Chapter 3 - The Cattle Drive

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3rd POV

It was night time, all the campers were huddled around the fire place, while Darius was telling a scary story.

Darius : "We thought it'd be fun. We thought we'd be safe, but... we didn't realize the... horror waiting for us on the island. Claws... Teeth... Screaming... So much screaming."

Ben : "How much screaming?"

Kenji : "Shh! He's getting to the good part."

Darius : "The T. rex stalked closer. Her jaws opened wide."

Then a camera flash went off.

Kenji : "What?"

Ben : "Huh?"

The all look at Brooklyn.

Brooklyn : "For the vlog. Keep telling your little story.

Darius : *Sighs* 

Kanji : "Oh, here we go."

Darius : "The T. rex st--"

Brooklyn : "Dang!"

Kenji : "Ugh!"

Brooklyn : "Out of space. Wait, I'm sorry, hold on.  I just don't wanna delete my selfie on Everest, you know?"

Sammy : "Ooh!"

Darius : "Maybe I should start over."

Ben : "No! In fact, you can just stop."

Kenji : "Dude, chill. He's not even telling the story right now. And how is your grip this strong?"

Darius : "So, the T. rex stalked--"

Sammy : "Shouldn't we call Yasmina over? I bet she'd love this story."

Darius then lies down on the bench. Yasmina was currently drawing a dinosaur that occurred to her, while she was sleeping.

Everyone turns to look as Yasmina.

Brooklyn : "Maybe she wants to be by herself."

Sammy : "I don't understand."

Kenji : "You know how sometimes people just wanna be left alone."

Sammy : *Chuckles* "Kenji, you're hilarious. I think she's just shy and doesn't know how to make camp friends."

Then there was the sound of thunder and lightning, and it soon started to rain.

Sammy : "Maybe we should go inside."

Ben : "Way ahead of you!

They all then follow after Ben.

Sammy : "Hurry."

Kenji : "Aw man.

Sammy : "Oh, it's coming down fast."

Brooklyn : "Well, that was a waste of time."

Darius continues to lay down on the bench and scoffs. He then walks inside.

Darius : "Thanks, Brooklyn."

Ben : "Darius, it wasn't that great of a story. I wasn't engrossed or anything."

Brooklyn : "Just don't touch my phone. How does that sound?"

Kenji : "Let's decide this with a game of foose."

Yasmina then sits down on the couch where she tries to dry her sketch books pages.

Yasmina : "Oh, my pages got wet."

Then out of nowhere Sammy scares Yasmina.

Sammy : "You need a friend!"

Yasmina : *Yelps* "What?"

Sammy : "I'm such a ding-dong! You're alone. And when I feel alone, having a friend around sure is nice. I could use a friend, and you probably could, too. So I though, 'Yasmina needs someone to make the first friendship move', so, here I am!"

Yasmina : "Um, I lost you around 'ding-dong'."

Sammy : *Gasps* "Is that a scrapbook? I love scrapbooking We can make one togther. Pull you out of your shell."

Yasmina : "I'm pretty happy in my shell."

Sammy : "No one likes the shell. It stops people from getting to know you."

Yasmina : "Bingo!"

Yasmina then gets up and starts walking away.

Sammy : "I know you're just shy!"

Yasmina : "Can't hear you in my shell!


The next morning the campers were in the grasslands where many of the herbivores were, and they were gonna be driving gyrospheres. But there were also dark clouds above as well.

Darius : "Yes!"

Sammy : "This is gonna be so much fun!"

Ben : "Oh, man! I'm driving."

Darius : "We get to drive gyrospheres? Cool!"

Dave : "Saddle up, dudes and dudettes. We're going in a cattle drive, but with dinosaurs! It's a dino drive!"

Ben : "And just to be clear, all these dinosaurs are herbivores, right?"

Roxie : "Well, they only chewed on the last kid a little, so we're, like, 99 percent sure they're cool."

Ben then has a nervous look on his face.

Roxie : "Park personal are moving a group of dinosaurs to fresh grazing lands across the island, and we get to ride along behind the herd."

