Chapter 88: The Final Duel.

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For Grandpa...

"The battle of life is, in most cases, fought uphill; and to win it without a struggle were perhaps to win it without honor. If there were no difficulties there would be no success; if there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved." -Samuel Smiles.

Ethan walked up to Trotsky. Kassandra was standing right behind Ethan. "Kassie. Go find Jacob." He ordered. With no hesitation, Kassandra left. He pointed his wand right at Trotsky. 

"You've come a long way from Lumos spells, Ethan." Trotsky said. "Break Curses, Fight Dragons, the Minotaur, travel across the seas, sword fighting, strengthen your magic, battle the Djinn. And you have survived all of this at the age of 17. You've seen the world for what it is as well." He listed. 

Ethan didn't say a word. Trotsky's mood turned again. "But you still don't understand. Do you? For all your powers you're still a child." He continued. 

"And you're still hell bent on world destruction." Ethan countered. 

"World Salvation." Trotsky corrected. "Frankly, I'm a little disappointed in you. After all you've seen. After every single chance I gave you to stand aside. You refused. And now look what you've done." 

"What I've done?" Ethan asked. 

"You refuse to stand down in the Cursed Vaults. Your interference led to Rowan's death. And nearly your death as well. Penny was kidnapped as a consequence of your interference, and you still resist me." Trotsky answered looking for an explanation as to Ethan's stubborn nature.

"You gave me no choice." Ethan replied. "What was I suppose to do? Let you rule in darkness?" He asked. 

"Not me." Trotsky answered as if he heard a joke. "I have no desire to rule over anything. I'm just here to create a New World Order, but I'm not going to be the one to lead it. That's going to someone a little higher up the chain." He explained. 

It didn't take a genius to see who Trotsky was talking about. "Voldemort." Ethan realized. 

"Clever man." Trotsky commented. 

"No. I mean, it's pretty obvious that it would be him." Ethan clarified. 

Trotsky didn't argue that one. "You're not wrong about that. He's coming back. Once I take down Hogwarts and the Runestone Broken. The Muggles will be exterminated. And Lord Voldemort returned to full strength. The New World Order ruled by Wizards." He explained. "And it's within my grasp."  He then looked at Ethan. "With one obstacle remaining." 

Ethan still pointed his wand. He knew what was about to happen. "Sorry you fell short." He said. 

"Do you remember the last time we dueled? You barely survived." Trotsky asked. "And I'm stronger than ever." 

"So am I." Ethan replied. 

Diego had grabbed the injured Andre and took him hiding in the Artefact Room. Andre was slung over Diego's shoulder. Despite the fact that Diego was injured himself. But Diego let Andre down. "Get me back up, Diego. We can still fight." Andre insisted. 

"I'll fight. You rest now." Diego stood him down. "There's still a fight happening all around us. We are not safe." He told himself. He opened the door to see more R Armies that were right outside his door. He saw Andre still injured. Diego sighed. He knew what was about to happen. "This is the last stand of Diego Caplain. Let me go down in a blaze of glory." 

"Diego? What are you doing?" Andre asked. 

"Stay here and play dead." Diego told him. "It is the only way you will survive this battle." 

"But... what are you going to do?" Andre asked. 

Diego didn't answer Andre. He simply looked at the door. And then proceeded to open it. 

Andre saw Diego walk right through the door and the sounds of spells slashing and some fighting that was going on. Andre didn't see what was going on but decided to play it safe and play dead just in case. The door had opened. It sounded like more men. Magi. One kicked Andre's body. Andre didn't respond. And that meant Diego was most likely dead. "Looks like one committed suicide." One Commented. 

"Eh... Stupid Kid. They're all going to die anyway. Just save us the effort." The Other Magi replied. And they both left. Once they were gone. Andre could see from outside the door the lifeless body of Diego Caplain dead on the ground. But there was also 6 dead Magi outside the door as well.

Meanwhile Jacob shot at Sigurd with a few of his spells, which Sigurd kept blocking. "Let's see what you're made of kid. Don't have your little flame to help you this time, now do you?" Sigurd asked. 

"Fortunately, I don't need her." Jacob shot back. He rolled forward while shooting some wind spells at Sigurd. 

Sigurd blocked that and then countered with his own brand of Ice Spells. He shot some Ice Dirks right at Jacob. Jacob created a flame shield around  him turning the ice to water. Jacob then took out his energy sword. Which was countered by Sigurd's War Axe. "Now... where we we?" Sigurd asked. 

"We were at the part where I kick your ass." Jacob answered. He engaged Sigurd swinging his sword right at Sigurd's chest. Sigurd stumbled back. But he shrugged off the injury like it was nothing. 

"Now we got a fight." Sigurd commented. He shot an Ice Spell at Jacob which Jacob had manage to counter with his metal hand holding one of the Ice Spells like a magic butter fly net. He then shot the spells right back at Sigurd. Sigurd blocked them, but then returned to fighting Jacob axe vs sword. Sigurd swung at Jacob, however Jacob was quicker. And that was when Jacob had another idea. He used his metal hand to create an energy shield while he was also using his Energy sword in another hand. 

"You're going to lose, Sigurd." Jacob told him. 

"You got guts, boy. Too bad I gotta rip them out. You can tell your story to the Gods in Valhalla though." Sigurd replied. 

