was long gone. Now replaced with the image of a young man who had been through hell and back. "You're a strong and wise wizard, Ethan. And I am very proud of who you've become." He commented. "But are you ready?" 

"For the final battle?" Ethan asked. "Well, not really, but I suppose I don't have much of a choice, do I?" 

"We rarely do when we are called to action." Dumbledore replied. 

"Fair enough." Ethan thought out loud. "And I know I've got my brother to help me as well-" But that was when a massive flame emerged from the Fireplace.

"The Floo Network?" Ethan asked recognizing it on sight. 

Dumbledore looked at it. And the look on his face said it all. It wasn't good news. 

The face of Ryder was on the other side. "Ethan! Dumbledore! The Ministry is Under Attack!" And Ethan and Dumbledore could hear the sounds of explosions and fighting going on. 

Ethan stood there in disbelief. Trotsky wasn't going for Hogwarts. Not yet. He was attacking the Ministry itself. "R has breached different departments at multiple points." There was more explosions going on while Ryder was talking. 

"Ryder!" Ethan shouted.  

"Calm down, Ethan." Dumbledore told him. 

"We're on our backs, right now. Trotsky himself is leading the attack and they've cut off all communications with the other Ministries around the world. I'm trying to get to Fudge, but they are just too many. We need help!" Ryder kept shouting. 

Ethan started to breath heavy. 

"But if there's a bright side, I haven't heard from Toad Wart at all. Heh." Ryder joked, but then he got serious again. "E. I hate to put pressure on you. But I'm going to need you and the Circle of Khanna here to help us. You're the best Wizard we've got. But if you can't get here in time. Just save as many people as you can. That's our number 1 priority." There were more explosions coming. "Damn! They've breached the Auror's Office! Mad Eye, INCOMING!" The Fire went off.

Dumbledore understood the situation. "Ethan. Get the Circle of Khanna. Now." He ordered. 

"On it." Ethan started to run for the door. "Wait. What are you going to do?" He asked. 

"I'll gather the Professors." Dumbledore answered. "Now go." 

Ethan ran back towards the Training Grounds. He was already on his Contactu Wand to Jacob. "Jacob! Get Lizzie! The Ministry is Under Attack!" He yelled. 

"The Ministry under attack?" Jacob asked over the Spell. "Are you sure?" 

"Just get Lizzie and get to the Training Grounds!" Ethan yelled.

"We're on our way." Jacob replied. 

Ethan could see Barnaby and Sickleworth dancing. "As you can see, Sickleworth really enjoys dancing. And so does Fluffy." Barnaby showed off Fluffy as well barking his heads and wagging his tail. 

"You see, Calm Music will put Fluffy to sleep. But this type of music makes Fluffy just want to shake his tail." Hagrid explained. 

"Hey, Ethan. Look at what-" Barnaby was starting to say. 

But Ethan reached everyone with a worried look on his face. 

"Ethan. What's wrong?" Penny asked. 

"The Ministry is under attack." Ethan answered which made sounds of worry around everyone. 

"The Ministry of Magic? Under attack?" Ben asked. 

"Yeah. And we gotta get there now." Ethan answered. 

"Oh no." Charlie realized something. "Dad's there!" That earned worried looks from Fred and George as well. 

"So is mine!" Cedric yelled. 

"And my parents!" Tulip realized as well in horror. 

"Galloping Gargoyles!" Hagrid yelled. "We're all in trouble if the Ministry falls!" 

"Then what are we waiting for?" Ethan asked. 

"But, Ethan. We're not done with training." Badeea pointed out. 

"Well, we're cutting it short then." Rath replied. "Sometimes, you just get thrown into a game without preparation." 

"Rath's right. You're all good studies and it'll have to do." Ethan agreed. "Hagrid? You think you can join us?" He asked. 

"I'll get my Crossbow and meet you there!" Hagrid yelled as he ran for his Hut. Those were his friends that needed his help. And of course, Hagrid was going to help. That's who he was.  

And as soon as Hagrid ran off, Jacob and Lizzie arrived. "There you guys are." Ethan said. 

"We came as soon as you contacted Jacob." Lizzie informed him. "The Ministry is under attack?" She asked.  

"Yeah. Ryder sent us a Floo Network distress call that Trotsky is attacking the Ministry." Ethan answered. 

"How did we not see this?" Jacob asked. 

"We must've been so worried about him going for Hogwarts, that we never suspected he would go to the Ministry." Chiara suggested. 

"We need to get to the Ministry. We need to get there, now!" Jacob yelled. 

Chiara got out her Control Rod. "Golems. Ready for Attack! We're heading for the Ministry!" She yelled as she raised the Control Rod. The Golems started to activated. 

Ethan was glad that Chiara had her Control Rod with her. "We'll head for the Floo Network. Meet us there, when you've got the Golems all ready to go." He told Chiara. 

"Don't worry, we'll save some for you." Jae assured. 

Chiara gave Jae a kiss. "Be safe, Jae." She told him. 

"Don't worry about me." Jae replied. And they all ran for the nearest fireplace. 

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