Darius : "Are you kidding me? Dinosaur migration patterns are my jam!"

Kenji : "You may wanna consider a new jam, bro. So, uh, you sure these things are waterproof? Looking pretty out here and hair this awesome dome not come easy."

Dave : "Your hair is gonna be fine, Kenji. Storm has already moved up the coast away from us."

Kenji : "Cool! Time to show these fools what a gyrosphere master can do."

Roxie : "No way! You are riding with Ben, as a passenger."

Kenji : "But-- Seriously? But he's so, uh...

They both turn to look at Ben in the gyrosphere, where he moves forward in one but he fly forward and hits the glass. Roxie on the other hand has a small smile on her face.

Roxie : "Live it up, tough guy."

Yasmina was currently putting on her seat belt in her gyrosphere, while having a sort of earpod in one of ears.

Yasmina : "This gonna be so sick."

Sammy : "Right? Now we're in a shell together. A shell for two."

Sammy then gets in and puts on her seat belt.

Yasmina : "Yay..."

Dave : "Everyone, seat belts on at all times." *Looks at Darius* "Well, what you waiting for, bud?

Darius : "Right. Um, is there a gyrosphere I could drive solo or--"

Dave : "Darius, you need to ride with your fellow campers. Bond, live the camp life, share your story, man."

Darius : "Yeah, I tried last night, but, um... not everyone was on board."

Dave : "Buddy, you can't give up. You need to get out there and you show those other kids what you got."

Roxie : "Be yourself, Darius. Teenagers can be very accepting if you just give them half a chance." 

She then pushes Darius to the gyrosphere that has Brooklyn in it.

Dave : "Do they not have teenagers in England?"

Darius then gets into the gyrosphere with Brooklyn in it, she was currently on her phone.

Darius : "Hey, Brooklynn. Are you as stoked as I am for our gyrosphere adventure?"

Brooklynn : "Sure, whatevs." *Puts a piece of gum in her mouth*

Roxie and Dave then get into the jeep and start driving.

Dave : [Radio] "All righty, campers."

Roxie : [Radio] "The headsets are for emergencies. You can always reach us on channel six."

Dave : [Radio] "Let the herding begin!"

The campers then speed past Roxie and Dave.

Sammy : "Whoo! See ya!"

Darius : "Yes!"

Then something crashes into the back of them. Ben was still trying to get used to the controls.

Ben : "Okay, now. Uh, slow and steady wins the race.

Ben then tries to move forward, but as he does, he spins around while Roxie and Dave looks at them, while Kenji looks at the both of them with a deadpan look on his face.

Ben : "Huh! I'm really getting the hang of this!"

Dave smiles, while Roxie also smiles while waving a little at him. From the forest behind Y/n was watching them in his indoraptor form, while he was camouflaged. Park personal were herding the dinosaurs, while the campers are following closely behind.

Darius : "Are you seeing this? Whoa!"

In another gyrosphere, Sammy was asking Yasmina a lot of questions.

Sammy : "What's you favorite color? Favorite food? Favorite color of food?"

Yasmina : "Orange, orange, and orange."

Sammy : *Laughs* "Jokes. I love jokes. Ooh, what do you and your friends do for fun?"

Yasmina : "I train... alone... quietly."

Sammy : "Really? Dang! I'm used to people all around 24-7. My sisters, Daddy, Mama, Abuela, the cattle." *Chuckles* "My mom says I have a knack for dealing with critters, and that in-- Whoa!"

Yasmina was getting annoyed and made a sharp turn to get Sammy to shut up. With Darius and Brooklynn, they were following, but Brooklynn was still on her phone.

Darius : "How awesome is this? We're, like so close! Brooklynn?"

Brooklynn was currently looking at her phone with her followers.

Brooklynn : "'Used to be cool?', 'You made Jurassic World boring?', 'Lame.' 'Lame.' 'No one likes you anymore.'"

Darius : "Uh, hey, can you believe that an ankylosaurus' tail is strong enough to shatter bone?"