Jacob then charged again. His Shield blocking the war axe that struck down on Jacob. Jacob rolled around and swung his sword, but Sigurd got out of the way from it. His axe hitting the sword. Neither was giving in. Until Sigurd struck at Jacob's exposed leg with his own. Jacob fell down and Sigurd brought the axe down on Jacob, and would've killed him had it not been for Jacob rolling out of the way and then getting back on his feet. He then tumbled up and engaged in a melee fight once again. However Jacob knew that Sigurd would most likely make another cheap shot. There's no rules in a fight to the death. Jacob clashed his sword with Sigurd's axe again. He had Sigurd focused on him. Just like Jacob had wanted. And he had an idea. He looked at his metal hand and instead of using it as a shield. Jacob concentrated his magic to make the hand levitate in between the two and then the hand made an energy sword that struck Sigurd in the arm. Sigurd yelled out in pain and Jacob pierced his other energy sword and his good hand and brought it down on Sigurd, making him fall to the ground. "Sorry, Sigurd. But I've still got things to do before I go to Valhalla." Jacob said as Sigurd was killed. 

Jacob put his metal hand back on his arm when he saw Caroline running up to him. "Jacob." She ran over.  

"I'm fine Mum." Jacob assured. "Though, it would've been nicer if you could've arrived a bit sooner."  

Caroline looked at Sigurd. "Where's Ethan?" She asked. 

"He sort of ran to fight Trotsky." Jacob answered hesitantly.

Caroline looked at Jacob in shock and appall. "YOU LET YOUR LITTLE BROTHER GO OFF AND FIGHT TROTSKY ALONE?!!!!!" 

"It was his insistence Mum." Jacob answered. "I had to fight off against a Viking, and Kassie was screaming. Ethan had to also make sure that she was okay." He tried to explain. "And also Kassie might be in trouble right now." 

Caroline smacked her head. "I can't leave you three for one minute." She started to run. "Come on." 

"Right now? I was expecting you to be a bit more angry at that." Jacob thought out loud. 

"Oh believe me. Nothing would make me happier then to scold you. But Your brother and sister are in trouble right now. Their Safety is what matters to me first. NOW LET'S GO COME ON!" Caroline yelled at him. And they both ran to find the children. Or at least 1 child and one Adult.

Meanwhile, Diablo shot his fire spells along with Explosive spells continuously while targeting Hakeem who was the weakest member on the Circle of Khanna. But Saahira stood in Diablo's way while defending her little brother.

Hakeem had to cover his ears. It was too loud and he was having sensory overload. "Carpet. Get him out of here." Saahira ordered.

The Carpet evacuated Hakeem out of there. "You will not harm him!" Saahira yelled shooting off her own spells. But Diablo shot some more bomb spells at Saahira forcing her to keep making shields to protect herself.

"You're going to have to come up with some new tricks, girlie." Diablo taunted as he shot more Bombarda Spells at Saahira. He also made a quick spell at Rath to keep her not being able to do anything. 

"I'm beginning to remember why I hate this guy." Rath muttered. She looked at Barnaby. "I don't think we can use the same old trick like we did in Mexico. Let's see if we can-" Rath never got to finish what she was going to say though.

"Saahira!" Barnaby yelled out as he looked at Saahira get bomb shelled by Diablo. She then fell onto the ground. "That does it!" He charged ahead at Diablo shooting some Water Spells right at the Gangster. 

Diablo noticed Barnaby coming at him. "Oh look. The Idiot from Mexico." He shot a Bombarda Spell at Barnaby, which Barnaby deflected. 

"Nobody hurts my woman while I'm around." Barnaby declared shooting some of his Ice Spells at Diablo. Even going as far as to create an Ice Field around Diablo's feet to try and freeze his legs.

Diablo just melted away the ice. "Please kid. Don't you know that Ice Melts in the Southwest?" He then created a Satchel Bomb and threw it at Barnaby. Which Barnaby was only able to barely get out of the way before the bomb's impact threw him onto the walls and down onto the floor. That was when he noticed the Carpet and Hakeem above him. 

"Don't worry, Hakeem. I think I'm wearing him down." Barnaby assured. He then looked at Diablo approach them. "...Or maybe not." 

"Get away from him!" Hakeem yelled throwing a rock which only bounced off of the armor of Diablo. 

"My turn." Diablo ginned creating a large boulder and flinging it at Hakeem. But it was broken up by Barnaby who had gotten up to defend Saahira's little brother.

"Now that is just rude to attack the High Sage like that." Barnaby commented shooting another Ice Spell at Diablo.

"Oh, Mr. High Sage." Diablo mockingly realized to Hakeem. "Die!" He yelled preparing another Satchel Bomb to throw at the two. The Carpet stood ready to get Hakeem out of there. When...

"Bombarda!" Hakeem yelled out using his hands. It knocked Diablo down and to the ground. 

Barnaby looked at the scene. "Hakeem. Did you just-?"

"Well... You did it!" Hakeem yelled trying to point to Barnaby. "So... I thought I could do it too."

Diablo got back up. "Alright, kid. You're really starting to push my buttons." He told Hakeem.

"That's High Sage to you." Hakeem told him. He then shot another Bombarda Spell at Diablo which Diablo deflected. 

"Always making the same moves over and over." Diablo shook his head. But that was when Hakeem raised his hands towards Diablo. "Use anything you want to. It won't help you." That was when he found himself not being able to move forward. "What the-?"

Hakeem was motioning his hands as if he was using some invisible magic ropes to restrain Diablo from moving. But there were very tough for Hakeem to maintain his grip on the spell. "Is that so?" He asked. That was when he got one of the Satchel Bombs to set off while it was still on Diablo's body.

Diablo looked at the bomb go off. "Huh? Didn't see that coming." He said. And then proceeded to explode. 

Barnaby created a shield around himself and Hakeem. When the smoke cleared. Hakeem was breathing heavy. "D-did I just do that?" He asked.

