Chapter thirteen

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    A/N: okay, please don't kill me or hate me or both, I've been super busy! We went to Virginia last week and I didn't have wifi, then the week before I had a recital with my baby classes that I help with (they're 3 and 4), then the week before my friends birthday was on Saturday and we went to a nutcracker, then the week before that I had my own ballet nutcracker, then the week before that was thanksgiving. It's been CRAZY! So, I apologize, please forgive me.

    Anyways, happy holidays! I hope you all have a great rest of the month! I won't be updating this book until at least the 1st of January. Sorry, but I'm super busy and I think it'll be best that I don't have to worry about it (especially since I don't have anymore chapters after this that are written, whoops!) so happy holidays and happy new year, have a great winter break and don't do anything stupid. ;)

"Doctor." I said once I was in the console room.

"Where to today?" The Doctor asked, keeping his back facing me.


"How about Barcelona? The planet, obviously. Or maybe Zaakros, it's known for having the galaxy's largest flora collection. Ooh! We could go to Melissa Majoria! It's the homeworld of most of the Earth's be-"

    "Doctor!" I cut him off. He looked at me, wide-eyed and confused.


    "I have to tell you something." He gestured for me to continue. "My necklace gave me my memories back last night. I remember everything." He smiled, walking closer to me.

    "I know." He said once he was only inches away from me. I frowned slightly.


    "You were acting different. Plus your necklace changed The middle is a lot paler than before." He answered. Then, out of nowhere, I hugged him tightly, my nose nuzzled into his shoulder. He stiffened, but quickly relaxed and hugged me back.

    "Thank you." I murmured, tightening my grip a little.

    "For what?" He asked, moving me back and looking me in the eyes.

    "For saving me. I would have been dead by now, never knowing that I was someone else, someone important. I almost took my own life. Twice. So thank you."

    "You were important. Even before you got your memories back. You, and everyone else in this world, are important. Everyone."

     "I know that, but she didn't." I replied. His face fell, but then he smiled slightly.

     "As long as you both know it now, that's all that matters." I smiled back and hugged him again, but quickly let go.

     "I'm gonna go get dressed, you go find an amazing place to visit." I instructed, then jogged down the hallways and into my room, searching for my favorite outfit: black leather leggings, a maroon crop top, converse, and my go-to maroon hat. I grabbed my sunglasses and headed back into the console room. [Outfit attached]

    "So, did you find the most spectacular place you could?" I asked the Doctor once I got back into the room.

    "Well, at least a place that I don't think you have ever seen." He replied. I smiled and walked over to him.

    "I'm sure it'll be amazing." He smiled back and turned around to pilot the TARDIS to our desired destination. Once the shaking subsided we walked over to the door, our fingers laced together, smiles on our faces. I opened the door and stepped outside with the Doctor right behind me.

"What's this planet called?" I asked, examining a flower close by. It looked like a white daffodil but almost a big as me.

"Cerox. Not many people live here, but lots of plants and rivers are around and I thought you might like it." He answered. I looked up and smiled.

"It sounds amazing." I told him, grinning even wider before quickly turning around and walking over to a big willow tree. I looked up, amazed at the beautiful tree. I heard the Doctor walk up behind me, but I kept looking at the bark of the willow, stroking my fingers across it.

"These are my favorite kind of tree." I said, turning around to face the Doctor, who was smiling at me.

"Gorgeous, aren't they?" I nodded in agreement, smiling again. I guess I was in a very smiley mood, but little did I know that this would be the last time.

    "Let's go explore, shall we?" I suggested. He nodded in agreement so we set off in the opposite direction of the TARDIS, ready to go on an adventure.

    We passed several beautiful plants, streams, and rivers, stopping to look at them for a few minutes, then moving on. "Ooh! Let's go swimming in the lake over there!" I said excitedly and grabbed the Doctor's hand, pulling him along with me over to the lake. He laughed at my childish behavior, but I didn't mind, I liked being childish sometimes.

"Okay, but let's go get swimsuits on first. The TARDIS shouldn't be too far from here." He said and lead the way to the spaceship. After a few minutes we reached our destination and we inside the TARDIS to find swimwear. I picked a black and white vertically striped one-piece swimsuit. I put a pair of shorts and a tanktop on over top, slipped my flipflops on, and went back to the Doctor.

"Ready?" He asked, a pair of TARDIS blue swim trunks on and his button up shirt, bow tie, and tweed jacket still on. I smirked and nodded.

     "Do you always have to wear that?" I laughed. He frowned like a grumpy three year old.

    "Hey, bow ties are cool!" I laughed again, shaking my head.

    "Whatever you say, Mr. Bow tie." I said. I walked over to the door, waiting for him to follow. "Coming?" He sighed and walked over to me. I opened the door and we headed back to the lake.


    "Don't you dare!" I yelled right before the Doctor pushed me into the lake. I sprang up to the surface and wiped the water from my eyes. "You're gonna get it!" I yelled before grabbing his foot and pulling him in with me.

    "What'd you do that for?" He asked once he got up to the surface. I shrugged.

     "Revenge." I said, smiling, before holding my breath and going back under the water. It was pretty foggy water, so when I opened my eyes I couldn't see a thing. I swam back up to get some air and get the water out of my eyes. Once I could see again I looked around. No one else was in the lake anymore. "Doctor? Where'd you go?" I asked right as something from under the water pulled me back under by my leg.


I felt like I couldn't breathe, well, I couldn't breathe. I tried coughing, but it didn't work, it just made my lungs scream more. My eyes wouldn't open, my lungs wouldn't let oxygen in, the only thing I could do was wiggle my fingers a little. It was terrifying. I wanted to scream, but nothing would happen. I knew someone was near me, I could sense it, but I didn't know who they were, if they noticed me, or if they were touching me at all. I couldn't feel anything, so I wasn't sure how close they actually were.

My eyes suddenly were able to open and I say a blurry figure hovered over me. It was a dark figure, but that was about all I noticed, though I wasn't very conserved about that person, more about how I still couldn't breathe and it had been way too long without oxygen in me. Then I realized what was happening. I felt the pressure on my chest and water coming out of my mouth, then the person getting closer to me. They were doing CPR. I wasn't sure how long it had been going on, but I was frantic for air and needed it, now. Just as the blur started pushing on my chest again, everything went black, and my mind went blank.

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