Brooklynn : "Can you believe I don't care?"

Darius looked in shock and sadness, soon silence followed until Brooklynn caved in.

Brooklynn : *Sighs* "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I-- I'm just... having one of those days. There's a lot of pressure when your whole life is about being popular, and I'm not like you. I can't just tall a lame story and move on."

Darius : *Whispers* "It wasn't that lame."

Brooklynn : "Trust me, it was. It totally was, but you're not even fazed. I just need people to... to like m--"

She struggles to finish her sentence, while Darius looks at her expectedly.

Brooklyn : "You wouldn't understand."

With Kenji and Ben, they were still driving slow.

Kenji : "Of course I don't understand, cause you are literally the worst driver I've ever seen, bruh.

Ben : "If by 'worst' you mean 'safest', then yes, yes I am."

Kenji : "So not a compliment. Now, come on. Faster, faster, faster!

Above everyone, thunder can be heard, Y/n still following them looks up and his eye narrows.

Y/n : 'That's not good. A single lighting strike and the whole herd will scatter. Better keep an eye on them for now.'

With Roxie and Dave they were looking up at the storm.

Roxie : "I thought you said the storm rolled up the coast."

Dave : "Oh, it must have rolled back down. It's okay. Other than mussing up Kenji's hair, what's the worst that could could happen?"

Then lighting struck scaring a stegosaurus, it then used it's tail to hit an ankylosaurus. Roxie and Dave then looked at each other, they then drive and stop in front of the campers.

Dave : "Hey, gang, new plan. Storm's getting worse, so we're all going back to camp. Fun, right?"

Sammy : "Aw, man!"

Darius : "Are you serious?"

Dave : "Don't blame me. Blame the storm."

Roxie : "I blame them both."

Darius : "We're not gonna let a little rain stop us, are we? When else will we get the chance to tide alongside a herd of dinosaurs?"

Dave : "Sorry, can't risk it.

Darius : "But, Dave, I'm sure under you and Roxie's capable leadership, we'll--"

Roxie : "This is not up for discussion. Hello, hello! Roxie here. Can you hear me? Anyone?"

The radio in her hand only had static, Dave and Roxie once again looked at each other.

Dave : "Okay, new, new plan. Storm's interfering with the radio, so Rox and I will drive ahead and tell the others we're pulling out. We'll be right back, stay together and stay behind the herd."

The campers then begin to get back into their gyrospheres. Lightning strikes and one of the Sinoceratops starts running away from the herd, while Darius watches it running away.

Darius : "That sinoceratops is gonna get lost. We need to go after her."

Brooklynn : "You heard Dave. Let's just chill out and wait here."

Darius : "I've read everything about sinoceroatops' behavior. We can get her. Plus, your followers might really love a thrilling dino-chase."

Brooklynn : *Looks at Darius and smiles*

They then begin to go after the sinoceratops, while Sammy and Yasmina look at them.

Sammy : [Radio] "Wait. Are you guys going after her? I really don't think that's a good idea. I've seen cattle spook before, and--"

Yasmina : "Uh-huh. Let's go."

Sammy : "Wait, why are we following them?"

With Ben and Kenji, they both look at each other and Ben has a look on his face.

Ben : "Oh, on! There's no way I'm--"

Kenji : "Great! I'll drive."

All six of them then begin to chase after the sinoceratops. Y/n looks on in surprise, and shakes his head.

Y/n : "Oh you've got to be kidding me."

while Brooklynn was videoing the whole thing, she and Darius were catching up.

Darius : "Almost got you, girl."

The sinoceratops then turns a sharp left making Darius and Brooklynn crash into rock as they try to turn left. As a result Brooklynn almost drops her phone, she then looks at Darius.

Brooklynn : "Whoa, whoa! Whew!"

Darius : "Sorry. That was close."

Brooklynn then takes the gum out of her mouth and puts it on the back of her phone and sticks it to the dashboard of the gyrosphere while continuing the videoing.

Brooklynn : "Voila! Instant phone mount."

Darius : "Great idea. And also, ew."