"Did you just do what?" Barnaby asked.

"Kill a guy." Hakeem clarified.

"No. But you did kill Diablo." Barnaby answered.

That was when Saahira, Rath and Ryder showed up. And Ryder being helped up by Chiara. "You going to be okay, Ryder?" Chiara asked.

"I'm fine. There's still a battle to be fought here." Ryder answered. That was when he looked at the sight of what remained of Diablo. "What happened here?" He asked.

Barnaby pointed to Hakeem. "He just killed a man." He said.

"He was going to kill Barnaby." Hakeem justified. 

"You mean, Hakeem used... Wandless Magic?" Rath asked.

"Yep." Barnaby answered. "Unless he had an invisible wand." 

"No. He doesn't have an invisible wand." Saahira vouched. "Are you okay, Hakeem?" She asked.

Hakeem nodded. "I'm okay." 

"Come on. Let's go help Ethan." Barnaby suggested.

"I'm going to go find, Jae." Chiara announced.

"Go." Ryder insisted. "We'll deal with Trotsky."  

Kassandra ran down another row of halls as she was trying to avoid any more Dark Wizards that might be attacking her. Ethan told her to run as he would fight Trotsky. And she was scared for her brother of course. But now there was no time to think about it. Just run like crazy. Kassandra then tripped and fell on the floor. But Kassandra was able to get back up. She ran down another part of the hall when she ran into...

The armored witch turned around to see who had bumped into her. That was when Kassandra got a better look at the witch. "Merula Snyde?" She asked. 

Merula looked at Kassandra. "How do you know who I am?" She asked. 

"Well, you're the only person who has a Rat's Nest Hairdo." Kassandra answered. 

Merula shrugged. "Good point." She then looked at Kassandra. "What are you doing in a war zone like this, anyway?" She asked noticing how young Kassandra was.

"My brother Ethan told me to run." Kassandra answered. 

"Your Brother Ethan?" Merula asked. "As in... Ethan Bauer?" 

Kassandra nodded. "Are... are you here to kill him? Just like your parents did to Pater?" She asked. 

Merula didn't answer. She looked at a nervous 10 year old girl who was scared for her life. There was something that Merula was looking at when she looked at Kassandra. And it was as if she could see herself in the mirror. A mirror that was her 10 year old self. "Hey... Snyde." 2 Death Eaters had arrived. "Found a little bug to squish out I see." One said. 

Kassandra started to step back. The Death Eaters were about to kill her. Merula was looking at the scene. "My parents killed Ethan's Father. It only seems fitting that I do this..." Merula declared. 

Kassandra braced herself, but Merula hadn't attacked her. Instead, she shot the Death Eaters dead. "You saved me? But Trotsky..." Kassandra asked.

Merula sighed. "I didn't want this, Kassandra. I wanted to fight for the only family I had left. But I didn't sign up for utter madness." She explained. "And... I'm truly sorry for what the Snyde's did to your Father, Kassandra." 

"But... didn't your parents kill Pater? Not you." Kassandra asked. 

"They did. But..." Merula answered. "It doesn't matter now. Trotsky desires to put the world in madness, and it's... wrong. For what I'm doing, for what I did." She then gave a little note to Kassandra. "Could you see that your brother gets this?" She requested.

"Um..." Kassandra took the note. "Okay... but why can't you give it to him?" 

Merula then looked at her Death Eater Mark on her arm. And then proceeded to burn it out of her skin extinguishing it. "Trust me. It's better if you do it. Goodbye, Kassandra Bauer." She then ran away.

Kassandra just looked confused. She looked at the note. That was when she heard some more faces show up. "Kassie?" That was the voice of Jacob. 

"Jacob!" Kassandra shouted. "Mater!"

Jacob and Caroline both ran up to Kassie. "Are you okay, Kassie?" Caroline asked. 

"I'm fine... but..." Kassandra answered. 

Jacob looked at the 2 Death Eaters. "Merula... she saved me from them." Kassandra answered.

Caroline looked at the dead bodies. "Merula Snyde did this?" She asked stunned. 

"Yes." Kassandra answered. "And then she just left..." 

Trotsky and Ethan Bauer still circled each other. "You could've joined us Ethan. I would've even been a Father figure to you." Trotsky said.

"I already have a Father. His name is Daniel Bauer." Ethan shot back. 

"He was killed by Fletcher Snyde." Trotsky reminded. 

"I'm aware of that." Ethan grunted. "My Father died fighting for what he thought was right. If I'm going to die. I'm going to do the same thing he did. Fighting for what's right. And that means fighting for." He declared. A Catapult strike hit the walls of Hogwarts.

Trotsky laughed. "As you wish, Ethan. But at least you'll go down in history as the last obstacle in the way of the New World Order." He replied. 

"Not your Order. Not today." Ethan put his helmet back on. 

"How many more are going to die before you stubborn bastards see the truth?" Trotsky asked readying his wand. 

"Just one!" Ethan yelled as both his and Trotsky's wand energy clashed at each other. The Final Duel had begun. 

Their wands had clashed with each other. Trotsky made the first move by striking at Ethan with a Shadow Magic Spell but Ethan's armor had managed to repel it, Ethan countered with a fire spell by launching fire balls right at Trotsky and then erecting a wall of Fire around him. He followed this by a Wind Spell which was repelled by Trotsky. Trotsky then launched a few of his Energy Discs at Ethan. Ethan was prepared for this. He launched Protego around himself hoping that his new powers would help him stand up to Trotsky. He then ran up to Trotsky making them both fall out of the castle. Ethan turned into a Falcon to make him take flight. Trotsky turned into a Vulture both fighting for their lives grabbing and biting each other with their beaks. Until Ethan had transformed back into a human and shot a spell at Trotsky making him have to dodge, and an Ice Spell hoping to clip Trotsky's wing. But Trotsky transformed back into a human as well. He gripped Ethan's armor as they both plummeted back down to the ground in front of the Front Courtyard. Both men got back up and then proceeded to go back to dueling each other.

