Chapter 85: Goodbye Innocence.

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"To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace." -George Washington.

Through the Radio Room of the Ministry of Magic, Rita Skeeter was trying to get a message across to the British Wizarding World. "This is Rita Skeeter with an emergency broadcast to all Witches and Wizards. The Ministry... of Magic has fallen. Stay away from the Ministry! HIDE! RUN! FLEE WITH YOU LIVES! And if possible also read my latest article that I plan to write about-"

Before Skeeter could finish her broadcast, she heard a noise outside. "Hey! Who's In there?!" The noise shouted out.

Skeeter looked at the Radio. "HELP US BAUER! YOU'RE OUR ONLY HOPE!" She yelled. And then turned into a Beetle when the doors burst open. Fenrir Greyback burst the door open and sniffed around. That was when he looked at the Beetle and grabbed it. He smelled something off about the beetle. Skeeter had to turn back into a human to avoid getting squished.

Greyback laughed. "Sending a message to your pals huh? Well say goodbye." He shoved Skeeter over to 2 other Death Eaters. "Take her over to the boss!" 

By the next day, all students and staff were gathered at the Great Hall. Black Curtains all draped the hall. And overhead Banners of simple black were over head. All to pay their respects to Ben Copper. Much as they had the previous year for Rowan Khanna. All lessons were canceled for that day so that everyone could pay their respects. The Body of Ben Copper lay at the center of the hall. It was guarded by any remaining Aurors. 

Ethan looked at the body while also holding Penny's hand. Jacob was next to Ethan as well. The Entire Weasley Family was also gathered in the Great Hall. As well as Caroline and Kassandra who were standing next to Jacob. 

A bunch of the other students were crying as well. 

Cedric stood next to his Father, and Chiara and Jae. "I suppose that's another empty Dorm Bed we'll have." Jae said as his voice was clearly in pain. 

"I'm going to miss him too." Chiara told Jae while holding his hand. 

"Guys?" Cedric asked. They all looked at Cedric. "No more funerals." He said. "I don't think we can afford another one." 

Amos held Cedric's hand. "You're right, son. No more funerals." He agreed.

And everyone thought that this couldn't be real. Ben Copper was supposed to graduate Hogwarts in a month. He was supposed to have a career in the Ministry. To come so close, and to come up so short. Now he was gone. Gone forever.

Chiara saw Tulip crying over in the corner. "Hey? You okay?" She asked. 

Tulip shook her head. "No. Ben is dead, and I haven't even heard from my parents. And I don't know if they're safe or not." She answered.

Dumbledore had gone up in front of the Great Hall. The other Professors were gathered. "Today... We acknowledge... a very terrible loss." Dumbledore began trying to get the words out himself. "Ben Copper, member of the Circle of Khanna, Gryffindor, Brave and truthful, always ready to stand against death, rushing to his friends side without a single thought..." Dumbledore then breathed in. "Was brutally murdered in cold blood by the Devil known as Derek Slayton. As Ben rushed to save the lives of young Ronald and Ginny Weasley. We will not waste anymore words on Slayton as he was delivered proper justice." He looked at Ethan as he said that and giving him a nod. 

"But we do not come here to express anger and hatred. Instead to honor and remember Ben Copper and what he has given to Hogwarts. A boy who was scared of everything when he first came here to Hogwarts. But through the work of some very extraordinary students, Ben was able to find his courage where it was hidden and why he was sorted into Gryffindor. Sure he made many mistakes, as do we all. But he died so that others could live. You have earned your rest, Ben. May you be with Rowan now." Dumbledore took out his wand. "May this light guide you to him. And know that one day, we will join you." Dumbledore finished. And everyone raised their wands lighting a small light at the end of it. A light in the darkest of times.

Ethan had raised his wand when Kassandra tugged on Ethan's shirt. "Yes Kassie?" Ethan whispered.

"Can I d-do something for Ben?" Kassandra asked. "There is something we do in my culture when someone dies." 