Brooklynn : "Well, just keep driving, dino-nerd."

Darius : "Sure thing, superstar."

While with Yasmina and Sammy, they were right behind Darius and Brooklynn.

Sammy : "Um, let's just everybody settle down a bit. We don't wanna get too close or--"

They both scream as Ben and Kenji push past them.

Yasmina : "Watch it, Ben. You almost hit us!"

Ben : [Radio] "It wasn't me!" *To Kenji* "You're gonna get us both killed!"

Kenji : "With you driving, we'll die of boredom."

Ben : "Give me!"

Kenji : "Just-- Give me... Bro!"

Ben and Kenji then start to fight over the joystick. While Brooklynn is urging Darius on.

Brooklynn : "Come on, Darius, get closer!"

Darius : [Radio] "Someone flank her on the other side and we can lead her back to the herd."

Sammy : [Radio] "Wait, you'll scare her."

Yasmina : [Radio] "Ah!"

Kenji and Ben then barge in front of Sammy and Yasmina.

Kenji : [Radio] "Le the big dogs handle this, cowgirl. Sino sandwich, baby! Hoo!"

Kenji and Ben move to the other side of the sinoceratops, but then continues to run faster.

Darius : [Radio] "I'll cut her off. It'll be fine, Sammy."

Sammy : [Radio] "No, he's gonna make her bolt. This isn't the way to do this. We gotta calm her down."

Darius then stop in front of the sinoceratops, but it bellows and starts running.

Sammy : [Radio] "Listen up, y'all. We gotta get her before she goes and spooks the whole herd. Stay to the outside or--"

But the others ignore her and speed off.

Kenji : [Radio] "We've got this."

Yasmina : "Relax. Darius knows dinosaurs."

Darius and Brooklynn then stop in front of the sinoceratops, but it then hits them and causes Darius and Brooklynn to hit other dinosaurs causing a stampede. With Roxie and Dave they were still talking to another park personal.

Dave : "They're disappointed, but they'll get over it. Better safe then..."

Suddenly a few dinosaurs start running past them. The park personal then grabs her radio and calls for help.

Park Personal : "We've got multiple assets straying from the herd."

Roxie/Dave : *Gasp* "The kids!"

They then look at their truck, and see a dinosaur push it over towards them and Roxie pulls Dave out of the way.

Roxie : "Move! Duck!"

The truck then falls over and they duck down so that the truck doesn't fall on them. Darius and Brooklynn are still spinning until they stop once they hit and dinosaur, but a stegosaurs tail then hits them and makes them continue spinning. Sammy and Yasmina of the other hand we're trying to get through the stampede by driving through it.

Sammy : "Watch out!"

Yasmina : "This thing's not going fast enough."

Sammy : "Stego, 12 o'clock! Tail, tail, tail!"

Yasmina : "Hang on!

With Ben and Kenji they were currently within the stampede and Ben was fearing for his life.

Ben : "Ah! I wanna go home!"

Back with Darius and Brooklynn they were currently driving away from the stampeding herd.

Brooklynn : "Go, go, go, go, go!"

All of the campers drive into the forest but they are all separated. Yasmina and Sammy were currently navigating through the dense jungle.

Sammy : "Low branch coming right at us!"

Yasmina : "I see it. Let me concentrate."

As the storm continues and they continue driving a tree falls down in front of them, so they back up but bump into another tree, they were boxed in, surrounded by lots of small branches.

Sammy : "Are we... alive?" *Sighs*

While with Kenji and Ben they were still fighting over the joystick.

Kenji : "Left! Back to right! Right! Back to left!"

Ben : "Fine, you drive! Just get us out of here!"

Kenji : "Finally! Let me show you how it's--"

But then they crash into a tree causing them to be sent flying and end up, upside down. While with Darius and Brooklynn, they got away and were finally able to stop and catch their breath.

Darius : "I think we lost them."

Brooklynn : "I think we lost everyone."

Darius then see's something.

Darius : *Gasps* "Look!"

They then see a sincoceratops grazing on the grass next to them.

