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Help can be bad sometimes!


"Introduce yourselves," the professor commanded us.

This is the time where we have to introduce ourselves this must be a different session of recognizing each other I guess. but the kind of stares I'm getting here looks like I am the odd one here. I don't understand what could be wrong? Is it my clothes? I've put on a plain shirt with pants. I guess I'm fully covered from head to toe which is not ordinary here.

"Sarah here Professor!" That girl who tried to embarrass me. And I've no idea where is she from. As she introduced herself a melancholy whisper started which made me realize that she is from New York. So she just changed the state.

"Ah! One from New York, I appreciate you and what is your rank?" His burrows were fused.

That Professor was smart. Very smart he was tall and even young to call to be a professor but as I've heard he is around forty years old. Not much older than me I guess. He has a chiselled stone face in which it was very hard to read any expressions Showing on it.

"Fifteenth, " she replied, actually she was staring at him for too long even it made me uncomfortable while he was rolling his shirt's sleeves.

"What? Is there a show running?"

Professor snapped back at her.
A bit of laughter erupted from me but it was not audible thank God!

"How dare you? You have no right to be here so be within your limits!"

I realized that l shouldn't have done that especially when she was sitting ahead of me. However, she also has no right to talk to me like that but before I could say anything Professor snapped back at all of us.

Then he again adjusted his shirt. His eyes were determined than his reaction to the outcome.

"You next! what is your name?" He asked the familiar boy. Barely familiar, all the memories I had of bullying I am trying to forget them so it better to let him as a stranger only.

"I'm Neel Malhotra, "
that guy with black pants and a black shirt shrugged with a wicked expression.

"Oh Indian. Tell me your rank then?" It's more looking like an encounter rather than our introduction.

"Second!" He didn't look in the professor's direction his jaw was clenched and I can see from my seat that he had made a punch out of his hand.

"Not bad, but you need to work on your behaviour, such kind of behaviour is not tolerated here!" He snapped again and then Neel Malhotra sat on his seat.

"Anyone brave enough who wants to say something about himself or herself?"

That smart professor dared us to say something against him. However, I don't want all attention on me and I don't even think so it is necessary to say anything when he is challenging everyone to speak up!

"Mr Peter I need to say something!" A guy who looks even more dangerous than Mr Peter got up. However, I never knew that the arrogant one's name is Peter. Anyways it was matching with his attitude.

"Oh? Mr Sam Hudson?" Those eyes were mischievous when they asked this question. But wait? How do they know each other names? This question is in itself out of the box.

"When are we having our welcome's Party here?" Sam Hudson is that what you wanted to ask? As if he could read my mind he looked at me and smiled.

What was that??
It was hard to digest that they know each other and now there is gonna be a party to welcome us? Why are we going to waste time and money on this none so productive purpose?

"Ah! Do you want a party? well, no wonder what I would have expected from you just by seeing you I can realize what do you want!"

I don't know if something is wrong with his looks. I mean he was all tall around 6 feet. He had a white T-shirt with blue jeans. But his eyes were different. Different than I've seen anyone's before. They were the shade of sky blue colours. If I have to swim I can dive in them. he has that kind of eyes.
From the whispers, I have heard that he is from Manhattan and he is an old student of the university who just changed course from one thing to another.

It gave answers to all those questions which I have had in my mind.

"Now, before I kick you out from here so that you can't come here again sit down! Will you?" It was in a very loud voice even the walls could hear that voice.

Poor Sam, his face went pale and like a good doggie who obeys his masters he sat down without making any noise.
There was a pin drop silence. The silence would cease out all the epitome's of thinking but in this silence, I could hear someone whispering in a very low tone. That was Sarah who was constantly saying something to Neel and I can hear her voice.

"You lurking over there what is your rank?"

I wasn't lurking at all! Mr Peter! I want to shout at him for bringing me to the attention because everyone started looking at me. Oh, why am I using looking here they all are staring at me. and I can easily read from their eyes that they want to laugh at me but they can't!

"Rank first professor!"

As I told him. Neel looked in my direction. Of course, he didn't want to be in second place and when I have the first rank it is hard to believe for everyone.

