Season 1 episode 7 "Last Day of Camp"

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

( insects chirping )

( rumbling )

( dinosaurs bellowing )

( thudding )

( roars, screeches )

( alarm blaring )

( all panting )

Male voice: Attention. All park-goers must report to the South Ferry Dock for immediate evacuation.

Last ferry departs in two hours.

( panting continues ) Brooklynn:That's it? No explanations? That's all we get?

( Darius panting ) We have to move. The only way we're gonna make it is if we run.


( Yasmina grunting )

Are we sure that's the best way to get there?

I'm fine.

I've competed with a torn ACL.

Yaz:You should be way more worried about Ben and Bumpy.

Ben panting: What we should all be worried about is catching a boat out of here and, naturally, we have a problem.

We're here.

The docks are on the southern tip of the island.

Even if we ran at peaks Y/n and Yaz speed, there's no way we'd make the last boat out.

You don't know that.

( scoffs ) Yes, I do. I memorized the evacuation plan on the ferry ride over.

( all groan and Y/n groan too)

Darius:Okay, so we need another way.


Can we use those somehow?

Or send someone to tell the ferry people to wait?

Brooklynn:Or... Or make a few jetpacks real quick?

Oh! We should befriend a unicorn!

Face it. It's hopeless.

Automated voice: We will be arriving at Main Street-- your destination for fine dining...
Is that...?
...and shopping at Jurassic World.

Followed by stops at the Jurassic World Lagoon and the South Ferry Dock.

Monorail, what-what!

Mm, nicely played, Universe.


( all panting with y/n and his two pet croc king and croc killer)

Darius: We gotta move!

( both panting )

It's nice havin' some company back here for once.

I'm fine.

( sighs )

( panting )

( Kenji exclaims )

( laughing )

Brooklynn: Oh, no.


Toro:( growling )

( gasps, pants )

( whispers )


Toro:( growling continues )

Toro:( snarls )

( all gasp )

( gasps )

( grunts )

( grunts )

( clatters )

Toro:( snarls, growls )

( growls )

( gasps )

( Yasmina pants )

( gasps )

( gasping )

( sighs )



Automated voice: Welcome to the Jurassic World Lagoon.
Next stop, Ferry Landing!


Darius: Run!

( Ben whimpers )

( roars )

( yelps, pants )

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

( Ben screaming )

( gasps )

( Yasmina grunts )

( grunts, pants )

Toro( roars )

Automated voice: Please stand clear of the closing doors.

Kenji:kenji grunts

Darius:Y/n what are you doing

Y/n:I'm buy you sometime to saving your friends for Toro

Darius:okay y/n al let everyone go to and your two pet croc king and croc killer to the Monorail

Y/n:thanks you Darius you are good friend

Darius:your welcome y/n I am a good friend

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Y/n:I being to transformation into my crocodile hybrid form

Y/n crocodile hybrid:ROARS

Yasmina:Y/n is that you

Y/n crocodile hybrid:YES YASMINA IT ME

Ben: wow when did y/n become this creature

Darius:I don't know

(Ben and Yasmina grunting )

( whimpers )

( grunting )

( snarling )

Y/n crocodile hybrid: Darius help Yasmina

Darius: Ben! Out of the way!

( Yasmina whimpers )

( roars )

Y/n crocodile hybrid: NICE SAVE DARIUS

Darius:thanks Y/n

( Ben and Yasmina scream )

( whimpers )

( roars )

Please stand-- Please stand--

Sammy:Do not let those doors close!

( roaring )

( Yasmina grunting )

( roars )

( thuds )

( grunts )

( Ben yelps )

Y/n crocodile hybrid: we made it

( Kenji grunts )

Kenji:ahh a monster

Sammy:what did you do to y/n

brooklyn:guys i think this monster it's y/n

Y/n crocodile hybrid:Finally someone notice me

( Yasmina pants )

Doors closing.

( whimpers )

( roars )

Kenji: No way. Something bad always happens when we think we're safe. Watch. The doors are gonna open.

Sammy:( scoffs )

Oh, okay, then, the train's gonna stop because that's how this works.

I'm pretty sure we're safe now.

Well, we were until you said that

Dave: I'll check here,

you check the stadium.

Roxie: Kids? Darius?

Dave: Brooklynn?

Roxie: Anybody here?

( panting )

Oh, no.

They made it out!

These look both posh and tacky enough to be something Kenji would wear.

( Dave sighs )

They're okay. I know it.

Automated voice: Welcome to the Jurassic World Lagoon.

