Chapter 1: Wrenches, Warp Pipes, and Toadstools Oh My.

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Welcome to my new story. This will mostly be Andrew's pov unless stated otherwise

Anyway onto the story.

Brooklyn, New York, a busy place where the hustle and bustle is a common sight. There is never a dull moment in Brooklyn, well unless you are us, employees of Maxie plumbing. Our motto, No pipe we can't fix, No job we can't handle, well if we actually got one. We have not had a job request in weeks and the two of us are desperately needing somebody to call in a job for us.

Matt and I idly sit in the van that we use for our job not to mention our home, as we were kicked out of our apartment weeks ago, watching the busy streets of Brooklyn. In my entire life of being a plumber, I have never been so desperate for a job call, which usually I did not like going and doing. Back when we started, our father pulled us along for every job, even if he did not need the help, just so we could learn off of what he knows. I never really like it, but he always said, and I quote, "Andrew, Matt, you never know what good may come out of knowing plumbing, weather it be a small leaky faucet or burst pipeline, knowing how to fix it can work in your favour someday," he really liked using that quote. A sudden ringing noise pulled me out of my thoughts as Matt picked up our company phone, which was an old flip phone which still works surprisingly.

Matt: "Hello, Maxie plumbing, No pipe we can't fix, No job we can't handle, what's the problem?" I could hear the just barely audible voice from the phone speaking to Matt.

Matt: "Yes, we can make that....... The price will be determined after the job is done ma'am...... alright...ok...right....we will be there soon... yes... goodbye." Matt shuts the phone and looks to me.

Matt:"Andrew, buckle up, we have a job."

I smiled "Finally, it has been too long since we last had a job request, and we have been needing this, I think this is going to be the first time in a while that I actually feel happy going for a job request."

We drove along at a slightly hurried pace to get to the building. As we pulled up to the building I saw something I had secretly hoped I would not have to see.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me, it's the Kaels' truck, they got here before us again, another job chance down the proverbial drain." Just then we heard some yelling and then we saw two men wearing plumber outfits, tools falling out of their holsters on their belts as they made a dash towards their van, all the while a woman's voice hollered at the duo from the building behind them.

The van started with a jolt, tires squealing as they sped out of the parking lot, nearly hitting Matt as he watched in shock and confusion, they were soon out of sight, nothing left of their past presence other than the few tool scattered along the sidewalk and asphalt and the ajar door, which both of us had just now noticed that there was water steadily flowing out of.

Matt and I both started with a jostle, hastily gathering our tools from the van and raced inside. Inside was flooded, everywhere we stepped our boots were sunk up to where our ankles, I was glad that we had tall waterproof boots. We saw the woman, hastily trying to stop the water flowing from the sink.

"We rushed in after we saw the water, what happened?" my voice laced with slight worry.

She looked at us in distress "Oh thank the heavens, those other guys came in here did something, and as we were discussing the bill, the pipes burst from under the sink, and I realised that those guys did nothing other than shut the water valve under the sink. Those guys were saying that there was more than they actually just did, I would not be surprised if they stole something, but now is not the time for idle chat, I need actual plumbers and quickly!"

Matt: "That is why we are here you called us not even a half hour ago."

She looked at us in surprise "So you were the ones that I called earlier I knew that those guys sounded a bit different than the one on the phone."

"Alright, Matt, what is our plan of attack here" I looked toward him

Matt: "You go see if you can turn off the water valve in the basement, while I see what I can do about that burst sink valve."

We immediately set off to work, Matt heading towards the kitchen, but as I opened the door, I immediately saw a problem

"HOLY LINGUINI, Matt, come quick the basement is flooded!!"

Matt race over to my side, looking down into the basement bellow.
Matt: "Oh boy, this does not look good, well come on let's see if there is anything that we can do to stop that water flow."

We trudged down into the basement and into the water, which came up to my waist and the upper half of Matt's thighs. What we saw was a plumber's nightmare, pipes of all angles, lengths, and sizes, haphazardly jumbled together, leaking, moaning, creaking, and the worst part about it, there looked to be several valves and no way of telling what would do what.

Matt: "Oh dear god" Matt gazed at the pipes in horror.

"Mama mia, it looks as if a crazy man designed this, how did this ever pass the inspection."

Matt and I pulled out our tools and looked at eachother.

Matt: "Looks to be a long day ahead of us, eh."

"Yep, looks like it."

Matt: "alrighty then, CHARGE!"

We lunged forward towards the pipes with determination and fire in our eyes


(No pov)

Mario snored contently, dreaming of food and cake, whilst Luigi laid there happily dreaming of coming out of his brother's shadow and being a hero. The duo slept happily while a ticking noise echoed around the room.

