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(Caravan Palace: Comic)

Frisk kicked a pebble, letting it fly across the dirty road. She was exhausted, but stopping now would just make her visible to the Husks.

Thats one thing she doesn't want, She's determined to live.


Just like anyone else who hasn't lost their soul to one of those grey creatures.

Flowey groaned boredly on her head, turning to face the sun. She ignored his groan, entering another city, this time she hopes that there will be someone in here who is able to help her.

Toby yawns in her hood, looking around the new area they entered. He jumps out, and walks beside the girl. She smiled weakly, sticking a lollipop in her mouth.

"Are you even sure about that?" Flowey grumbles,"Sugar? Now? You know what it does to you."

"Yeah I know." She mumbles,"but I need the energy boost."

"Yeah And a 1 way ticket to Zombietown."

"They aren't Zombies."


"I said--"

"Frisk I heard what you said." He snapped."Then what are they if they aren't Zombies?"

Frisk shrugged,"I dunno. I just know they aren't Zombies."

"Frisk dont be stupid." He returned back to his spot on her shoulder,"They're dead aren't they? With no souls as well! So they're zombies!"

"No, They're Husks."

"They're what?" Flowey tilts his head."Husks?"

"Yes, A soulless husk that once had a soul, that was once alive and happy." She hummed,"Instead of Zombies, I would prefer to call them Husks."

Flowey sighs, "Whatever, Husk it is."

Toby yips, prancing in-front of her backwards. Frisk raised an eyebrow at him, He yips again jumping around in a circle as he moved. She chuckles,"What are you doing Tobs?"

Flowey jumps up, hissing in her ear.

"Frisk, Frisk, Frisk, Horde!"

Frisk froze, lowering her voice into a whisper. "Where?"

"Behind Us." He shudders, "I can hear their moans."

(Something is wrong with me for thinking so negatively)

Frisk broke into a run, grabbing Toby in one quick swoop. " Any buildings near by?"

"Dunno," He mumbles,"I think you can climb one to the left of you."

Nodding, she tucked Toby into her hood. Dashing into an Alley. Growls and Snarling could be heard not to far from her, searching for a ladder to grab with her hands. She could only catch on to some pipes, instead of giving up and moving on to another building she used them to climb to Flowey's bewilderment.

Toby barked, growling at the hands that reached for Frisk's ankles. Most of the hands recoiled, other stretched father. Pulling off Frisks boot, she climbed faster. Reaching the top in mere seconds.

"F-" She bit her lip, holding her foot. "They stole my shoe..."

"And You're Alive! Suck It Up, You almost died!" Flowey grumbles.

Frisk scowls, flicking Floweys petals. "They practically sprained my ankle. I was wearing Timberlands!"


"Those are some heavy ass shoes! The Husks practically snatched it off my foot, and it feels horrible right now."

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes, hiding himself in her hair.

Frisk growled, scooting back to watch the chaos happen below her. Hundreds of those things, stumbling over eachother. Moaning, growling, drooling, You Name It.

(Greens, beans, tomatoes, potatos, lamb, ham--


*snickers* Yes as Flowey said Back to the story!)

Frisk  frowns at the sight, a chorus of screams ringing out occasionally as she stayed above the Horde.

Then a gunshot, Frisk jumped at the sound of it, she hadn't heard one in months. They were too risky to have, 'specially when it's being shot. The noise attracted the Husks,  and they know something is alive for it to be used.

Letting out a heavy sigh, she wripped off a large piece of her shirt. Now exposing her stomach, Frisk didn't care at the moment. She needed to make something to distract the Husks, if they every decide to waltz up the stairs and grace her with their presence.

Pulling out a pocket knife, she cut her injuries leg, pressing the piece of clothing against it. Flowey peers out of her head, "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Making Distractions." She hums, cutting up the bloodied rage and pressing it against her wound once more.

"But, That's just going to attract them to Us!" He hisses.

She shook her head,"The direction of the wind wouldn't carry out my scent of blood to the board down below. It's blowing North."

"How do you know this?"

"Uncles compass."


"Someone who was very important to me." She mumbles, pulling out pipe cleaners.

"When the fuck did you grab that!?" Flowey blinks.

"When we found Toby!" Frisk grins, twisting them around the rags. "1...3..4...6, 6 blood bombs."

"Why are they blood bombs, when they don't even explode?" He asked.

"Why do you ask so many questions that can be answered yourself?" She returned,"The name just fits okay, I like the word Bomb is all."

"You're a weird Human." He comments,"How did I get stuck with you?"

"Excuse me?"


"Fu...That word is right," Frisk corrects,"I found you under a car wreckage, calling for help because you were stuck, then i helped you and you practically Begged me to take you with me. I should be asking How I got stuck with you."

"Sorry." Flowey droops, sighing heavily.

Frisk only smiles smugly, tying a long piece of cloth around her leg. A makeshift bandage,"Nah, You're fine. I just wanted to point out your mist--"

Shouting interrupted her, it was closer than she thought. Looking over the building, towards where she climbed, she heard 2 people screaming at eachother down below. As a group of Husks close in on them.

A goat monster, and a Ginger. They both climbed the dumpster, the Ginger holding out her broken piece of the pipe at them. "GET THE FUCK BACK!"



Frisk winced, whispering to herself. "Ai, Bad Move."

Flowey frowns,"We can't help them Frisk, They're goners."

"No. They aren't, Not if I can help it." Frisk nods curtly, turning around and grabbing 3 of her blood bombs.

Flowey groans, as she smirks and throws them. "LOOK OUT BELOW!"

