Season 1:episode 1 Camp Cretaceous

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

( insects chirping )

( rumbling )

( dinosaurs bellowing )

( thudding )

( roars, screeches )

( beeping )

( radar trilling )

( beeps, pings )

( radio static crackles )

Man on radio: Jurassic One, Jurassic One, come in

Woman: Roger that, Base! On our way.

( velociraptors screeching )

( rustling )

This is Isla Nublar Base, over.

Woman on radio: Go, Jurassic One.

Man: Emergency. Hostiles in pursuit.

Two friendlies in need of immediate extraction.

Woman: Roger that, Base! On our way.

( velociraptors screeching )

( rustling )

( man panting )

We can't stop here. Follow me!

Wait. Wait. Wait, wait, wait.

Stop, stop, stop, stop.

( grunts )

I think we lost 'em. We gotta get to the chopper.

( thuds )

( growling )

( screeches )

( velociraptor grunting )

( screeching )

Come on!

( boy grunts )

Raptor bones?


Man: Hurry! We're almost to the extraction point!

Boy: No! We can use the river to mask our scent and--

( screams )

( screeches )

( man screaming )

( boy whimpering )

( panting )

( rumbling )

( whimpering continues )

( growling )

Boy: Aw, crud!

( roars )

( menu trilling )

Dang it!

( roars, laughs )

( yelps )

Darius: Not cool, Brand.

Yeah, like you know what cool is.

( keyboard clacking )

( grunts )

Darius:Get off me, Brand!

( Brand chuckles )

( grunts )

( chuckles ) Aw, come on, man.

Brand:The dinos get you and that old dude every time.

His name is Dr. Meriwether.

Brand:His name oughta be "Dinner."

Brand, I'm so close

If I can just get around the T. rex, I'd beat the game and win the--

Brand:Trip to Jurassic World.

Brand:I-I know. You've said it, like, a thousand times.

But if straight-up gamers say this thing's unwinnable, how's some dino-nerd kid gonna beat

Great pep talk, bro. You been working on that?

Brand:( sighs ) Look, Darius, I know getting to Jurassic World was your and Dad's dream, but there's more to life than just dinosaurs.

Brand:You never leave your room anymore, bruh.

Brand:Dad wouldn't want this.

I still gotta try, you know?

Brand:You never leave your room anymore, bruh.

I hear you, but even if winning is dumb and hopeless, I still gotta try, you know?

Brand:I guess so, D.

Brand:Can you at least, like, take a break? Maybe work in a shower?

'Cause you're smelling pretty funky, man.

( chuckles )

Brand:( sighs ) All right, look, you do you, D. Just do it quietly.

Brand:I don't want Mom on my case again for you staying up...

( clock ticking )

( ticking continues )

( snoring softly )

( snorts, gasps )

Darius:That's it! ( yelps, grunts )

( light clicks )

Darius:Ah, attack patterns? No.

Darius:Vocalizations, pack behavior? No.

Darius:Got it!

Darius:So, if my theory's correct...

( trilling )

( exhales )

  It's go time.

( roars )

( yelps )

( roars )

( gasps )

( thuds )

It's gotta be here somewhere.

( roars )

( whimpers )

( screeching )

( roars )

( whimpers )

( screeching )

Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?

( gasps ) There it is!

( beeps )

( trilling )

( screeching )

( beeps )

Please whistle.

( resonating chamber whistles )

( T. rex shrieks )

( roars )

( velociraptors screeching )

( helicopter whirring )

( gasps )

( screeching )

( roaring )

Male voice: Congratulations, player.

( controller clatters )

I'm Mr. DNA, and you're the first person to ever beat our game, so we wanna reward you with a trip to Jurassic World's brand-new, state-of-the-art adventure camp.

That's right, get ready to join us at Camp Cretaceous!



Man: Welcome to Isla Nublar, campers.

You are the chosen few, the first kids in the entire world to ever experience the awesomeness that is Camp Cretaceous.

I know, the trip from the mainland was rough on some.

Hello, Ben.

( retching )

But you made it!

I'm Dave, head counselor.

You heard that correctly-- head honcho, big shot.

( tires screech )

Ah, so sorry I'm late.

Welcome, campers!

I'm Roxie, head counselor of Camp Cretaceous.

( chuckles ) Well, it's sort of a co-head counselor sort of situation.

Is it?

( clears throat )

Anyway, some of you won contests to be here, some of you had VIP invites, but for the next two weeks, all of you will be getting the five-star treatment!

As our first campers, we've lined up exclusive behind-the-scenes tours of Jurassic World.