Ethan nodded. Kassandra walked over to the body of Ben and pulled out two coins. And she placed them on Ben's eyes. Everyone was looking at Kassie and wondering what she was doing. "For Charon, the Ferryman. So that Ben can cross the River Styx." She explained. 

Ethan held Kassandra's hand. "He will. And he'll see Rowan again." He said.

An Auror went up to Ryder and whispered something into his ear. Ryder nodded and dismissed him. He then went to Tulip. 

"Agent Ryder?" Tulip asked. 

"Tulip... something's... happened. At the Ministry." Ryder answered. 

Around the World. Wizarding Governments were listening to the reports of The British Ministry of Magic falling into enemy hands.

In America, Sanders was meeting with the Media about the incident at the British Ministry. The giant meter clock now was screaming out Emergency. And going full alert.

"Mr. President. Is it true that the Wizarding Government of Great Britain no longer exists?" A Press Member asked.

"We don't know that. We are still getting in the details ourselves." Sanders answered.

"Mr. President?" Another voice asked. "The Death Eater Iosef Trotsky has called for a New World Order. Will MACUSA acknowledge this new Government?"

"The only thing that Trotsky calls for is madness and darkness. Not just against No Mag's but also to Wizard Kind if they do not agree with him. And there is no new government to acknowledge. Especially to terrorists." Sanders answered.

"Mr. President? With the Fall of the British Ministry? Are we next?" Another voice asked.

"No." Sanders answered. "Because we intend to prevent the Domino Effect that Trotsky plans on pushing on our Nations." 

"Mr. President? Are we-" The Press continued to ask.

"MACUSA's intention is clear!" Sanders announced. "We refuse to acknowledge Trotsky, his radical ideas, and the notion that the British Ministry of Magic is destroyed."

"Mr. President? Do we know how many Aurors we have left alive in the British Isles?" Another reporter asked.

"We are still taking a census and all names into effect. But are thoughts and prayers are with them and the loved ones of those that have been killed in the line of duty." Sanders answered. "That's all for questions..." And he turned away. But not before saying this. "This is not the first time that America has been threatened by darkness. And we won't fall into the Dark Ages. Not on my watch." He then left the press. 

Sanders walked back into his Office. He approached his Fire Place. And Through the Floo Network he was able to get in a connection. "Get me Japanese Minister Hiroto Suzuki." He requested.

The Image suddenly changed to the face of Minister Suzuki. "President Sanders." Suzuki greeted.

"Hello, Minister. It's been a long time." Sanders replied. 

"Indeed." Suzuki agreed. "And I believe I know the particular reason as to why you have called me. I am already aware of the takeover by Trotsky. It appears that the events of the future are transpiring as I have seen them." He informed.

"All the more reason we need to stop him then." Sanders declared. "MACUSA refuses to acknowledge Trotsky's reign." 

"As does Japan." Suzuki replied.

Sanders looked around him. This was a dark threat that was coming. But at least MACUSA didn't stand alone against Trotsky. And that meant it was time for one thing.

"President Sanders." Suzuki could see where this was going. "It is time. We both know it." 

Sanders pulled out an old parchment. And not just any old Parchment. He rolled it out on the table.  "I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to use this. But we've got no choice now. The Treaty of Light." He said looking at the Treaty.

The Treaty of Light was an old treaty dating back to the end of the Second World War. After the war and the Axis Powers defeated, the Wizarding Governments of the World decided that after coming so close to falling into a new Dark Age, the Wizarding Governments would unite their forces and stand together against a Dark Magic threat before the world fell into the Dark Ages. And all Governments that had signed it, had to acknowledge the terms of the treaty and send aid whenever called upon. America, Great Britain, France, Germany, India, Japan, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and the Continent of Africa. "They've all sworn to unite under this treaty. Let's hope they do." Sanders pulled out his wand and made the treaty glow.

Suzuki turned to see a glowing light. That meant that the Treaty had been called upon and activated. "It is done then." He commented. That was when the door opened. "Ah, Perfect timing Akira, my old friend." Suzuki greeted.

Akira Shimamoto walked through the door. "You summoned me, Minister?" He asked.

