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Everything is tormented with a lie.


I sipped coffee thinking about the last night and it made me blush a lot I was burning like fire from the inside while getting cold from the outside. And no one can understand the chills I am getting in.

I remembered the first time I landed my foot in California, the first time I fell hard on the road and the first time I tried to escape from the reality.

The time when I didn't stand up for myself, the time when I cracked and faced everything like a glittering star,
Oh, there are so many memories of California which I am going to miss and take away with me.

I saw my image in the mirror and found myself gleaming, my eyes were a little pink perfectly matching the shade of my lips.

My body was lighter than the feather and my head? It was dancing in all the places!

It's high time I should have a talk with him and tell him everything which I feel about him.

However, if I look back into the past I have never thought I would fall for someone like Neel but life is all about unpredictability you know!

We fall for those who are connected to us the most.

I still remember the time when I was in school in Mumbai completely drenched in the tub of mud where he was laughing at me.
Of course, he still doesn't remember I am the same girl with whom he attended the same school.

But fate brings everything with its game and I am here more powerful than him.

I let go of all the insecurities and got ready, today the weather was calm and precise, as the daffodils are singing lullabies in the name of love and all the butterflies are dancing just to get the peculiar gaze of lovers.

All the world suddenly became too silent as everything exists in scenery and I am beautiful prose that is ready to grow up in a neverending garden.

I put on a Sunday dress, it was perfectly matching with the weather and my eyes.

I wore my sandals and applied some lipgloss, ruffled my wet hair that was resting shamelessly on my shoulders and chined up my genuine smile.

Sometimes, hearts go deep in the process of healing and sometimes it gets all burst for the love of the sky.

I snatched the bicycle which I used when I came here and started my journey.
With the more powerful thought that today I am going to fight against the wind and maybe this time I will win.

As I reached the university, I saw everyone was talking in whispers they were all standing in groups silently glancing at me and pointing their finger in my direction.

However, I didn't care about this eternity. Because for the first time I had let go of all my anxieties; to look up to the sun eye to eye so that it can get ashamed too to know how a girl like me has concerted herself into a beautiful flower.

There is a saying that tells: a girl can only be a beautiful flower but I decline it!

Because a beautiful flower is always surrounded by thorns and it takes a lot to fight them all.

I was searching for him everywhere from hallways to stairs from empty classes to full-field gardens but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Julia? Is that you?" Then I heard Sam's voice. He was wearing baggy clothes, his eyes were damped with the last fight which I don't want to remember.

He tried to kiss you!

When the realization hits me I wanted to run away from here maybe he had seen it in my eyes too that's why he started blabbering with emptiness in his eyes.

I did want to ask him, why his eyes always have been empty?
But decided to not go into the dark where he keeps his secrets.

"I am sorry for last night!" He looked at me with his empty eyes.

The stubble around his jaw and the veins on his forehead were telling me something was wrong, something which can be dangerous to look upon to.

"Have you seen Neel?" I asked the same question which I had been asking myself for several days. He has always been the one who guided me to find my way to him.

"Don't find him!" I looked away.

What is he saying?
What is wrong with him?

"Is this because of your fight?" I demanded to know. Why he don't want me to find him? And what's the problem with him? Why does he always question Neel?

He looked at me for a precise moment, piercing my soul through his heated gaze and then he didn't say anything.

Only I had the silence to witness! His silence was a slap on my face that maybe something is not alright, something which I am afraid to look at is waiting for me all along.

"He might be in the library, or the hallway with Sarah!"

"With Sarah?"

I looked up at him with all the empty questions written on my face.

He avoided it and took out his cell phone then said he has got something so he had to go then he left.

His absence marked something in me as I am never going to see him again. As well all will be tormented by the distance and we will never share the same laugh again.

Maybe I am over-analyzing all the aspects to only get furious in my mind.

I searched all the libraries but didn't find any hint of them.

If he is with Sarah then I have a more valid reason to tell her back off and mind her own business! I have had enough of her tactics in my life and I cannot take it anymore.

With the boiling blood and determination, I was searching for them! And yes, I finally found them in the hallway the only problem I had was their back was only visible through my eyesight.

They were engrossed in deep talk as if their life depends on it.

I know it's so wrong to do the eavesdropping but I have no choice left! No one is telling me what is going on?

Maybe Sarah is threatening him with something! That's why he cannot tell anyone and only have to talk to her.

I went there silently without making any noise, as I have been wearing an invisible cloak.

"How long Neel?"
She asked from the frustration, I could sense anger in her voice.

What how long is she talking about?

