Chapter 1

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Ruby's POV
  "Asriel! I don't want to fight you!" I yell as I dodge one of Asriel Dreemurr's attacks. "Too bad. This battle will never end, and your friends will never remember you!" He smirked. I kept dodging. "Ugh..." I murmured, not looking where I was going. A star hit me, and everything went black.
I woke up on cold, stone floor. My head is pounding. I sit up. It appeared as if I was in the ruins, but something was off about it, something was more...menacing. I heard whispers. Slowly getting up, I walked towards them.
  I turned the corner and saw a strange monster. It was a purple wolf-like creature with white wings. On her shoulder was...Flowey?! Flowey was talking to her, maybe even comforting her. His petals were torn and tattered. What the heck is even going on here?

  I take a step, but my foot crunches a leaf. The two whip around in surprise. "Are..are you here to kill us..?" The wolf asked. "What? No! Why would I ever do that?" I blurt out, confused. "According to Flowey, everyone here is a murderer." The wolf says. Has Flowey been tricking her?
  "Flowey? He's evil!" Both of them gasped and the wolf put her hand on Flowey's roots that he used to hold onto her shoulder. "He's been helping me get back home ever since I woke up here!" This can't be right. The wolf monster couldn't have fallen down. She would have never been on the surface in she first place. "Before I woke up back here, Flowey gained all the souls of my friends and the human souls, and turned into this goat monster named Asriel Dreemurr!" I yelled.
  A look of fear and...remembrance appeared in Flowey's eyes. "I think I know what's going on here. You two are from different worlds and somehow ended up in this universe where everyone is trying to kill humans and they have a lot of LV." Me and the wolf girl exchanged glances. "Different universes?" The wolf pondered. "How do we get back?" I ask.
  "Nobody knows how to get from universe to universe, but if my hunch is correct, somebody has been messing with the balance of these universes. The tampering of the AUs has caused rifts to appear, dragging you two to this universe." Flowey explained.
  "Then we just need to find another rift." I say. "Let's find Toriel and get to Snowdin." Flowey and the wolf girl look at each other in fear. "Oh right. Murderers." I sigh. "Maybe we can sneak past her when she's sleeping." "Anything to get home." The wolf girl says. The three of us nod.
  "By the way." I turn to the winged purple monster. "What's your name?" "Scribbles." She replied. "Well then. Scribbles, Flowey, we have a universe to leave."
We were on the outskirts of Toriel's house, waiting in the Undergrowth for the lights in the house to go off. "So, what's your Universe like?" I ask Scribbles. "Well.." She starts. "Everyone lives in Heaven, and we're all Angels." "That sounds peaceful." I whisper. "Shh, look!" Flowey whisper shouted. Me and Scribz looked at the house as one after one, the lights went out. We waited a bit until we heard the snores of Toriel, and then we crept inside.
  The house was dark, but I could make out several  disturbing and unusual items. On the wall were mounted heads of what looked like several humans and monsters. Weapons like knives and chainsaws were placed everywhere. Bloodied books about crabs lined the bookshelves.
  "Just gotta get to the basement." I whispered as softly as I could. After what seemed like hours of creeping slow and steadily through the house, we found the basement that lead to the the exit of the ruins. Carefully creeping down the stairs, we looked back every 3 steps to see if Toriel was behind us. Finally our feet and paws landed on the cold stone floor. We were home free to Snowdin. But it turned out we weren't so lucky.

  "I smell human, angel, and flower." A raspy female voice cooed. We whipped around to see Toriel, who looked different. Her dress was black and yellow, and her eyes were a burning gold. All we could do was rub for it. "I knew this was a bad idea!" Flowey yelled as Toriel  was on our tails.
  Suddenly Scribbles screamed and I turned away to see her reaching out for Flowey, who was being grabbed by the goat woman. "Go!" He yelled. "Get to the rift!" Scribz started to run towards Tori, but I grabbed her by the wing. "We gotta go!" I yelled.
  We dashed down the hall, trying to block out the sounds of screaming and..a chainsaw. Me and Scribz pushed open the door to Snowdin  and jumped through. Just like before, everything went black.


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