"Yes, I have." Suzuki answered. "President Sanders has called the Treaty of Light." 

Akira nodded understanding. "Then the British Ministry of Magic has fallen." He said.

"Yes. And Trotsky wishes to bring the world into a new Dark Age." Suzuki added.

Akira shook his head in disbelief. "I will not see to it that my son, Takumi lives in this world of Darkness." He knew what Suzuki was going to ask him as well. And he had no objections. "I will take what warriors I can, go to Great Britain and help whoever is left standing. If America has called the Treaty of Light, then Japan will answer." He declared.

Both Akira and Suzuki bowed to each other.  Akira walked out of the Office to see Takumi and his Kitsune, Aiya waiting for him. "What did the Minister say, Father?" Takumi asked while picking up his Bo Staff.

"The Treaty of Light has been called. And we will answer." Akira informed his son.

"The Treaty of Light?" Takumi asked astonished. "Truly?"

"Yes. And Japan must answer the call. We will lead what Wizards we can and go to Great Britain to help the Ministry whenever we can." 

"Father, the Ministry has fallen." Takumi reminded.

"Which is why, we will be leaving for Hogwarts. By Portkey" Akira announced.

"With as much troops as we can spare of course." Takumi replied.

"Yes." Akira answered. "And not only that, but we will also have someone who has been to Hogwarts before joining us. Ah, here she comes now." He turned to the young Brazilian Witch known as Alanza Alves walked up to the Shimamoto's. 

After her experiences in Hogwarts. Alanza wanted to explore more of the world, which is what she was doing, she explored North America, Africa, parts of Europe, and her last stop was in Japan to be with many of the Magical Creatures of the area. She liked Japan and stayed there the longest. That was also when Alanza first learned of the rise of Trotsky and his movements to battle an army. And she was sad to see that Ethan Bauer was in Japan, and had already left by the time that Alanza had gotten there. It was a shame. But that was the way it went sometimes. 

"Mr. Shimamoto." Alanza greeted in her green robes.

"We have work to do." Akira informed. "The Treaty of Light has been called. And Japan will answer." 

Alanza had heard about the Treaty of Light from her Father years before. "If Japan will answer, then so too shall Brazil." She declared. "When do we start?"

"Right now." Akira answered.

After the Funeral. Fudge, Mad Eye, Ryder, Ethan, Jacob, Lizzie, Shacklebolt, and Lupin had gathered in Dumbledore's Office. Along with Saahira and Hakeem. Barnaby was also there as well.

"I can't even go to my Office anymore. And now I'm forced to stay here." Fudge complained.

"It's for your own protection, sir." Ryder reminded. 

"Stop complaining about your Office, Minister." Mad Eye interrupted. "We have a real problem here. Trotsky is in charge of the Ministry of Magic." 

"And in control of the Wizarding Government, he can do as he wishes to the British Isles. Including what he can do to the Muggles." Lupin added. "And we can't do much to stop him." 

Dumbledore sadly agreed. "There is not much we can do at this moment, that is true. But we will not give up on finding a solution. We can ill afford it at this time." He told everybody. 

"What of the rest of the world? Is someone going to help us?" Ethan asked.

"We're helping." Hakeem pointed to himself and Saahira.

"Well that makes me feel so much better..." Fudge grumbled sarcastically. 

"We're working to send out Distress Calls to the rest of the world. But Trotsky keeps intercepting our intelligence." Ryder answered. 

That was when a massive bright light glowed up next to Fudge. "Hm? That's odd." Fudge said. 

"What's that?" Jacob asked. 

Dumbledore's eyes widened at the sight of it. "I believe that is our help." He answered. 

"Our help is a glowing light?" Saahira asked.

"That glowing light, Miss. Karim is the signal for the Treaty of Light." Dumbledore explained. 

"What's the Treaty of Light?" Hakeem asked.

"An old agreement made by Wizarding Governments in time past to come to each other in times of need." Dumbledore answered. 

"Well, we better hope that they answer the call." Ryder informed. 

"What about the Aurors that made it out of the Ministry?" Jacob asked.