Darius : "Okay, think. Sinoceratops are fast on open ground, so we just need to corner her, then we can get her back to the herd."

Brooklynn : "Great. Here we go! Another Brooklynn exclusive."

She then opens the door to the gyrosphere.

Brooklyn : "Keep watching, cause it's about to get real!"

She then get out, while Darius protests.

Darius : "Wait, wait! Brooklynn, wait!"

The sinoceratops then roars at them and they both run back to the gyrosphere, and quickly try to put on their seat belts

Brooklynn : "Too real! Too real!"

Darius : "Come on!"

The sinoceratops charge at them and uses it's horn to perice the glass of the gyrosphere, and lifts them up.

Brooklynn : "No! No!"

Darius : "Whoa!"

The sinoceratops then throws the gyrosphere and Brooklynn and Darius begin to spin around, they then finally stop, they both take of their seat belts, but they then realize that they are sinking and also realize that that they are sinking in mud. Meanwhile with Yasmina and Sammy they were currently clearing the area of small branches, so that they gyrosphere could move.

Sammy : "Good news, this gives us a lot more time to get to know each other."

Yasmina : "We should do that... later. Much, much later. First, we need to--"

Brooklyn : [Radio] "Help!  Can you hear us? We're stuck... mudhole and we're sinking! Help!"

Sammy : "Brooklynn? Brooklynn, can you hear me? Where are you?"

Sammy and Yasmina then look at each other, since all that they can here is static.

Sammy : "We gotta find them. Brooklynn? Darius?"

Yasmina : "Guys!"

Sammy : "Can you hear us?"

Yasmina : "Keep clearing away the b-- No, wait. Pile it up. All of it. Just keep piling. Come on."

Sammy : "Okay."

She then runs to grab a few branches.

Yasmina : "Grab that one."

They then continue to pile up the branches so make a sort of makeshift ramp, Yasmina then drives over the ramp and lands making their way to the others.

Sammy : "We're coming, Brooklynn!

Yasmina : "Hello? Hello? Can anybody hear me?"

Sammy : "Still no sign of-- Ben and Kenji?"

Ben and Kenji were right in front of Yasmina and Sammy before the girls could crash into them Kenji dives out of the way, and he tackles Ben to the ground as well, but the girls managed to stop right in front of them. Kenji try's to get up but Ben continues to cling to Kenji, and he try's to get him off.

Ben : "No."

Soon, all four of them then start travelling into the one gyrosphere they have.

Ben : "I'm pretty sure we're exceeding the maximum occupancy in here."

Sammy : "I lost them. It's just static."

They take their communicators out if their ear and they hear faint voices.

Darius : "Help!"

Brooklynn : "Somebody, please!"

Kenji : "I hear them! They're over there!" *Points in their direction*

Darius : "We're in a  sinkhole!"

With Darius and Brooklynn they were still trying to get out of the gryosphere, while it was sinking.

Darius : "It won't budge. The mud is jamming the door shut."

Brooklynn : "Try driving out again."

Darius : "We'll only sink deeper."

Brooklyn : "Then you think of something, Mr. Let's-Go-Corner-the-Dinosaur!"

She try's to climb over to Darius, but she falls.

Brooklynn : "Anybody, help!"

Darius : "Help!"

Then the suddenly heard a roar from somewhere.

Brooklynn then looks at Darius with a scared look on her face. Y/n in his Indoraptor form came out from the bushes and walks toward the two teenagers. He then looks down at the two teenagers and he then grabs the gryosphere by the hole that the Sinoceratops made.

Brooklynn : "Isn't that the dinosaur that was at the raptor pen. You think it's going to hurt us?"

Darius : "I don't know, it did protect us from the other raptors."

Y/n then started to pull the gyrosphere out of the sinkhole, but he struggled a bit, so Y/n decided to pierce the gyrosphere to get more grip and pulled harder and everntually he was able to pull their gyrosphere out of the sinkhole. Y/n then backs away letting Brooklynn and Darius get out.

Darius : "I don't believe it, thank you."

