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"I am not clumsy. It's just that the floors hate me, the tables and chairs are bullies and the walls get in the way!" ________ yelled 

"_______. It's your tenth time today and it is only seven!" Silver counted, stressed with her frequent visits. Don't get the wrong idea, Silver loves to see her but, not in this state.

"It is only a scratch, Silver." She argued, clearly not seeing the big deal.

"A concussion, two broken ligaments and a fractured rib! Is not 'just a scratch'!" he pointed out, no impressed with what she calls 'a scratch'.  "Now you need a new bedroom! Again!' he ranted.

_______ fell silent slightly exhausted from the ranting they did, as Silver was working on her ligaments she started to zone off looking back at when this all started.

 She was walking around her the kitchen looking for a gift she set up for Silver earlier in the year. She lifted boxes, knives, plates, tables and couches. She was about to put the couch back till she saw a shine of ivory wrap. With the couch being stabilised on one hand and some of her back she attempted the grab. "J-just a li-ttle more" she struggled . Suddenly, her front door flew open followed by a fierce gust of wind forcing her to lose her balance and collapse. The couch started to hurl towards her, she was fast enough to roll away so her back won't be crushed under the pressure but, unfortunately not fast enough to save her leg. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" She cried in pure agony feeling as if her leg was under a car. Sonic, (the person who knocked her down) franticly picked her up only to be resulted in a louder cry. He placed her down gently and instead dragged Silver over. Due to the catastrophic war from the future, it was a basic and important need to know advanced medical knowledge. So with great care he took care of her leg with what he had to work with around the house. 

"Don't worry _____, you can stay in my place while your healing. There, I can take better care for you okay." He spoke kindly.

So ever since that one fateful accident Silver would constantly take care of her in his house when she got injured.

Regaining awareness she looked over towards Silver who had already finshed patching her up, gathering up his equipment.

"Silver, ...." she spoke hesitantly breaking the silence while catching Silver's attention ".... If I am being a nuisance you don't have to take me in" she finished

Silver was speechless... till he saw her starting to get up.

"No, no!  I just get frustrated that you get hurt, I don't want or like seeing you get hurt/injured all the time or at all for that matter" he rushed. ________ blinked in response.

Taking a deep breath she spoke "AfterthefirstincidentIfiguredthisisthebestmostdiscretewayoffindingoutwhatyoulikeandifyoulikeme" She spluttered at once taking a huge gasp at he end

He chuckled "You know instead of something that convuluted you could have just, I don't know, say 'would you like to hang out' " he stated grinning

______ blushed "Sozzles, hehehe, um.. would you like to hang out?"

"Yes, you convuluted fool" he teased "but after you have healed, deal?"


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