rules & forms

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1. Only one OC please
2. Please dont start Roleplaying in till I accept your oc
3. Play more than just your OC because its easier and makes it more fun!
4. Don't make it all about your oc and please try write the same amount for both of us
5. No Mary/Gary Sues
6. No Minor x Adult Relationships
7. Third person only please no I or me
8. Please be some what descriptive (at least 4 lines)
9. Play my oc's love interest and i'll plays yours
10. Only tag if I don't reply in 12 hours please
11. I have the right to not accept your oc if they're two overpowered or if something about them makes me uncomfortable ((ex. 20 year old oc crushing on 15 year old yuuji))
12. really just use common sense lol

((I most likely won't reply if any rules are broken))


Love Interest:
Background Info:
Jujutsu Curse/Abilities:
Password: tag 2-3 people

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