Chapter 6 - Connected

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Chapter 6 - Connected

June Wolez

I couldn't believe what I just heard Troy say.

"You like me?" I uttered after a prolonged silence when I managed to find my voice. My heart was beating too fast in anticipation.

Troy stayed silent for a moment, trying to analyze the situation he was in. He then covered his face with his hands and groaned, "God, I wasn't supposed to say that. I'm so stupid."

My first instinct was to assure him, "No, you are not stupid. You are just drunk." And the truth always comes out when alcohol is involved.

I couldn't believe Troy liked me. The hot neighbor with whom I had basically grown up—my longest crush. He had always been kind to me like he had been to others. I never even entertained the thought that I was someone special to him until he asked me to come to his party. After all, he always seemed so far out of my reach; he was just so perfect all the time. And now...

Oh, my God, I'm so happy I could die!

"June, I'm sorry, but could you just... could you just leave me alone for now?" Troy asked, his voice low and breathy.

What...? This isn't how it's supposed to go.

I composed myself and asked, "Of course, Troy. But are you okay? You don't sound so good to me." I was worried about him. He was acting strange. Shouldn't one just hug or kiss the person they confessed to or want a reply? Rather, he was asking me to leave.

"Yes, I'm fine, June," he said, his head still buried in his hands. "I just need to be alone right now."

I would feel bad for leaving all the mess up to him. "What about cleaning up—"

"June, please!"

I flinched at the sudden raise of his voice.

He immediately seemed to have regretted it as he finally raised his head, his eyes sad and watery. For the first time since I had known him, he seemed to be broken, and I knew it wasn't about me. There was something else going on in his life that he wouldn't talk about. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell," he mumbled. "But I'm just... can you please forget what I said?"

What? That he liked me?

My throat closed up, and my stomach lurched. "Y-yes, of-of course." I stood up abruptly before my tears fell. "I hope you feel better, Troy. Goodnight." With that, I walked out of the kitchen, then out of his house.

When I was finally inside my bedroom, I let the tears come out. I had one of my crushes confess to me finally, only to hear him ask me to forget it. I didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

Maybe it was my punishment for having feelings for multiple boys at the same time or for forgetting that Michael was supposed to confess to me.

Without changing out of my clothes, I slumped on the bed on my stomach, still crying with my makeup on. I didn't know how long I was crying until a notification got my attention.

Ella: U haven't checked Connected yet -_-

I was supposed to check it yesterday after getting home, but I forgot to because I was busy chatting with Methane.

June: I'm checking now

Ella's reply came soon.

Ella: How was the party?

I didn't answer that. I would tell her tomorrow at school. For now, I wanted to try this soulmate app named Connected. I was feeling too blue, so why not give this a try?

I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to wash off my makeup and change into my pajamas. I sat on my bed cross-legged and opened the app which I had left for downloading.

The pink and blue loading display page filled with hearts popped out.

'Quest to find your soulmate'

I pressed the button with that writing, which led to a questionnaire. As I scrolled down, there were many personal questions—way too many. The more the questions, the more chances of it being accurate, I guess.

I proceeded to answer the questions. Name, age, gender, favorite color, food, place, dream, family, and many more typical questions one might expect to find in a dating app questionnaire. I already knew these questions because we lived in a world where online dating apps were the norm.

It took me a long time to complete, so when I finished the last question, I heaved a long sigh in relief. The app said I would get the results in a few hours as my answers would be verified and processed to find my perfect match.

Somehow, I found myself trusting the app. It gave me a good vibe. Maybe it could actually help me find my soulmate.


The next morning, I woke up like usual. The weather was sunny today. Camilla couldn't make it home last night, so Michael would be coming to pick me up.

After finishing my yoga and showering, I checked my phone to find a notification from Connected. It read:

'The result is out. Check it now!'

I opened the app. To my surprise, when I read the text, I didn't know whether the app was putting a curse on me or was helping me find my soulmate.

'Congratulations, June! You have already met your soulmate. He is tall, handsome, and smart. He is the perfect match for you. You like him, and he likes you back. But both of you are too shy to admit it out loud.'

Oh, my God, that could match the description of all the three boys I liked. I scrolled down.

'You have to find your soulmate before you hit your sweet sixteen unless you want to stay single forever. Don't worry, we will help you find your ideal match! Good luck, June!'

What the hell? Before I turn sixteen?

There were only twenty-seven days left until then. How would I find him? Not to mention, I already knew him? God, could my soulmate be one of my three crushes?

I knew for a fact that Troy liked me because he said so himself last night, and he did fit the criteria of being too shy to say it out loud. On the other hand, there was also Michael. He also liked me and was likely to ask me out today after school. He had the highest chance of being my soulmate. Next, there also was Methane. I wasn't sure if he liked me as well, but I did like him.

