Chapter eight

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    The past few days I've been in bed, laying there and being bored out of my mind. The Doctor was trying to figure out what was wrong with me but I felt fine. My temperature was mostly normal and I felt like a normal person, except that I still had the want to die.

    He knocked on my door and came in without waiting for me to answer. "You're lucky I wasn't naked." I stated. He laughed a little and kept checking things. My voice had come back after only a day and a half.

    "I give up. It's no use; I can't figure out what's wrong with you." He said, dropping his clip board to the ground.

    "Does that mean I can get up?" I asked. He sighed and nodded. I shot out of my bed and ran to the console room, flopping on the jump seats.

    "Now what?" I asked him once he came in the room.

    "How about an adventure?" He asked with a smile. I smiled and nodded, excitement filling me head to toe.

   After the TARDIS landed he grabbed my hand and we ran over to the doors. He stopped and smiled at me before opening the doors dramatically.

We stepped out together and looked around at our surroundings. The breeze was blowing my hair around and into my face. I was spitting it out of my mouth when I heard the Doctor laughing at me. I glared at him once I put my hair into a ponytail.

    "Shut up." I said jokingly. He just laughed more when I playfully smacked his arm.

    The breeze blew harder and I shivered with only a tank top and jeggings on. "I'll be back, I'm just gonna grab a jacket." I told him. He replied with a nod and I turned around.

    I walked in the TARDIS and the door slammed shut behind me without me laying a finger on it. I turned around grabbed the handle, trying to pull it open. It wouldn't budge so I smacked on the door.

    "Doctor!!" I screamed, smacking the door more and more. I heard him yell back but couldn't tell what he said.

    Just as he started yelling again the TARDIS started shaking. I realized it was dematerializing and trying to leave without the Doctor. I ran over to the controls and started frantically looking for some magical button to bring me back.

    "Bring me back!" I screamed, smacking my fist on the controls. The TARDIS was shaking like crazy, sparks everywhere.

    "It says were on earth, Essex, Colchester!" I yelled, reading it from the screen. I wasn't sure if he could hear me, but it was worth a shot.

    The shaking quit after a few seconds. "Doctor?! It's taking off again! Doctor, can you hear me?!" I yelled.


    It had been hours, probably days or day since the Doctor and I were separated. The Tardis had been struggling to stay solid for that time, but it was getting worse.

    "Come on, which one? Which one? No. Why won't you land!?" I yelled in frustration as I tried to find the right thing to push.

    "Earth to Grove, Earth to Grove." I heard the Doctor say through his earpiece. "Come in, Astrid."

    "Doctor!" I yelled in excitement and fear. It gave off horrible feedback through his earpiece cause I was so loud. "Sorry." I apologized.

    "Could you not wreck my new earpiece, Astrid?" He asked annoyed.

    "Sorry." I apologized again.

    "How's the Tardis coping?" He asked. I held out the hand set.

    "See for yourself." I showed him.

    "Ooo, nasty. She's locked in a materialisation loop, trying to land again, but she can't." He sighed.

    "And whatever's stopping her is upstairs in that flat. So, go upstairs and sort it out so I can get out of here." I told him. He had figured out where to go from a note that was supposedly from me that had an address on it. He is now living in it with some guy named Craig.

    "I don't know what it is yet. Anything that can stop the Tardis from landing is big. Scary big." He said. I stopped, starting to worry myself.

    "Hold up, are you scared?" I asked him. If he's scared, everyone should be scared.


    "Could be even orange juice. Neocene Arbuckle. Rare tarantula on the table. Oh." He stopped for a second. I actually didn't know what he was talking about to be honest, but I don't think anyone does more than half the time.

    "I can't go up there until I know what it is and how to deal with it. And it is vital that this man upstairs doesn't realize who and what I am. So no sonicking. No advanced technology. I can only use this because we're on scramble. To anyone else hearing this conversation, we're talking absolute gibberish." I snorted a little. I didn't even know what he was on about and I had heard the whole conversation.

    "Practical eruption in chicken. Descartes Lombardy spiral." What on earth?

    He continued. "Now all I've got to do is pass as an ordinary human being. Simple. What could possibly go wrong?" I snorted again.

    "Have you ever seen you?" I asked.

    "So you're just going to be snide. No helpful hints?" He asked with a bit of sassiness in his tone.

    "Hmm. Well, here's one. Bow tie, get rid." I stated. I still have no idea why he wears that ridiculous thing around his neck.

    "Bow ties are cool. Come on, Tridster, I'm a normal bloke. Tell me what normal blokes do."

    "First of all, never call me that again. And I mean, they watch telly, they play soccer, they go down the pub." I shrugged.

    "I could do those things. I don't, but I could." He said. I just rolled my eyes.

