Chapter 9 - Crush Exposed

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Chapter 9 - Crush Exposed

June Wolez

It was early Saturday morning, and from last night, I had been trying to contact Michael, but he wasn't receiving his calls or texts. I had been calling him non-stop after my aunt returned my phone.

I was worried sick now.

I wanted to go to Michael's house, but Camilla forbade me to go out. She said she would ground me for a year if she found out I disobeyed her.

I was sitting on the beanbag near my big window, watching Troy practice basketball on his court. On weekends, he tended to practice in the morning, and I loved watching him from here with a cup of coffee in my hand.

But today, I couldn't keep my eyes focused on Troy. It kept wandering back to Michael. Before everything else, he was one of my best friends. I couldn't let any harm come his way.

I grabbed my phone and purse before heading down. I took a deep breath and steeled my nerves before stepping out of the house.

I walked to Troy's basketball court and asked, "Hey, can you give me a ride?"

Troy instantly stopped playing and shot me an understanding smile as he nodded his head. "Give me a couple of minutes to change," he said and ran back into his house.

I didn't want to ask Troy out of all the people. After all, he did say he liked me, but he was making no effort to pursue me in the romantic area, rather he was helping me with another guy, almost like he was setting me up with Michael.

There was not a hint of jealousy in Troy. Even Methane showed jealousy at my contact with other boys. Troy, on the other hand, just didn't care. Did he even actually like me? Or, was he infatuated with me only and now he was over it?

I was waiting outside his car when I got a text from Methane.

Methane: Hey, what are you up to? Everything good?

I smiled at his concern.

June: No, I'm going over to Mike's place to check up on him

Methane: Do u need a lift?

June: Do you have a car?

Methane: I have my mom's

Shit, I should have known that. Now that I had already asked Troy, I couldn't take it back.

June: Sorry, I already asked someone else

Methane: Troy?

I felt something dark in his typing tone, but that might just be Methane's jealousy. At the moment, I didn't want to think about jealousy and crushes. First and foremost, my friendship came first.

June: Yes

Methane: Do u mind if I tag along? I'm bored at home anyway

June: I'm not going on an adventure. I'm going to Mike's house, and I don't think you need to come

I didn't need all three of my crushes altogether for this thing. Plus, as much as I liked Methane, he didn't care about Michael. Troy, on the other hand, cared about even a stranger, so it made sense for him to be willing to help. But I did appreciate Methane's effort. It was sweet of him.

June: Thank you for the offer, though. I really mean it

I didn't wait for a reply as Troy came out of his house, dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a casual dark green shirt. He walked to my side and unlocked the door for me. I was about to get in, but he himself opened the door for me.

Always such a gentleman.

I smiled at him and settled into the passenger seat. Once he got in as well, I set the location of Michael's house in the GPS, and Troy pulled out on the curb.

In the brief silence between us, as I stole glances at Troy's concentrated face and the almost-permanent small smile on his face, I found myself thinking about the past five years when I had never seen him break down like that night of his birthday. Having time to cool down since then, I think I kind of liked to see that Troy wasn't as perfect as I thought him to be. He was just a human with vulnerable emotions that he always tried to bury with a smile.

"Do you want me to play some music? You have been staring," Troy spoke up suddenly, and I jerked out of my thoughts.

"Oh, um, yes, please," I fumbled to say.

Geez, this stupid nervousness around Troy.

"Uh, Troy, are you feeling better than yesterday now?" I asked after he turned on some slow music on the radio.

"Yeah. Yesterday, the alcohol just had my head twisting," he answered.

"Glad you are better." I averted my eyes to my lap and played with my fingers as I said, "By the way, I'm really sorry about your phone last night." Even though we laughed at it, later on, it didn't erase the fact I broke his expensive phone.

"Hey, don't be," he said softly, "I didn't want the phone anyway. My uncle had bought it for me because he was sure I would win the spring championship. Little did he know that my legs would be injured before the semi-finals." His hand on the steering wheel clutched it tightly, his knuckles turning white. "He thought it would be too painful to give it to me until I recovered, so he sent it over on my birthday."

I could sense the pain in his voice that expressed clearly that it didn't get any less painful. I knew how much the high school basketball spring championship had to mean to him. After all, it was his last year being able to participate in the tournament because next year he would be graduating by this time.

"Anyway, I wasn't meaning to complain. I mean, the phone was a very generous gift, but I really didn't want to keep it." He tilted his head to give me a smile as he said, "So I'm kind of glad you damaged it."

How did he always manage to make me feel better?

I placed a hand on my heart and dramatically said, "You are welcome. If you ever need me to damage another phone, just say the word."

He laughed as he replied, "I will be sure to keep that in mind, June."

For the rest of the journey, I told him about the truth behind the test scandal.

Once we reached Michael's lane, my eyes caught sight of a tall black-haired boy in front of Michael's mailbox, waiting.

As soon as Troy pulled over the car in front of Michael's house, I hopped out and asked in shock, "Methane, what are you doing here?"

"I was worried about you," Methane said.


"And how did you find Michael's house?" Troy questioned, uncharacteristically scrutinizing Methane. I did get the impression from yesterday that Troy wasn't a fan of Methane.