Neel began rolling his hair, though they were perfect still he was doing this? It means that he is very disturbed!
One part of me wanted to hold his hand and tell him to calm down I am here with you and this bitch cannot hurt you!

But another wanted to listen to the conversation they were doing, and the curiosity became again the mother of all the desires.

"Maybe Today!"
He finally breathed and looked away, his eyes were more stormy than ever before as he had been high on something!

Is he alright?

I wanted to ask him but didn't flicker from my place to get caught red-handed.

"You better do this today! I can't stand that slum girl!"

Slum girl?

"You better call her Julia!"

How dare she call me a slum girl? She is the fucking monster who drives everyone crazy with her existence and she dares to call me a slum girl?
I will slap her ahead of the whole university! Yes! I so wanted to do that and I am not even afraid! To the hell with her power and money!
And after that even if I get kicked out! I will not care about it! I am done with all the suffering which I was taking.

But wait for a second what is she talking about today?

What does she want Neel to do today that is somehow related to me?

"Oh please don't tell me you have become fond of her!" She laughed and got closer to him.

And I wanted to crack her head with my own hands but I wanted to listen more. What he has to say!

"Of course not! How can you think I will fall for her!"


I think I am going to faint here and will never going to wake up in my life.

"She must be coming here searching for me to confess her love then she might even kiss me, ahead of all students where she slapped me for the first time! Then it will be the end!"

"And I will record everything when you insult her, where she insulted you in the past," she laughed.

I think something broke in me! I was lost in words and all the words started slipping away! For the first time, I had trusted someone this much enough to completely fall for him only to realize it was a game for him. A stupid game which he played with me, with my emotions and with my heart.

He always wanted to hurt me from the beginning and how stupid I was to fall for his tactics when he was the bully in the school!

How dare I trusted him? Only to let him break my trust?

He didn't break my heart he just created a void in my chest that is never going to be fulfilled.

As I remember all the times I have spent with him.
Was it all lie?
He is making fun of me and laughing at me behind my back.

When people have explained in all the literary achievements that a girl can be hard to play but still she is a devour of emotions to get fooled.

After hundreds of years, I have realised it in my life. I have always been a fool!

I allowed him to let him play with my sentiments, I wanted to run away from this country to my country back.
To my mother's lap where no one tries to hurt me.
I wanted to wipe away all the memories which I had with him and this country.
I wanted to forget his existence in my life. But I couldn't I am a stupid human that is full of emotions!
Tears started kneeling in my eyes, and yes at that moment I even wanted to forget who am I anymore!

How can someone play a game like this with someone's heart?

But then maybe they don't have a heart in their chest which beats for all the emotions which I had in my body at that time I remembered what my grandpa has explained, "this world is full of bad people Julia you always have to find your way to make your existence otherwise they will haunt you down!"

I wiped all the tears, and stood up! If this was just a game for him then he must get paid.

I started clapping, yes! I might be looking like a poor tormented girl with red-bloodshot eyes.

When he moved to look in my direction, his eyes went wide. He was hiding his gaze anywhere but not at me.

All the students were there to look at me as if I were a ghost! A poor ghost who is furious with everything.

"Cut the crap what do you want?" Sarah was smirking, I could sense the greed in her body and soul.

I don't even care about her! I don't even know this girl! And I am not even interested in knowing her! Her soul is filthy made up of mud which only makes my hands dirty!

"Julia, we will talk about this later,"
This guy still dared to say my name from his bad insolence.

"Why? Are you afraid Mr Neel Malhotra? That I will insult you?"

I looked at him, eye-to-eye, dared him to say any bad word against me so that I can chop his balls and he would never be called a man again.

"How dare you talk to him you filthy bitch!"

Okay enough is enough! Now, I will show her who is bitchin' here, and when she started to cross her line.
I punched her hard on her stomach! She screamed from the pain and started acting as if I have broken her bone which she had none.

But I didn't because I know how to punch someone without breaking their bones and making them cry to bleed.

"Julia, please listen to me," Neel came forward and tried to touch me again in fact he had the guts to kiss me again ahead of everyone.

What is even thinking? That I will gladly let him kiss me?

I grabbed his hand and slapped him hard on his face!

I slapped him on his face so that he will remember it for the rest of his life! The Mark of my fingers will always be there imprinted on his heart if he had any or to his soul.

And then I walked away when everyone was looking at me with their mouth hanging open.

I walked away from everything I had in this country.



Oh my God, this is the end of this book and this is so heartbreaking that I cannot even tell you!😭😭😭😭 wait for an Author's Note for all the details until then keep reading💕💕

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