    "Hang on. Wait, wait, wait. Astrid!?" He yelled just as the TARDIS started going crazy, throwing me around. "Interesting. Localised time loop." He said in his detective Sherlock voice.

    "Ow. What's all that?" I asked, rubbing my forehead that I had smacked on the ground.

    "Time distortion. Whatever's happening upstairs is still affecting you." He replied.

    "It's stopped. Ish. How about your end?" I asked.

"My end's good." He replied.

"So, doesn't sound great, but nothing to worry about?"

"No, no, no, not really. Just keep the zigzag plotter on full. That'll protect you."

"Ow." I said when I was thrown to the ground after trying the zigzag plotter that was said to keep me safe.

"Astrid, I said the zigzag plotter." He said in an annoyed-joking way.

"I pulled the zigzag plotter." I snapped.

"What, you're standing with the door behind you?" He asked. I looked behind me.

"Yes." I stated.

"Okay, take two steps to your right and pull it again." He told me. I did as I was told and it worked, thankfully.

"Now, I must not use the sonic. I've got work to do. Need to pick up a few items." He added.


    "So, I'm going out to play football. If I hang about the house all the time, him upstairs might get suspicious and notice me." The Doctor told me.

    "Soccer. Okay, well done. That is normal." I said, surprised he was doing at least one normal thing. But he's too British, even though he's not even human.

    "Yeah, football. All outdoorsy. Now, football's the one with the sticks, isn't it?" He questioned with a confused tone. I smacked my forehead with my hand, embarrassed that I knew this goofball.


    About half an hour had passed since the Doctor had left for his football game. I had been wandering around the control room, bored out of my mind, just playing with my gold necklace that hung around my neck.

    The entire time I had been stuck in the TARDIS I had just been in that same room, being thrown all over the place or laying on the floor whilst staring at the ceiling.

    I sat on the jump seat and examined the interior of the spaceship that I sat in. The circle things were my favorite part aside from the glass tube in the center. I loved the blue tint in the glass, the different sized tubes inside the big tube, the way they go up and down when we were flying, it just made me feel happy for some odd reason.

I frowned in confusion a few minutes later, an unordinary smell filling my lungs. I sniffed again and my eyes widened when I realized it was the smell of smoke. I jumped up and looked for the source of the smell, not finding anything right away. I turned back around and saw the singe marks on the jump seat I had been sitting on. I looked down and saw my clothes burning and covered in holes.

"Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap." I kept saying while I ran to my bedroom to dispose of the clothes.

When I walked in I saw an outfit laid out nicely on my bed. I looked and saw they were fire proof. I said a quiet 'thank you' to the TARDIS and changed into the pair of black pants and black and white patterned t-shirt, a sports bra and underwater underneath (obviously).

I ran back to the console room, luckily not getting lost on the way. Once I got in there I saw the marks had left the seat and all of it was back to normal.

    I was scared, terrified. It was happening again. My body temperature was rising by the second and he wasn't here to help. I knew there was something terribly wrong, but I thought he would be able to help when it was needed.

"Doctor! Please hear me! This is important!" I yelled, knowing he wouldn't hear me. But I really needed him. He was probably still playing his game so I just had to wait.

I laid back on the ground and awaited his voice. All of a sudden the whole TARDIS started shaking again, throwing me here and there, smacking me against things. I finally got to the control panels and was able to pull myself up and stay on my feet.

"Astrid?" I heard the voice say, the one I had longed to hear for the past hour and a half.

"It's happening again. Worse." I told him, nearly being thrown to the ground again.

"What does the scanner say?" He asked. I looked up at the scanner thing in front of me.

"A lot of nines. Is it good that they're nines? Tell me it's good that they're all nines." I gulped.

"Yes, yes, it's... It's good. Zigzag plotter. Zigzag plotter, Astrid." He told me. I didn't fully believe him but did as he said.

I fiddled with the lever, hoping it was doing something. There was a big blast and the whole place shook again. I was thrown to the floor as I screamed.

"Astrid? Are you there? Astrid?" He yelled, worry filled his voice.

"Yes. Hello." I answered after I got off the ground.

"Oh, thank heavens. I thought for a moment the Tardis had been flung off into the vortex with you inside it, lost forever." He sighed in relief. I paused, frowning.

"Wait, you mean that could actually happen?! You have got to get me out of here!" I yelled, praying I would escape this alive.

"How are the numbers?" He asked me.

"All fives." I replied after looking back at the weird screen.

"Fives? Even better. Still, it means the effect's almost unbelievably powerful and dangerous, but don't worry. Hang on, okay?"

"Doctor." I said, wanting to tell him the important thing that he needed to know.

"I've got some rewiring to do." He said.

"Hang on!" I replied before he turned off his earpiece. Stupid alien.

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