Flying Coffee and a Very Old Friend

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2500 people confirmed dead in attack on Pearl Harbour.

America at war with Germany and the other Axis powers.

American troops deployed to France.

The headlines screamed at me from the newspaper stands as I hurried home from an assignment. Nothing too taxing, just a little information gathering.

I bought a newspaper with my hard earned money, rifling through it as I approached the apartment. Koshka greeted me lazily when I opened the door and soon I was on the couch with a cup of well needed coffee.

But then the doorbell rang.

Ooh so dramatic.


I hopped up to open it before Katy could, the door opening to reveal a Mr William Edwards.

'Alina, it's so nice to see you!' The blond man pushed his way in.

I blocked his way to the sitting room, magick blooming under my fingertips. 

'What do you want?' I hissed.

'Who is it Alina?'

'Just an old friend,' I called, then under my breath, 'Very old.'

Then came, 'Don't be rude Liebchen,' in an amused tone.

I could literally feel my face paling, 'Lay off will you! We're at war with them you know.'

My old friend grinned, 'Can't hurt me, I've switched sides this time. Putting together a special division of magicks.'

My mouth fell open, 'You're working for the British?'

He grimaced, 'Americans.'

I smirked, 'Poor honey. It must be so hard for you.'

And like that, we were friends again.

Well, ish. He's tried to kill me a few too many times.

I made some more coffee, spooned far too much sugar into mine and settled down again onto the couch. Koshka had settled in William's lap, and I noticed, to my satisfaction, that he was looking distinctly uncomfortable.

I handed William his coffee and he groaned, 'How do you stand this stuff Alina? Just because one of your friends threw some tea off a ship doesn't me-'

His comment was cut off by my hand launching forward to cover his mouth, immediately followed by the rest of my body.

Koshka yowled and the coffee went flying. Instinctively I flicked my hand. The mug righted, gliding through the air to land gently on the arm of the sofa.

Katy walked back in just then, eyebrows raising at the slightly compromising position we were in.

'Do you need a moment?'

My face flushed and I carefully disentangled myself from William, making sure to step on his feet as I went. 

'Let me just have a couple of words with my friend here.'

Katy nodded, smirking as she walked back down the hallway to her room.

The moment she was gone I slapped him across the face.

'Hey! What was that for?'

'Do you want a list?'

'You know you love me really.'

'There was that time when you stole my faé stone. There was also that time when you gave away our location to the Prussians. You've almost exposed me to Katy, and you know how dangerous that is. Need I go on?'

'No no, it's good. You've made your point.'

I flicked him again just to make sure the message got through and settled back down in my seat. 'So. Tell me why you're here again?'

William looked serious for the first time since he had arrived. 'The Nazi's are doing unspeakable things in our homeland, Liebchen. Torturing and murdering people just for being born. And on a massive scale. The Authority of America has asked me to put together a Magick division of the U.S. Army. Hidden from everyone except the people who need to know.'

'What are you saying?'

'Are you really that thick?' 

I glared at him.

He sighed, 'I'm recruiting you dimwit.'

Oh. Oh. 

Help. I've lost my words.

What do you want? A magick spell?

Insightful as always honey.

'So?' William stared at me.

I pretended to consider, 'Uhh, hmm. Let me just check my calendar for the next few years.'

William grinned, 'Thank you. You're going to invaluable.'

I smiled grimly, 'Yeah well, we still have the problem of Friderich on our hands. You know, he sent me a telegram back in 1939. Got the news that the war had started, before even the newspapers did.'

William frowned, his brow furrowed as he thought, 'Continue as you are is the best move for now. I think. Conceal your part in the war. Top secret and all that.'

I nodded.

Then, 'Can I come back in now? My bedroom is cold.'

Rolling my eyes, I turned to see Katy, all wrapped up in about three cardigans with my coat on top.

'Now you're just exaggerating. And that's my coat if you hadn't noticed.'

She smiled cheekily, 'Oh I definitely didn't notice.'

I rolled my eyes again, then turned back to William, 'William this is Katy, Katy, William.'

Katy smiled shyly as William blew her a kiss.

I cleared my throat and they both looked at me, 'I'm going out for a bit. Don't get too cozy.'

I grabbed my coat off a blushing Katy and exited the room, smiling when I heard Katy's voice pipe up, slightly more high pitched than normal.

The front door closed behind me and I sighed, the crisp december air turning my breath to smoke.

Friderich and I used to run around outside, hiding from Mother and her nagging and pretending to be dragons. Back when we were children with no worries about loyalties and war.

Happy thoughts Alina.

[2588 Words]

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