Ethan made the first move by striking right at the Earth trying to make Trotsky lose his balance. Fat chance of that happening. Trotsky jumped into the air using a Frost Magic spell to shoot at Ethan. Ethan stood his ground and created a shield around him. A few more dirks made it through. But Ethan's armor protected him. Something for which he was grateful for. He then decided to draw his energy sword and swung at Trotsky. Trotsky jumped out of the way and drew his own energy swords out of his wands and they both engaged in melee combat. Ethan roared as their blades collided. He then crashed into Trotsky with the weight of his own body. Once Trotsky fell down, Ethan then launched Bombarda at Trotsky slamming him into one of the walls. Trotsky could see that this wasn't going to be like his last encounter. Ethan had indeed grown stronger. "You've gotten stronger." Trotsky noted.

"I have you to thank for that." Ethan replied. He charged at Trotsky again. But Trotsky used a Lightning spell to shock Ethan. And then proceeding to use fire to get a good hit on Ethan. Ethan was hit, but it wasn't too bad. His armor protected him. Ethan then countered with a few of his spells. He slid on his back trying to attack Trotsky from the bottom shooting his energy spells at Trotsky's bottom, but Trotsky had managed to shoot an energy spell of his own and knock Ethan through the air above him. It made Ethan fall on his feet. He saw Trotsky was summersaulting through the air ready to strike at him. So Ethan built layer after layer of stone on him like a second layer of armor. Ethan got up and bashed Trotsky right in the head. Trotsky got up and launched a blaze of dark fire at Ethan. Ethan then launched the rocks in all direction, and continued to bash at Trotsky, with Trotsky launching volts of lightning spells at Ethan. Ethan was shocked before he could create a shield to protect himself. He fell down on one knee as Trotsky continued the great shocking on Ethan. But Ethan then found a strength inside of him. He stood up and gave a punch right into Trotsky sending him back. But Trotsky was still standing. "How much more can this guy take?" He asked. He didn't have time to answer his own question though. He reengaged Trotsky. But Trotsky was ready and they both continued fighting. With swords. With Magic Spells. 

Back up at the tower. Jacob and Caroline ran up to see where Ethan was. "Ethan?" Jacob ran up only to see an injured Dumbledore on the ground. "MUM!" He shouted.

Caroline ran up to see Dumbledore injured on the ground. "Dumbledore!" 

Dumbledore coughed as he got up. "Trotsky... is... stronger. I can't.... stop him alone. It's... over." He started to say. 

"Where's Ethan?" Caroline asked. 

"I'm not sure." Dumbledore answered as he coughed. 

"Uh... guys?" Jacob got their attention. He was looking at the battle in the Courtyard. "I think I found him." 

Caroline looked. "Is that Ethan?" She asked. 

"Sure looks like it." Jacob answered.

"Is he winning?" Caroline asked. That was when she saw Trotsky pummel Ethan right into the walls of Hogwarts and they both were pulled into the path of destruction inside the Castle. 

"I don't... think so." Jacob answered. 

Ethan was thrust through the main halls of Hogwarts and right into the Library. The force of the impact was that great. "Ouch." He grunted. Lucky for him that the bookcases broke his fall. Trotsky then smashed into the Library. 

"Madam Pince is SO going to kill you for this." Ethan commented. He fired an Ice Spell at Trotsky as soon as he got back up from the books. But Trotsky had moved the Book Cases in front of him as he walked right towards the Fear Vault. "Oh no! Bombarda!" He smashed through the Cases and ran for the Restricted Section as Trotsky walked into the Vault of Fear and took out his Runestone and took the power of the Vault right as Ethan smacked into him. And also the Runestone fell out of Trotsky's hand. 

It hit the floor and energy started to surge out of the Stone when it hit. The Runestone was still intact. "What the heck?" Ethan asked confused. Unfortunately, he was interrupted by a strike from Trotsky and Ethan had to fall back to the Halls to see Statues of Aurors and Death Eaters lined up in the hallway. That definitely sounded familiar. He gasped.

Trotsky laughed. "Don't you get it, Ethan? When the Runestone is struck, it leaks a bit of its energy. Only when it's broken does all of its power get unleashed." He explained. 

Ethan breathed heavy. He would have to fix that and restore Hogwarts back to normal then. He shot a few more energy spells at Trotsky which Trotsky was able to deflect. Trotsky then charged again at Ethan using Ice Spells to him down. Ethan countered with a fireball directly to Trotsky's torso. Trotsky fell down and the Runestone fell again releasing another surge of cursed energy. That was when Ethan saw a group of Hooded figures over him. Laughing evilly. "Boggarts." Ethan realized. He remembered this curse from his 3rd year. But that was when he got knocked again by Trotsky and let the Boggarts surround him. "You can't fight both me and the Cursed Vaults, Bauer." Trotsky mocked. 

Ethan stared at Trotsky. A part of his helmet was chipping off. "Ethan!" Ethan heard a yell coming from the Hallway to the Library. It had come from Penny. "Penny?" He asked. 

Penny ran up to Ethan. Then she noticed all the Boggarts as they changed their shape into Werewolves. "Penny. They're Boggarts." Ethan told her. He waved his wand. "Riddikulus!" The Werewolves had turned into a bunch of Lumberjacks all doing the Cuban Pete song. It made Penny laugh and all the Boggarts went away. 

