Chapter ten

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    "Ast..." I barely heard as my eyes fluttered open, a bright light making me squint and close them again. I almost fell back into complete unconsciousness but I was rudely disturbed.

    "Astrid!" Someone yelled again, waking me up. I groaned, opening my eyes a little again, the bright light still there. The person that was saying my name was slightly shaking my shoulders, making it very hard to sleep.

    "Astrid, please wake up." I heard them say again. I opened my eyes more, now able to see where I was. I was lying on the cold floor in the console room still, the Doctor looking over me.

    "Are you okay?" He asked me, concern all over his face. I didn't reply, just stared around, not sure what had happened.

    "Please, just give me some sort of sign that you aren't dying." He pleaded. I rubbed my eyes before giving him a thumbs up. He sighed in relief, laughing a tiny bit. He then stood up and grabbed something before walking back over to me.

I sat up as he stood beside me. "Open your mouth." I sighed and opened my mouth. He stuck a thermometer in it and sat there for a second, waiting for it to finish. It beeped and he took it out, frowning when he looked at it.

    "574°." He said in a frustrated tone, looking angry.

"Sorry." I whispered, my voice cracked a little. I sat there and stared at the floor.

His face softened and he knelt beside me. "It's not your fault, Astrid, so don't be sorry. We'll figure this all out, I promise." He told me, his hand rubbing my shoulder.

"So, what do we do?" I asked him. He thought for a second.

"Well, are you feeling okay? Do you feel sick or anything?" He asked me.

"Not really, just a little light headed. But I'm okay, really." I informed him. He nodded and started flying the TARDIS.

"Then we're going somewhere." He said as the whole place shook, taking off to our next destination.


"What is this place?" I asked him, walking through the white hallways.

"A hospital." I stopped dead in my tracks, looking at him.

"No." I simply said. He frowned, turning to face me.

"No? What's wrong?" He asked me, now standing right in front of me, our chests only an inch or two apart.

    "I, um, it's just. . ." I stammered. "I'm afraid of hospitals. . . And doctors...." I said, staring at my feet.

    "Not you, of corse, but like. . . Real doctors...." I added, cringing when I said that. "I just mean that you aren't a medical doctor, you're just a Doctor-y Doctor." Just quit talking, Astrid. You're just making everything worse. I yelled at myself.

    "I get it." He replied, smirking a little. "I'm sorry, but we have to be here. I just need to know that you're okay." He told me, staring into my eyes.

    "They won't hurt me?" I asked, needing him to confirm.

    "No, of corse they won't. Don't worry, we just need to figure all of this out." He assured.

    I took in a deep breath. "Okay, let's just get this over with." He smiled again and showed me the way to the front desk.

"We need to give Astrid here a check up. Weird things have been happening and I just want to make sure she's okay." He told the lady behind the desk. Her skin was a pale purple color and her hair was blue that faded into green. She had darker purple dots on her cheeks which I assumed were freckle like things. Her eyes were bigger than human eyes, but not giant. She had a cute, small nose and full but also small lips.

She smiled and looked through a book, finding my name. "Is this you?" She asked, handing me the book. It had all kinds of information about me: how tall I was, how much I weighed, my birthday, my whole name, my address, my friends, my family, my school, etc. I looked through it and gave it back to her, nodding.

"Yeah, that's me." I whispered, my voice a bit shaky.

"Okay, go sit over there, a doctor will see you in a few minutes." She told us.

We sat down on the navy blue, leather seats. They weren't very comfy. "So, how long do you think we'll be here?" I asked him randomly, a few minutes after we had been sitting there.

"Not super long, though I'm just guessing. But I promise, nothing is going to happen, just stay calm." I sighed heavily, playing with my necklace from habit.


    "Astrid Grove?" A voice awoke me. I sat up quickly, realizing I had been sleeping on the Doctor's shoulder. We both stood up and walked over to the man that had called my name.

    "That's me." I told the man. He smiled and started walking.

    "Follow me." We walked through another white hallway, stopping at a door.

    "The doctor is waiting for you in here." The man said after opening the door and speaking to someone inside.

    I smiled and walked in, the Doctor right behind me. The room was a pale yellow color, white trim lining the walls. The floor was white and grey tile and everything else was just white.

    "Good afternoon, Miss Grove. I am Dr. Alec Roberts, but you may just call me Alec." He introduced, holding his hand out for me to shake. I took his hand and smiled.

    "I'm John, John Smith." The Doctor said to Alec, holding his hand out. They also shook hands and smiled at each other.

    "Please, sit down." He gestured to an examination table. I did as he said and sat down, nervously staring at my feet.

    "So, what seems to be the problem?" Alec asked me. I turned to the Doctor, wanting him to explain. He sighed and started telling Alec all about it.

    "Twice, it's happened twice. Her skin gets extremely hot, like inhumanly possibly hot. Over 2000°, once. I'm concerned. She passed out last time it happened, making me worry more. I thought maybe you could explain what is happening." He told him. I just sat there, playing with my thumbs.

    "Well, let's do some tests, shall we?" Alec replied and got to work.

    He did all sorts of things, muttering to himself the whole time. He checked my blood pressure, looked in my eyes, ears, and nose, checked my reflexes, listened to my heartbeat, took a blood sample, took an X-ray, and a couple other things.

    "Well, I haven't found anything wrong, but I know what's happening." He informed us, handing me a piece of paper. It had a picture of my DNA on it, but it looked wrong.

    "You, Astrid, aren't human."

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