"We were able to save at least half of our forces of Aurors. People including the Order of the Phoenix are still alive, along with Amos Diggory, as well as Rufus Scrimgeour. When Trotsky attacked the Ministry, I sent out a Distress Call to Madam Strout of St. Mungo's to redirect all our operations to Hogsmeade. Right now, Hogwarts and its surrounding areas are the safest places we can be right now." Ryder answered. 

"And Toad Wart?" Ethan asked.

"Nobody's seen her when the Ministry fell." Ryder answered. "But who cares?"

"Nobody." Lizzie answered for everyone.

"I'm kind of a little concerned." Fudge commented.

"Well, don't be." Lizzie told him.

"Anyway... What do we do now, then?" Fudge asked. Everyone looked at Fudge like he was crazy. "I'm a Politician. Not a soldier." He pointed out.

"Trotsky's not going to stop at the Ministry. I got a good hunch that his next target is Hogwarts." Ryder suggested.

"And the Cursed Vaults that Hogwarts protects." Ethan added. "With his Runestone, he'll cause the destruction of all Muggles." 

"Which is why we've got to protect Hogwarts. As much as we can." Shacklebolt advised.

"That we can do." Dumbledore agreed. 

That was when an Auror walked inside the room and was speaking to Ryder about something. 

"And what are we going to do about the students?" Ethan asked. Hogwarts was still a school where young students were living and learning. And if Hogwarts was indeed at risk. So too were the students. 

"I think it would be wise to send the students back home." Lupin suggested. He turned to Dumbledore. "I know that it's a hard thing to ask of you. But we can't risk the students getting hurt with what's coming." 

Dumbledore agreed. 

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Mr. Lupin?" Fudge asked. "I mean, O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts are right around the corner, as well as Final Exams-" 

"Oh to hell with that!" Ethan yelled angrily.

Fudge looked at Ethan. "To hell with that?" He asked.

"This goes beyond stupid tests required by the Ministry. This is the fate of the world at stake." Ethan pointed out huffing as he said that. 

"Ethan. Calm down." Jacob told his brother. 

Ethan took a deep breath. "Sorry." He said. 

"That's not going to be an option anymore." Ryder interrupted. "I just got a report from the Aurors. The Transportation system in the Wizarding World has been sabotaged. We can't send the students home and we can't get their parents/guardians to them. Especially the No Maj Born." He reported.  

"What?" Fudge asked. 

"He really did think of everything." Jacob commented. They were really in a big pickle. They couldn't run and they couldn't leave. Not without the wrath of Trotsky breathing down their necks. 

"Um..." Barnaby said. "Maybe if we can't get the Students back to their homes, we can at least get them to a safe location until this whole thing blows over." He suggested. "Along with the Civilians. That way if Trotsky does attack, they won't be caught in the crossfire." 

Everyone looked at Barnaby. "That's... actually a good idea." Dumbledore admitted surprised that Barnaby came up with that idea and he didn't. "We'll try to find a place where we can get people to safety. In the meantime." He turned to Ethan, Jacob, and Barnaby. "Watch over the students. See that they remain calm." He requested. 

"That much we can still do." Ethan replied. And he and his friends left. 

Meanwhile the Ministry of Magic had been completely transformed. Now it was a haven of darkness. That is if Knockturn Alley had taken over the Ministry. Dark Creatures were running wild and taking up their residence. And with Trotsky in charge of the Ministry, there was no one to protect the Muggles from attacks. And that also included putting down any Witch or Wizard that refused to obey Trotsky. Those unfortunate were being killed by Execution Squads. The Killing Curse was now bathing the halls in green. And more supplies were being brought through that would support R's claim to the Ministry. 

Trotsky was walking around surveying the supplies that were being moved personally. Huge Carts of war supplies were being brought in by House Elves. As they were being whipped by Death Eaters. "Come on, you scum!" The Death Eater yelled cracking another whip. "You all are going to be food for the Hide Behinds!" He threatened. "Come on! Move it! Move it! Move it!" The House Elves were all in pain as they walked.  