"Are you okay, Ethan?" Penny asked. 

"I'm-" Ethan was going to say fine, but that was when Trotsky shot a spell at Ethan which Ethan deflected. 

"Leave him alone!" Penny shouted shooting a spell at Trotsky which Trotsky countered and knocked Penny to the ground next to Ethan. 

"You're done interfering in my plans, Miss. Haywood. So I suggest you sit this one out." Trotsky then forced the Runestone on the ground again and another surge that sent Penny and Ethan back. 

Ethan got back up but Penny wasn't there. "Penny?" He asked looking around. 

"Ethan!" Ethan turned to the wall to see that Penny was in a Portrait. The Portrait Curse! 

"NO"! Ethan yelled. He turned to Trotsky in anger and charged. But he had to stop when Trotsky unleashed a wave of dark energy on Ethan. Ethan had to use a shield to protect himself. 

"You're time is up, Ethan Bauer. It's been up for 7 years." Trotsky declared creating 4 Living Shadows as they all charged at Ethan knocking him and tossing him like a Ragdoll. Ethan was thrown onto the ceiling making it crack and back to the floor. Ethan then unleased a wave of magic to get the Living Shadows to stand back. But it didn't help much. The Living Shadows all attacked Ethan grabbing him and threw him through the ceiling and onto one of the Corridors above. 

Ethan got up but found he was bleeding inside of his armor. "Ethan!" Ethan turned around to see Barnaby, Saahira and Hakeem getting him back up. Along with Ryder. 

"Guys?" Ethan asked. 

"Ethan? Are we winning?" Barnaby asked. 

"Sort of. It's still anybody's game." Ethan answered. "Trotsky's using the Runestone to inflict damage on Hogwarts. He's already trapped Penny in a Portrait."  

"That's not all he did." Ryder pointed to a Statue version of Mad Eye Moody. 

"Mad Eye!" Ethan yelled. He was turned to stone. 

Trotsky then emerged from the hole and starred at Ethan along with Barnaby, Saahira and Hakeem. 

"What makes you think that you have a chance at winning?" Trotsky asked as the Living Shadows all returned to him.  

Ryder quickly got on his wand. "Trotsky's here. He's up at the Eastern Tower Corridor. Send backup-" 

Trotsky quickly attacked Ryder. But Ryder was a lot faster then most would've given him credit for. But Trotsky didn't have time to waste on Ryder. Ethan was his target. That was when Barnaby and Saahira also attacked Trotsky. Trotsky repelled them all however. 

"Oh no! You don't knock Saahira down!" Barnaby yelled getting up. 

But that was when Trotsky used the Runestone again. And Barnaby, Ryder, and Saahira were transformed into Statues. 

"NO!" Ethan yelled running up to them. 

"Sister?" Hakeem asked looking at Saahira's statue. He wanted to charge at Trotsky, but Ethan held him back. He also noticed the Magic Carpet that was underneath Trotsky. And the Magic Carpet sprung itself under Trotsky making him lose balance. 

"Carpet! Get them out of here!" Ethan yelled. He would deal with Trotsky. The Carpet flew the others to safety. Ethan in the meantime readied his energy sword to strike at Trotsky. But Trotsky used a shield to protect him. He then used his other wand to figure out where the Ice Vault was. "Reivilo!" He yelled. And the entrance to the Ice Vault was uncovered.  But first he had to knock Ethan off of him. Which was what he did when he summoned another Living Shadow which ripped Ethan off of Trotsky. 

Trotsky went up to the Ice Vault and used his Runestone to take the power of the Ice Vault into the Runestone. Now nothing was going to stop Trotsky now. All of the power of the Cursed Vaults and Trotsky had it right in his possession. 

Ethan's eyes widened as Trotsky laughed. "Finally! All the power of the Cursed Vaults at last!" And if Trotsky smashed it then it was game over. 

Ethan struck at Trotsky in desperation now. He launched a barrage of Trotsky. But Trotsky expected Ethan to lose it like that. So he just simply countered Ethan's Magic with his own. And then he walked out of the Vault. But not before he threw Ethan out and made him tumble out of the hallway and he kept tumbling out into another smashed window and out to the Training Grounds. He would've smashed into the ground if it wasn't for the quick thinking of Talbott in his Animagus form who had managed to grab Ethan with his Talons and landed him down.

Trotsky stepped through the hallway and just kept walking. He also activated the Runestone again and ice began forming all through the hallway. He was greeted by McGonagall, Flitwick, Sprout, Snape, Hooch, Pince, Binns, Sikander, Trelawney, Hagrid, Sinistra, and Madam Maxine. The Hogwarts Staff were all standing in Trotsky's way. They kept shooting spells at Trotsky but it was in vein. Trotsky countered with his Shadow Magic. The First to get thrown out of the way was McGonagall as she was smashed into a wall. Binns attempted to make a charge at Trotsky, but he was a ghost and didn't do any permanent damage. Sprout then tried to launch some Mandrakes at Trotsky, but Trotsky created a fire ring and burned them right to death.  He then launched Sprout right onto Trelawney and Sinistra.

"No you don't!" Hagrid roared aiming his Crossbow Bolt. But Trotsky had launched a number of Living Shadows that attacked and overwhelmed Hagrid. Maxine rather then fight Trotsky, went over to help Hagrid. Trotsky finished up with Madam Pince. And that left him and Sikander and Snape. 

"You know Sikander. If we don't make it out of this. I just want to let you know that I hate you." Snape told Sikander. 

"That means so much to hear you say that, Sev dog. And I want you to know that you are a righteous Dude next to the hip dog-" Sikander started to say.

