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Last Time On Jurassic Railgun...........

As they continue to walk in the deep parts of the forest, they didn't notice that someone was watching them from the shadows. Silent as a mouse, this figure made some kind of hand sign to someone that this person knows. In the grass, something was moving towards the scouting poachers.

As the poaches begin to approach what looks like grass grown as tall as them, something attack them in a blink of a eye, before they even have a chance to see what it was. All they saw just before their death, was sharp teeth.


Back in the camp area for the poachers.......

"Sir! I just lost contact with our scouts!!" Said one of the poachers.

"Impossible! Anything on the sensor equipment?" said the leader poacher.

"Um not at the moment....... " one of the poachers pulled out a tablet that shows a certain range of anything approaching. A red dot just appeared on the tablet.

"Wait! I got something. Its approach fast. And oh my god..... Their is a bunch of them coming!" Said one of the poachers.

"How close is it getting?" asked the poacher leader.

"Its getting closer by the second." Said one of the poachers.

"Alright! Lets get out of here now!" Said the poacher leader. All the remains poachers begin to head back to the helicopters as they prepare to take off.

One of the poachers tripped. Just as he was about to get up, he heard loud stop sounds. He slowly turned around to see something he never seen before in his life. The storm lighting strikes has revealed on what has approach. A group of Tyrannosaurus Rex AKA T-Rex.

One of the T-rex got close to the poacher and roared at him.

The poacher begin to scream and run for his life with one of the T-Rexs chasing after him. The five helicopters begin to take off into the air.

"WAIT!!!" Said the poacher that was runing for his life.

"Drop the ladder!" Said the poacher leader.

The pushed down the ladder as it lowered itself close to the ground. The poacher that was running for his life was able to grab onto the ladder just before the T-Rex tried to chomp on him for dinner.

Just as the poacher tried to climb up the ladder, when one of the helicopters flies over the lake, something jumped out of it and grabbed onto the ladder. A Mosasaurs.

The Mosasaurs pulled on the ladder, taking that helicopter down into the waters with him. The Leader and that helicopter that was carrying some of the remaining poachers were than eaten alive in the water.

The four remaining ones could only continue to flee and watch that their leader was eaten. They release that they were not prepared for that island sense it was holding the most dangerous creatures thought to be extinct. Dinosaurs.


Some where in the Pacific Ocean, On A Cruise..........

Somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Their was a large cruise ship slowly moving through the ocean currents and waves as passengers on it were having a good time and taking photos for those trip. Well........ almost everyone.

"Why are you here?" asked a female person. She has chestnut hair and brown hairs. She wears the Tokiwadai Middle School Outfit. Mikoto Misaka

"What do you mean Misaka?" asked a male voice. This person has black hair and it is spiky. Touma Kamijou.

Mikoto has won a prize after getting a Gekota T-shirt. It was a one passenger ticket for a two week cruise. She was hoping to have nice peaceful vacation but when she found out that Touma, the one person she can never beat, is on the same cruise with her, she forced him to be in her room to have a little bit of a interrogation of why he is here.

"I mean why are you this cruise, the same cruise I am on?" asked Mikoto

"I somehow won a ticket for a two week cruise trip when I was trying to buy some groceries. I was hoping to have some peace and quite on this trip. Rotten luck. I knew it was too good to be true." Said Touma as a few tears escaped his eyes.

"So that's your story huh?" asked Mikoto as she took a seat on her bed.

"Yeah....... Why are you here Misaka?" asked Touma

"I won a prize to be on this trip after......... buying something." Mikoto didn't want Touma to find out the part of her story she didn't want to explain.

"I see. Now I need to go find my room. Its said is room 200." Said Touma as he pulled out his room key.

"Room 200? That's this room we are in." Said Mikoto as she pulled out her room key as well.

A moment of silence was in the room. They both released that Touma assigned room he is suppose to be in, is the same one Mikoto is assigned to.

"Well...... just be glad this room has two beds for us to sleep in separately." Said Touma as he points out their are two beds in the room they are in.


A few hours later...........

After a while, those two students were just reading books that were provided in the room. Just before they could continue reading, their was a loud booming sound. It shook the entire cruise ship.

"What was that?" asked Touma.