"And what is your name, young girl?" I saw the determination in Mr Peter's eyes. As he has been talking to himself and seeing himself in me.

"Julia, " I was trying to look straight although everyone was curious looking at me.

"That's a unique name where are you from?" He wasn't interested at all in asking these questions I can see that from his face. It was not only his question it was everyone's question in the room to know where I am from? couldn't they get the idea from my accent? Or by my looks?
I'm an average looking girl with 5" 5 feet in height. And typical Indian features. I even get compliments on them sometimes because you know? Features of faces in India are the best

"I'm an Indian. professor!" I told proudly.

"Well well, two Indians in the same room do you know each other?" why is he asking this type of question? And when he mentioned me and that Malhotra guy he started looking at me very strangely as trying to figure out whether he had known me in his past life or not?

Before he gets any type of hints I coughed, "No professor, we are as much stranger as you and I" Neel realized that and again he started talking to Sarah.

Thank God! Everything is fine now. I just need to completely ignore him anyways I came here for studies, not for any stuff that those rich students do!

"And the last girl over there what is your name?" By this time he was completely faking it. I don't understand if he doesn't want to then what is the need to ask?

"Alisha walker!" That girl seems pretty to me. Not that I was saying after seeing here I said because she seems genuine.

"And where are you from?" He raised his eyebrows sceptically as he knew already the answer but asked just for the sake of his reputation of being a professor.

"I am African-American from texas" she didn't need to mention it but she did and why did she mention it I can see that because if she didn't mention it the next question going to be about it.

I guess she is the only person here who seems nice to me. I've not forgotten that when I mentioned my rank she liked me smiled at me with her pretty brown eyes. And I could see in her eyes the respect for me.

Anyways, I think we can get along!


I was right about Alisha she came to me and we had a little talk about where we are from about our lives and this university. After talking to her I realized that getting the first rank is a huge thing for her and now when she knows it was me who did that

she is ready to be my friend so that she can learn something from me. However, I found it ridiculous. But she was very convincing so I agreed to it. At least I have someone with whom I can go to the cafeteria and eat something.

We headed towards the cafeteria everyone was saying here that this cafeteria is very lucky today because Tony Brandon is going to arrive here.
But the question is who is Tony Brandon and how this Cafeteria is going to be lucky by a human being?
"I've heard he is very rich. Rich is even a small word for him. He is the son of a billionaire and whenever he comes cafeteria he randomly buys things and gives money to all people present in them.

"That means food will be free for all of us!"

She seems excited? Really? That guy named Tony showcases to everyone that he is rich? Why doesn't it makes sense to me? What was a thing to being happy about this? Isn't he is insulting all students like me who earn their thing with their determination, not with someone's donation!

I don't even want to go on there!

"Hey, where are you going? I've not eaten anything since morning! So we need to eat something now especially me otherwise I will pass away!" She grabbed me and then we reached the university's most famous cafeteria.

"Two burgers with double cheese with French fries, please."

She ordered while I stood there beside her trying to adjust this place in my mind.

"When she asked for the bill the lady who runs it declined it and told us that it is Wednesday the free day of the week.

Alisha nodded her head and started walking away from the counter but I stood there frozen.

I can't do that but I am hungry also what am I supposed to do? I've not eaten since my flight landed in California. If I hadn't eaten now I'll pass out.

But I can't take free food is against all those learnings which I have in me which I received from my parents I will simply give her the bill amount how is this going to offend someone anyway?

" one cheeseburger and a plate of French fries for me too, "politely asked the lady and in no time she gave me what I wanted. It was looking delicious ready to melt in my mouth.

" and the bill?" I asked her.

"Free day!" She said with her pale eyes. Somehow, her eyes were saying a different story.

"But I want to give my bill by myself!" I insisted on her politely.

"You better take this for free otherwise consequences would not be good!" She whispered into my eyes.

Seriously? I just want to pay for my money! I'm not poor to not but my food for myself I will pay for it!

"Just give me the bill ok?" I snapped. I didn't want to but couldn't help.
"Who is asking for a bill when I'm giving them the free food?"

And I don't need to wonder who's voice is this. That Tony Brandon is here!



Feedback would be appreciated thanks!💖💖💖💖💖

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