Snape stood down. "Trotsky just put me out of my misery now, please." He begged. 

Trotsky shrugged and smashed them aside. And then he jumped out of the window and landed right in front of Talbott and Ethan. 

Talbott stood in front of Trotsky. "You want Ethan! You're going to have to go through me." He told him. 

"Talbott! No!" Ethan shouted. 

Trotsky sighed. He then used the Runestone again turning Talbott to stone and then used an energy sword to slash right at Talbott knocking him to rubble. 

"Talbott!" Ethan shouted in horror. But Trotsky then shot a spell right at Ethan. 

"As soon as I've killed you. This Runestone is getting smashed." Trotsky informed. 

"Then you're never going to smash it, Trotsky." Ethan declared. "I made a vow to stop you! And that's what I intend to do!" 

Trotsky shook his head. "Look around you, Ethan. It's over." He pointed out. Your Defenses have crumbled. Your armies decimated. You've lost. Why don't you just admit that it's defeat and surrender right now?" He suggested. 

Ethan stood up. He saw Caroline, Kassandra, Lizzie and Jacob run over. He then looked back at Trotsky. "Don't you know me at all, Trotsky? I don't surrender." He shot back.

"Then you will die along with Hogwarts." Trotsky shot a dark energy spell right at Ethan which Ethan was protecting himself with a shield. 

"Ethan!" Caroline yelled. She ran over to help him shooting her wand right at Trotsky. But Trotsky shot Caroline with a Shadow Magic spell and knocked her right down. 

"Mom!" Jacob shouted. 

"Jacob, look out!" Lizzie yelled to see some more Dark Wizards converging on them. Caroline was knocked down. She had to get to Ethan.

"Ethan!" Caroline got back up. But several of the Thuggee had converged on her. She had to fight them. But also was looking at Ethan as he was struggling to stay on his feet. And there was also a field of energy that shielded off Trotsky and Ethan from the rest of the world. 

The Dark Energy that Trotsky was unleashing on Ethan was taking their toll on Ethan. He was struggling to stand on his feet. He could also see Kassandra, Jacob, Caroline, and Lizzie trying to fight their way. And all around him, Hogwarts was falling apart. Who was even alive at that point? The fight truly did feel over to Ethan. He got down on one knee. His wand was the only thing that prevented him from falling over. It was a lot of dark energy that Ethan was fighting against there. "You're a fool Ethan Bauer. Just as your Father was before you. Prepare to join him. And your maker!" Trotsky told him. Was this how it ended? In a wave of dark energy as Ethan was fighting a great darkness. What was the point of fighting anyway? And for what? Ethan shook his head. "I... can't... keep this up..." He stuttered. He fell down to both of his knees. All hearing was lost from him. He couldn't even make out the sounds of screaming and the sounds of battle all around him. Except for something. A faint voice. "Ethan..." 

Ethan breathed heavy closing his eyes. "Ethan. This fight isn't over." A voice had told him in his head. And Ethan remembered this voice. From so long ago. "Dad?" He asked. 

Trotsky could hear the voices as well. "What is this?!" He blasted even harder at Ethan. 

Ethan could feel the full weight of dark energy all over him. "You've always fought for what was right. So fight for what's right. This fight's not over until you say its over." The Voice of Daniel continued. 

"Dad... I can't stand." Ethan protested. 

"You can do it, Ethan. It's not impossible." There was a new voice now. It was the voice of Rowan. "Don't give up. That's not how you got so far." 

Ethan could hear more voices now. "Like Dumbledore said. It's not our abilities that make us who we are. It's our choices." Rowan said. "Are you going to chose to lie down and die?" 

"I... don't know." Ethan answered. "There's not much I can do." 

"Yes there is." The voice of Ben Copper was now saying. "Don't let Trotsky win. Get up!" He yelled. 

"Get up Ethan!" The voice of Rowan yelled. 

Ethan felt some of his strength coming forward. 

"You got money on Trotsky or something?" The voice of Skye asked. "Death is boring. Take my word for it. You've got more things to do in life." She noted.

"So did you." Ethan pointed out. 

"It's okay. I'm going to be alright." Skye assured. "I'm hanging with some Gryffindors. And my Grandparents now. You won't believe how big of Quidditch my Grandpa is. We'll see you when you're ready to join us." 

"Rise Ethan. Show this man that you are Hogwarts Protector. It is Judgement Day! The Sun will rise again!" The voice of Diego yelled. 

"Ethan. The coin is still in the air. It will land on light." The voice of Orion said. 

"Get up, Ethan. You're a Falcon. Rise up. Save the world. You can do it." The Voice of Talbott said. 

"Get up, Ethan." His Father told him. 

"Get up, Ethan." Ben added.

"Get up, Ethan." Rowan chimed in.

And the others were saying the same thing. "Get up, Ethan."

"Get up, Ethan." Ethan opened his eyes with intensity. He stood back at one leg.

"NO!" Trotsky yelled. He blasted more Dark Energy at Ethan. His most powerful ever. But it didn't stop Ethan from getting his other foot up as well and standing against Trotsky. His Shield had blasted away the Dark Energy against Trotsky. Ethan found himself standing again. And Trotsky found himself getting back on his feet and breaking the energy field around them.

Everyone in the clearing stopped what they were doing to look at the blast of light that had emerged. 

"Ethan?" Caroline asked. 

Ethan didn't stop looking at Trotsky who was stunned. "But how? No one's stood up like that to Dark Magic before." 

