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Friday / 6:41 pm/ Lehman's Family House

Shandor's POV

"Okay, so what about this outfit?" Shandor Lehman watched as one of the girls stepped out from the bathroom with a hand on her hip before flipping her locks over to one shoulder. The red shirt hung tightly to her curves, one shoulder sticking out while the other was covered with a long sleeve. The shirt was tucked into a pair of high waisted jeans with many aesthetically ripped holes. A pair of big hoop earrings and makeup to finish off the look. All that was missing was a pair of shoes. "It's not too modest but also doesn't scream slut."

"That top works wonders, Amy. What choice of shoes are you thinking of?"

She started listing off pairs that would compliment the outfit while Shandor gave it a once over one more time before turning back to her vanity mirror, her eyeshadow brush gazing at her eyelid. She silently despised how the red complimented the girl's skin and hair better than it ever could her. Shandor looked at her own outfit in the mirror, standing up momentarily to rack her eyes over the light blue crop top that was barely being held on by the small straps and the black un-ripped jeans that just went over her fair stomach. She had just finished doing her eyeshadow as an arm wrapped around her waist, a blonde's face appearing on her shoulder.

"Shane has a pair of brown ankle boots in the closet that would fit amazingly." Deep brown eyes gazed intently onto hers. A smile so blinding that one could call it real if one did not know. Fake, all of them were. But they were hers and they would do as they were told. It was easy to get what one wanted if one had loyal subjects. The blonde's eyebrows lifted in a childlike manner, a begging voice as she spoke, "Could Amy borrow them for tonight?"

Shandor tilted her head, almost like she was pondering the request before replying simply, "Sure."

"Thanks Shane." The girl left a feather-light kiss to her check and pulled away. She could hear the two discussing plans on how to rope the football players in on their antics while rummaging through her walk in closest.

She was the daughter of the principal, no one dared go up against her to win. She had made plenty of wannabe royalties life living hell as examples. It made her life easier knowing they were all wrapped around her finger. No one would dare speak up against her to her father, she was daddy's little girl through and through. Except there is one pisky new student that could ruin it all.


"You got to be fucking kidding me," Shandor growled when her eyes locked onto her cousin from the mirror. She turned so abruptly that her powder nearly flew out of the container. Her eyes went to the two girls in the closest but they did not pay any attention to her outburst. She stalked to the door and nearly dragged the older girl out the room. She saw her grandma just down the hall and she quickly strolled over to her. "Grammy what is this?! Why is she in my space?"

Her grandma turned and looked at the two girls who stood on opposite ends of the hallway. Not an ounce of emotion flickered across Delta's face when Shandor's sharp cold eyes met hers before turning to look at her grandma more softly. Shandor eyebrows furrowed, her lips twisting into a frown, and she knew this look would make it all go away... that Delta would go away and never return. She knew because it always worked.

"What's what?" her grandma smiled and moved her attention away from her and to Delta. Shandor's face faltered at the scene before her. Her grandma walked towards her cousin and reached an arm out to her and pulled her in close. The sweet brown eyes, that were normally reserved for her only, were now being used on Delta. Delta smiled slightly down at her grandma while her grandma whispered something just for the other girl to hear before telling her, "Delta's going with you to the party. She's going to need a lot of help getting settled into a new place until she graduates this year. With you knowing the entire student body, you can help her get comfortable and become friends with your friends."

Shandor had heard enough of it. Her eyes narrowed while her teeth nearly bit off her tongue. This was her place, these were her people and she sure as hell was not sharing one bit of it, especially with some cousin from another country. The older girl caught her gaze and rather than fleeing or dropping to her knees to beg for forgiveness, the girl had the audacity to hold it. A small smile graced the girl's lips as she told her grandma, "I just knew would be so kind and sweet. Especially since Anonn said you have to give me a tour Monday morning. I also heard American schools have some of the most diverse clubs. You wouldn't mind staying after school to introduce me around to all the clubs would you? You do want me to be comfortable and help settle in, right?"

