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This is for YOUR character. The avatar you selected previously will be created by me and me alone. I will give them an appearance, weakness, strengths, and a 'job'. (these are ALL made in advance by-the-way)

You will have to create their personality that will be reflected through the avatar... This may conflict with the avatar you choose but you will never know. All part of the drama and mischief.

Remember these are high school students!

These are due next Saturday so like Jan 16.

Avatar Name: (The name that you requested)


Nickname: (Optional)

Age: (15-18)



Face claim:

Tattoos/Scars/Piercings/anything I should know appearance-wise: (optional... I mean they'll only be their true self for like 2 chapters at most so yeah) 

Short personality: 5-6 sentences

Likes and Dislikes: (2 each)

A strength: (they won't be able to use it but it'll be funny to see if it conflicts with their avatar)

Hobby: (just one) 

Club: (just one or put N/A if not in one)

Do they know ANYTHING about video games/survival: (give like a 0 meaning nothing to 5 meaning like a pro)


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