Tall, Blue-Eyed, and Chris Evans

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Stupid car, Harper thought to herself as she went inside the grocery store. It took her a million years before her Previa came back to life. The car that's been with her since God knows when is giving up a lot recently.

She took a basket and proceeded to go to the fruits section. Checking out the cheapest deals she can get. She loves apple so she hopes there's something there for her and the rest would be for her mom. Bryan, her big brother, haven't been swinging by lately so....

She's so preoccupied with her thoughts that she accidentally elbowed some canned tuna which rolled a few feet away from her.

"Geez, Harper." She muttered to herself as she picks up after her clutter.

With the basket on one arm and four huge canned tuna clutched in front of her chest. She stumbled along to get the last one which rolled a bit far from her and bumped into a pair of sneakers. The man was kind enough to pick it up for her.

Harper closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she stood up, ready to say thank you.

"Here you go." Chris handed the can to the girl.

Harper swallowed, palms sweating, knees weak, and heart crazily thumping in front of her chest as she saw who's in front of her.

Chris frowned. Not because she's still not taking the can from his hand but because she looks kinda familiar. But when seconds passed and she still haven't moved he decided to put the can down in front of her.
"Uh...are you alright, miss?"

Mortified because she just stood there like a freak, Harper willed herself to move. Shaking her head, she muttered, "Sorry. Terrible hearing." Then took the can that he put in front of her and immediately pivoted and went straight to the cashier.

Everything was automatically done because everything just fades away then. All she can hear is the buzzing sound and Chris' blue eyes looking down at her.

"That's $34.75."

"What?!" That jolted her back to reality. Because of panicking, she have overspent and bought 5 cans of tuna.

What the hell are you gonna do with all those tuna?! She berated herself.

She rummaged through her purse and gave the cashier the exact amount, not wanting to spend another minute inside the store.


Chris picked up his favorite ice cream and then suddenly realized who the brunette was. Harper Krait.

He remembered her from school. The quiet and serious girl who usually sits at the back even when they were in 3rd grade. They're practically neighbors. 15 minutes away to be exact because he and his friends used their house as a gauge when they would play outside. "Don't go beyond the Kraits."

They hated passing there. Her brother Brian, the school asshole, would threaten and bully him and his friends whenever he sees them in front of their house. Chris always wondered where that douche bag ended up. He haven't seen any of the Kraits for like years. But then again, he's been very busy too.

Chris went out of the grocery and straight to his SUV when he heard a car starting and restarting. He tried to ignore it but felt bad for whoever's having trouble so after putting his groceries at the back of his car he went to the dying car's noise.

Harper leaned her head on the steering wheel. She counted the times she restarted her car. 8 times. 8 fuckin times. Not one to give up easily, she once again tried to restart it. The engine gave a wailing horselike sound and died. She thought she had that one!

Tap. Tap. Tap.

She looked at her rolled up window and saw Chris. What is happening?! 3 times in a row today! She would've jumped for joy but...this is just too much for her.

She slowly rolled down her window, manually. It made that squeaky noise as it slowly descends. An awkward and embarrassing moment but hey, it's not like nobody knows how piss poor the Kraits are.

"Hey." She said shyly. Wondering if she left another can of tuna lying around and he thought it was hers. If that's the reason, then he needs to pay for that one.

She almost laughed maniacally because of the absurdity of the situation she's in. Never in her lifetime with Chris Evans have she ever had this kind of attention. She doesn't even think he remembers her when he handed out the can earlier.

"I heard the car as I was, you know...thought you might need some help." Chris felt suddenly uncomfortable as she looks up at him intently with those big gray eyes.

She frowned and shook her head, "No it's ok. I got it."

"Just pop the hood. Let me take a look."

Oh God. She can feel her face burning up but she opened her car door, which creaked, and went out to open the hood.

Chris watches her as she pushed the hood of her car and just like that it popped up. Like it's not really attached on anything. Like anytime it can come off and fly.

Harper can feel his body heat even though he's a foot away from her, as he stand and check out her car. Can see the span of his chest underneath his crisp white shirt. It's like high-school again. There were moments where she would sometimes be next to him in class or cafeteria and all she can hear and feel was his breathing and his body movements. She remembers how she would try to memorize it so that she can always bring those memories back with her at home. Memories that will drown out her mom shouting at her or her brother hitting her whenever she would forget to do her responsibilities at home.

Chris closed the hood again and looked at her, "I think you should call a mechanic. I can see that your starter is busted up and the piston seems to be looking weird." To be honest, Chris thinks the whole engine seems to be broken. Its so old and poorly maintained that he's surprised it can still make its way here at the grocery store.

Harper nodded and said, "Thanks. Will call them."

"Alright." Chris also nodded, feeling weird as he took a couple of steps, fully intending to leave her. I mean, she did said she will call a mechanic right? So she's good there, for sure.

He turned and look at her again as she was just about to go in her car. Cellphone in her hand.
"You're Harper right? Harper Krait."

He remembers her name, she thought. Silently elated.
"Yes." Was all she could say.

"Look why don't I just bring you home? I mean, I'm sure you can call the mechanic from there."

She looked surprised at the offer. Like no one ever made an offer like that to her ever before but she shook her head. "No. Thank you. I'll just wait for the mechanic here."

Chris frowned for a moment and then, again, remembered how poor the Kraits were. Maybe still is. Her mom was alcoholic. Harper never finished high school. It was maybe a year away from graduating when she got pulled out because, back then the story was, she needed to work for the family.

Chris knows what to do.

"I'll wait with you then." He announced and went and leaned on the hood of her car.

Panicked, Harper shook her head and protested. "You...you don't need to. I mean...you're groceries... I can handle it."

He's ready to make a bet that when he leaves she would just try to restart her car and pray she'll get lucky.
"Let's go home. I mean, it's not like I don't know where you live. Come on."

She shook her head again. Wisps of hair falling to frame her face. Her eyes wide with worry and fear.

She can't afford a mechanic and she's just too embarrassed to say it. There's just two things that can possibly happen:
First, he will pity her. Maybe give her money to pay for the mechanic. Or...
Second, he will pity and be disgusted with her. I mean, how old is she? They are the same age and she's still in this stupid situation?! She bet her Previa Chris will do the first one, though.
"Go. I'm ok here. Thank you for the help."

Chris took a deep breath and shrugged. "See you around, Harper."

He likes how her name rolls out of his tongue. What a weird thought, Chris. Really?!

He got in his SUV and called an old mechanic friend of his. "Hey Ben. Can you look at this car? It's a Previa. Owners name is Harper Krait."
Chris paused and listened.
"Yeah that Krait. Could you come over asap?"
"Yeah. Great. Its on me but don't tell her that I called you."
Another pause.
"Yeah. Thanks. Bye."

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