Season 1 episode 5 "Happy Birthday, Eddie!

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

( insects chirping )

( rumbling )

( dinosaurs bellowing )

( thudding )

( roars, screeches )

( grunts, pants )

( fly buzzing )

( all panting )

( shudders, sighs )

Ben:Oh... Okay...

( screams )

( all scream with Y/n )

Ben: ( sighs ) Sorry, I stepped on a twig.

Ugh, come on, man.

Sammy: You done gave me a heart attack!

Kenji:I should step on you.

Y/n: easy Ben

Darius:It's okay,Ben.

We're all on edge

Yaz:And lost.

Sammy:Yeah, we've been out here for a while now.

Well, we'd be sure if I still had my phone, because it has a GPS, a compass app, and is also a phone!

Yaz:Sammy didn't steal your phone!

No one stole your phone!

Can we please stop talking about the phone?

Ben: You guys! You guys, you guys, you guys.

Could you all yell at each other quieter, please?

Kenji: My fellow campers, chill!
What we need here is someone who can make the hard call on what to do next.
Since I'm obviously leadership material... I'll do this. And my first decree as leader is for everyone to stop talking and just listen to Darius.

Darius: Huh?

Kenji: You got us out of camp alive.
Plus, I can blame you if anybody gets eaten.
Leadership. ( chuckles )

So, which way, Darius?

Please, you're just trying to cover up the fact that you're lost, too, Mr. VIP.
None of us know where we are.

Darius: I know where we are!
We're by the Carnotaurus paddock!
I thought this place looked familiar.

Kenji: Am I an excellent leader or what?

Darius: I remember the fence.
The broken, ripped-down fence.

Ben panting:
That means... That means Toro is out here... with us.
Darius:Now we have to deal with the Indominus and Toro.

Hold up. How do you know about Toro?

Yaz: We all know. Kenji told us, like, the day after it happened.

Kenji:In my defense, me saving you was super cool.

Darius:( sighs )
We know this enclosure is due north of the main park.
So, if we keep going that way, we'll hit the visitors' center.

Darius: We're sure to find Dave and Roxie, or someone else there in charge.

Kenji:Yes! Exactly what I was thinking, as leader, which I am. Follow me! I

Ben: I don't think finding an adult is going to help.
A terrifying, camouflaged dinosaur trashed our camp.
No way they have a plan for that.

Darius: Ben, I know it's scary, but this is Jurassic World. Dealing with dinosaurs is what they do.

Ben:They didn't deal so well back at their first park, did they? Hmm?

Darius:Everything will be okay. Trust me.

Indominus rex:( rumbling )  ( growling )

Roxie: Ugh! This is taking forever! I know Claire's a busy lady, but we can't leave the kids alone all day.

Dave: Wow, hittin' the first names. You only do that when you're annoyed

Roxie: Of course I'm annoyed, David. We need to talk to Claire and get back to the kids ASAP!
But instead, they shove us in here and just tell us to wait for her, and then everyone just disappears!
Where'd they go?

Dave: Look, I'm sure Claire-- yeah, that's not gonna work-- Ms. Dearing will get to us when she can.
Roxie:When? We've been here so long, someone gave you a birthday card to sign.
Dave:All right, the real issue is that no one else signed it. That's just sad. Poor... Eddie. "Dear Eddie, I don't know you, but I'm sure you're doing..." Will you put that down
Roxie:and help me find a phone or radio?

We have to get ahold of someone, ideally, Claire Dearing.

Dave:Okay, maybe she's hiding so she doesn't have to sign this card and--
Are you picking that lock?

I watched Brooklynn's "Hacks for When You Lock Yourself Out of Your Hotel Room" video.
It was actually so good, I subscribed.
Don't tell her.


( lock clicks )

Ugh, I'm so good.

Dave:Mildly impressive.

( screaming over radios )

Man 1: Shoot her!

( screaming continues )

Shoot her!

Man 2: No! The order is to get--

Man 3: Save Wu! Keep out of the way!

( velociraptors screeching )

( static crackles )

( birds chirping )

( Sammy grunts )

Yaz: Don't let Brooklynn upset you. She's just being... Brooklynn.

