A Magick Bar and Another Tea House

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After the meeting, I stormed off, not stopping until I found a flamelily.

I could hear William calling me, but I ignored him, stepping into the room and slamming the magickal door closed with a bang.

Dotted all around the room were targets, a couple with splattered blood on them. By the door was a set of knives. I grabbed them all, tucking them into my belt. There was a handgun there also, along with several cartridges of bullets. Grabbing them, I loaded the gun and flipped the safety catch off.

Then I spun, choosing a target at random and fired. The bullet embedded itself in the centre.

I spun again and again, firing until each cartridge was empty.

Then I moved onto the knives, kicking and slashing at imaginary opponents. I threw several, sending them spinning into the middle of the targets.

When I grew tired, I left, taking a couple of the knives with me. Pushing against the magick door that appeared, I stumbled into a bar. No one turned a hair at my entrance, everyone else focused on their drinks and their partners.

I walked up to the bar and ordered a drink, downing it in one and asking for a refill. The bartender grinned and filled it up. He refilled it again and again as the world got steadily more blurry around me.

The bartender knocked a glass off the table at some point. I caught it with Fé, moving without thinking. The man stared, then smiled, coming round the side of the counter and pulling me into a different room.

Inside were more magicks. I was suddenly -unsurprisingly- much more sober. The air was thick with fé and magick was being used in every way possible.

I had never seen anything like this in my whole 800 years of living.

The bartender pushed me forward and vanished back to his 'shop'. several magicks welcomed me forward, handing me drinks and shots of magick spiked alcohol.

I downed several, feeling the room go blurry once more. There were cheers as I let out a burst of Fé, not even having to draw from my faé stone.

We drank into the night, dancing rowdily at some points, conjuring marvels with magick at others.


I woke up on a couch in a building I couldn't remember, several others snoring around me. I rolled off the couch, landing with a thump on the floor. None of the others moved.

I stumbled to my feet, trying not to retch at the unsettled feeling in my stomach. It seems I have a massive hangover.

How much did I drink yesterday?

I staggered to the door, pushing it open to reveal an empty kitchen. There were two large windows at one end, the sun just rising over a decidedly foreign landscape.

The ground was a dusty red colour, the grass green. If I strained my eyes, I could even see a herd of antelope in the very far distance.

There were footsteps behind me and I turned, hand going to the knife still in my belt.

How I didn't manage to stab myself with it I have no idea.

The woman laughed, holding up her hands. I narrowed my eyes, 'Who are you?'

She smiled, 'Your host, Eshe. And you?'

'Alina,' I held out my hand, hesitating slightly, 'Are you a magick?'

She smiled again, shaking my hand, 'Yes. This is a safe-house for magicks. The couple living in this house were German and when they were arrested, they passed it onto me. I'd always wanted to have a safe place to be myself so I created this place. Besides, it's completely isolated. No one can surprise us.'

I turned away, walking to the windows, 'It certainly is a beautiful place.'

Eshe joined me, opening one of them. She sighed, breathing in the fresh smell of the breeze.

'I need to go. My friends need me.'

She nodded, 'Of course. I presume you know the way.'

Meeting her knowing smirk, I grinned, 'I guess it was a little too arrogant to believe that I was the first to find it.'

'Farewell Alina. I'll tell the others that you had to leave early.'

I nodded, heading over to the flamelily engraved in the kitchen counter. I pushed the door open, and walked through it, straight into my hotel room in cold, wet England.

I collapsed on the bed.


William woke me a couple of hours later when he knocked on the door, his eyes lighting up in surprise.

He has definitely underestimated my ability to get home on my own.

I grinned, gratefully accepting the cup of coffee he handed me. William stood silently in the corner, arms folded. I just continued drinking, ignoring him.

Eventually he sighed, 'Where did you go?'

I told him about my night, laughing at his unamused expression.

'What were you thinking Alina?! If that at hadn't have been there you could've been killed!'

'I wasn't thinking. I was drunk.'

He rolled his eyes, 'Well you seem sufficiently awake now so you can come with me to the Authority.'

I groaned.


The weeks passed. The time between missions stretched longer and longer. I became more and more bored, taking to exploring London until I knew it extremely well.

Almost too well.


Spring eventually came to the dull city, filling the trees with colour and parks with green. Occasionally I would stop and help the gardeners with the planting of fruit and vegetables, but most of the time I just watched, wandering the parks.

I was doing just that, sat on a bench in Victoria Park when someone sat down at the other end.

I glanced at them out of the corner of my eye, only noticing their passing resemblance to the back of Alex's head.

Then I did a double take.

That is the back of Alex's head.

I must be tireder than I thought.

He turned towards me and I hurriedly looked in the other direction, focusing on a random point on the horizon.

Alex chuckled and I could hear the grin in his voice, 'I know it's you Alicia. William told me you'd be here.'

'Of course he did,' I muttered.

Internally though, it was definitely going crazy. Why was he looking for me?!

I looked up at Alex, trying to be as cool as a cucumber in a freezer and smiled, 'So. Was there a reason you were looking for me?'

His grin dimmed a little and I kicked myself mentally.

Maybe a bit too cool.

Try a fridge next time.

Always the helpful comments.

'I- I just wanted to apologise for seeming to ignore you. And- and,' he went red, 'To ask whether you wanted to grab a drink?'


Shut it.

I smiled, 'Of course! But I'm picking the place. None of this tea house business.'

He smirked, 'Only when you admit that tea is superior.'

My eyes widened in mock horror, 'Never! I'll never give in to your blackmail.'

'A tea house it is then!'


Alex dragged me to another of his favourite tea houses.

How many does he have?

Too many.

I glared at the menu placed in front of me, not even wanting to check what monstrosity of a coffee they served. Beside me Alex grinned.

'Shut up.'

'I didn't say anything.'


My coffee came about ten minutes later, Alex's pot of tea with it. I tried a sip and to my surprise, it wasn't that bad.

'Huh. So England can do coffee after all.'

The shop owner glared at me and Alex snorted into his cup.


We drank slowly, and in silence, just enjoying each others company.

How cute.

Then Alex shifted in his seat, 'So. SOE huh?'

'Do we have to do this now?'

Alex looked around, 'Well, the shop is empty.'


'Where did you learn to shoot?'

I opened my mouth, about to say 'the OSS' when I stopped. Why not tell the truth for once.

'My mother made me learn. My brother too.'

The look on his face was hilarious.

'Your mother? Really?'

I nodded, biting my lip to keep from laughing, 'Yup. Turned out to be helpful right?!'

He sat in stupefied silence.

I couldn't take it much longer.

Snorting, I patted his arm, 'It's okay, you're not the only one who gets like this.'

He frowned.

[14,286 Words]

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