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Just smile and conquer the world



I don't comprehend the weather here. Or maybe today it's not corresponding with my vibe because I was not in an adequate complexion. If anyone could see my face they would confide that I am a killer and I'll kill somebody.

whatsoever I woke up on time, brushed my teeth and took a shower then got ready for today.

I was wearing plain clothes, as usual, nothing auxiliary about my outfit. Alisha called me, she asked me if she could pick me up? And yes, I said no to her. I can do the quirks I don't need somebody's assistance, not after yesterday's incident. It would be satisfactorily if I adjust my life in this way.

I packed my bag and took out my bicycle. My journey commenced on a long road.

I must explain, when you are alone you can enjoy your inner consensus and truth to be told it is better to be deserted when everywhere you observe people treat you nicely or take you for granted.

As I arrived, Alisha was waiting for me, we did a little chit chat then headed our way to classes.
She was frequently inquiring me about that guy but I confided her everything is settled for as of now. 

"Ouch!" My arm was hurting when I looked at it, I saw Sarah that's when I realised she bumped into me because she was using her cellphone.

"You? How dare you to push me?" Has she gone mad? Why would I purposely push her when I'm not at all inquisitive in her.

"Excuse me, are you blind?" I reverted with my head held high.

"Listen, Sarah, let it go after all it wasn't her mistake!" Alisha mumbled, in a very polite tone. 

Why is she addressing her in a polite tone?

Maybe she doesn't want to start a fight?

It's not about starting a fight it's about right and wrong, and I'm not going to be attentive to something ridiculous about me.

"How dare you to call me blind?  Have not you noticed yourself with your filthy clothes? Don't you dare to come near me, got it?"

She disrespected me again, not just about me, about my clothes too! My clothes are perfectly fine for me they have been delicately ironed too. A shirt and pants aren't that bad to wear right?

Of course, she is offending me because my clothes are not branded as hers and I don't belong to her lifestyle. She is a rich brat and I'm not!

" I don't need to take fashion classes from you when you don't have enough sobriety. However, at least I don't expose my skin in a university!"

You should look at her, She was wearing nothing but a mini skirt that was too short to hide her upper thighs and a crop top that was also transparent.

Maybe at that moment, I'd crossed my boundaries I went too far to give her own medicine. She has every right to wear anything. She can roam naked forward of me, I will not complain!

She was raging at me with anger in her eyes. But what is done is done. After all, she started it! She was guessing that she could insult me anytime and anywhere and like a puppy, I wouldn't do anything.

Everyone in the corridor was watching us too. It is now converted into an agitated scene maybe she will throw a punch at me and maybe I'll fight her back. I was furious too at myself.

Alisha grabbed my hand and hold it right. Maybe it was a gesture that she wanted to tell me we are in this together! And she would not leave me alone.

People who resembled me remained at my sides, they were near me and people who resembled her had taken her side, they were near her. Maybe we were just waiting for the first move because none of us wanted to get expelled for starting a fight.

"Sarah, are you alright?"

Neel came rushing in, he hugged and comforted her and whispered something in her ears. After that, she glanced at me from head to toe, and chuckled; a devilish chuckle then she left.

And all those also left who was taking her side. But in her last prominent words, I heard her whisper 'bitch' to me.

Now, I am a bitch too but still, my clothes are better than her, I reassured myself.


As the next Lecture started, the class went all silent. The aura around here transformed itself according to the fathom of Mr Peter. When he dropped me off I realised he wasn't that bad.  He is not disastrous at all, his personality is somehow intimidated but he always does the right thing. I hope so.

"Today, I'll divide you into pairs to work on the project for your internal assessment."

Here comes the next thing. Day by day entities is getting hard to survive, only if we know how much motivation we need to work on the project.

the next thing I acknowledge, I was glancing at him more often because I glimpse a little scar on his forehead which he was hiding from his hair.
His eyes were also strange. As something had happened to him? And I cannot imagine a professor like him in a fight.

" And the next pair is Julia and Neel, you have all the rights to choose your topic. But the subject should be matching the standards of this university and should be helpful in further search. Not something crap got it!"

No! Nah! Noda!

In no time I'm going to team up with him.

I shot up my hand

"Yess, Ms Julia, any question?" His eyes were blank and his posture was not at all interested in listening to me.

Still, I will make him listen to me.

"Can't I have the right to change my partner, If I didn't want to work with him?" I raised a question, suspiciously in the audacity that I wouldn't hear a decline from him.

Now, there were whispers all over the room. Everyone was glancing at me as I'd stolen their one kidney.

And the girls were narrowing their eyes at me.

What if he is the heartthrob for everyone? The reality is he is not any special to me. He was too gazing at me with his narrowing eyes as he was about to say something.

Maybe he is going to declare.. because he stood up!

"What is your problem?" Now he was accusing me with his index finger.  His jaw was clenched. His eyes were blood-red as he has not slept in the past few days maybe he has not shaved too.

"You should have asked that question from yourself!" I did a counter-attack.
He stared at me, and then Sarah, and then back at me, then he chuckled as he always does.

"You are  jealous!" Not an audible sound came. He only expressed those words without making any sound.

"I have nothing to get jealous of you!" I replied.

"Julia, what is wrong with you? are you mad? do you want to get expelled because of your outrageous behaviour? "

Oh no. Why do I mumble that loud? What was even I thinking? He did this purposely to make me feel insulted and I helped him in achieving that!

Why am I'm forgetting all the good upbringing that my mother has taught me?

The words of getting expelled became dark and haunted me again they were so loud in my ears. I've sacrificed all the things, done all the aspects right to get in here but now? All the aspects will get vanished If I didn't control myself!

"I m sorry Mr Peter,  " I closed my eyes for a moment and took a breath.

"You should be! You are a good student, I don't want you to get involved in unnecessary arguments and fights!"

He might know about my argument with Sarah that's why he is explaining.

"And there would be no change. Either work as I announce, or don't work at all the choice is yours!" Then he left.
I sat down in all silence, nodding my head. When Neel And Sarah giggled at me.

Alisha was by my side, she told me to ignore them.

Yes, I also want to ignore them want to cease their existence but I didn't know it was that hard.

When I perked up, I saw Sam Hudson, he was glancing back at me. He kept glancing at me for a few moments then he opened his mouth, at first
no sound came but then again I heard him apologising to me.

"I'm apologetic Julia. My friends shouldn't have treated you like this! Please accept my apology,  "
His eyes were innocent, as he was miserable for me.

Miserable because of your presence or because of his friends?

Maybe I need not think too much about this so I accepted his apology. Anyways, I didn't want any drama in life, I have struggled enough.

"Coffee then?"

"We are ready for some positivity!" Before I could stop Alisha, she gave him our confirmation.

I scowled at her hard. Not because I don't like Coffee when I inhale its fragrance.

But I don't believe him. Meanwhile, I don't expect anything from anybody.

"Oh come on!  now don't assume too much!" By announcing this he pulled my hand and I grabbed Alisha's Hand.
We were all being dragged one by one until we reach near the cafeteria and then out of nowhere we all bumped into Tony Brandon.

"Oh well look who is here?"

His words were devilish that freaked me to the soul. However, I've learned my lesson so I replied to him with a smile.


Hope you will enjoy this chapter too
Any feedback you want to give?


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