Sammy:Yaz, there's something I... ( gasps )

Sammy: The Indominus rex was here.

Darius: Predators don't kill prey and then just leave without feeding.

This... this isn't right.

( low groaning )

( all gasp )

( all scream, pant )

( Ben screams, pants )

( whimpers )

( rustling )

( snarls )

(Snarls and snarls)

( all scream )

( soft growling )

(Growling and growling)


Y/n:croc king and croc killer

Ben: ( chuckles )

Y/n: ( chuckles )

Kenji: And scaling and sharp teeth and drooly, and smelly.
How do you even know that's the same dinosaur with other two

Ben: Her big head bump.

Y/n:I rise there when they were little Sarcosuchus Hatchlings and 3 years later my little Sarcosuchus Hatchlings became Juveniles and they 4 years later my Sarcosuchus little grown from Juveniles to Adults so my big Sarcosuchus are being adults to Rome free to catch dinosaurs and I name them one is croc king because he king and second is croc killer because he kills need dinosaurs that crosses into croc killer path.

Ben:y/n friend Dr.wu said she's asymmetrical, but he's wrong that it's bad.

There's nothing wrong with being different, or bumpy, or getting tired after reading an overly thrilling book! And maybe if her parents had listened to her, she wouldn't have come here and gotten attacked!

Yaz: Are we still talking about the dinosaur?
Feels like we're not still talking about the dinosaur.

Kenji:As fun as this reunion is, shouldn't we keep moving south?

Brooklynn: I'm not spending another hour walking through the jungle, hoping that we don't run into that Indominus

We need a new plan.

Kenji: Uh, yeah, obviously we need a new plan.
So, I had Darius figure out a new one.
Lay it on us, bro.

Darius: Okay. So, uh...
we need to find somewhere safe close by.
If camp is that way, and the park is that way...
( gasps ) Isn't Dr. Wu's field genetics lab near here?
You guys went on the tour. Does this area look familiar?

Sammy: Um... Yeah. Y-Yeah.
I think it might be over that way.

Yaz:That seems right.

Darius: Great! That's where we should go.

There's bound to be an adult there who can help or tell us what to do.


Indominus rex:( faint roaring )

( all gasp )

Brooklynn:Fine, whatever!
Let's just go to the lab.
As long as we are moving away from that.

Bumpy: ( soft growling )

croc king and croc killer:( soft growling )

Ben:What about Bumpy?

Y/n:What about croc king and croc killer

Kenji: he's and he's and She's a dinosaur,and he's a crocodile bro.

He and he and She belongs out here in the wild.

Yaz:And he and he she'll just slow us down.
We gotta go now.

Bumpy and croc king and croc killer: ( soft growling )

Brooklynn:Ugh! ( grunts )

Darius: We're doing the right thing, yeah?
Going towards the genetics lab? Or should we have stayed at camp?
Would that have been safer?

Kenji: I told you, if someone gets eaten, I'm not to blame, you are. Lea-der-ship.

Darius:But if I'm leading us the wrong way, the person getting eaten could be you.
Kenji:Are you sure we should be going to the lab?

( screams )

Why are we moving so slowly?

Let's pick it up, people.

Darius:wait guys,where's Ben and Y/n?

Ben:( grunting )

Y/n:( grunting)

Bumpy :( soft growling )

Croc king and croc killer: :( soft growling )

Shh! Shh!


Ben:Come on.oh!

Y/n Come on ah!

Yaz: ( Yasmina clears throat )



Ben:How's it hangin'... dudes?

Y/n:how's it hangin'... dudes?

Darius:Ben y/n, are you both hiding Bumpy and croc king and croc killer in that bush?

Bumpy and croc king and croc killer: (soft growling)

Ben and Y/n: Nope. That could be anything.

The jungle makes all sorts of weird noises.

Bumpy and croc king and croc killer: (soft growling)

Ben and Y/n: (grunts )

Ben and Y/n:How did he and he and she get here?

