Chapter Thirteen

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The sound of constant knocking woke me up. I was slightly disoriented as I threw on some sweats and made my way towards the front door. The clock on the cooker displayed an atrocious six AM, meaning whoever it was didn't believe in lie-ins on a Saturday.

"This better be good," I grumbled, opening up.

Jez stood on the other side, looking guilty as sin. He help up my favourite blueberry muffin from Coffee to go and shot me an apologetic smile. "I'm an ass. Will you accept this muffin as an apology?"

He had me at muffin!

"As long as you promise not to be a judgemental prick."

"I love you and your filthy mouth, Ebony Lowes," he informed, pulling me in for an unexpected hug. "I am sorry though. I just don't want to see you get hurt."

That, I could understand.

"Where is the other brother anyway?" he asked, scanning the living room for any signs of life.

I shot him a sheepish smile. "In my bed."

Each eyebrow flew up in surprise, though thankfully he managed to suppress his true opinion.

"Is this a regular thing then?" he questioned, squeezing past me and entering the kitchen. "You and him?"

I shrugged. "I guess so."

"And Jason? Does he know?"

I cringed. "Christ, no!"

Jez laughed and took it upon himself to take a bite out of my muffin.

"You're eating my apology!" I expressed, grabbing it from him before he could take anymore.

I placed it on the counter, away from greedy hands, and turned back around to find Alex stood in the doorway with nothing but boxers covering up his modesty. His toned abs were in my direct line of sight and it took every ounce of restraint not to jump his bones with Jez stood mere inches away.

"Ah, you have company," stated Alex, blushing.

Jez offered him a smile and held out his hand. "Don't worry. I'm the best friend."

"Pfft, I'm downgrading you since you ate my muffin," I informed.

"I hope to god you mean that literally," replied Alex, throwing me a smirk whilst shaking Jez's hand. "You're the guitarist, right?"

Jez cracked up, thoroughly amused. "Yes. And to clarify, it was her blueberry muffin. If I'd known you guys were having a sleepover, I would've brought you one too."

Alex grinned. "Maybe next time?"

Next time!

I glanced over to Alex and caught him staring, smiling. He walked over and flung an arm around my shoulder, gently kissing the top of my head. Jez watched our exchange the entire time, smiling away to himself.

"Hey, guys!"

Jason's greeting acted as an extinguisher to our fire. Alex pulled away from me and swaggered over to the coffee pot, busying himself with our morning beverages.

"You're back early," I stated, desperately trying to remain casual.

"Anna's meeting friends," he explained, looking towards his almost-naked brother. "Jesus, Alex. Cover up, will you? Ebony doesn't wanna see your morning wood."

Jez spluttered, seemingly choking on thin air.

"Don't be so sure about that," he mumbled, loud enough so that only I could hear.

I shoved on his arm and threw him a smirk.

"Sorry, Ebony," joked Alex. "Do my abs offend you?"

"Absolutely. Toned muscles and six packs are repulsive," I replied, firing Jason a smile.

He simply laughed.

"I'm gonna take a shower," he declared, heading towards his bedroom.

Once again, Alex, Jez and I were left alone, waiting before it was safe to start talking again.

"He's going to find out," stated Jez, gesturing between us. "You two are so obviously sleeping together."

"Are we really that transparent?" asked Alex, handing Jez and I a coffee.

He nodded.

"I guess we better stop sleeping together, Ebony."

"Shame!" I replied, holding up my mug in thanks.

Jez smiled and mouthed a silent, "I like him." seemingly gifting me his approval. He then downed his coffee and left, essentially offering Alex and I a moment of privacy.

"Do you have plans tonight?" he asked, topping up my coffee mug.


"You do now," he insisted. "I want to take you out. Properly, this time."

"Like a date?" I asked, blushing.


"Yes. Exactly like a date," he replied, suddenly unsure of himself. "If that's okay with you?"

This wasn't the first time I'd witnessed his vulnerable side and the more I did, the more my curiosity grew. Who the hell messed with him so much that he lacked this much confidence in himself. I thought back to that time I overheard a conversation between him and Jason. The one which clearly stated Alex had been cheated on. I felt angered that someone could hurt him like that. That they'd even want to.

"Alex," I soothed, walking towards him. "That is more than okay with me. I'd love to go on a date with you."

His grin was blinding and I was happy to see the return of his confidence.

"What should I wear?"

"Wear whatever you want, darling. You'll look beautiful in anything. Even a potato sack would look good on you."

"Great! I'll wear my potato sack then," I replied, gifting him a wink.

He pulled me in for a kiss, happy in the knowledge that Jason was preoccupied in the shower. His mouth was so familiar now. I knew his kisses off by heart and loved every single one of them. The soft ones where he'd nibble the edge of my mouth. The red, hot passionate ones that ruined me in seconds. Alex was slowly creeping into my heart and I needed to be careful. But that was easier said than done. With him, I craved adventure. The urge to be reckless was powerful and I enjoyed the thrill. I'd never had this before with any other guy. Never felt this connected to another human being.

Only him.

Only Alex.


Be careful there, Ebony.

It sounds like you're about to catch something.


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