The ticking sound was constant, tick tick tick tick, until suddenly (BANG, haha got you) briiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnggggg. The vibrating alarm clock that sat on the middle bedside table rang loudly, awakening one of the duo and popping a sleep bubble of one of the bros.

Luigi was the first of the duo to rise, putting a hand up to his mouth as he yawned, he slid off of his bed and turned off the alarm clock.

Mario, well, he slept through the alarm and just mumbled a bit and rolled over and went back to sleep.

Luigi looked towards his brother, not surprised that Mario was that tired, after all they did when they were partying with the others playing very involving minigames and the like, but he needed to wake up.

Luigi: "Mario, Mario" Mario snores continue "Maaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiooooooooo, waaaaakkee uuuuuuuupppp" Mario mumbles a bit about what sounded to be spaghetti and ravioli "I'm making my famous mushroom garlic omleeeeeet" Mario rolls over and drools a bit "You had better get up on the count of five or I will use thunderhand on yoooouuu."

Mario continued to sleep, oblivious to what was going to happen

Luigi: "5,4,3,2, last chance" Mario continued to snore as Luigi got a mischievous grin on his face "1, THUNDERRRRR!!!"

An electric light illuminated the room, as Mario woke with an electrifying start

Mario: "BAbaBabAbAbBAbA!!!"

As Luigi stopped using thunderhand, he howled with laughter, falling over and rolling on the ground as he did


This made Luigi laugh harder than he was before.

Luigi: "I *gasp* I war-rrned you" he giggled as he looked at Mario "ahhh that was funny, anyway I am going to go cook breakfast, you go freshen up mister static-bedhead."

Luigi snickered as he walked away, leaving his bro confused.

Mario: "Static-bedhead? Whaaaa?" Mario walked downstairs and to the bathroom and looked in the mirror "What did Luigi mean by- oh, maybe that is a-why."

In the mirror looked back a Mario with all of the hair on his head standing on end, even his mustache.

As Mario walked into the kitchen he could smell the wonderful aroma of breakfast coming from the table. His mouth watered as he sat down across from Luigi who sipped coffee while reading the Mushroom Kingdom Daily to see if there was anything interesting going on today. Mario wasted no time digging into his breakfast. Several minutes later he was at the sink helping Luigi clean up breakfast. Mario was about to dry his hands on a rag when he got an idea, and shock his hands in Luigi's direction, getting the younger of the duo wet. Luigi whipped around with an annoyed look on his face as if was saying "really?" at his older brother's actions.

Mario: "Only fair, because of what happened earlier."

Luigi only shrugged, guessing that it was a good enough reason for him.

The both soon walked outside, talking a seat in their red and green lawn chairs respectively, they leaned back and stared at the sky. It was a perfect day nothing could ruin this moment of peace, not, a, single, thing. They both laid there thinking that exact thought, all the while staring toward the sky.


Spoke too soon.

A generic Toad came racing down the dirt path, flailing his arms as he ran. Panic laced his voice as he ran towards the duo.

Mario looked at the Toad with confusion, and slight worry, knowing that the princess was probably involved and in danger, again.

Toad screeched to a halt in front of the duo.

Luigi: "Woah there, calm down there buddy, take deep breaths, what happened?"

Toad: "Weird...pipe...get to castle...hurry." was all Toad said before passing out where he stood.

It did not take long for the bros to launch from where they were in a mad dash towards the castle not letting any time go to waste.

Mario: "WAIT!"

They both stopped on the spot.

Mario: "We should probably make ourselves at least a bit presentable instead of running around in our PJ's."

They both looked down at themselves and quickly ran back into the house shut the door, and three seconds later, bolted out the door, dorning their respective red and green caps, shirts, blue overalls, brown boots, and white gloves, racing towards Peach's castle as fast as their legs would carry them.

{Meanwhile, back in the basement in Brooklyn}

(Andrew Pov)

Matt: "*pant* Whoever designed *pant* that pipe-o-rama *pant* had to be a *pant* lunatic."

"No kidding, *pant* but that did not do anything to the water that is down here *pant* all it did was stop it from possibly going any higher *pant* we need to find a way to drain this."

I looked around, the water was very hard to see through, and that would make finding somewhere to drain this water at a little more difficult.

We walked around for a bit, shuffling our feet to see if we could knock something we could not see off of a drain. Suddenly my foot hit something hard.

I go to back up and slipped on something and I fell backward into the water.

"Ugh, that could have gone better, huh?" I saw that the water suddenly started to drain "YES, I found the drain," just then I suddenly started to feel myself being sucked toward where all the water was going, "what the, uh oh. Matt, Matt HELP!!!"