"Uncle Iosef." Talos walked up. "You'll be happy to know that Diagon Alley is fully under our control." He reported. 

Trotsky nodded. "And Gringotts Bank?" He asked. 

"Under our control as well." Talos answered. "Griphook and his Goblin loyalists escaped though, Ollivander the Wand Maker escaped as well, along with Madame Villanelle."  

"Excellent." Trotsky replied. "Don't worry about those fools. We control Diagon Alley, and the Ministry of Magic." 

"As you wish." Talos replied. 

The day went on like this, but more than war supplies being brought through the Ministries, the Goblins were also making more armor, and weapons for the rest of the army. 

"I want the army marching within 2 weeks." Trotsky ordered as he was speaking with Lucius Malfoy. 

"Of course, My Lord. But the Nations of the world are starting to rally against us. They will strike at us." Lucius Malfoy pointed out. 

"Let them strike. It will not be enough to stop our advance against Hogwarts." Trotsky dared. 

"So, Hogwarts is still the next target?" Lucius asked.

"Indeed it is. That won't be a problem for you, will it?" Trotsky asked. 

"Not at all, My Lord." Malfoy answered. He was ready to show Dumbledore who really wielded the true power. And to put all of Hogwarts inside of the House of Slytherin. 

"Good. Now go await further orders." Trotsky ordered. And with that, Lucius left.

Left alone with his thoughts, Trotsky looked at his wands. "Finally. I stand in the Ministry of Magic." He then looked at his map of Great Britain. "Soon, it will all be over. And the New World Order can begin. Free of the Muggles." 

"Baba?" Trotsky heard a voice. "Who's there?" That was when he saw his daughter Ksenia in front of him. "K-Ksenia?" He asked.

Ksenia, at the age of 10, looked at her Father with a tear in her eyes. Iosef kneeled down to her. "Don't cry." He stroked her tear away.

"I miss you, Baba." Ksenia cried.

"And I have missed you." Iosef replied. "I've missed you for nearly 22 long years." He still remembered the burned face that he saw when Ksenia died. 

"Are the bad men gone?" Ksenia asked. 

"No." Trotsky answered. "But they will be soon. I'm so close to achieving that goal. One last thing stands in my way, but it will not matter. I will eradicate all thoughts of that wretched filth from this Earth." He held out his Runestone. "It will all be over soon. And this weapon of war will give us it." He declared. "You'll sleep in peace. I swear to you, Ksenia. You will know true peace at long last."  

Ksenia smiled. "I love you, Baba." And her image faded away. 

Trotsky shed a tear in his eyes. "And I love you, my little Ksenia." He declared. 

Ethan walked back up to his Dorm and up to the Fat Lady Portrait. "Ah, Bauer. I was wondering when you would show up." The Fat Lady said. 

"Yeah, yeah. I was speaking to Dumbledore." Ethan replied not in the mood for a lecture. "I don't really have time for a password right now. Can you let me in?" He asked. 

"Yeah. Might as well give it to you. McGonagall is inside addressing the students anyway." The Fat Lady answered. 

That made sense to Ethan. And of course, that McGonagall was addressing the students. He hurried inside to see McGonagall speaking about the recent events. And all Gryffindors looking nervous. "...And I expect all of you to remain calm during this whole ordeal. The last thing we need right now is panic. Which will only make the situation worse." McGonagall announced. 

Ethan walked up to where Charlie, Corey, Skye, Orion, Murphy, and Jae were. "What's happened?" He asked. 

"McGonagall just told that the Ministry has fallen." Jae answered.

"But, Professor?" One 1st year student asked. "The Ministry just got attacked. Are we next?" 

"It's certainly a possibility that we will be next." McGonagall answered. 

"Way to boost confidence." Skye grumbled. 

The rest of the Gryffindors all gasped. And everyone exchanged looks. "I want my Mommy and Daddy." One Muggleborn 1st Year cried.

"It's going to be okay." Charlie assured going up to one. 

