Chapter two

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A/N the song attached just seemed to make sense with this chapter and the one prior. Sorry for the interruption of your reading!


    I walked down the fairly empty sidewalk, the sun almost completely set. I was messing with my necklace again, it always seemed to calm me down a little.

     It had been two months since the accident, I had only just gotten back into school, they let me skip for a pretty long time. I was still miserable and depressed, not speaking and only eating when I was on the verge of starving to death.

    I turned into a small alleyway and made my way to the ladder. Tears dripped down my face, but I didn't care, I had made up my mind. I pulled my jacket hood over my head and started to climb, nearly falling when a dog started barking at me from below the ladder.

    I finally got to the top, somewhat out of breath; ladders were not exactly my thing. I took the hood off my head and unzipped my jacket, but I kept it on.

    I walked across the cement roof and got to the edge, looking over the city of Seattle, seeing all the tall buildings.

"Gorgeous view, isn't it?" I jumped and whipped my head around to see a man standing about ten feet away from me, a strange blue police box behind him.

"Who are you?" I asked cautiously.

"But that's not why you're up here, is it? You aren't just here to look at the scenery, are you?" He took a step closer, ignoring my question.

"Stay back, or I jump!" I yelled, making sure he wouldn't try to stop me.

I truly just wanted my life to end, there was nothing to live for, no one I cared about, not even my family. They were okay and all, but it wasn't enough for me to change my mind. I had no friends, they all left for different colleges when we graduated high school three years back.

"Okay, okay. I'll stay back, just please don't do this." Why did he think he could just change my mind like that? No one else could, and he wouldn't be any different.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" I asked, taking a step closer to the edge.

"I'm just here to help, please, just step away from the edge." He pleaded, but why did he care if I lived or died?

"Why do you care what I do? I've never even met you before, what does it matter to you if I'm alive or not?"

"Because I believe that everyone should live, no matter what happened to you, I believe that it will get better. I know you don't think so right now, but if you kill yourself, you'll never know. You won't ever find out if your life would have improved." He told me and took another step closer, I held my hands up.

"Stay away! I swear I will jump right now if you don't stay back! I don't care if it will get better, I lost the only thing I care about and there's no way to get it back. I want you to leave, please, just let me do this." He sighed.

"What did you lose?" He asked me.
Tears filled my eyes and threatened to escape, but I tried my best to stop them.

"Uhm, my... Boyfriend. He died, and it's all m-my fault...." I answered. His face fell a little and he looked at me sympathetically.

"I'm sure it wasn't your fault. And he wouldn't want you to do this, he would want you to live your life." He didn't understand, it was completely my fault.

"No, I'm the reason he stepped into the road, I'm the reason he got hit, I'm the reason he's dead!" I cried. "And I don't want to live my life without him, no matter what he would want, this is what I want." I looked up at the man and tears fell down my cheeks and onto the cement below me. "He was going to propose to me, that's why we were together that day. It was my birthday and he was going to propose, then I killed him, I ruined his future." I told him, stammering over my words, my voice shaky. Why am I even telling him all of this?

"I'm so sorry, I really am. And I promise you that I can prove why you should live, if you just come with me, I can show y-"

"WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE!?WHAT DO YOU CARE ABOUT MY LIFE?!" I yelled, cutting him off and still crying.

"I'm sorry, I just need to show you something. I'll bring you back and you can do what you want, I won't get in the way, just please let me show you." What am I supposed to say to that? I don't want to just go with a stranger, what if he's a murderer? Though I wanted to die anyway, it would just be in a different way. I guess I didn't really have anything to lose, my life was already miserable, so why not?

"Where are we going?" I asked, he smiled.

"Just in this blue box." Okay, I'm almost positive he's a mass murderer.

"Wow, that doesn't sound sketchy at all." I said sarcastically, wiping away the tears that were still on my face. He laughed and walked over to the box.

"Come on, you can go in first if it pleases you." I shrugged and walked over, still very skeptical.

He opened the door with a silver key and gestured for me to go inside. I did so and was immediately concerned for my sanity.

"What the heck are you trying to do to me?!" I yelled at him, turning around to see his smile fade a little.

"Nothing, just showing you this awesome, blue box." He said and shrugged. I walked a little farther in and took in the weird interior. It had yellow-ish lighting and weird circle things on the walls. There was a glass tube in the center with panels covered in buttons and leavers and switches surrounding it. Some weird seat things were attached to metal railings that circled around a metal grated floor.

"Is there anything you might want to say? Any comments about the size inside compared to the outside?" He asked, adjusting his red bow tie that I hadn't noticed until then.

"Yeah, the outside is really small." I muttered. He frowned a little.

"Yeah, I guess." He grumbled.

"Was this all you wanted to show me?" I asked, hoping he would let me go die.

"No, not quite, but almost." He ran over to the panels with the tube thing in the middle.

"What is this place? And why did you want to show me?" I walked over to one of the seats, sitting on the middle one.

"This is the TARDIS, Time And Relative Dimension In Space. And you'll see why I brought you here."

"Okay, well am I aloud to know your name?" He looked up.

"Oh yeah, right, I forgot. I'm the Doctor." He smiled. But that's not a name.

"Doctor who?" I questioned. He smiled.

"Just the Doctor, and what's your name?"

"Grove, Astrid Grove." I replied. He smiled again.

"That's a lovely name, Astrid." He told me.

"Thanks." I muttered. He started pressing buttons and flipping switches and things dramatically.

"Oh yeah, and hold on!" He yelled before the whole place started shaking and I fell to the ground before having time to grab anything. I managed to grab the railing and pull myself up while it was still shaking. Once it quit the Doctor ran over to the doors and waited for me to join him.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Look outside!" He said, so I did as I was told.

I opened the doors and looked outside to see we were in a field of white daisies.

    "But, how did you know?" I asked him. He frowned a little.

    "Know what?" Wait, did he actually not know? Was this really just a coincidence?

    "Daisies are my favorite flower." He smiled.

    "Mine too."

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