"Haven't I told you before? You never broke me, Trotsky. You never will." Ethan told him. "I can thank my friends and family for that." Trotsky tried to shoot another spell at Ethan but Ethan deflected it. "I'm Ethan James Bauer. Son of Daniel and Caroline Bauer. Brother to Jacob and Kassandra Bauer. Curse Breaker of Hogwarts. Protector of the British Wizarding World. And you fall today, Iosef Trotsky!" He pulled out the sword of Godric Gryffindor. It was now glowing in a yellow glow. The letters of Godric Gryffindor began to glow as well... until. It was as if the Sword of Godric Gryffindor was lighting on fire. And it was as if the Sword of Godric Gryffindor had become a flame sword. 

Trotsky equipped his energy swords. He stood Ethan down and Ethan stood him down. 

"NOW LEAVE MY HOME ALONE!!" Ethan yelled striking at Trotsky and their energies clashed. Ethan struck at Trotsky's energy swords with Godric's Sword. Trotsky countered with his Living Shadows. But Ethan started to surround himself with a whirlwind of fire burning the Living Shadows away. And both he and Trotsky engaged. With Ethan grabbing onto Trotsky and lifting him into the air with a wind spell. And then proceeding to thrust Trotsky over the Front Courtyard. And then Ethan changed into his Falcon form then changed out back into his human form as Trotsky countered with his ice magic. Ethan shielded himself with Protego then launched several energy discs at Trotsky before smacking him down into the Front Courtyard again. Ethan then launched himself at Trotsky intending to strike him down as he raised his wand in the air turning it into a massive lightning rod and then laying it down on Trotsky. 

Trotsky was stunned. He had never seen this fighting coming from Ethan before. But he got back up and struck right at Ethan sending them both back. Both engaged their respective swords at each other and striking with each shots. But Ethan just kept rising. Trotsky fought with hatred and rage. Ethan fought with determination and vigor and for love. Both using their magic spells to strike at each other chipping away at each other's armor. Ethan felt a part of his helmet ripped off of his face. But he still get going as Trotsky was now bleeding. But so was Ethan and he didn't care at all. Trotsky attempted to shatter the Runestone right then and there. But Ethan used that time to move quickly and tackle Trotsky to the ground and grab the Runestone. 

"NO!" Trotsky roared and he fought in with even more fury unleashing the full might of his Dark Magic and firing it right at Ethan. Ethan shot his own protective spells to protect himself. 

"You failed Trotsky!" Ethan yelled swinging his Energy Blades at Trotsky and both were doing damage to each other. Armor pieces getting torn off and aside on the ground. Cuts and bleeding both wound in their faces and torsos. Trotsky attempted to grab Ethan by his back, but Ethan jumped up and slammed Trotsky into a wall. Ethan then grabbed Trotsky by his feet and flung him into another wall. Trotsky sprang back up and struck at Ethan again. But Ethan ducked right as Trotsky swung his energy sword at Ethan. And Ethan cut Trotsky right in the chest making Trotsky roll around the ground as he landed and knocked his Daughter's wand out of his hand. Trotsky's eyes grew yellow. He swung his sword at Ethan. But Ethan parried with the Gryffindor Sword. Ethan had breathed heavily. 

"I don't understand this. You still persist. You still hold true to everything that you do. My plan was perfect. Where... Where did I go wrong?" Trotsky asked. 

"You had everything planned out sure." Ethan admitted. "But you overlooked one thing. Magic. The Strongest Magic that you forsook in the name of your own ambitious desires. One you lost when your Wife and Daughter died." He explained. 

Trotsky roared out in rage. All of his Dark Magic rolled into one Spell which Ethan countered with his own as he walked forward. "Let me show you how strong it is." Ethan decided as he blasted away Trotsky's other wand from him and then shot him onto the Main Bridge. 

"AHHHH!" Trotsky screamed as he was smacked onto the bridge and all the rubble. 

Meanwhile over at all the remaining areas of Hogwarts. Akira was rallying whoever was remaining to his side. "Rally! Rally!" He yelled out as he was swinging his sword left and right and defending Takumi. Rath had rallied to his side and beating up the R with her club. Bill, Charlie, and Arthur were also fighting and counting their blessing that they weren't effected the Curses that Trotsky had created.

"This night just seems to keep getting better." Rath sarcastically commented.

"We're not done yet. A Quidditch Game is not over until the Snitch is caught." Akira pointed out. "Ethan told me how you play Quidditch." 

"Well, I think it's going to take more than 150 points to win." Rath replied.

"Ye of little faith." Bill commented.

That was when Akira saw a light come through. "The Sunrise." He said.

"And how does that help us?" Charlie asked. 

That was when a horn sounded. And Akira got a contact on his wand. "Akira? Are you still alive?" The voice of Robert Sanders asked over the wand. 

"At the moment, Mr. President." Akira answered. "The Sun is now rising. I feel hopeful now." 

"Glad you like the view. It's about to get better." Sanders replied. 

"What do you suppose he meant by that?" Arthur asked. 

In that moment, it hit! More horns were being sounded. And a surge of Wizards had come from the Forbidden Forest as American Wizards had come forward all charging in on foot. On brooms, and on whatever Magical Creatures like Abraxan, Hippogriffs and Thestrals to engage. More Horns had sounded. 

Sanders charged forward with the foot troops marching onto Hogwarts and engaging Trotsky's armies. It wasn't just Americans either. They were joined by Canadians and Mexicans. Even the African Witches and Wizards had rallied everyone they could. 

Jacob had beaten a few more Thuggee when he saw the reinforcements coming in. "I knew it." He smiled. 

"Who are they?" Kassandra asked. 

"Help." Jacob answered. 

