Chapter 3

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I woke up again in the same place as last night. I woke up remembering everything from last night but the thought quickly escaped from my brain. Dang it! I thought as I get up and get ready for the day. After I finished with everything (taking a shower, brushing my teeth, getting cute clothes on for no apparent reason. You know, all the good stuff.), I decided to take a walk to the nearby park. All of my friends (mostly Carlos) would make fun of me for going to a "place filled with little kids" as they say it. But I kept away all of the negativity, and kept walking to the park. As I finally got their, I quickly spotted a familiar old lady sitting on the same bench almost everyday. A grin placed upon her wrinkly face as soon as she saw me. I strolled closer to her to start a brand new conversation like we do when I'm there. "Hello, Edna!" I said with great enthusiasm. "Why hello, (y/n)! How are you my dear?" She asked with almost the same excitement as me. "I'm doing very well, actually." We had a conversation about interesting subjects. But without me noticing, we got to the subject I've always a tried my hardest to avoid. "So," Edna starts. "Is there any special men in your life?" My spine and neck stiffened as my cheeks felt warm. I ruffled my (h/c), (h/l) hair and began to stutter on my words. "Sp-special? Me? Guys? Haha! Oh Edna you're hilarious, really." She gave me a hard cold stare with her frightening green eyes. Okay. This women may be old, but she's got a look that will make grown men have to go home and change their pants. I looked back at her not answering her question. "There's no way I'm getting out of this one, is there?" I asked, my head slightly title to the side. Edna shook her head with a smirk on her face. I sighed not too loudly and took a deep breath. Huh! Well I did have this dream of a faceless man picking me up with warm hands and screaming girls everywhere or whatever! What do ya think? Is he special or what? I thought as I just answered. "No...not yet at least." She chuckled at my comment and looked around. "Well I'm gonna get going..." the rest of her sentence was faded out. Especially when I got the familiar shock up my spine. Man! Sometimes this "gift" really gives me the creeps!  Edna gets up and starts to walk away. She turns around at me looking at me straight into the eyes. "Find a special someone, tis today? Or tis tomorrow? Thou shalt not knoweth until you shalleth try." She said with a dramatic accent. (I tried my best guys! Come on) I smile in response as I look around for someone that made me get chills. I stood up to see if the "person" was somewhere around this area. Suddenly a earpeircing scream filled into my delicate (and probably now busted) eardrums. I spoke in a different language as I was startled ( I am very quick at learning new languages!!) by the sound. "OH MY GOD ITSMARKIPLIER!!" I couldn't hear the last part quite clearly because (a.) I am possibly deaf right about now (b.) Whoever this was screamed the last part quickly and (c.) There was a herd of swarming girls running.....toward me....goodie. I was knocked down by the force of screaming fangirls. I could here a strain of a man trying to escape the swarm as well. I feel ya fam. I thought to myself.  I feel ya. Something seems strangely familiar about this picture here.

  That's it!!! My dream... no that can't be it. But suddenly all of my doubts where thrown away when I saw a hand reach out in front of me. I grabbed the person's warm hand without caution. Intense chills struck my spine, even harder and colder this time. But the best part of that day is when my heart dropped when I saw a man in a super familiar red plaid flannel. "Hi." He said

His words echoing.

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