The kids?

They're alive!

Dave:Hey, guys!

Roxie: Hey!

Kids! Kids! Dang it.

Male voice: Attention. All park-goers must report to the South Ferry Dock for immediate evacuation.

Last ferry departs in 90 minutes.

Then it's time to ship out!

( roaring )

Or let's just go.

( roars )

( crickets chirping )

Darius panting )

( sighs )

It's over.

Guys, we did it.

We're going home.


( gasps )

( Bumpy squeals )

(Croc king and croc killer growl)

Yeah! Whoo!

Darius laughs:






( all laughing )



It's cool, man. We're good.

We'll be at the main dock soon.

This calls for a celebration.

I might be able to help with that.

Stashed a few treats for the road.

Ooh, sweet!

I'm starving!

Our little Ben is useful.

( all retching, spitting )

Sammy: This is nasty.

Y/n crocodile hybrid form:MAN THAT GROSS

Kenji: Get it off! Get it off!

Ben, someone stole your candy bars and put dirt in 'em.

They're carob bars. They pair perfectly with--

Carob juice.


Carob is nature's chocolate.

Just as delicious, with none of the sugar or caffeine.

What's wrong with sugar and caffeine?

First thing I'm gonna do when I get home is hug my espresso machine.
I may never let go.

Kenji: You know... ( clears throat ) I've often described myself as a tall, hot drink.

( all scoffing )

Come on, man.


You could never be coffee.

( scoffs ) I could be coffee.

Yez:I cannot with to be home.
Once my ankle's better, it's back to training.

And I guess finding a new corporate sponsor, since mine was Jurassic World.

But you know...

It's gonna be weird for things to be normal again.

Like, are video games gonna seem boring now? ( chuckles )

How about you? What's the first thing you'll do when you get home?

Depends on which wing of our mansion you're talkin' about.

East wing is usually off limits,

but Dad and Candy are away on business, so I guess I'll go downstairs to our bowling alley.

( chuckles ) Staff always lets me win. Life of a VIP.

So, what have you missed, Ben?

Kenji: Oh. Let me guess, you can't wait to get home to your closet of dork pouches.

( Brooklynn and Sammy and Y/n crocodile hybrid form chuckle )

Ha, ha. Very funny.

Seriously, Ben, you've had juice boxes for days!

How much stuff can you fit in that thing?

One, lots, and two, obviously the first thing I'm gonna do when I get back is restock it.

( all laughing and Y/n crocodile hybrid form laughing too)

Check it out. ( imitates lightsaber powering up )

( Ben and Brooklynn and Y/n crocodile hybrid form grunt )

I found the first thing at Jurassic World that works!

( chuckles ) Still works.

I still can't believe how much went wrong. ( chuckles )

Like that time we almost got eaten?

Which time?

How was there more than one time?

Let's all raise our carob juice.

A toast!

To not getting eaten!

To not getting eaten!

To not getting eaten!

Y/n crocodile hybrid form:man that gross drinking a carob juice.

( slurping )

( grunts ) Ugh!

( Yasmina groans )

( spits )

( slurps, sighs )

( Brooklynn shudders )

To no more running away!

To no more running away!

( slurps )

( Darius chuckles )

Y/n crocodile hybrid form:man that sick seeing them drinking a carob juice again.

Brooklynn: Hmm. Mm-mm.

( slurps, sighs )

To the return of a low-level gnawing dread rather than an all-encompassing impending doom!

Why not!

Brooklynn: To what Ben said!

Kenji: Bad doom versus normal doom!

I got one. ( gasps )

( explosion )

( all grunt and Y/n crocodile hybrid form grunt too)

What was that?

It sounded like an explosion.

Ugh! Not again! I don't see anything.

I don't think it was near us.

We're okay. We're still okay.

( Bumpy and croc king and croc killer groans )

I know camp wasn't what we thought it was gonna be.

But after everything we went through, at least we're leavin' this place with five new friends and a crocodile hybrid form!

To the seven of us being best friends for life!


"No added sugars," wow.

Wait, do you guys not see us as friends?

I mean... ( sighs ) Doesn't it usually take more than a few days to become friends with someone?

We were thrown together at random.

We have nothing in common.

That's not true!

We've been through more together than most friends have in a lifetime.

And now that it's over, what are the odds that we'll ever see each other again?

Automated voice: Coming up on the right, you'll see our world-renowned 18-hole, dinosaur-themed golf course.

It's one of the many wonders that makes this park so very Jurassic.