( Ben whines )

As well as kayaking, rock climbing, obstacle courses, and of course...


Yes... Darius, plenty of dinosaurs

So, ready for an adventure?


But I'm gonna need that speech a little shorter, and really try to lean into the majesty of this place.

( chuckles ) Okay, we're going now.

Let's get the seven of you to camp.

Uh, there are five of us.


Dino-kid, Track-Star, Internet Girl, Barfy, Texas. He's right. Where's six and seven

Roxie:I'm so sorry y/n I almost forgot about you

Y/n:I open front of back door and close it that's okay Roxie

( Roxie scoffs )

( whirring )

Kenji:Greetings, my dudes. Kenji is here, so let the party commence

( sputters )

Kenji:Put this in my room.

Kenji:So, what's your deal? ( grunts )

Roxie:Okay, let's go.

( grunting )

( camera shutter clicks )

( humming )

( Kenji sighs )

( engine starts, revs )

( all scream )

Ben: I hope you got my mom's note. I don't do well on windy roads.

Brooklynn:What's good, Brooklanders?

It's your girl Brooklynn coming at you from the best place ever: Camp Cretaceous.

Like and subscribe to join me as I unbox Jurassic World!

Okay, I need you all to say who you are and a little bit about yourself. And, action!

Darius:Oh! Um... I beat this awesome VR dinosaur game.

I'm Darius,by the--

Sammy:I'm sorry.

I just can't believe... you're Brooklynn!

I'm Sammy Gutierrez, total Brooklander!

Kapow! ( imitates gunfire )

Oh, also, my family supplies all the beef for the park, and that's how I got here. Great to meet you, Sammy.

Darius:Um... What's a Brooklander?

Brooklynn:Oh, that's just what my online followers call themselves.

Sammy:uh,all 27 millions of us.[imitates gunfire]

yep.that's why she's the only one who gets to keep her cell phone.

She famous.

kenji:Hold on. Rich and famous?

Oh,meant to be.

[Camera shutter clicks]



[tires screech]

[all scream]

[car door opens]

Ben:Um Dave,what's going on?

Dave:Nothing you need to worry about.

[electricity crackles]

But you should all definitely stay in your seats.

Ben:[Whimpers] Oh,God.[pants]

Ben:[whimpers] Mm.


Darius:guys? Guys?



Ben,Sammy yaz kenji Brooklynn and y/n:[All screaming]







Compy:[ shrieking]

[Roxie]:crisis averted.

oh these things are always getting out of their enclosure.

Darius:[gasps] A Real Life Compsognathus!

Kenji:oh,please. It took a blanket and a cat carrier to catch it. Boring

Darius:scared you pretty good.

[girls laughing]

[Camera shutter clicks]

[engine starts]







Dave:Welcome to camp Cretaceous

[Sammy laughing]

Brooklynn:Oh,my gosh






[Tires screech]

[engine turns off]


Brooklynn:Hey Brooklanders,check this place out!is this not the most amazing place you have ever seen?

Kenji:if you think this is cool,you should see my dad's penthouse in the main park.

Brooklynn:yasmina! Hey as an elite athlete how pumped are you for camp?

yasmina:not a huge fan of being on camera.or people.

Brooklynn:hey y/n


Brooklynn:how pumped are you for camp

Y/n:I'm excited to see dinosaurs and making some new friends

Brooklynn:okay nice meeting with you and for you y/n al be your new friend

Y/n: wow thanks Brooklynn for you be my new friend too

Brooklynn:so I be taking with you later okay


So y/n and Brooklynn finish talking so they meet Darius and Sammy at front

Smmay:This place is almost as big as my family's ranch back home.

Roxie:That's because when we're up and running,the camp will house 500 kids and 150 staff.

Dave:listen up Announcement time from your co-head counselors.

Roxie:psst,still not a thing.okay,everyone there's some ground rules to cover.

Curfew's at 8:00pm.,and lights out at 9:00p.m.Sharp.




Roxie:this is for your safety.
We are in a dinosaur-filled jungle.
You must always keep your distance,or could be seriously hurt,if not worse.

Ben:Define "worse".

Dave: cabins are up that-a-way.

Yasmina: First one there gets top bunk!

[Kenji grunts]

[All laughing]

[Sammy] Whoo-hoo!

( shrieks )

Roxie: Get this lovely lady back to her pen.

Her family's probably worried sick.

( engine starts, revs )

Darius: W-Wait!

Oh man i really wanted to get a closer look at the Compy.

Dave: I like your enthusiasm, Darius, but right now it's "claiming a bunk" time.
So, you know... go claim a bunk.