"I know everyone is scared." McGonagall continued. "It's only natural that you should be so. But we will make sure that you all are safe and sound. Right now, Hogwarts is the safest place you can be. Until this threat has ended. All students will remain in the Castle until told otherwise." She told them. "We are of the House of Godric Gryffindor. We must be strong if we are to get through this. And when this is all done. We will breathe a sigh of relief." She assured them. "If anyone is feeling panicked and scared, we have all the prescribed potions ready to relieve you of burdens. And the Professors are also here to talk should you need them." She then left the Common Room. And that was when Ethan walked up to McGonagall. 

"Professor?" Ethan asked. 

"How are you, Mr. Bauer?" McGonagall asked.

"Better now, I think." Ethan answered. "Thanks for calming the kids down at least." He thanked. 

"They're just words, but if it's words that are going to keep us all calm. Then by all means." McGonagall replied. 

"Professor. I think we both know that it's only going to be a matter of time before Trotsky gets here." Ethan said. 

"That is obvious." McGonagall replied. "I must say though... that in all my years of teaching at Hogwarts, I have never been this so... distressed." She admitted. 

"Well, so is everyone." Ethan said. "But that's understandable, no?" He asked.

McGonagall nodded her head as she agreed with Ethan. 

"I just wish Ben was here." Ethan admitted. "We could really use him right now." 

"You avenged him." McGonagall pointed out. "And when this war is over. We can celebrate his memory." 

"But first, we're going to finish what we started with Trotsky, once and for all." Ethan declared. 

"You can count us in as well." Jae interrupted walking up with the Gryffindor branch of the Circle of Khanna. 

"Yeah. If Trotsky thinks that he can mess my Quidditch, I know where he can start" Skye added. 

"And I'm going to pule some tricks up my sleeve." Jae declared. 

"Count me in." Charlie chimed in as well. 

"I estimate the odds are 10,000 to 1 against us. But what do odds matter?" Murphy asked. 

A part of Ethan was cleaning up the Star Wars quote of never tell me the odds. But that wasn't the point.

"We will bring balance back to the world." Orion declared. 

"Alright then." McGonagall replied. "You truly are all Gryffindors aren't you?"

"Why do you think the Sorting Hat put us in here?" Ethan asked. 

That was when a horn honked. It was Sikander on his Golf Cart. "Hey, Ethan! You better come and see this!" He yelled. 

"See what?" Ethan asked. 

"There's a group of hippin and hopping people that are here." Sikander answered. "Said they know you. Lizzie and Jacob are already on their way as well. You guys are tight with connections, you know." 

"That's... great." Ethan commented clearly annoyed by more of Sikander's antics. "I don't think this is going away, anytime soon." He whispered to McGonagall. 

"No. It is not." McGonagall agreed.

Out by the Training Grounds. Tulip remained silent while also thinking about how her parents died. She learned that Trotsky had killed her Mum and Dad. 

That was when Tonks came up to her. "Wotcher Tulip." She greeted trying to get a smile out of Tulip. But Tulip just sat while staring at the ground. 

"I'm on my way to prank Filch with a Dungbomb. You want in?" Tonks asked. 

"No thank you." Tulip answered with a dead expression. 

"We could have our prank war." Tonks offered.

"No thank you." Tulip repeated. 

Tonks could see that Tulip was really down. And for good reason. "Tulip... I'm... sorry about your parents. They seemed really brave for what they did for standing up to Trotsky." She commented. 

"And look where that got them." Tulip snapped. "Mum and Dad are gone. Forever." She looked at Dennis. Dennis gave a pity look as Tulip hugged him. 

"It wasn't your fault, Tulip." Tonks sat down next to her. 

"If I was there, I could've prevented it." Tulip said. "I could've saved them. Maybe if I wasn't... who I was..." 

"What are you talking about?" Tonks asked confused. 

"Maybe if I hadn't broken so many rules. Maybe if I had been the daughter my parents wanted. A perfect and obedient girl, they'd still be alive. If I hadn't broken so many rules and disgraced them, they would've lived. Maybe then, they'd have lived for the sake of a daughter they actually loved." Tulip suggested. 

