Chapter Nineteen

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Saying goodbye to Mom was hard. Then again, it always was. Living so far away from her certainly had its disadvantages but I held onto the notion that I'd be seeing her again soon. Besides, I had Alex supporting me through it all. He was nothing short of a saint; driving her to the airport and looking after me when I cried for twenty minutes straight after we left her there. It never got easier but my life was here now. In Florida.

"Here," offered Alex, handing me my coffee. "Drink up. It'll make you feel better."

He'd driven us to a small café not too far from the airport, insisting on a change of scenery.

"Thanks," I replied, enjoying the heat against my fingertips. "Jez called while you were queuing. He and Cordelia are having wine and cheese at theirs tomorrow night. They've invited us. You wanna go?"

"Absolutely," he insisted, leaning across the table to steal a kiss.


A woman's voice I didn't recognise interrupted us, sounding sweet.

"Georgie! Hey!" he replied, springing to his feet.

"I haven't seen you in forever," she lightly scorned, squeezing him tight into a hug. "I got your RSVP to the wedding. Jason can't make it, huh?"

"Nah, he's away with his girlfriend and her family for spring break," he replied, finally pulling away. "I'm still coming though."

"You can bring someone else if you want?"

Upon saying this, she turned her kind gaze to me.

"Oh!" stated Alex, finally remembering himself. "This is Ebony. My girlfriend," Wow! "Ebony, this is Georgia, my best friend from college. She's getting married next month."

She smiled. "Lovely to meet you, Ebony."

"Right back at ya," I replied, grinning.

Her emerald green eyes were welcoming as they stayed locked onto mine, almost luring.

"How long have you guys been dating?" she asked, genuinely intrigued.

"Not long," I replied, briefly looking to Alex. "But I feel like I've known him forever."

She beamed with happiness for us. "I can tell. You guys look great together. We should hangout some time, Ebony. Swap stories."

"I'd love that."

Alex smiled, seemingly onboard with Georgie and I becoming friends.

"Alex has your number, right? I'll grab it off of him," I suggested. "My class schedule is clearing up the closer we get to spring break."

"Oh! What're studying?" she asked.

"Elementary education," offered Alex, jumping in like a proud boyfriend.

She just smiled. "Didn't I always say you'd marry a teacher."

I laughed.

"That's funny. My mom always said I'd marry a lawyer," I replied.

Alex thankfully smiled and proceeded to shoot me a wink.

"God, you guys are cute!" she gushed, kissing Alex on the cheek and leaning across to give me a hug. "I've gotta dash but give me a call. We'll arrange brunch one afternoon?"


"Sounds great."

We waved her off and threw her one last smile before she turned the corner. Alex was clearly fond of their friendship and I could certainly see why. I'd known the girl all of five minutes and already liked her.

"She seems nice."

"She's the best," he replied, seemingly sad. "Even after everything I've done."

"What did you do?" I asked, intrigued.

He frowned. "Her fiancé–Tom–is Lucas' cousin. Things got awkward after I found out about Teddy. I couldn't be around people who knew them."


"So you cut them off?" I asked.

"I hurt Georgie by doing that. I know I did. She's my best friend and I dropped her in seconds."

"It's understandable, Alex," I insisted, squeezing his hand. "I'm sure she gets it."

"Yeah, it's not the point though. I shouldn't have done it in the first place. I guess being around her brings back memories."

"Maybe you guys need to hangout some time and make new memories. Ones that don't include Chloe and Lucas."

He nodded. "Maybe."

"Everyone needs a persistent BFF on their side," I insisted.

"Like you have Jez?"

I smiled. "Exactly."

I cuddled into him, sensing his need for one. "Will they be at the wedding too?"


His reluctance to go was completely justifiable. He still held onto a lot of pain. That much was obvious.

"I want to ask you to come with me but I'm scared you'll think things are going to fast if I do."

"Why would I think that?" I asked, looking into his deep, blue eyes.

"It's at a ski resort," he explained. "It's not just a wedding I'd be inviting you too. It's a mini vacation."

Oh, fun!

"Perhaps you're not ready for romantic getaways just yet. Especially ones where my ex fiancé will be present."

I smiled. "For you, anything."


I nodded. "Of course. Although, I can't ski for shit."

A joyous laugh graced my ears. "I can handle your lack of skill." He gently placed his hand on top of mine and kissed the top of my head. "Thanks, Ebony."

"For what?"

"For being the best girlfriend I've ever had."

Holy shit balls...THE BEST!

"Until two minutes ago, I didn't know I was your girlfriend," I retorted, kissing him firmly on the lips. "I love my new title though."

He could do nothing but grin.

"Does that mean you'll come?" he asked.

A mini vacation did sound nice and skiing was something I've always wanted to try.

"Yes." I smiled. "Count me in."


Get in, bitches...

We're going skiing! 🎿

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