Ten Centuries of Pain

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"That ring... Why are you wearing that ring? That's her ring!" A voice shouted at me from across the park I had been sitting in, sipping my slowly cooling tea as I watched the crows and pigeons hop about looking for food.

Jumping and spilling my tea down my shirt, I looked up and saw a vaguely familiar man standing there, his dark hair looking slightly mussed as a few strands had slipped forward to hang before his eyes. Was that... Evan?

"What are you talking about? Who's ring? This?" I pulled my hand against my chest. "I don't know what you mean. My boyfriend gave me this ring. You must be mistaken. How did you even get here? How did you find me? Are you stalking me?!"

Standing up, I pulled my damp shirt away from my chest, grimacing at the feeling of the fabric clinging uncomfortably to skin. Turning to leave, I flinched as a hand grabbed my arm.

"I'm sorry. You're right. I must be mistaken. That ring... It is- I mean, it looks like my mother's ring and... I'm sorry. It has been a long time since she died. I have no right to get upset, regardless of whether or not it is her ring," looking up to see that once familiar and unwanted darkness in his pale green eyes, I frowned and gave a short nod, still unsure how he'd found me here like this and why. "I've ruined the surprise, haven't I? I'd wanted to see you again and see if you wanted to maybe have tea someplace with me, but now I've spoiled everything. I'll- I shall leave. I can tell my presence here is not wanted."

"Wait! I... Just let me get changed and we can go to the cafe down the street. It's not the best tea, but it is decent if you add some honey to it." I wasn't sure why I had offered, but for some reason, I couldn't just let the man walk away. Not without finding out how he'd found me.


"My... dad, he made that... I mean, he made a ring like that one. For my mom. He promised he would always love her, that his heart would never belong to another for as long as he existed. But then, after she died... Well, we kind of went our separate ways. Mom had always been the one to hold the family together, the one to keep things calm, and when she wasn't there anymore... I guess we didn't have any reason to play at getting along anymore," he sat there, playing with the spoon he'd used to stir the honey into his tea.

I don't know what I had expected, but it hadn't been something like this. I wasn't sure if I believed him, but I couldn't just pretend I didn't see the way his eyes kept dropping to my ring before he would shiver and turn away, looking anywhere but at that hand for a time before being slowly drawn back again as if caught in a spell.

"My mother was buried with her ring still on her finger," there was pain in his eyes as he said this, his gaze once again focused on the ring I wore.

For some reason, I felt a shiver run down my spine. No, this was not the same ring. Morcant had given me this ring. It wasn't from some dead... lover? No, it couldn't be. He wouldn't. No sane man would do that, would he? Besides, there is no way this could be the same ring. Morcant hadn't even been to this world before. He had no son here, he couldn't have a son here! This man was around the same age as I was, it was impossible!

"I don't know what game you are playing, but I want you to stop. Don't follow me again and don't contact me. Leave me alone!" I stood up quickly, my chair tipping and falling to the floor before I turned and left the cafe in a rush.

My fingers ran along the band of the ring, fingertips tingling from the gentle hum of the magic held within.

Morcant, where are you?


The foolish boy. Foolish, foolish child. But at least there was no longer any worry that his (y/n) would listen to anything he said. No, Uwaine had ruined his chance to turn her against him. Or Evan as he had called himself in this plane of existence.

Smiling down at the boy as the child sat there, watching through the window front as (y/n) rush off down the street, Morcant turned and walked back through the door into the backroom before vanishing from the area. No matter how many centuries passed, the child would never grow past his desire to return to the past, even as Morcant had once done.

But now? Now he simply wished to shape the future to bring (y/n) into his arms, forever and always. And he would not let anything take her away from him.

Not even his own son's foolish whims.

"Ah, there you are (y/n)! I was just looking for you. I missed you, my love," he said as soon as he'd appeared behind her, her arms resting against a tree as she gathered her breath.

Stepping toward her, he reached out and gently pulled her against his chest, holding her as he wiped the tears from her cheeks. The boy was lucky he was the last proof that he'd once had his world's version of this woman to call his own, otherwise, he would pay for making (y/n) cry.

"Shh, there is no reason to cry, my heart. I'm here now and I won't let anyone hurt you. You're safe now. I'm here for you, always. I would do anything for you." Pressing his lips against her forehead, he ran his fingers soothingly through her hair, smiling as she began to relax in his arms.

Truly he would do anything for her. Anything. Even if it meant tearing a hole in reality, he would do anything to be with her and see that lovely smile she wore for him. Only him.

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