"Tulip." Tonks sighed. "Your parents loved you." Tulip opened her mouth to say something, but Tonks cut her off. "Sure they didn't always show it and but they did love you. And if you were perfect and obedient, you would've just been miserable for the rest of your life. And your parents wouldn't have even recognized you." 

Tulip found herself crying into Tonks's arms. "They're dead. It doesn't matter now." She pointed out. 

"So... avenge them." Tonks suggested. 

Tulip looked at her. "Avenge them?" She asked. 

"You heard me. We can't give up into drowning in our sorrows at this point. It's far too late for that at this point." Tonks pointed out. "We're going to stop Trotsky before anymore families get ripped apart." 

Tulip nodded. Whether it was through grief of wanting to punch something or an anger for Trotsky and the R. Tulip wanted to get back at them. "Let's go get this son of a bitch." She declared.  

Tonks agreed with that. "Oh, hey look. It's Ethan." She noticed as Ethan and Jacob were taking a ride up with Sikander to the Training Grounds.

"Hey." Tulip greeted. 

"Hey, Tulip." Ethan greeted back. "...I'm sorry for your parents." 

"Thanks, Ethan." Tulip thanked.

"How are you holding up?" Jacob asked. 

"I'll be okay. At least that's what everyone tells me." Tulip answered. 

"Well, we're all here if you need to talk." Ethan offered.

"Thanks." Tulip replied. She looked around the entire Castle Ground. "If Trotsky wants to come, let him. I'll be waiting." She declared. 

Jacob noticed that. "That sounds like fighting talk, Tulip." 

"Good. I'm itching for a fight." Tulip replied with fire in her eyes. 

"I say we lay the smackdown on this bogus Trotsky." Sikander added in full support of Tulip. 

"Hope you're throwing me into the mix." Alanza wished out loud as she walked up and overheard the entire conversation. 

Ethan, Tonks, and Tulip all looked shocked at the sight of Alanza. "Alanza!" They all shouted. 

"Yeah... I'm back." Alanza announced. "I told you that I would come back when you needed me. It's good to see you again, Ethan Bauer." She then hugged Ethan. 

"Come here." Tonks told Alanza as she gave her a hug as well. Tulip gave her a hug as well. 

"Oh, Jacob, Lizzie. This is Alanza. She was an exchange student at Castelbruxo last year." Ethan explained knowing that both Jacob and Alanza never officially met. That and Lizzie had never met Alanza at all.  

"I was an exchange student." Alanza clarified. "I've spent this last year traveling the world. My time in Hogwarts inspired me. I wanted to see more. But I heard that the Treaty of Light was activated. So I answered on behalf of Brazil." She explained.  

"You came all the way from Brazil?" Tonks asked. 

"No." Alanza answered. "I was in Japan when the call came. So I hitched a ride with the Japanese Ministry. Well whoever the Japanese could send at any rate." 

"And who did they send?" Ethan asked. 

"That would be me." Akira answered walking up with Takumi and Aiya. 

And Ethan's smile went up. "Master Shimamoto." He greeted with a traditional bow. 

"Hello, Ethan Bauer." Akira greeted with a bow as well. "And to you as well, Jacob Bauer, and Elizabeth Maxson." 

"Master Shimamoto." Jacob greeted as did Lizzie with their bows of respect.

"Hello, Takumi." Ethan said to Takumi. "It's good to see you again." 

"And it is good to hear your voice again." Takumi replied. "I would say see you again, but..."  

Ethan nodded. "You can't see." 

Takumi nodded. "And you remember Aiya don't you?" He asked. 

Aiya bowed her head to Ethan. 

"Hello, Aiya." Ethan greeted. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sensing some history here." Tonks came up. 

"Oh, right. Tonks, Tulip. This is Akira Shimamoto and his son Takumi along with Takumi's Kitsune, Aiya. They helped Jacob, Lizzie, Ben and I in Japan." Ethan explained. "Akira, Takumi, Aiya. This is Tulip Karasu and Nymphadora Tonks. They're two of our members in the Circle of Khanna." 