Yaz: We don't have time for this!
There are dinosaurs eating people out here, and croc king and croc killer can keep up and Bumpy can't keep up!
Ben:She can move faster.Ankylosauruses run fast. Right, Darius?
Darius: When they're fully grown, maybe, but she's just...
Bumpy: ( snoring )
Croc king and croc killer being to walk with y/n and his friends
Kenji: Wow! Yeah, total speed demon.
Say goodbye,
Bumpy:( groans )
You say hello, because she is coming with us!
So... there!
Brooklynn:Ben, you're not thinking this through.
Bumpy's too slow.
Ben:Then... then we'll put her in the van!

Sammy: ( scoffs ) What van?

Ben:That one!

Y/n:looks to see a van

Kenji:It's an ACU transport!

Asset containment unit.
Got the tour of their HQ.
Super hardcore dino-trapping security dudes.

Darius:then where are they?

Brooklynn: Is that a tablet?
( grunts )
Darius:( Darius grunts )
( sighs )
Sammy:What did they tell us?
Oh, right. Come on, channel six.
Dave, Roxie! Can y'all hear us?

( static crackles )

Brooklynn:And of course this doesn't have communication enabled.
Because you know what?
Why would it?
If I had my phone--
Darius: Enough already!
There are bigger things going on here than your phone!

( tablet beeping )

There's a map program with little moving dots on it.

Darius: They chip all the dinosaurs electronically to track them.

See? There's us, and there's...

Kenji:Wait. Here's the Brachiosaurus Grove on the map,

so why are the Brachiosauruses way over there?

Darius:I think maybe the fences are down.

At least some of them.

( Bumpy growls )

( squealing )

( pants ) Easy, girl.

( rumbling )

( Bumpy whines )

Ben: Guys?

Brooklynn:Something's coming this way.

That's weird.

Whatever that is, it isn't showing up on the tablet.

Darius:What kind of dinosaur wouldn't have a transponder?

( Bumpy squealing )

Ben: Shh! Shh!

Yaz:Ben, shut her up!

( roaring )

( screams ) We gotta go now!

Brooklynn: Go! Go!

Darius: Move!


Doesn't anyone know how to drive a van?

No, but we drove gyrospheres, right?

It can't be that different.

The gyrospheres had joysticks and a Jimmy Fallon tutorial.

I don't even have my learners permit!

I do!

( grunts )

Hands at ten and two-- Kenji, go, quickly!

( tires screech )

( all scream )

Ben: Wrong way! Wrong way!

( Kenji grunts )

( tires screech )

( roaring )

( roars )

It's gaining! Go faster!

I can't!

You're in the wrong gear!

Well, how do I shift gears?

How should I know?

( bellowing )

( all scream )

( roars )

It's coming!

Step on that thing!


Are you signaling?

Can everyone not yell at me while I'm saving our lives?

( roars )


( all screaming )

Brooklynn: No!

( roars )

( all scream )

( all grunt, pant )

At least we lost Indominus. Now...

where do we go?

( Bumpy groans )

How about into the genetics lab?

Y/n: my home is the genetics lab

Ben: It's a gift.

( doors hiss )


( grunts )

( all scream )

( screaming )

Eddie:( sighs ) Not dinosaurs. You're not dinosaurs.
( sighs ) This is the worst birthday ever.

Darius:Again, we are so happy we found you.
Things are crazy!
There's a giant camouflaged dinosaur out there.

Also, regular dinosaurs. We've been hoping to find someone--

You're sure you closed the door behind you, right?

Uh... I think so.

You think, or you know?

( Kenji belches )


Did you want it back?

You know what? Doesn't matter.

The dinosaurs got out and no one bothered to tell me; they just ran.

So, why not? Knock yourself out.

Brooklynn:Ugh! There's no dial tone!

The landlines are down.

So is the radio, and cell phone service keeps cutting out.

But the park obviously has a plan. So, what's that plan? What do we do?

You're asking me? ( laughs )

Asking me?

Sammy:Is that, like, a good freaky laugh?

Do you not get it?

We're doomed.

No one is coming to help!

Kenji:But what about y/n friend Dr. Wu, or--

Eddie: y/n friend Wu?