I had three crushes, and all of them had a chance of being my soulmate. Maybe the next clue from Connected would help me.

I received a text from Michael.

Michael: I'm heading out now. Be ready

I quickly put my phone down and got ready into an off-shoulder white top and tight jeans. I finished my breakfast in a hurry and headed out of the house when I heard a honk.

Michael rolled down the window to give me a wave. "Hey, Junes!"

I waved back and rushed to the passenger seat, only to be surprised to find Methane there. He was the last person I was expecting to see in Michael's car.

"Hi," he simply said.

Michael popped his head forward and said, "He was walking alone on the sidewalk like a sad puppy, so I picked him up on the way."

"I'm not a sad puppy," Methane retorted, and Michael only laughed.

I stared at the two handsome boys with a slack jaw. I was seeing two of my crushes in the same car, and I was going to ride with them.

God, give me the strength.

"Junes, get in!" Michael hollered.

"Yes, yes—" Just then, my phone pinged with a notification from Connected. I instantly pulled out my phone while saying, "Give me just a minute."

I hurriedly checked the text from the app.

'Looks like you are lucky, June. Your soulmate is within a hundred-meter radius of you. Find him.'

My heart was in my mouth at the realization that Michael or Methane could be my soulmate—the person I was meant to be with and paired with from heaven.

That meant Troy couldn't be my soulmate. He usually already left for school by this time and should be out of the radius—

"Troy!" I heard Michael shout, and my head snapped in the direction of Troy's house to find him getting out of the main door with his bag slung over his shoulder.

Troy waved over at us, smiling brightly. The hangover from last night's drinking must have gotten him out of bed late. When our eyes met, he immediately looked away, a guilty look on his face.

"Is that the neighbor you talked about?" Methane asked, looking at me with narrowed eyes, darkness present in them. I couldn't help but detect a little jealousy in him.

"Yes, that's Troy," I murmured and hurriedly climbed into the back passenger seat. "Mike, start the car. We are going to get late."

"Troy looks sick, doesn't he?" Michael mumbled, looking at Troy worriedly, then popped his head out of the window. "Hey, buddy, you okay?" he hollered.

Troy gave a curt nod and walked over to his own car.

I pursed my lips tightly. I didn't like Troy driving with his hangover. What if he got into a car accident? Sure, it was awkward between us after last night, but I couldn't allow that risk for him when he recently recovered from his previous sports accident. He was a dear friend of mine, regardless of everything else.

I got down from the car, and Methane asked, "Where are you going?"

"I don't think Troy should drive in that condition." I looked over at Michael. "Do you mind giving Troy a lift as well?"

"Of course not. I would be happy to," Michael replied with a warm smile.

I smiled back and ran to Troy who was about to get into his car.

"June?" Troy let out, looking at me in confusion, his face paler than usual.

"Good morning, Troy. You, uh, look sick this morning. Didn't you have a hangover drink?" I asked, trying my best to be casual.

"Yeah, I did, but my head just hurts a lot, and I feel a little sick."

"Maybe you should take the day off?" I suggested.

He shook his head. "I'm already lagging behind in studies due to my injury. I can't afford to miss school anymore."

I nodded in understanding as he was unable to go to school for more than a month after his leg injury. "Then, how about you let us give you a lift?"

He looked at Michael's car skeptically and said, "Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden. I have been that enough for the last month."

"No, of course not. Mike is happy to give you a lift," I assured him.

"Um, okay." He again glanced at the car and said, "Are you still sure, though? I don't think the other guy likes me very much."

I followed Troy's gaze to find Methane shooting daggers at Troy. Was he actually glaring because of his jealousy?

"Oh, he's just not very friendly. Kind of introverted, you know? But he's nice, trust me. He even helped in the chemistry lab yesterday," I told Troy honestly.

"I see. Well, I just hope to come out of that car alive," he joked.

I chuckled and said, "June Wolez will ensure your protection."

"What else would I need, then?" he said, smiling at me, and my heart fluttered like usual.

It was like last night never happened, as if I was supposed to act like I didn't know this boy in front of me liked me at all.

We both started walking toward Michael's car in silence. Troy wanted to say something to me, but he couldn't muster the courage for it. In the end, he said nothing until we got into the car.

Throughout the car ride, Michael and Troy chatted mostly. I joined in occasionally, but Methane stayed dead quiet. Troy smiled and laughed like he didn't just have a near mental breakdown last night. It made me think of how strong he was and how impossible it was to tell when he was hurting inside. So was Michael. Yesterday, he had been so upset in the cafeteria about his friendship with Joshua. Right now... wow, they are so strong.

I wondered how much Methane was hiding as well since he stayed so quiet.

Just as I was thinking about it, I got another text from Connected.

'Your soulmate has a big secret about himself that he is hiding from you.'

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