"He told me himself in the car yesterday." Methane rolled his eyes.

"He randomly gave you the exact address?" Troy further asked.

"Stop interrogating me like you are the cop's son, not Michael," Methane hissed.


"Stop it, guys!" I came in between the two of them before their fists started talking. I glared at the two of them. "I'm glad you guys are here, but we are here for Mike, so please just keep your differences to yourself, okay? If not, please just leave."

Methane and Troy exchanged a look before Methane scoffed and Troy just put on a tight-lipped smile. I let out a huff and walked towards the main door of Michael's house.

I rang the doorbell several times, but no one came to get the door. Michael's dad's police car wasn't here, but Michael's car was still in the garage. Wait, why was the garage open?

"Do you think Michael's not home?" Troy asked from behind me.

"No one seems home," Methane mentioned as he tried to peep from the window.

"Hey, don't do that. We will seem suspicious," Troy warned.

Methane rolled his eyes and retorted, "Just trying to help, dude. Chill."

"Guys, stop acting like Tom and Jerry," I scolded them and made my way towards the open garage.

"Where are you going?" the two boys asked me as they followed me.

I didn't answer them and entered the garage. "Mike?" I called out, trying to look inside his car. I wouldn't put it past his dad to make him stay out of the house.

And just as I was expecting, I found Michael curled up in the corner of the garage.

"Mike!" I let out and rushed to him, which got the other two boys' attention as well.

Michael was sleeping with a thin blanket around him, so I touched his cold face gently to try to wake him up. "Mike? Hey, Mike, wake up."

"Maybe we should get some water?" Troy suggested.


Just then, a splash of water landed on Michael's face, and Michael jumped out of his sleep with a startle. "Flood! Flood!"

I looked over my shoulder at Methane who stood behind me with an unrepentant look and a water bottle. "What? He suggested water." He casually pointed his thumb at Troy.

"I meant sprinkling, not flooding the poor guy," Troy groaned.

I shook my head at their bickering and looked at Michael who was still imaginarily drowning in a flood.

"Mike, Mike, it's me, Junes," I said gently, placing my hands on his shoulder.

"So I'm not being flooded?" I nodded, and Michael calmed down a little when his eyes zeroed in on me. He pulled me into a hug, and I wrapped my arms around him tightly, patting his back in lulling motion.

"What happened?"

I felt a sharp glare at the back of my skull until Methane let out in annoyance, "Dude, what?"

"There's no point standing around here. We should give them some privacy," Troy responded, and I could hear some dragging sound, indicating that Troy was dragging Methane out of the garage.

When the garage was completely silent, except for the sound of Michael and my unsteady breathing.

"What happened, Mike?" I asked again.

Michael pulled apart from the hug and looked down at his lap as he mumbled, "My dad kicked me out of the house."

I kind of expected it, yet my heart clenched for him.

"He said to stay with one of my friends for a week or so. He doesn't want to see my disappointing face for a while." His eyes welled up with tears.

"Oh, Mike." I hugged him again, my eyes also filling with tears. "Why didn't you just come to my house?"

"I didn't want to get you in trouble with your aunt," he murmured against my shoulder, sniffling lightly.

"It's okay. I know she won't hold the cheating thing against you to let you live like this." She could be strict, but she was full of kindness and sympathy. And thank goodness, I never told her about my crush on Michael, otherwise, she would never allow that boy to stay with me.

"Are you sure?" he asked in a whisper.

"Yes, absolutely," I assured him. "You can stay with us as long as you want. Didn't I say I will always be there for you whenever you need me?"

He managed to crack a smile. "You really are the best, Junes."


June: Thank you so much for today

I texted both Troy and Methane after I got home with Michael. I didn't get the chance to say it to them earlier. Troy had dropped Methane off near his neighborhood, then drove us back home.

"There's the guestroom. You should catch some sleep. You look tired as hell." I motioned to the room across the hallway.

"Yeah, turns out the garage isn't a comfortable place to sleep," he said with a chuckle.

Michael was about to head to the guestroom when my phone pinged with a notification from Mysteriel.

"Oh, is that Mysteriel? I want to see what stupid gossip he has this time," Michael said and rushed to my side to read the post. Ever since I told him about my theory that Mysteriel could be a he, he referred to that person the same as me. "That bastard completely ruined our reputation around the school."

"I know, right? Jerk." I opened up the post and said, "Anyway, let's read."

'Romantic news, peeps!

Have you ever seen the way June Wolez looks at Michael Joseph? If you haven't, here's a few glimpses.'

Below the written text, there were several photos of me staring at Michael from the locker, cafeteria, and Algebra classes. Some of the photos were even from last year.

'Cute, right? I think it's so sweet she has a crush on one of her best friends! Is that why she let him cheat from her answer script for the Algebra test? Wow! That's so unexpected!

But then again, people do so much for their crush. It's actually hilarious. Anyway, best of luck with your crush, June Wolez. I'm rooting for you!'

I was frozen to my core as I read the entire post. I couldn't believe what Mysteriel had just exposed. I was afraid to look at Michael who was standing right beside me, reading the exact post.

"Junes... you have a crush on me?"

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