Her grandma smiled at Delta before turning to give Shandor the look. Shandor had never seen that look be used on her of all people. It screamed in 'be nice,' 'submission,' and 'do it or there will be severe consequences.' If all it took was a few hours of Delta being here to steal her grandma from her, then what was to say she would not steal half the student body by Monday afternoon. Shandor gritted her teeth together, but to them it looked like a genuine smile. Her voice was light and sweet like candy as she spoke, "Sure. What is family for?"

This was war and she was not going to lose.

Does it matter? / The sun is setting / Zoom-ka? I don't care.

Shandor's POV

Shandor stood up from her seat and took her sweet time brushing off the layer of dust and sand that clung to the dress. She was surprised that the high heels had not dug into her heels quite yet, but that did not make her any less grateful that she could be eye to eye level with the enemy. "Delta, I do believe what you are trying to do is heroic. Risking your life to help those people who don't even know your name, that is truly a hero. But you need to think of the others. Your potential friends. These people right here in the back room are the ones worth saving, not some fictional pixel people."

"I am thinking of them. I know it puts us all at risk but-"

"Ah so you do know that we could all end up getting serious hurt by doing this." Shandor's eyebrows raise with wide eyes. She let a gasp slip through as she took hesitant glances at her, she could see Delta's posture stiffen at her reaction. Shandor's face then scrunched up in worry as she quickly added, "If you truly did care, it may be best for them to decide if they want to risk their life for this silly game. Trying to order them around like soldiers, when clearly they aren't, could get one of them killed." Shandor walked a couple of steps forward, the two cousins just barely a few inches away as she whispered, "Their deaths would be on your hands."

Fear. Shandor finally saw a flash of true dread in the girl's green eyes and it took a lot of self-control to not smile and soak it all in. Shandor turned her face away with a frown, her eyes drooping with fax concern like her lips. She took a step away and hugged her own arms awaiting Delta's verbal comment.

Shandor thought that Delta was going to attack her back or maybe if she was lucky, she would run away and never return. Delta's voice was small but still adamant on her position, "I know I would be, but, I wouldn't put them in a position that would get them killed. If something were to happen... I'd take responsibility. I'd drop them all and do it alone."

Shandor smiled, not that Delta could see from behind her. She turned around slowly, letting the frown take control once more. Shandor blinked at her and shook her head. "Delta, even though it would be your fault, I'm sure we would forgive you. After all, you didn't strike the killing blow. The others certainly wouldn't want you to go all alone to defeat the enemy."

Delta's body rested on the table top and she shook her head, her eyes looking like they were lost in thought. Shandor slowly made her way over and rested a hand on her cheek. She made the movement soothing and caring as she swiped a hair from her face before letting it settle on Delta's shoulder. Startled by the movement, Delta shook her off, and stood up. "I know they wouldn't and I am sure they would say that but, I would be the one ultimately convincing them to risk their life. I am a stranger to them unlike you."

"That you are, cousin." Shandor let out a long sigh before nodding to her. "Very well. Since I cannot convince you to drop this lunatic idea, I'll help you for now." Delta sighed as well before nodding to her. The previous emotion that had shown on her face from the start of the conversation disappeared and she revolted back to her resting bitch face. Shandor stalked forward to the backrooms and said over her shoulder, "You can tell them that you convinced me. We can go out and try to help them, if the others want to as well."

"Okay. We need to be fast though, surely the time spent arguing the enemy is closer than before."

They entered the back room to find Kali sitting nonchalantly on top of a barrel that held unending honking. Tristen stood off to the side looking rather proud and smug for whatever the reason was for. Evelyn and Nicholas sat chatting away at a desk with the hand drawn map between the two of them, both smiling like everything was a normal day.