Darius:But it's the first dinosaur I've ever seen in person and, I mean, we're here to see dinosaurs, so...

( rumbling )

Dave:Oh, the day is not over, buddy.


( dinosaurs bellowing )


Darius laughs: There's Brachiosaurus. Parasaurolophus. Stegosaurus. Ankylosaurus!

Wow, you really do know your stuff, dino-nerd

Check out the... Brontosaurus

They don't have those here. Common mistake.

( Darius gasps ) Are those Sinoceratops?

When did you get those?

They are cooking up all kinds of new dinos in that lab.

Whoa! Where are they herding 'em to?

They're herding them back to their nighttime enclosures

Enough banter.

It's zip-line party time!

Me? Maybe Y/n Yasmina should go first, or... Darius?

Uh... Or anyone! I really don't-- ( screams )

( all laughing, cheering )

( dinosaurs bellowing )


Whoa! ( screams )

Whoa! ( cheering continues )

Yasmina: Yeah!

( Kenji cackling )

( snoring )

( light clicks )

( Darius gasps )

Kenji: Oh, hey there, dino-nerd. Whatcha doing? Huh?
Darius:Uh, nothing!
I was just, uh, heading out 'cause... thirsty.
Oh, yeah. I... I meant, um... hungry. Oh, heh, look at that. Thanks, Kenji.

Kenji:Look, bro.

Kenji:I don't want you to be intimidated by me just because I'm rich, my father owns a few condos on the island, and I'm rich. Darius:Uh, I'm not intimidated by you.

Kenji:Oh, good.

Kenji: I just want us to be friends, and friends tell each other stuff.
For instance, what they're doing out of bed after curfew. What do you think?

Darius:I think you best get your arm off me... friend.
Kenji:Oh. Why don't you make me, friend?
( camera shutter clicks )
Brooklynn:huh so that's what toxic masculinity looks like.
Darius:uh,sorry we woke you.I—
Kenji:He was sneaking out,but I set him straight.
Look,I try to look out for the younger kids.
It's who I am.

Darius: You guys don't understand. I've been waiting my whole life to get here, and I'm gonna make the most of it. Those lights must be coming from the Compy enclosure.
Brooklynn:I gotta check it out! Sneaking out to see dinosaurs in the dead of night, mad danger of getting caught, great mood lighting... ( sighs )
I guess that means... we're going rogue. Kapow!

Y/n: I woke to see Darius and kenji are gone and I walk to the girl bedroom to see Brooklynn gone so I used my crocodile sense of smell to found Darius kenji and Brooklynn so I follow the sense of Darius kenji and Brooklynn to the elevator and push down to reach first floor so I continue smell for Darius kenji and Brooklynn sense that reach front door of cabin to lead outside and so i left the cabin to found sense of Darius kenji and Brooklynn outside so y/n follow the sense of Darius kenji and Brooklynn to the Compy enclosure so I run to the forest with my crocodile night vision to follow foot prints of Darius kenji and Brooklynn that will lead y/n to the Compy enclosure.

Darius:I think this is it.

The truck definitely headed this direction.

Kenji:Of course this is it. Why else would they have--

( engine starts )


Kenji: Hey, Brooklynn.

You can get a good shot from over here.

Allow me.

No, thanks. I can--

Just-- ( grunts ) Hey!

Brooklynn: Give me my-- Ugh!

Come on! ( gasps )

( bangs, clatters )

Thanks, Kenji. Real smooth.

Relax, I'll get it.

Wait! What are you--

I got it, kid.

( grunts )

See? Ha! Good as new.

Great. Now, just climb back up and gently hand it to me.

Sure, sure, right after I get a sweet dino-pic for your followers.

No need to thank me.

( rustling )

( gasps )

Um, guys... this isn't the Compy pen.

Quiet, junior! The grown-ups are talking. Ah, your followers are gonna love this. Here,


This isn't the Compy pen!

Uh, what's he babbling on about?

( growling )

What the...?

( snarls )

( camera shutter clicks )

screeches )

( screams )

( roars )

( screaming )

Brooklynn: Come on!

( Kenji pants )

( grunting )

( panting )

( screeches )

( panting )

( velociraptor snarling )

D'ah! Open the gate! Open the gate!

( Kenji whimpers )

( alarm blaring )

Oh, please! Let me out! ( screams )

( grunting ) Oh, come on! D'ah!

D'ah! ( snarls )

( hisses )

( thudding )

( whimpers )

( grunting )

( steam hissing )

Dude! Please tell me you have a plan.

Let's move! The steam should keep him busy.

Huh? ( blaring continues )

( screeching )

Oh, crud!

( theme music playing )

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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