Asriel and Chara both look up, the Husks sniffing the air and smelling the blood. It landed outside of the alleyway, the group scurried to get a taste, all distracted by the piece of clothing. Chara narrowed her eyes, as Frisk motioned them up, she didn't want to yell again. Asriel got the idea and grabbed on to the pipes, climbing them and looking down at Chara.

"I don't even know how we didn't notice these before."

"Shut Your Goat ass up, and Fucking Climb. We don't know how long it whatever that girl threw will distract them."

Flowey rolls his eyes,"Hooray, You saved them Frisk."

"Taking Note of the Sarcasm. Don't make me throw you down along with the blood bombs."

"You wouldn't."

"...Probably." Frisk shrugged, grabbing Asriel and pulling him up, then going for Chara as well.

Asriel laid where he was dropped, panting. "Thank...You..."

Chara scoffed,"Weak. You're out of breath? That's barely a climb."

"Says the one without an injury." Asriel snapped back at her.

Chara held her hands up in defense, rolling her eyes. "Whoops, Sorry."


Flowey narrows his eyes at the two, whispering to Frisk. "Now that you saved them and all, can we ditch 'em?"

"That's not nice."

"...You're worried about being nice, when we're in the middle of the world ending?"

"Yep." Frisk chirps, as the two she just helped bicker. Turning around and grabbing the rest of the blood bombs, and throwing them far from the building.

A whistle came from behind her,"You got an arm."

"Thank You!" She turns, to meet Charas eyes. "I'm Frisk."

"Chara, and that dingus over there is Asriel." She nods at Him, getting a Glare in return.

"I'm not a Dingus!"

"If I say you are, then You are."

"You guys Siblings or something?" Frisk raised an eyebrow, sitting back on the roof. Toby climbing into her lap proudly.

"Yeah, We're Dreemurs." Asriel shrugs, staring at Toby. "How is he so clean?"

"Wish I knew, found 'im like that." Frisk ruffles Toby's fur. Without looking up,"As in the Royal family Dreemurs right?"


"Cool, Think you're parents are still alive?" She looks up, Toby licks her fingers."They would be right?"

Chara nods,"They have to be, Mom and Dad wouldn't go down so easily."

"True True." Frisk hummed,"Boss monsters should be harder to Turn."

"How did you...did you know what to do?" Asriel asked,"What did you throw?"

"She calls them her Blood bombs. Stupid I know, but they seems to do the job of distracting those things." Flowey pipes up, revealing himself.

Chara scoots back,"Freaky Flower, Oh Fuck No."

"Chara calm down. It's just a Flower." Asriel chuckles.

"Yeah, I'm a just a Flower." He grins, Freaking both of the Dreemurs out.

"That's one Fucked up flower."

"Ah Jeez, the language." Frisk muttered, nodding in agreement with them."I guess he is, but Flowey is still nice...for the most part."

"Hush you, I practically keep you alive."

"You're just my eyes." Frisk huffs,"You know I can't see that well."

"Are you alone out here?" Chara asked, before Flowey could comeback with a sarcastic comment.

He glares at Chara, disappearing in Frisks jacket, deciding not to spend time socializing with people who will just add a burden.

Well, that's what he thinks.

"Basically...?" Frisk she questions herself,"I'm not entirely alone, since I have this talking bittercup, and a dog "

"Gee, Thanks for the new name." Floweys muffled voice came from her arm.

"Welcome." She smirks,"but I guess you would say I'm alone."

"Why not find a stronghold? Or like, search for a group?" Asriel suggests.

"My run ins with strongholds hasn't worked out for me." She shrugged,"Either I end up becoming a slave, or Im held as prisoner with some insane leader."

"The fuck?"

"Oh Yeah, There was this guy named Ray. Said I would be his queen of zombies." Frisk wrinkles her nose,"The guy actually kept a whole bunch of Husks in a pool, and anyone who broke his rules of the so called 'safe haven' gets to swim."

"Oh god..." Asriel blinks,"That's just sick."

"It is, I had to watch him push a kid in there, for taking too much food. He looked like a skeleton!" Frisk exclaims,"Armless too, he was monster...Poor MK...You'll be missed my stripped brethren."

"Well, We did come From another stronghold, they might think we're dead. We had to go out for some supplies before the other group came back. It's run by our old captain of the underground." Chara hums,"You should come with us, being out here alone is dangerous. Do you even have a weapon to protect yourself with?"

Frisk picks up her bat,"Here."

"How the hell did you get nails in that thing?" Chara stared at the bat.

"You guys ask a sh...a ton of questions." Frisk caught herself, before letting a curse slip.

"Well, Why wouldn't we? A random stranger decided to save us, and now we are offering to take her with us to some sort of safety. We at least have the right to get to know you."

"Vaild Point." Frisk snaps at Asriel, smiling. "But before we can even go, we have to wait these Husks out."

"Just now noticed, Why do you call them Husks?"

"They're soulless Husks." She answered simply.

"Oh...Ohhh." Asriel nods in realization,"That is true."

"Guess we're stuck here huh?" Chara turned to Asriel.

He sighs,"Guess we are."

Frisk sniffs the air for a moment, turning to Asriel. "Are you...bleeding?"

"Yep, Got caught in a fence."

"Can I use your blood?"


Frisk sighs,"You're Blood dum-dum. Oh also, could you atleast rip off some bits of your clothing!"

"Why?" Chara narrowed her eyes.

"I'm making more Blood bombs!"

"The Fuck is a blood bomb?"

"Now you guys ask this question, heh, I'll show you!"

Frisk grins, pulling out her bloody pocket knife.

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