Bill turned to the others. "Any Witch and Wizard who wants to give their all. Follow me!" He yelled with a second wind and battling them with renewed sense of power. 

Ethan could see all the forces rallying against the R. They all were now retreating from the new reinforcements that were coming. "Good of you guys to come." He breathed heavy. He then looked at the Runestone. "Still. I just wish they could get here before this Runestone effected everyone." He looked at the Runestone. "But what if...?" He then used the Runestone again. It glowed even more as if it was sucking all the Cursed Energy away from Hogwarts and into the Runestone itself. The Runestone glowed more as if it was showing signs that all the Curses were contained into that little Runestone. Suddenly, Ethan realized the power he was holding. But he wasn't done yet. He turned over to the bridge. There was one last thing he had to do.

Trotsky was bleeding all over the place. He could hear the horns though as his armies were falling and were also retreating. He sat by the side of the bridge. "I'm sorry, Ksenia. I...I failed." He admitted. That was when he saw a figure approach as well. It was Ethan. He was breathing heavy and bleeding as he put a hand on his own stomach and a sword in the other. The sword of Gryffindor. "So... you win." Trotsky coughed. "To come so close. Only to fail." 

Ethan didn't say a word. "It had to be done. Muggles are worth preserving. There's good in them." He finally said after a long pause.

"You realize that you'll be fighting their battles from now on. Are you prepared for that?" Trotsky asked.

"I am." Ethan answered. 

Trotsky laughed. "Still... any person worth a damn. Always has their backup plans intact. You'll wish you died here by my hand. Lord Voldemort... is not nearly as merciful as I." He told Ethan. 

"We beat him before and we'll do it again." Ethan shot back. 

"He's learned." Trotsky pointed out. "He's on his way now. Enjoy your victory Ethan Bauer. Temporary as it is." He coughed again. 

There was only one way that this ended. Between Ethan and Trotsky. Two Wizards who had fought with all of their might. Trotsky took out something. It looked like a Butterbeer and Trotsky drank it. He offered it to Ethan. Ethan didn't see it as poison. So he took the Butterbeer and drank it.  They both smiled at the taste of it. Trotsky shrugged as if to say what was Ethan waiting for. He was ready to die.

Ethan nodded his head. He grabbed Iosef Trotsky. And he thrust the sword through Trotsky's body. Trotsky groaned from the pain of being stabbed. But also relief, as he felt the pain leave his body when Ethan took the sword out of him. And he smiled for the first time in a long time. The Leader of R had been defeated. And his body stumbled down off the bridge and into the chasm. He walked away while dragging the sword and back to Hogwarts. 

With the arrival of the Reinforcements and the Death of Trotsky. The invading army faltered. The Siege was soon turned. And the R forcers were scattered in fear. The Curses that were unleashed were reversed as well. People were starting to pick up the pieces of everything. Injured were treating their wounds in the Great Hall. Jae was looking at his broken arm. He nodded. "Well... that bites." He grunted. 

"Here. This'll help." Chiara put some type of medical spell on Jae's arm. 

"You're a miracle. You know that?" Jae asked. 

"You can stand to mention it more." Chiara answered. She also noticed that Tonks' arm was in a sling. 

"Wotcher guys!" Tonks greeted. "Was I interrupting another meeting of Boyfriend and Girlfriend?" She asked. 

"Nah. It's all good." Chiara answered. 

"Where's Ethan?" They also saw Penny looking hysterically. "He's got to be somewhere. Is he dead?" She asked around. 

"Penny. Relax. I'm sure that Ethan is still alive." Tonks answered. They looked to see Ethan's family over and healing their wounds. Except Kassie who kept getting checked for wounds by Caroline. 

"Mater. I don't have any injuries." Kassandra complained.

"That's what they all say, until they say something hurts." Caroline replied. 

Jacob shrugged. It was a Mother thing. "Jacob? Have you seen Ethan?" Penny asked hysterically.

"He'll be here." Jacob answered. 

"How do you know?" Penny asked.

"I'm his brother." Jacob answered.

That was when the doors to the Great Hall opened. Ethan had walked forward with his wand in one hand and the Sword of Gryffindor in the other. He walked through. 

"Ethan!" Kassandra ran over to hug him. 

"Easy Kassie." Ethan told her as Kassandra squeezed him. "I'm a little banged up." He stuttered.

"Sorry." Kassandra apologized as she let go. 

Caroline approached Ethan more calmly though. "Ethan? Are you okay, honey?" She asked.

"I'm okay, Mum." Ethan assured. 

"You stood back up against all that Dark Magic. Are you sure you're okay?" Caroline asked. 

"I'm fine." Ethan answered. "Right now. I could use a stiff drink." 

Jacob walked up next. "Hey Little Brother." 

"Hey Big Brother." Ethan smiled back.

Penny walked over next. "Ethan!" She shouted as she ran over to Ethan. But Ethan smiled that Penny was okay. "Oh Ethan!" She hugged him. 

"I'm okay, Penny. Really." Ethan coughed up. 

"Are you hurt?" Penny asked. 

"I'm fine." Ethan answered. "I'm just glad that you're alright. That you all are alright." 

"Ethan?" Kassandra asked. 

"Yeah, Kassie?" Ethan asked.

"I have something to show you." Kassandra handed Ethan the note that Merula gave her.

"A note?" Ethan asked.

"You need to see what it says." Kassandra answered.

Ethan looked confused as to why that was. So he opened it. "Where did you get this?" He asked.

"From Merula. After she saved me." Kassandra answered.

"Merula saved you?" Ethan asked.

Kassandra nodded.

Ethan nodded as well and he looked at the letter. "And the Letter?" He thought out loud to see what the letter said.

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