( chuckles ) What does that even mean?

I thought I knew. My whole life, I had this idea of Jurassic World.

My dad used to say this place was, "All-osaurus and a bag of chips."

He was so corny.

Um, was?

So, your dad is...

I'm sorry, Darius.

Ugh! "Sorry." Nice one, Sammy, ya ding-dong!

Like "sorry" could begin to--

It's okay.

Hey, at least your dad never saw what a dumpster fire this place turned out to be, huh?

Ow! What?

I meant it's cool that Darius and his dad were so close.

I could count on one hand the number of times me and my dad have done... anything.

Kenji, that's just real sad.


Did I mention I have a bowling alley?

Ben: Dang it!

Come on, it's gotta be here somewhere. Oh! ( scoffs )

Bumpy stepped in something icky and I'm low on sanitizer.

It's fine. I can make more.

Ben, why are you here?

What he means is-- Eh, well, you're scared of dinosaurs, and the outdoors, and sometimes the indoors, and germs.

Whipped cream for some reason?

The way it moves. ( shudders )

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. What's the deal?

( Bumpy squeals )

My mom works for Mr. Masrani. She got me into camp.

Said it would be a great way for me to "face my fears." It's been a nightmare!

I'm sick of being scared all the time.

And of running, and of almost getting eaten, and... and of holding everyone back especially y/n

I just can't do... this.

( Bumpy groans )

Ben: But it's not all bad.

If I hadn't come, I-- I never would have met--

( crashing )

( all gasp )

( crashing )

( all grunt )

( Darius panting )

( crashing )

( all yell )

Guys, we gotta turn off the lights!

( smashing )

( Darius grunting )

( gasps )

( screeches )

Flying reptiles are basically seabirds.

They're attracted to shiny, moving objects, and with all these lights on--

We're a shiny, moving object!

( screeches )

( screams )

( Kenji panting )

What should I do?

Just keep out of the way!

( smashing continues )

( screeching )

( whimpering )

( Yasmina and Sammy yelp )

( grunting )

( whimpering )

( grunting continues )

( electricity buzzes )

( squawking )

( screeching )

( whimpers, screams )

( screeches )

( grunts ) Brooklynn, you're with Yaz.

Sammy,Y/n help Ben and Bumpy across!

( Yasmina pants ) Whoa!

( grunts, thuds )

( Bumpy and croc king and croc killer grunts )

( screeching )

Automated voice: Smile! You're at Jurassic World.

We hope you're having... ( distorted voice ) a Jurassic time.

( yelps, grunts )

( Bumpy squeals )

( crashing )

( grunting, groaning )

( gasps )

At least now we know what that boom was earlier.

I told you--

Brooklynn: Don't.

If we don't switch tracks or stop this car right now,

we're gonna hit that thing, full speed!

The front car, there's control panels there!

VIP Tour, I was eight, they let me drive.

( grunts ) No, no, no!

( Ben whimpering )

( Bumpy groans )

( all grunting )

( grunts, sighs )

( screeching )

I'm gonna get to the control car through there.

You're gonna what?

You can't go out there!

( sputters ) That's where the flying whatevers are!

We don't have a choice! Me and--

I'm the only one who can fit.

( screeches )

( yelps )

( all yelp )

( Bumpy groans )

You're gonna be okay.

Distract the flock while I crawl over the top to the control car.

Use the flashlights, keep them away from--

( hatch squeaks )

( all gasp )

( Bumpy squeals )

( gasps ) Ben!

Ben, what are you doing?

( grunts )

I can do this! Just distract them!

( pants, screams )

( screeches )

Come on!

We have to keep them away from Ben!

( pants )

( all panting )

( screeches )

I can do this.

I can do this.

( grunts )

( all panting )

( screeching )

( whimpers )

( grunts )

( yells )

( grunting )

( console trilling )

( whimpering )

( bangs )

( screeches )

( panting )

( screeches )

( screams )

( crashing )

( grunting )

( crashes )

( screeching )

( laughing, whooping )

( pants, sighs )

Brooklynn: Yeah! All chanting: Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben!

( Ben laughs )

( Bumpy groans )

You saved us, Ben. I didn't know you had it in you.

( glass shatters )


( Ben screaming )

( grunting )

( Ben gasps, whimpers )

( grunting )

Oh, no!

( grunting, screaming )

Ben: Help!

Hang on!

( grunts ) Darius! Darius! Darius!

No! ( grunts )

No! ( screams )

( theme music playing )

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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