"All passengers! We have been hit by a lighting bolt! This storm has appeared out of now where. The Ship is slowly sinking! Everyone get to the life boats! Quickly!" Said the Captain of the Cruise as he broadcast this warning on the cruise speakers.

Touma and Mikoto begin to run out of the room and to the life boats. Once they got their,  they saw that all the Lifeboats except one were gone. In the distance, Touma could see the other lifeboats paddling away from the sinking ship.

"Get in idiot!" Said Mikoto as she pushed Touma into the remaining Lifeboat.

"Oh right. Sorry." Said Touma.

Mikoto used her powers to force the hooks on the Lifeboat to lower it down to the water. Once they were on the water, Mikoto grabbed a paddle and give the other one to Touma.

"Paddle!" Said Mikoto

"Roger!" Said Touma.

They begin to paddle like crazy as they tried to get some distance from the sinking ship. The storm begin to get worse. Mikoto and Touma pulled the covers over the lifeboat as they tried to protect themselves from the dangerous winds and rain.

"Um....... this is unexpected." Said Touma.

"I will say." Said Mikoto

"So what now?" asked Touma.

"We close our eyes in this lifeboat and wait for the storm to pass." Said Mikoto as she points out the only thing they can do at the moment.

"Okay then. Good night." Said Touma as he tried to lay down and get comfortable as much as he could as he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

"Good night as well." Said Mikoto as she closed her eyes and went to sleep as well.


Next Day, Morning........

Touma was the first to wake up as he felt like it was morning. "Misaka. Wake up." Said Touma.

Mikoto let out a groan as she slowly woke herself up. She rubbed her eyes to get the sleepiness out. "Okay.......... I am up." Said Mikoto.

Mikoto slowly pull the lifeboat covers back when she didn't hear the storm anymore. Touma slowly looked around to see they have been drifted far away from where the ship sank.

"Great. We are stuck somewhere in the middle of the ocean." Said Mikoto.

"Rotten luck. I knew this trip was too good to be true." Said Touma as he blames his terrible luck for this.

"Yeah....... your right. But look on the bright side for the moment. We are alive right?" asked Mikoto

"For how long? We don't have any food supplies to keep us alive. Even if we did, do we even know if they haven't passed their expire date." Said Touma

"But we could find some kind of land and maybe we can work from there." Mikoto Suggested.

Unknown to them, their was a large shadow passing underneath their lifeboat. Underwater, it was a sea dinosaur called a Elasmosaurus.

This Dinosaur saw the lifeboat and even underwater, he can hear the people on it. The Elasmosaurus decide to be a little bit helpful to the creatures in the lifeboat. He gently placed his head underneath the lifeboat and begin to swim with bringing the lifeboat along for the ride.

"Whoa! Whats happening!? Why are we moving?" asked Touma as he sees that the lifeboat is moving by itself.

"Who cares right?! As long as we are going somewhere, that is all that matters." Said Mikoto.

"But where are we going is the question. We have no idea where this lifeboat is taking us." Said Touma

Touma makes a good point. They don't know exactly where they are going at this point. And they don't even know that a dinosaur was responsible for their lifeboat moving.

Touma saw something over the horizon, he is seeing an island getting closer every time the lifeboat is heading that direction.

"I see land!" Said Touma as he points to the upcoming island.

"Then paddle!" Said Mikoto.

The dinosaur slowly stops as he can see the humans getting their paddles and begin moving towards the island.

Once the lifeboat reached the shores of that island, Touma was the first to get out and begin to hug the land. "I never been so happy to see land." Said Touma as he has some happy tears in his eyes.

"Yeah yeah. Why don't we at least find out which island we are on?" asked Mikoto

"Okay." Said Touma as he stood up and followed Mikoto into the forest of this island. "Lets just hope the animals or people on this island are friendly."

As they went to the forest, neither of them noticed something. On the shores, their was a footprint that has two toes and something else in the foot print. 

And those footprints lead to the forest where Mikoto and Touma are heading into. The question is, is this creature friendly or dangerous.

Touma and Mikoto were planing on having a vacation on a cruise ship. The ship was struck by a bolt of lighting and everyone had to evacuate. Now Touma and Mikoto are stranded on a unknown island with unknown creatures on it. What kinds of creatures will Touma and Mikoto run into first?


To Be Continued..........

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