Who do you think is to blame?

Eddie: Y/n friend Wu got greedy.

And instead of dinosaurs,

he built monsters!

( whirring )

Masrani, Dearing, they're all clueless about what's really going on here.

And after everything I did for the other guys--

Brooklynn:Other guys? What other--

It doesn't matter, does it?

Jurassic World isn't a park. It's a powder keg, and it is detonating all around us!

We're all going down.

End of story!

Darius: No, you have to know what to do.
You're an adult!

Eddie: Don't look at me. I was just hiding until you all barged in.

Darius: But we drove all the way here 'cause--

Eddie:Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You have a vehicle?

Darius: ( grunts )

Kenji:Guys, I left the keys in the van.

Y/n: Oh my god Kenji

Darius:Stop! What are you doing?

Eddie:Getting out of here alive!

Yaz:( panting )

Yaz:( grunts )

Bumpy:( squeals )

Yaz:( grunts )


Bumpy( squeals )

Yaz:Bumpy! ( pants )

Eddie: Huh? ( pants )

Van:( engine starts )

( engine revs )

Yaz:( Yasmina yelps )

(grunts )

( roars )

( all scream )

( roars )

( pants ) Ah! ( grunts )

( growls )

( yelps )

( screams )

Oh, no! ( whimpers )

( screams, whimpers )

( pants )

( metal creaks )

( roars )

Rip:Eddie and happy birthday to Eddie

( Eddie screams )

( Sammy whimpers )

( all panting )

Kenji: What?

Darius: Come on, are you kidding me?

Perfect! The park's only intact fence!

( roaring )

( all scream, pant )

I told you she'd get in the way!

If it wasn't for her, I could have made the van.

And then you would have been eaten.

Bumpy saved your life.

Why couldn't you just leave her behind?

Because I won't abandon her like we were!

Darius:Ben right

We're on our own.

( roaring )

( all scream )

( rumbling )

( panting )

( snarling )

( squeals )

( Ben gasps )

( Bumpy growls )

( snarls )

( shushing )

( growling )

( gasps )

Darius:( whispers ) Trust me.

( roars )

( growling )

( clanging )

( roars )

( Ben and Kenji panting )

( grunts, gasps )

( tablet trilling )

( roars )

( whimpers )

( all scream )


( whimpers )

( both scream )

( snarls )

( both yelp )

( screaming, panting )

( rhythmic clanging )

Darius:Hey, over here!

( roars )

Darius: Whoa!( pants )

( roars )

( Sammy whimpering )

( Bumpy squeals )

Yaz:I'm driving.

( engine starts )

Wait! Where's Darius and Y/n?

( roaring )

( panting, whimpering )

( screams )

( snarling )

( panting )

( Darius yelps )

( roaring )

Whew! ( pants, chuckles )

( all laughing )

( Bumpy squeals )


Roxie over radio: Kids? Come on, pick up!

There's something going on.

Stay at camp.

We're heading to you.

( static crackles )

Darius: No, we're heading to you!

Roxie Darius! Wait, why are you-- We're fine, but we had to leave camp.



Darius:Long story.

Yasmina: Short story: a dinosaur ate camp.

Kenji: Shorter story: epic leader Kenji somehow got everyone out safely.

Ben: And then we found a van and Bumpy! ( Bumpy squeals )

Dave:I got nothing.

Darius: We're cutting through the jungle and heading to the main park.

Should be there soon.

We're getting out of here!

( cheering )

Yeah! You hear that, Bumpy?

Yaz:Whoo! Driver en route

( Kenji sighs )

Good job not getting me eaten, bro.

Thanks, "brah." Oh, no, you--

you made that sound weird. No more bro-talk for you.

( laughs )

We did it, camp family! And not a moment too--

( all grunt )

( grunting continues )

Brooklynn: My phone. I knew it! ( gasps )

Yasmina: Huh? Sammy?

Y/n: I am running to side of the van with croc king and croc killer on both of my crocodile shoulder to see my friends are about to crashing to a rock

( crashing )

Y/n:oh no

( all screaming )

( theme music playing )

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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