Y/n turns back into his human form and has small smile on his face, and he did have scar across his nose.


Looks :

Casual Clothes :


Y/n : "No problem."

Darius/Brooklyn : "WHAT!?!?!"

Brooklynn and Darius couldn't believe their eyes, Y/n then gives them a serious look and gets close to them.

Y/n : "Tell anyone tell what I can do, and you'll regret it. Got it."

Darius : *Scared* "Understood."

Brooklynn : *Scared* "Yeah, got it."

Then the others came out of forest and they were surprised to find Brooklynn and Darius out of the sinkhole, with an unkown teenager. They all got out of the gyrosphere and ran to Brooklynn and Darius to see if they were ok.

Sammy : "Guys are you alright?"

Darius : "We fine, thanks too...?" *Referring to Y/n*

Y/n : "My name is Y/n L/n, but you can call me Y/n." *Looks behind them* "You might want to move out the way."

Ben : "Why?" 

Y/n : "Because theirs a sinoceratops charging behind you, heading straight for us."

They all looks behind them and see the sinoceratop charging right towards them, they all run away while Y/n stays still and soon the sinoceratops see's him and it stops right on front of him, Y/n then picks up a branch and gives it to the sinoceratops to feed on. All the campers look at Y/n with and surprised look.

Y/n : "What?"

Just then they all heard a vehicle approaching and they turn to see it was Dave and Roxie. They Dave got out and had a shocked look on his face while Roxie also had one on her face well.

Sammy : "Hey, look! It's Dave and Roxie! Hey!"

Dave and Roxie then look at Y/n who was still feeding the sinoceratops, and had questioning looks on their faces. Soon Roxie and Dave took the campers and Y/n back to the camp.

Roxie : "You could have been killed! What were you thinking?"

Sammy : "That we found a lost dinosaur... and Y/n saved Darius and Brooklynn."

Y/n : "It was nothing, I was just helping them."

All the campers including Y/n got into the elevator and headed up to the upper floor.

Roxie : "Now stay in your bunks, you hear me?" *Looks at Y/n* "As for you, you'll have to sleep on the couch for now."

Soon after they arrived at the top and others started talking, Y/n sees Yasmina alone on the balcony, Y/n then decides to talk to her.

Y/n : "Uh, Hi..."

Yasmina : *Startled* "Oh, hello."

Y/n : "Why aren't you talking with the others?"

Yasmina : "I'm not very good at socializing."

Y/n : "Me neither, but there' nothing wrong with that, you make friends, you hang out."

Yasmina : "I wish, I thought like that, oh and thank you for saving Darius and Brooklynn, I don't know how you did it, but thank you."

Y/n : "There's nothing to thank me for, I'm just doing what I can to help."

Yasmina looks towards the others and sees Sammy.

Yasmina : "Can I ask you something, If you don't mind of course?"

Y/n : "Yeah, of course."

Yasmina : "How did you feel when someone wanted to be your first friend?"

Y/n : "Oh, well let's say that it can be annoying at first, they ask you questions to start a conversation, but then you realize that they do care about you, they are the ones who'll help you when you have problems, they give you advice, support you among others thing, friends are those who you know and will be there to help you when you need it the most. Get it?

Yasmina : "Yes, thank you, really."

Y/n : "Your welcome." *Simles"

Yasmina then left to get something, and went to talk to Sammy. Brooklynn then walks up to Y/n.

Brooklynn : "Hey..."

Y/n : "Yes."

Brooklynn : "Thank you for saving us twice."

Y/n : "It was nothing."

Brooklynn : "And speaking of something else, how do we tell the others about you turning into a dinosaur?"

Y/n : "It would be better if you and Darius keep it a secret for now, please."

Brooklynn : "Ok, if you say so. I'll edit you out of the video. See you Dino kid."

Brooklynn then walked away and started editing the video until she Sammy swabbing the mouth of the sincoeratops.

Brooklynn : "Why is she doing?"

Unknown to her Sammy was watching from behind and had a worried look on her face, she slowly started to back away into the dark.

To be continued

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