The First Book Judge

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Pows started a video with her phone. "WAIT, BEFORE YOU KILL ME, WE HAVE A REQUEST!"

"Wait, the fu-"

"ANYWAYS!" Pows sweat's pouring down her forehead, "It's a TomTord book, and it was suggested by the Author themselves!"

"You mean herself" ######## said.

"How would you know their gender, they could be a bo-"

"That's the profile. But where does it say her gen-"

"Yes, I see their username is ToriTamara, but it won't let us tag them, so- oh... WIN! DON'T LET DEPRESSION TAKE OVER YOUR SOUL! THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT YOU, REMEMBER THAT!"


"Ohhhhhhhhhh. . ."

######## facepalms herself.

"Lol, debt been pay >:3"

######## gives Pows a -_- look.

"Okay, let's see how much they have so far!"

"Okay, so they have 10 chapters. Proof!"

"Okay, well..." ??? Says "You need to work on where to capitalize, and punctuation, along with double checking."

"That's a bit harsh!" Pows says. "They've done a great job with the names, and the plot, and add this!"

"It's PERFECT!" Pows said.

"It would be more dramatic if they said it like this." ######## clears her throat before saying in a deep, serious voice, "Pain. . . that's all I've known for... a while. PAIN... SUFFERING... DEPRESSION.  . . .will it ever end? I didn't think so... until HE moved in. . ."

"Wow." Pows said with her eyesockets open, "That's a bit creepy. But that was really interesting. . . but I don't think they want to get them scared! That sounds like a horror movie waiting to happen!"

"Someone took to much drama lessons." ??? says.

"I teach myself, though." ######## says.

"Le wut" Pows said.

"That's really interesting! I give them a A+++!!" Pows said happily.

"You gotta capitalize the name! It should be 'Matched Cutters ( A TomTord Fanfiction )'/'Matched Cutters ( A Tomtord Fanfiction )'/'Matched Cutters ( Tom x Tord )'/'Matched Cutters (Tord x Tom )'."

"Hey, ???, can you do me a favor and SHUT THE HECK UP!?"

Pows laughs, "I like that little thing ToriTamara added! That's comedy!"

"Well, you need to imagine this. 'You are one day caught in a accident. It's because magician rings got wrapped around your sensitive neck, and almost chocked to death if someone haven't called 911. . . but you remember the day clearly.

"You felt the ring tighten so it wouldn't fall or slide away. You suddenly have short breathing, and it didn't take long for your chest and neck to feel like lava or fire. Tears in the corner of your eyes refuse to come out as you are forced to run without any air... traveling anywhere in the body. You collapsed​ onto the ground, and all you here is sirens, your next feels. . . lest sore. The thought 'Am I Dead?" rang through your head like silence.

"What felt like centuries, you finally are able to breath. You look at the chair to see a loved you know was crying. You were able to squeeze out 6 words that could change your LIFE. "Hey, bud. . . a r e y o u o k a y. . .", your loved ones sees you and gasp with relief. They ran to you and practically squeezed your stomach out. "YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH!" Your loved one whimpered. "Oh... sorry" you said.' You get the point" ??? Finished.

"There are thousands of people who are suffering cause of the rudeness of ???. By billions of pennies a day, you can help us make something tO SHUT HIM UP." Pows yelled. ######## was about to say something, but ??? yelled back.

######## rolled her eyes, "Pows, this is a serious part, Tord could've died."

"I know... but still! I can't stop laughing at that small part." Pows said back.

"Hey, I know that video!" Pows said.

"Pows, you're a troll" ######## said with a frisk face."

"Is that it?" ??? asks.

"Yep!" Pows said.

"FINALLY!" ??? said.

"All we have to do is rat--"

"55/1,000" ??? said.

"Wow, rude! I think it's a 990/1,000!"


"I love it, but they repeated some words!"

"I'm stuck. I'll say... 835/1,000 I guess." ######## says, but she feels a bit guilty because Matched Cutters is a awesome book.

"That's all for now!" Pows said, "BYE!" ??? did a salute, the pretend to shoot a gun at you, then left. Pows waves happily at the camera, smiling a big happy grin. And ######## did made a heart with her hands, then did a piece. Pows then turned off the camer-

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