"It's an honor to officially meet you, Master Shimamoto." Tonks greeted.

"It's an honor to meet you." Akira replied. 

"Thanks for coming to help us." Lizzie thanked. 

"You and the Bauer Brothers along with Ben Copper came to our aid. It seems only fitting that we aid you." Akira explained his reasoning.  

"Where is Ben Copper?" Takumi asked. "I've very much like to speak with him." 

Ethan breathed heavy. 

Akira could read the expression on Ethan's face. "He has fallen." 

Ethan nodded. "He sacrificed himself to save Ron and Ginny Weasley." 

Alanza held her head down. "May he rest in peace." She said in Portuguese.

Akira put a hand on Ethan's shoulder. "Let us make sure that it was not in vein." He declared. 

"And we won't." Ethan replied. 

"There's a lot of work we have to do." Akira informed. "I suggest we get started."  

The Weeks had past quickly as they had come. May had came and gone. Soon it was June. The Air was now becoming warmer. And that meant that Summer was on the move. Trotsky had finished with his final strategies. He had already given the orders to his Lieutenants and they were to assemble their armies at Malfoy Manor as a rally point for all of his armies. Trotsky and Merula were there as well preparing their armor. "And now, we begin." Trotsky told Merula who was present. 

"Begin the end of the World?" Merula asked inquisitively. 

"And the birth of a New One." Trotsky answered. "It's time to commence the Final Phase." He informed. He then noticed Merula look indifferent to it. "You don't approve?" 

"No." Merula quickly answered. "It's just that, the other nations won't just simply allow you to just keep the Ministry." 

"You are not wrong." Trotsky replied. "But after we are done and the Runestone is at its full power, we will crack it and they will have no choice." He explained. 

Trotsky was fully committed to this path, and not even what Merula said could stop him now. "Merula, the World may have built its army against us. But we have built an army of the World, ourselves. United under a single cause. And our cause is why we will win the day." 

"Even with our army united, it will still be a massive undertaking." Merula pointed out as they walked out of the Manor and over to a cliff overlooking hills and rolling plains.

"This is what we have trained for. It's time to show the world our true strength." Trotsky declared as he took Merula over to the cliff to see a massive army of darkness overlooking the rolling plains and hills. Horns shouted and chanting was heard from all sides. Merula was looking at the whole army. There must've been at least 50,000 Dark Witches and Wizards. Perhaps even more. And it wasn't just them. There was also Giants, Dragons, Goblins, Hide Behinds, Werewolves, and enough Catapults and other siege weapons to cause an avalanche on Mt. Everest, and let it collapse to the sea. With the wave of his hand. Trotsky ordered them to be silent.

"Sons and Daughters of Magic!" Trotsky shouted using his wand to magnify his voice. "You have been subjugated under the thumb of the Ministry and it's Muggles for Centuries! But now! You stand as Conquerors!" 

The Chanting continued as the Dragons roared. Trotsky motioned them to be silent again. "You have achieved what no army before you could not. You have journeyed to Great Britain! You have struck your blows against the Land that could not be attacked in nearly a thousand years! You have destroyed the Ministry of Magic! The Sun has set on the British Empire! And a new Sunrise will begin!" 

The chanting roared louder. Trotsky continued. "But the war is not done! There is still one obstacle left that stands in the way of the Age of Wizards! Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! That Fortress which lies in the highlands of Scotland, holds a powerful Source necessary for achieving the destruction of Muggles! However it is guarded by a Powerful force of Witches and Wizards that dare to oppose us! It also stands as the last land of defiance against us! Traitors to their own cause! March to Hogwarts! Take what is rightfully yours! And if our enemy resists us! Then the Castle will become their TOMB!" 

And the armies all yelled out the same thing. "WAR!" 

Merula breathed hard. She looked down. There was no stopping R now. And a look of guilt on her face. A prison that she couldn't escape from. "What have I done?" She asked herself. 

And so the army had marched. Marching all the way to the Highlands of Scotland. Like a great big Tidal Wave of Darkness and Shadow. And it was moving as one. The war had started.  

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