Chapter 17

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Y/n Pov:

Jk: Believe me! Wait Confess? Confess who?

Heck! What did I tell! How can I tell him... By confession I meant my feelings for him... I mean yes... I guess I like him! I love him?!

Y/N: I mean...about the last piece of chocolate cake I ate which mom left for Lina and no one knows about it...

Jk: Oh!

Y/N: Hey! It's a secret! (whisper)

Jk: OK secret! (whisper)

I didn't even had to lie! 2 weeks ago I did this... I was not given cake because of the manager and diet planners! It was Dad's b day and I was not allowed to eat the cake! However I did extra exercise and only had half of the slice! I wonder where did the other half go?

Jk: Y/N?

Y/N: hmm...

Jk: Come on believe me for once!

He put his hand forward for me to grab it... After hesitating for some time... I grabbed it!


Jk: Come on!

I started running towards the ride and got the tickets... The entire waiting time I could see Y/N getting scared and shivering...

Jk: I'm here! You don't have to worry!

I held her hand which was cold because she looked scared! It was our turn and we sat in the cabin kind of thing facing each other.

Jk: Believe me... You are not going to regret it!

The wheel started lifting slowly and so did Y/N's heart beat... It was clearly visible that she was too scared.

Y/N: W-we are g-going up!! God save me! We are g-going to h-heaven!

Y/N closed her eyes tight and joined her hands...

Y/N: Lord forgive all my sins... Like stealing the chocolate cake but I took only half I really don't know where did the other half go, eating this cotton candy even though I am not allowed to, ignoring manager noona... I mean I was tired so I pretended I was sleeping...God! Believe me I practiced the whole day! Lying to Lina in a few cases...but that was just to keep my promise! Sorry for making Lina upset with the Gucci showroom incident! What could I do...she loves Gucci!

Jk: Y/N! Nothing is going to happen! Open your eyes!

Y/N: N-No! I'm scared!

I sat beside Y/N and held her hand.

Jk: I am holding your hand don't worry! Open your eyes and look it's so beautiful!

She hugged me tightly.

Jk: Trust me...

She slowly opened one eye and looked down...her eyes widen.

JK: You like it? Isn't it beautiful?

Y/N: It's beautiful! Wow!

Jk: I told you that you are not going to regret this!

Her hands were now on the glass and she was pointing out things...

Y/N: See the cotton candy stall! The train! Hey!! That is Lina and Tae!! I wonder where did Jaemin go?

Why does she care about Jaemin? I mean he is not a kid! He can take care of himself!

(Author: Jealous kookie!
Jk: Why did you add him in this story?
Author: He is Y/N's childhood crush and almost bf...
Jk: You are getting on my nerves now!
Author: 😝😝😝 Go!! Y/N is waiting!
Jk: I will deal with you later! I am just going because Y/N is waiting not because you told me to!)

Author's POV:

After the ride Jungkook and Y/N went back to Lina and Tae and by now Jaemin also returned...

Lina: So what did you two do?

Y/N: Shu secret! I am not telling you! Bunny don't tell them!

Lina: What! I need to know! secret? (shouting)

Grabbing kookie's collar.

Lina: You are cute but I can still hit you! What did you with my Y/N?

Jk: We just went to the F-Ferris wheel!


Lina: What? Y/N you OK? How did you agree to it? If this guy forced you then...

Y/N: No! I was scared but I liked it!

Lina: Well you never trusted or listen to anyone on this but wow good! Good job kookie! (pats head)

Wow she trusts me!

Jk: first minute you wanna slap me and the next minute... You are like good kookie?

Tae: I'm hungry!

Jaemin: ya bro! Me too!

Y/n: I'm also hungry!

Lina: What do you guys wanna eat?

Jaemin: Let's eat there! (pointing at a big restaurant in the amusement park itself)

Tae: I'm in!

Jk: OK for me!

Y/N: Ah... I cannot! I mean I already had the cotton candy... My dietitian wouldn't like this!

Lina: Oh come on! Just eat a little or we will order salad for you? You just eat an apple and sweet potato daily?

Jk: That is sad!

Tae & JK : Food is life!

(Author: Hence proved they are Jin's kids 😂)

To be continued...

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