my Desertclan Ocs

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Blazing star
He is in media
He is very strict strong and cares greatly for his clan
He is on his last life
His mate is dead
kits Burning kit and desertkit (possibly one other if someone wants to be a kit)

Burning kit/ Desertkit
3moons each
Tom/ she-cat
Burning kit is a kit version of Blazingstar
desertkit is a sandy she kit with silver dots on her back and faded green eyes
Burning kit is a show off and is very cocky he is pretty rude at times he is nice to his sister though / Desertkit is a vain and flirty kit they are both narcissists and brats they get away with almost everything due to their mom being dead and their dad not having time so he lets them due what they want because he feels guilty

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