Matt raced around the corner and grabbed my hand in an attempt to pull me away from the entrance of the swirling whirlpool that was pulling me in. His rescue attempt was all in vain, as his boots lost their grip, pulling him in with me towards the impending doom.

"Matt, if we die, just know you were a good brother to me."

Matt: "I just wanted to tell you that you that we had a good run together. And that I was the one who sold that stupid cat clock that we made in kindergarten"

I looked at him with a serious look in my eye.

"Well, I wouldn't blame ya" I looked over at the rapidly approaching doom, just a few seconds left, "I have one thing left to say Matt."

Matt: "And what's that."

"Our final words" we went over the edge "GERONA MOOOOOoooooooooooooo."

As we fell into the dark watery hole, the rest of the water seemingly disappeared, and there was a sound that echoed around the room *bwip-bwip-bwip* as a mysterious pipe vanished into the floor, leaving no signs of ever being there.

{Meanwhile at Peach's castle}

(No Pov)

The Mario Bros. entered the castle ready to face any foe that came their way. They were immediately met with the face of Princess Peach, to their relief and confusion.

Mario: "Princess, are you alright what happened?"

Peach: "I'm fine, we are not in any danger, well that we KNOW of anyway."

Peach led the duo out to the main castle garden, to show that and odd blue and orange pipe sat dead center of the garden.

Luigi: "Is that the reason why everyone is in a panic?"

"Afraid it is my lad, and I was not taking any chances and had someone fetch the two of you as quickly as possible."

Toadsworth walk up to the three of them, cane in hand and glasses perched up above his white moustache.

Toadsworth: "I do implore you boys to be careful while approaching it, we do not know what could happen."

Armed with that info, the duo walked up to the pipe, Luigi being the more cautious of the two, walked with jelly legs towards the pipe, but kept pace with his brother.

The duo immediately noticed one thing off the bat.

Mario: "Why is there a giant cork in the pipe?"

He looked around to all the surrounding Toads, who either shrugged of verbally stated their similar confusion at the giant pipe stopper. Luigi walked over to the pipe, thought for a moment before taking a stance before prodding at the side of the pipe with his finger.

Mario looked at his brother for a moment, thinking that his brother's actions were a little ridiculous, before there was a sudden rumbling from the ground, making Luigi jump fairly high in surprise, before dashing back to his brother's side. The pipe shook a bit, before suddenly growing in height, quadrupling the pipe it was earlier. Everyone stood in anticipation, before a torrent of water came gushing out into the sky, sending two figures rocketing into the sky with great force. The pipe suddenly race back into the ground at an alarming pace, before disappearing from sight.

Mario: "What.........just happened?"

Luigi: "Don't look at me, I have no idea."

Suddenly the two figures came barreling down towards the garden. One crashed through a hedge along the far garden wall, while the other crashed into the ground a few feet in front of the bros. As the dust cleared they prepared for whatever fight was to come, but as it became visible it became apparent what had landed. It was......what looked to be a soaking wet pair of boots wiggling rapidly, as their owner tried their hardest to unbury themselves from the ground, with seemingly no luck. Another pair of boots stuck out from the hedge, only waist deep in the hedge, but unmoving and relaxed. Mario moved over to the struggling pair of feet, hoping to get the hard part out of the way first. He grabbed at the ankles of the leg which had more boot covering them, pretty big boots in Mario's opinion, but not as big as a goomba shoe. He started to pull for a few moments before stopping and panting a bit before looking to Luigi.

Mario: "A little help bro, do you mind?"

Luigi: "Not at all, make room."

The duo both grabbed a leg.

Mario: "On three, alright. 1,2,3, PULL!"

The duo, tugged hard, getting the figure out, but a bit to quick, and the figure launched towards the wall above the door behind the princess, splatting them against the wall, before they peeled off and hit the stone below the door.

Everyone cringed a bit at each impact, before Toadsworth looked towards a yellow Toad.

Toadsworth: "Go fetch Dr Toadley, and be hasty about it."

The yellow Toad nodded, before running off. Peach walked close to the figure, which looked to be a young man judging by the body shape and messy hair which was also damp, and looked at him worrily.

Peach: "I do hope, he will be alright after what happened."

Mario: "We didn't mean to throw him, it was just a little too easy to pull him out, but he is not the only one we have to worry about."

Luigi dragged the other unconscious young man, which looked to be the older of the two, and set him down gently next to the other boy.

They could only hope that they both make a quick recovery.

I know yes, I am uploading another story, but I am waiting for things, and I just was doing this as a kind of stress release, and another place to put my ideas, because I have been thinking about stuff like this for a while. Also this is going to kinda be on a schedule which is going to be about every one to two weeks away from the last chapter that I upload. Anyway, this is LNW553 signing off


Word count: 2091 4/8/19

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