Kali and Tristen were the first to notice them enter the room, both seemed utterly surprised. Were the two of them really expecting her to go full on Heather Shandlor on Delta? Well now she was hurt. A true frown appeared on her lips at their reactions and she watched as Kali's face softened. Kali waved her over before smacking the barrel hard. "Tristen's dad is in here," they smirked.

Shandor rose an eyebrow at the honking coming from the barrel. "His dad is a duck?"

"A goose actually, but yes. Long story but his dad is in the game as well and only Tristen can unfortunately understand him since he is the zoologist," she informed her. Kali turned her gaze away to Tristen who while appearing to be happy, his eyes were full of pain as he would gaze over at them. Surely, no doubt hearing every word that the goose was saying. Shandor turned her attention back to Kali, but before she could look at their face, she noticed a few open wounds covering her arms.

Shandor grabbed her wrist and turned it over revealing the bite marks that littered their one arm. "Kali!" She moved from the side to stand in front of her, her grip like death as she inspected both arms, grateful to find only one arm was wounded. Shandor's piercing glare was directed for the goose (sadly she couldn't direct it to him) but when she glanced up to face Kali, she saw fear. Kali's whole body remained still as she stood between their legs, her face panicked and her eyes were looking everywhere but at her. Shandor had not meant for her glare to be directed to her and she quickly dropped her angered features and replaced it with concern. "Kali, look at me. I am not mad at you. I'm just- Are you okay? You're bleeding." Shandor placed a hand on Kali's leg to get their attention while rubbing her thumb across her wrist.

Their pulse is quick. What if she got some sort of disease? Evelyn's a doctor now, she can help.

Shandor let go and started to turn away to call for Evelyn but Kali pulled her back in by her wrist. "I'm fine. Evelyn already gave me some meds. She doesn't do blood though," Kali told her quickly. Shandor inspected their face again and this time the panic and fear were gone. Their dark eyes met and she could tell that Kali was also inspecting her own face.

Shandor gave them a smile after a few seconds before she brushed her hair back from her face. A light blush heated her ears with embarrassment but she played it off by looking away. "Yeah, of course she would have. But, she could have at least given you something to wipe your arm off with." She could feel Kali's gaze lingering on her face as she swiped the blood off one of their wounds. The blood coated her pale hand, but underneath the blood there was not even a cut or mark left behind. She took her other hand and did the same to the last wound. Only a small smear mark was left but it was better than it being pooled on their arm. Shandor displayed her hands and gave them a fancy shake, "All better."

Kali let out a deep throaty chuckle at her display and Shandor would have been lying if she said she did not want to hear them do that again. Shandor immediately scolded herself for even thinking that. This person was not even Kali, while physically not Kali but personality wise, she was. However, that meant she could recreate a similar antic and Kali would laugh for real, not her nervous chuckles she always did around her. Oh how she would love to hear the real Kali laugh. It was probably sweet and soft just like her or maybe it was deep and side clutching laughter or maybe-. Shandor's eyes widened at the thoughts causing her to pull away from her friend. Her eyes could not even meet theirs and she started running one of her hands through her black hair to distract her now shaking hands. "We should see what the others are discussing about? It's probably important."

"Oh, yeah, of course."

The tone of her voice sounded so heartbroken that Shandor almost glanced over her shoulder to see if it was true. However, she could not bring herself to look because she may have crumbled and given in to her thoughts: "What does your true laugh sound like?' and 'Why do I make you so nervous?' Maybe she would ask later, when her head did not feel so lightheaded and her lips did not feel so wobbly while she talked. Shandor decided she would ask whenever she figured out what the hell was going on with herself first.

Yeah, im back but idk how long. I was rereading this because I just remembered these characters existed and I really missed them all. Ill more likely finish this story regradless if anyone reads it or not just because these characters are probably my favorite to ever work with. Okay, well I hope you are well... I really should be study tho, I got 5 exams, a paper and a lab to do all be the end of next week oof.

There may be another chapter upload again if I don't feel like studying lol. goodbye.

Shandor POV: 2558 words

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